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Ever seen Crooked Hillary kiss & hug her KKK mentor?? No? Oh..here...

Then why respond?
Self esteem issue
I always read his shit it a gold mine of phobias and farce.
Damn funny too , just not the way he intends it to be.
Do you understand the concept of brevity?

So what part of my postings here are not "concise"?, lilpaws101? I have to ask you a question....."da gubermint" pays trolls to interject themselves into social media in order to disrupt conversations.....are you getting paid to post? Seems like you are always lurking.....what is the pay? A dime a post?
Man...a bit of advice. Just put the little man purse wearing house husband on ignore. He's a waste of time.

I enjoy kicking his ass...I own the little bitch. I get him all riled up and he will post to me 4 to 5 times in a row with no answer...it's the cyber version of "look at me...look at me!!!!! as he waves his hand frantically. He is one needy bitch for sure. What he doesn't understand is that I have other cyber bitches whose asses need kicked so thus he must wait his turn....I guess he thinks he is "special". Thanks for the advice though. The time is coming when I am going to have to put some in "Iggyland" because my time is valuable and I can only be stretched so thin. So many liberal asses to kick within such a short amount of time.
You have to admit that your posts are better suited for the twilight zone than a serous discussion. How cooperative do you think the Chinese would be if they found out the H1N1 virus had been genetically modified? You need to get your shit under control dude.

There is a lot of things going on in our name that you have no clue about. Bio-weapons is but one of the weapons they use. Just because you can't believe it doesn't mean it's not happening.

American flu: Chinese colonel says bird flu is really U.S. biological weapon
bias not credible source

Crystal Wright
@GOPBlackChick <---she is GOP African American ....:badgrin:

Crystal Wright is the editor and publisher of the blog Conservative Black Chick
<--First Lady Of The USA
So what part of my postings here are not "concise"?, lilpaws101? I have to ask you a question....."da gubermint" pays trolls to interject themselves into social media in order to disrupt conversations.....are you getting paid to post? Seems like you are always lurking.....what is the pay? A dime a post?
Man...a bit of advice. Just put the little man purse wearing house husband on ignore. He's a waste of time.

I enjoy kicking his ass...I own the little bitch. I get him all riled up and he will post to me 4 to 5 times in a row with no answer...it's the cyber version of "look at me...look at me!!!!! as he waves his hand frantically. He is one needy bitch for sure. What he doesn't understand is that I have other cyber bitches whose asses need kicked so thus he must wait his turn....I guess he thinks he is "special". Thanks for the advice though. The time is coming when I am going to have to put some in "Iggyland" because my time is valuable and I can only be stretched so thin. So many liberal asses to kick within such a short amount of time.
You have to admit that your posts are better suited for the twilight zone than a serous discussion. How cooperative do you think the Chinese would be if they found out the H1N1 virus had been genetically modified? You need to get your shit under control dude.

There is a lot of things going on in our name that you have no clue about. Bio-weapons is but one of the weapons they use. Just because you can't believe it doesn't mean it's not happening.

American flu: Chinese colonel says bird flu is really U.S. biological weapon
bias not credible source

New Race-Specific Engineered SARS Virus May Transmit Person-to-Person - Top US & World News | Susanne Posel
Then why respond?
Self esteem issue
I always read his shit it a gold mine of phobias and farce.
Damn funny too , just not the way he intends it to be.
Do you understand the concept of brevity?

So what part of my postings here are not "concise"?, lilpaws101? I have to ask you a question....."da gubermint" pays trolls to interject themselves into social media in order to disrupt conversations.....are you getting paid to post? Seems like you are always lurking.....what is the pay? A dime a post?
Man...a bit of advice. Just put the little man purse wearing house husband on ignore. He's a waste of time.

I enjoy kicking his ass...I own the little bitch. I get him all riled up and he will post to me 4 to 5 times in a row with no answer...it's the cyber version of "look at me...look at me!!!!! as he waves his hand frantically. He is one needy bitch for sure. What he doesn't understand is that I have other cyber bitches whose asses need kicked so thus he must wait his turn....I guess he thinks he is "special". Thanks for the advice though. The time is coming when I am going to have to put some in "Iggyland" because my time is valuable and I can only be stretched so thin. So many liberal asses to kick within such a short amount of time.
You have to admit that your posts are better suited for the twilight zone than a serous discussion. How cooperative do you think the Chinese would be if they found out the H1N1 virus had been genetically modified? You need to get your shit under control dude.

Here is a direct quote from a PNAC Report.

And advanced forms of biological warfare that can “target” specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool.
Page 72 of Project for a New American Century, PNAC Report
Dalesmith you are not kicking any ass but your own. You put all these crazy conspiracy theories but that doesn't not mean you are kicking anybody's ass. No one believes your theories. Good lord at least provide a link to support your crap theories. You need to check in yourself to a mental hospital.

Just as the H1N1 conspiracy theory machine did in 2009, the Ebola conspiracy theory machine goes into overdrive

You were saying? Once again you shoot of your big cybermouth only to get smacked and it took little effort.

And advanced forms of biological warfare that can “target” specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool. Page 72 of Project for a New American Century, PNAC Report
Man...a bit of advice. Just put the little man purse wearing house husband on ignore. He's a waste of time.

I enjoy kicking his ass...I own the little bitch. I get him all riled up and he will post to me 4 to 5 times in a row with no answer...it's the cyber version of "look at me...look at me!!!!! as he waves his hand frantically. He is one needy bitch for sure. What he doesn't understand is that I have other cyber bitches whose asses need kicked so thus he must wait his turn....I guess he thinks he is "special". Thanks for the advice though. The time is coming when I am going to have to put some in "Iggyland" because my time is valuable and I can only be stretched so thin. So many liberal asses to kick within such a short amount of time.
You have to admit that your posts are better suited for the twilight zone than a serous discussion. How cooperative do you think the Chinese would be if they found out the H1N1 virus had been genetically modified? You need to get your shit under control dude.

Here is a direct quote from a PNAC Report.

And advanced forms of biological warfare that can “target” specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool.
Page 72 of Project for a New American Century, PNAC Report
Your link doesnt work.

View attachment 75433

By Bill Gertz - The Washington Free Beacon - - Wednesday, April 10, 2013
A Chinese Air Force officer on Saturday accused the U.S. government of creating the new strain of bird flu now afflicting parts of China as a biological warfare attack.

People’s Liberation Army Sr. Col. Dai Xu said the United States released the H7N9 bird flu virus into China in an act of biological warfare, according to a posting on his blog on Saturday.

The charge was first reported in the state-run Guangzhou newspaperSouthern Metropolis Daily and then picked up by several news outlets in Asia.

State Department spokesman Jason Rebholz dismissed the claim. “There is absolutely no truth to these allegations,” he told the Washington Free Beacon.

Seven deaths from the bird flu outbreak were reported as of Tuesday in state-run Chinese media. As many as 24 people reportedly were infected by the disease in Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Anhui.

Chinese authorities are trying to calm public fears of a major epidemic, claiming there is no evidence the virus can be transmitted between humans.

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The government also is claiming that the outbreak is not related to the recent discovery of thousands of dead pigs floating in a river in China.

The accusation of U.S. biological warfare against China comes as the Pentagon is seeking closer military relations with China. Army Gen. Martin Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, is set to travel toChina for talks with Chinese military leaders later this month.

Dai is a military strategist who in the past has been outspoken in seeking to foment conflict between China and the United States. He told the Global Times in August that China should go to war over U.S. support for Japan’s claims to the disputed Senkaku Islands.

Daistated that the new bird flu strain was designed as a biological weapon similar to severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), which he also claimed was developed as a U.S. bio-weapon, that affected the country in 2003.

According to Dai’s posting, the new flu outbreak should not be a cause for concern. “The national leadership should not pay too much attention to it,” the PLA lecturer at the National Defense University wrote. “Or else, it’ll be like in 2003 with SARS!”

“At that time, America was fighting in Iraq and feared that China would take advantage of the opportunity to take other actions,” he said. “This is why they used bio-psychological weapons against China. All of China fell into turmoil and that was exactly what the United States wanted. Now, the United States is using the same old trick. China should have learned its lesson and should calmly deal with the problem.”

Dai said that even if “a few may die” from the flu outbreak, it will not equal one-thousandth of the deaths caused by vehicle accidents in China.

Dai in the past has called for China to punish the United States for U.S. arms sales to rival Taiwan, by selling arms to U.S. enemies. “Chinarecognizes that a few perfunctory protests will not have any effect,” Daisaid in 2010. “China can’t directly sanction American arms companies since they did not do business with China … but China can sanction companies that are doing business with China directly, like Boeing or General Electric.”

Dai also has said the United States has used crises with North Korea and offers of cooperation on the issue as a plot to drive a wedge between Beijing and its fraternal communist ally.

Dai also has said U.S. efforts to counter Chinese espionage and intelligence-gathering were part of a U.S. “plot theory” of “western countries threatening others by [releasing] information gained through spying in order to damage the reputations of other countries.”

A State Department official said China notified the World Health Organization (WHO) on March 31 about its first detected human cases of H7N9 infection. Fourteen cases were confirmed by the WHO by April 5, of which six were fatal. The organization said there is no evidence of human-to-human transmission.

“U.S. Embassy Beijing and U.S. Consulate Shanghai are monitoring the situation, working closely with counterparts at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, and the Beijing and Shanghai municipal governments,” the official said.

The colonel’s accusation provoked a widespread response on Chinese websites. One post in reaction joked that Dai’s comment about auto deaths must mean that the United States and Germany are responsible for a conspiracy to produce cars, according to a report in Hong Kong’s South China Morning Post.

Luo Changping, deputy editor of Caijing, said most PLA soldiers would not support Dai’s comments and he urged the colonel to resign and apologize to those who have died from the current bird flu outbreak.

A defiant Dai then said in a new posting Sunday that “it is common knowledge that a group of people in China have been injected with mental toxin by the United States.”

“Now, a group of fake American devils are attacking me,” he wrote in another post. “I will not retreat even half a step.”

Analysts say the colonel’s remarks are a reflection of the growing xenophobic atmosphere within the Chinese military that views the United States as its main enemy.

Former State Department intelligence analyst John Tkacik said China’s military was largely to blame for mishandling the 2003 outbreak of SARS. Tkacik said there was speculation when the epidemic began that “the PLA suspects SARS had emanated from its own biological laboratories and was all the more eager to keep it secret.” China is known to have a covert biological arms program.

Col. Dai Xu is a shameless liar when he accuses the United States of using bio weapons,” Tkacik told the Free Beacon. “He’s probably motivated by a desire to exculpate the PLA for their mishandling of the epidemic—no doubt most Chinese have happily forgotten the episode—as much as by a cynical xenophobia. But, that’s what passes for deep strategic thought at China’s National Defense University these days.”

The Pentagon has been trying with varying success to develop closer ties to the Chinese military as part of a strategy aimed at building trust. However, China’s military leaders believe the U.S. offers of closer ties are a ruse designed to contain China’s growing military buildup.

Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel spoke by phone with China’s Defense Minister Gen. Chang Wanquan on April 2. Chang is the No. 4 defense official after Chinese President Xi Jinping and two other generals who run the Central Military Commission, the Communist Party’s ultimate power organ.

“The leaders both expressed their intention to work together to continue to build a military-to-military relationship that serves the vision of both President Obama and President Xi,” Pentagon press secretary George Little said in astatement after the call.

“The secretary discussed the importance of focusing on areas of sustained dialogue, practical areas of cooperation, and risk reducing measures,” he said.

U.S. ties with China are strained due to China’s reluctance to rein in neighboring North Korea.

China provides North Korea with large amounts of fuel oil and other goods. However, Beijing has not taken steps to pressure Pyongyang using its economic leverage during the ongoing crisis.

The flu has lit up China’s thriving Internet, according to analysts. Over 945,600 microblog postings addressed the flu between April 8 and 9. Since the outbreak began some seven days ago, between 1.3 million and 3 million postings were put online on outlets including Sina Weibo and QQ Weibo.

Tens of thousands of users expressed doubts about the official Shanghai municipal government’s denial of any link between the dead pigs found floating last month in the region’s Huangpu River.

The proximity to the initial outbreak in Shanghai and the river has led to speculation that the pig deaths may have been linked to the flu virus jumping from animals to humans.

That speculation was fueled by reports that one of the victims of the flu was a pig butcher.

The avian flu strain is similar to an earlier outbreak with a significant difference: The current strain does not kill the birds it infects, making it more difficult to identify infected poultry.

The Shanghai government waited 20 days before announcing the first H7N9 infection on March 31.

Bill Gertz: CIA Media Whore for Washington Times

I am convinced Bill Gertz is a CIA plant.

Gertz works for the Washington Times, a newspaper founded, owned, and controlled by Rev. Sun Myung Moon’s Unification Church, a whacked out religious mind-meld cult if ever there was one (see Behind the Times: Who Pulls The Strings at Washington’s No. 2 Daily?).

Since the Washington Times is already far right-wing territory, it is a near perfect platform for Gertz (billed as “defense and national security reporter for The Washington Times, a position he has held since 1985″), as a CIA operative, to launch a disinformation campaign in regard to terrorism: viz., Abu Musab Zarqawi has a nuke and plans to use it.

Of course, as usual, “analysts are unable to gauge the reliability of the information’s sources” in regard to the Abu Nuke, but that sure didn’t prevent the editors over at Moonie Central from cooking up a big old scary headline: Reports reveal Zarqawi nuclear threat.

“Recurrent intelligence reports say al Qaeda terrorist Abu Musab Zarqawi has obtained a nuclear device or is preparing a radiological explosive—or dirty bomb—for an attack, according to U.
Dalesmith you are not kicking any ass but your own. You put all these crazy conspiracy theories but that doesn't not mean you are kicking anybody's ass. No one believes your theories. Good lord at least provide a link to support your crap theories. You need to check in yourself to a mental hospital.

Just as the H1N1 conspiracy theory machine did in 2009, the Ebola conspiracy theory machine goes into overdrive

You were saying? Once again you shoot of your big cybermouth only to get smacked and it took little effort.

And advanced forms of biological warfare that can “target” specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool. Page 72 of Project for a New American Century, PNAC Report

Only had to read one paragraph to come to the conclusion that this was a disinfo piece.
Dalesmith you are not kicking any ass but your own. You put all these crazy conspiracy theories but that doesn't not mean you are kicking anybody's ass. No one believes your theories. Good lord at least provide a link to support your crap theories. You need to check in yourself to a mental hospital.

Just as the H1N1 conspiracy theory machine did in 2009, the Ebola conspiracy theory machine goes into overdrive

You were saying? Once again you shoot of your big cybermouth only to get smacked and it took little effort.

And advanced forms of biological warfare that can “target” specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool. Page 72 of Project for a New American Century, PNAC Report

Only had to read one paragraph to come to the conclusion that this was a disinfo piece.
you ass hats always say that and you're always wrong .
Dalesmith you are not kicking any ass but your own. You put all these crazy conspiracy theories but that doesn't not mean you are kicking anybody's ass. No one believes your theories. Good lord at least provide a link to support your crap theories. You need to check in yourself to a mental hospital.

Just as the H1N1 conspiracy theory machine did in 2009, the Ebola conspiracy theory machine goes into overdrive

You were saying? Once again you shoot of your big cybermouth only to get smacked and it took little effort.

And advanced forms of biological warfare that can “target” specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool. Page 72 of Project for a New American Century, PNAC Report

Only had to read one paragraph to come to the conclusion that this was a disinfo piece.
you ass hats always say that and you're always wrong .

Yaaaaaaaaawn........you have nothing as usual.
Dalesmith you are not kicking any ass but your own. You put all these crazy conspiracy theories but that doesn't not mean you are kicking anybody's ass. No one believes your theories. Good lord at least provide a link to support your crap theories. You need to check in yourself to a mental hospital.

Just as the H1N1 conspiracy theory machine did in 2009, the Ebola conspiracy theory machine goes into overdrive

You were saying? Once again you shoot of your big cybermouth only to get smacked and it took little effort.

And advanced forms of biological warfare that can “target” specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool. Page 72 of Project for a New American Century, PNAC Report

Only had to read one paragraph to come to the conclusion that this was a disinfo piece.
you ass hats always say that and you're always wrong .

Yaaaaaaaaawn........you have nothing as usual.
fail ..

Last edited:
Dalesmith you are not kicking any ass but your own. You put all these crazy conspiracy theories but that doesn't not mean you are kicking anybody's ass. No one believes your theories. Good lord at least provide a link to support your crap theories. You need to check in yourself to a mental hospital.

Just as the H1N1 conspiracy theory machine did in 2009, the Ebola conspiracy theory machine goes into overdrive

You were saying? Once again you shoot of your big cybermouth only to get smacked and it took little effort.

And advanced forms of biological warfare that can “target” specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool. Page 72 of Project for a New American Century, PNAC Report

Coming from PNAC conspiracy archive? Awesome dude. Try harder. I did this in 30 seconds. Just wondering who are you trying to impress.

PNAC - Conspiracy Archive

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