Every Black Male Should Have a White Woman....

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Haven't you ever wondered why redlining might still be occurring? It is well known in Cali that Asians and Mexicans don't like blacks either, and there sure is a lot of complaining about racism in that deep blue liberal paradise.

Sure, maintaining your property and obeying the law makes great neighborhoods, so why don't blacks do it? How pathetic that you want to force your way into white places thinking that somehow white success will rub off on you as if it were some sort of contagion, all the while you maintain a hatred of us whites. The problem is in your low IQ heads. Your behavior, abilities, values, and culture do not support a high level of material success and creation of a law abiding society. There is no black place on earth I find desirable, none, and most everyone else feels that way too,

"White places"? What is a "white place"?
And what makes you think that those who are not white are "hoping" for the so called success of SOME whites to "rub off" on them?

People who have the resources to choose where they wish to live can do so in this country....it is not 1930 anymore.

If you cannot grasp that fact, maybe you should move. The depth if your ignorance is amusing

a white place is a community with 90% or more white population, it is not hard, even for that puny mind of yours.

Just why the fuck would blacks sue to live in white neighborhoods if they didn't think it was better and would help them live better? Blacks are really retarded, whine and bitch all day about white racism but then sue to move your ugly asses into white neighborhoods and schools. WTF is wrong with you people?

I did move where I wanted, how many times must I say it before your less than high scool education can understand? but then you human maggots want to follow me with your damned HUD programs. Blacks do not have the resources to live by me, that is the whole point of the new HUD program, to give you assholes extra money so you can ruin my neighborhood.

Data shows black reading abilities are far below whites, you sure are making that point.

You are certainly living proof that ignorance and stupidity comes in all races.

There are NO DESIGNATED "white or black" neighborhoods, drinking fountains or public places anymore, you pea brained, inbred, cave monkey. The year is 2016 not 1950.

You should know what I am saying unless you are learning inpaired, which is becoming obvious that you are.

And YES, like it or not there are thousands of blacks who have more than enough resources to live BETTER than you, let alone near you, however even most below average of any person regardless of their race would choose to be as far away from garbage like you if they were sane.

You continue to rant about "blacks suing" to live in your neighborhood, but have not posted a single link or "statistic" as you claim to be so well versed on to validate your obsession.

Like I told you before, my guess is that you are just a low rent peckerwood who likely lives in section 8 housing, gets food stamps, welfare and every other handout available to uneducated, unskilled, unemployable white trash, and are PISSED OFF because you reside at the low end of the social scale and swim in the shallow end of your own gene pool, and the same blacks that you HATE are are far better than you.....and ypu wake up everyday knowing it and that is EXACTLY why YOU are here everyday, ranting like some unhinged mental patient about the very blacks that you hate.....why don't you move to Appalachia...it's nearly 99% white and they have a reputation for "keeping it in the family".

You would be right at home there.

Your guess about me? LOL, that's like a retard guessing what makes an EM drive work

my god you dumbshit, I never said designated, it just so happens that white people like to live together without you, and you monkeys don't like that.

Amazing how utterly ignorant blacks are, simply amazing, So there are no lawsuits with goal of forced integration? What a booger eating dumfuck hoodrat

Texas Efforts Could Bring Desegregated Housing to Nation

....The upscale suburb of Frisco is about 45 minutes north of Bonton, but it might as well be on the other side of the world. Robertson and her family live on a quiet street of one- and two-story brick houses with young trees in grassy front yards. The violent-crime rate in her new neighborhood, based on data compiled by NeighborhoodScout.com, is less than a quarter of what it is in Bonton; the median family income is four times as high, according to census data. At one end of the block there’s a park with playgrounds and ballfields, and at the other a hike-and-bike trail that leads to a large pond. The kids are doing well in Frisco schools, and Robertson has earned her medical assistant certificate.....

...During that time, Texas has been the focus of two lawsuits that housing advocates say are possibly the most important desegregation actions to come along in years, both courtesy of the Inclusive Communities Project and the small law firm that represents it. Attorney Mike Daniel and his former law partner, Betsy Julian, now president of Inclusive Communities, have been at the center of groundbreaking civil rights work in North Texas for more than 30 years.

Texas? No wonder you're as
Haven't you ever wondered why redlining might still be occurring? It is well known in Cali that Asians and Mexicans don't like blacks either, and there sure is a lot of complaining about racism in that deep blue liberal paradise.

Sure, maintaining your property and obeying the law makes great neighborhoods, so why don't blacks do it? How pathetic that you want to force your way into white places thinking that somehow white success will rub off on you as if it were some sort of contagion, all the while you maintain a hatred of us whites. The problem is in your low IQ heads. Your behavior, abilities, values, and culture do not support a high level of material success and creation of a law abiding society. There is no black place on earth I find desirable, none, and most everyone else feels that way too,

"White places"? What is a "white place"?
And what makes you think that those who are not white are "hoping" for the so called success of SOME whites to "rub off" on them?

People who have the resources to choose where they wish to live can do so in this country....it is not 1930 anymore.

If you cannot grasp that fact, maybe you should move. The depth if your ignorance is amusing

a white place is a community with 90% or more white population, it is not hard, even for that puny mind of yours.

Just why the fuck would blacks sue to live in white neighborhoods if they didn't think it was better and would help them live better? Blacks are really retarded, whine and bitch all day about white racism but then sue to move your ugly asses into white neighborhoods and schools. WTF is wrong with you people?

I did move where I wanted, how many times must I say it before your less than high scool education can understand? but then you human maggots want to follow me with your damned HUD programs. Blacks do not have the resources to live by me, that is the whole point of the new HUD program, to give you assholes extra money so you can ruin my neighborhood.

Data shows black reading abilities are far below whites, you sure are making that point.

You are certainly living proof that ignorance and stupidity comes in all races.

There are NO DESIGNATED "white or black" neighborhoods, drinking fountains or public places anymore, you pea brained, inbred, cave monkey. The year is 2016 not 1950.

You should know what I am saying unless you are learning inpaired, which is becoming obvious that you are.

And YES, like it or not there are thousands of blacks who have more than enough resources to live BETTER than you, let alone near you, however even most below average of any person regardless of their race would choose to be as far away from garbage like you if they were sane.

You continue to rant about "blacks suing" to live in your neighborhood, but have not posted a single link or "statistic" as you claim to be so well versed on to validate your obsession.

Like I told you before, my guess is that you are just a low rent peckerwood who likely lives in section 8 housing, gets food stamps, welfare and every other handout available to uneducated, unskilled, unemployable white trash, and are PISSED OFF because you reside at the low end of the social scale and swim in the shallow end of your own gene pool, and the same blacks that you HATE are are far better than you.....and ypu wake up everyday knowing it and that is EXACTLY why YOU are here everyday, ranting like some unhinged mental patient about the very blacks that you hate.....why don't you move to Appalachia...it's nearly 99% white and they have a reputation for "keeping it in the family".

You would be right at home there.

Your guess about me? LOL, that's like a retard guessing what makes an EM drive work

my god you dumbshit, I never said designated, it just so happens that white people like to live together without you, and you monkeys don't like that.

Amazing how utterly ignorant blacks are, simply amazing, So there are no lawsuits with goal of forced integration? What a booger eating dumfuck hoodrat

Texas Efforts Could Bring Desegregated Housing to Nation

....The upscale suburb of Frisco is about 45 minutes north of Bonton, but it might as well be on the other side of the world. Robertson and her family live on a quiet street of one- and two-story brick houses with young trees in grassy front yards. The violent-crime rate in her new neighborhood, based on data compiled by NeighborhoodScout.com, is less than a quarter of what it is in Bonton; the median family income is four times as high, according to census data. At one end of the block there’s a park with playgrounds and ballfields, and at the other a hike-and-bike trail that leads to a large pond. The kids are doing well in Frisco schools, and Robertson has earned her medical assistant certificate.....

...During that time, Texas has been the focus of two lawsuits that housing advocates say are possibly the most important desegregation actions to come along in years, both courtesy of the Inclusive Communities Project and the small law firm that represents it. Attorney Mike Daniel and his former law partner, Betsy Julian, now president of Inclusive Communities, have been at the center of groundbreaking civil rights work in North Texas for more than 30 years.

My "guess"about you is completely accurate...angry, demoralized, victimized cracker is getting some black neighbors...lmao.

Of course you never said "designated" because even an idiot like you knows that there are long standing laws that have made housing discrimination illegal in this country, thats a fact and no matter how many tantrums you throw on this message board wil

I never said that there "were no lawsuits" out there for unfair housing practices.....YOU said that I said that, you dumbass hillbilly.....In just said that you had posted none..so you posted one from podunk Texas. ...so is that where you live?

Is the lady in the story your neighbor?

I read it, and as I would expect parts of Texas would be catching up to the rest of the country...no surprise there.

There are plenty of areas outside of Texas to escape the blacks that you fear so much.


never said I live in Texas dumfuck, go back to 8th grade and try and pass reading. You acted like lawsuits don't exist, because you said I had not posted any, now you lie like a black man and pretend you knew all along. I shoved just one article up your dumb black ass, when I could have gotten more.

Guess all you want, it is just that, a guess from a dumb porch monkey. You still can't grasp the illogic of complaining about my racism but then demanding to live next me because blacks cannot make decent communities of their own, I understand, you have a less evolved brain.
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"White places"? What is a "white place"?
And what makes you think that those who are not white are "hoping" for the so called success of SOME whites to "rub off" on them?

People who have the resources to choose where they wish to live can do so in this country....it is not 1930 anymore.

If you cannot grasp that fact, maybe you should move. The depth if your ignorance is amusing

a white place is a community with 90% or more white population, it is not hard, even for that puny mind of yours.

Just why the fuck would blacks sue to live in white neighborhoods if they didn't think it was better and would help them live better? Blacks are really retarded, whine and bitch all day about white racism but then sue to move your ugly asses into white neighborhoods and schools. WTF is wrong with you people?

I did move where I wanted, how many times must I say it before your less than high scool education can understand? but then you human maggots want to follow me with your damned HUD programs. Blacks do not have the resources to live by me, that is the whole point of the new HUD program, to give you assholes extra money so you can ruin my neighborhood.

Data shows black reading abilities are far below whites, you sure are making that point.

You are certainly living proof that ignorance and stupidity comes in all races.

There are NO DESIGNATED "white or black" neighborhoods, drinking fountains or public places anymore, you pea brained, inbred, cave monkey. The year is 2016 not 1950.

You should know what I am saying unless you are learning inpaired, which is becoming obvious that you are.

And YES, like it or not there are thousands of blacks who have more than enough resources to live BETTER than you, let alone near you, however even most below average of any person regardless of their race would choose to be as far away from garbage like you if they were sane.

You continue to rant about "blacks suing" to live in your neighborhood, but have not posted a single link or "statistic" as you claim to be so well versed on to validate your obsession.

Like I told you before, my guess is that you are just a low rent peckerwood who likely lives in section 8 housing, gets food stamps, welfare and every other handout available to uneducated, unskilled, unemployable white trash, and are PISSED OFF because you reside at the low end of the social scale and swim in the shallow end of your own gene pool, and the same blacks that you HATE are are far better than you.....and ypu wake up everyday knowing it and that is EXACTLY why YOU are here everyday, ranting like some unhinged mental patient about the very blacks that you hate.....why don't you move to Appalachia...it's nearly 99% white and they have a reputation for "keeping it in the family".

You would be right at home there.

Your guess about me? LOL, that's like a retard guessing what makes an EM drive work

my god you dumbshit, I never said designated, it just so happens that white people like to live together without you, and you monkeys don't like that.

Amazing how utterly ignorant blacks are, simply amazing, So there are no lawsuits with goal of forced integration? What a booger eating dumfuck hoodrat

Texas Efforts Could Bring Desegregated Housing to Nation

....The upscale suburb of Frisco is about 45 minutes north of Bonton, but it might as well be on the other side of the world. Robertson and her family live on a quiet street of one- and two-story brick houses with young trees in grassy front yards. The violent-crime rate in her new neighborhood, based on data compiled by NeighborhoodScout.com, is less than a quarter of what it is in Bonton; the median family income is four times as high, according to census data. At one end of the block there’s a park with playgrounds and ballfields, and at the other a hike-and-bike trail that leads to a large pond. The kids are doing well in Frisco schools, and Robertson has earned her medical assistant certificate.....

...During that time, Texas has been the focus of two lawsuits that housing advocates say are possibly the most important desegregation actions to come along in years, both courtesy of the Inclusive Communities Project and the small law firm that represents it. Attorney Mike Daniel and his former law partner, Betsy Julian, now president of Inclusive Communities, have been at the center of groundbreaking civil rights work in North Texas for more than 30 years.

Texas? No wonder you're as
"White places"? What is a "white place"?
And what makes you think that those who are not white are "hoping" for the so called success of SOME whites to "rub off" on them?

People who have the resources to choose where they wish to live can do so in this country....it is not 1930 anymore.

If you cannot grasp that fact, maybe you should move. The depth if your ignorance is amusing

a white place is a community with 90% or more white population, it is not hard, even for that puny mind of yours.

Just why the fuck would blacks sue to live in white neighborhoods if they didn't think it was better and would help them live better? Blacks are really retarded, whine and bitch all day about white racism but then sue to move your ugly asses into white neighborhoods and schools. WTF is wrong with you people?

I did move where I wanted, how many times must I say it before your less than high scool education can understand? but then you human maggots want to follow me with your damned HUD programs. Blacks do not have the resources to live by me, that is the whole point of the new HUD program, to give you assholes extra money so you can ruin my neighborhood.

Data shows black reading abilities are far below whites, you sure are making that point.

You are certainly living proof that ignorance and stupidity comes in all races.

There are NO DESIGNATED "white or black" neighborhoods, drinking fountains or public places anymore, you pea brained, inbred, cave monkey. The year is 2016 not 1950.

You should know what I am saying unless you are learning inpaired, which is becoming obvious that you are.

And YES, like it or not there are thousands of blacks who have more than enough resources to live BETTER than you, let alone near you, however even most below average of any person regardless of their race would choose to be as far away from garbage like you if they were sane.

You continue to rant about "blacks suing" to live in your neighborhood, but have not posted a single link or "statistic" as you claim to be so well versed on to validate your obsession.

Like I told you before, my guess is that you are just a low rent peckerwood who likely lives in section 8 housing, gets food stamps, welfare and every other handout available to uneducated, unskilled, unemployable white trash, and are PISSED OFF because you reside at the low end of the social scale and swim in the shallow end of your own gene pool, and the same blacks that you HATE are are far better than you.....and ypu wake up everyday knowing it and that is EXACTLY why YOU are here everyday, ranting like some unhinged mental patient about the very blacks that you hate.....why don't you move to Appalachia...it's nearly 99% white and they have a reputation for "keeping it in the family".

You would be right at home there.

Your guess about me? LOL, that's like a retard guessing what makes an EM drive work

my god you dumbshit, I never said designated, it just so happens that white people like to live together without you, and you monkeys don't like that.

Amazing how utterly ignorant blacks are, simply amazing, So there are no lawsuits with goal of forced integration? What a booger eating dumfuck hoodrat

Texas Efforts Could Bring Desegregated Housing to Nation

....The upscale suburb of Frisco is about 45 minutes north of Bonton, but it might as well be on the other side of the world. Robertson and her family live on a quiet street of one- and two-story brick houses with young trees in grassy front yards. The violent-crime rate in her new neighborhood, based on data compiled by NeighborhoodScout.com, is less than a quarter of what it is in Bonton; the median family income is four times as high, according to census data. At one end of the block there’s a park with playgrounds and ballfields, and at the other a hike-and-bike trail that leads to a large pond. The kids are doing well in Frisco schools, and Robertson has earned her medical assistant certificate.....

...During that time, Texas has been the focus of two lawsuits that housing advocates say are possibly the most important desegregation actions to come along in years, both courtesy of the Inclusive Communities Project and the small law firm that represents it. Attorney Mike Daniel and his former law partner, Betsy Julian, now president of Inclusive Communities, have been at the center of groundbreaking civil rights work in North Texas for more than 30 years.

My "guess"about you is completely accurate...angry, demoralized, victimized cracker is getting some black neighbors...lmao.

Of course you never said "designated" because even an idiot like you knows that there are long standing laws that have made housing discrimination illegal in this country, thats a fact and no matter how many tantrums you throw on this message board wil

I never said that there "were no lawsuits" out there for unfair housing practices.....YOU said that I said that, you dumbass hillbilly.....In just said that you had posted none..so you posted one from podunk Texas. ...so is that where you live?

Is the lady in the story your neighbor?

I read it, and as I would expect parts of Texas would be catching up to the rest of the country...no surprise there.

There are plenty of areas outside of Texas to escape the blacks that you fear so much.


never said I live in Texas dumfuck, go back to 8th grade and try and pass reading. You acted like lawsuits don't exist, because you said I had not posted any, now you lie like a black man and pretend you knew all along. I shoved just one article up your dumb black ass, when I could have gotten more.

Guess all you want, it is just that, a guess from a dumb porch monkey. You still can't grasp the illogic of complaining about my racism but then demanding to live next me because blacks cannot make decent communities of their own, I understand, you have a less evolved brain.

"Reading" is not taught in the intermediate school system in most civilized cities you stupid, inbred, cave dweller. It more often called "literature" or English.

I think you are the one who needs to try obtaining at least a GED. All that you seem to know are 4 letter single syllable words.

I never "acted" like anything, I simply stated that you had not posted anything about any lawsuits. Now, as far as you living in Texas, if the average person has a complaint about a law, an ordinance or any social change, even a remedial, idiot, farm animal fucker like you would post about something which directly affects them or is happening near them.

As far as your so called "racism" I am not complaining about it all....in fact, visualizing you turning beet red and foaming at the mouth like a rabid dog about blacks living near you is quite amusing.

Nothing funnier than an angry, pink, piece of racist shit that can't do anything to change what is happening right before their beady eyed, sheet wearing faces.

Now do you understand, Elmer?

Post some more rants... .you are one funny peckerwood.
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I have no idea why people engage this liar asslips as if he has honesty or credibility, no idea.

I asked my stepdaughter, none the white girls around here are not chasing down blacks, and they don't even think about it.

Interracial dating is something you can't really get good stats on because data would be hard to get and interpret, a perfect topic for a liar to talk about. OK cupid however has an interracial dating site where people rate each other and guess which race gets the lowest rating? you got it, blacks, they suck at most everything else so why not suck at dating?

Interracial Dating Is Fundamentally Changing America

As sociologist Jennifer Lee, author of The Diversity Paradox, told Mic, the OkCupid data is in line with broader demographic data. "Racial boundaries are fading more rapidly for today's new immigrant groups than for black Americans," she said, as more Asians and Latinos seem to benefit from cross-race acceptance.

Interracial marriage is another story, we have lots of data on that.

Interracial marriage in the United States - Wikipedia

Whites marry within their own race at far higher rates than everyone else, and white women marry black men at only a 0.7% rate, or only about 1 in 5 of all white woman interracial marriages. White women- black man divorce rates are twice as high as an all white marriage. Black women on the other hand marry white men at a 4% rate, about 6 times as high as white women/black man. They also are 44% less likely to divorce than white-white couples. Black women appear to value white men far more than white women value black men. Of course they do, white men have better jobs, and believe in raising kids and obeying the law. It also goes without saying that reality again is the opposite of what that vile liar asslips says it is.

The data on Asian and Hispanic women who marry outside of race at the highest rates is interesting. They pick white men over black men by about 5 to 1.

Black men suck, ask the asians
Sweetie, OP started this thread to bait you. And it sure works. You can calm down now and go back to your front porch.
....in their lives at one point in time past the age of 18. Get your mind out of the bedroom. Not like that. Personally, I found it very enlightening talking to white women once I got over hating white people. I was forced to pair up with this white girl from Louisiana when I had moved past basic training and into the phase of my military career when i was being trained for my MOS in communications security field. The talks we had regarding race were very frank and open. I was amazed that she easily spoke of the fears white males had of Black males. She should have known. Her father was a member of he KKK and she had heard all the horror stories since she was young enough to remember. It all made sense to me now that she explained the irrational fear white males have of Black males.

Sometimes I look back on that experience as a very "fork in the road" moment in my life. What if I had never met her? Would my oldest daughter have been born? would I have even met my Black wife? I wonder what makes most white women different from their male counter parts? Is it because they have witnessed up close and personal the fragile white male ego?


Everyone fears that which they don't know. It's not a race issue at all. You could be from Mars and if you are unknown people will fear you. On the other hand, it is those rare people who conquer their fear who do great things.
I find that to be true of everyone but the white race. In general they have a fear of Black people, cats, Black plaques, Black hearts, etc etc. The adjective Black is terrifying to whites. On the other hand they use white to characterize good. White lies are small insignificant lies to them for an example.
Always the racist.
Not all whites are racist. A large portion sure...but not all... especially the women.

That was actually true at one time in our past, but the miniute they saw on TV what white controlled Democrats did to those poor black children with a fire hose , most of this nation got on board with MLK.
We now have a small amount of them now compared to then.
....in their lives at one point in time past the age of 18. Get your mind out of the bedroom. Not like that. Personally, I found it very enlightening talking to white women once I got over hating white people. I was forced to pair up with this white girl from Louisiana when I had moved past basic training and into the phase of my military career when i was being trained for my MOS in communications security field. The talks we had regarding race were very frank and open. I was amazed that she easily spoke of the fears white males had of Black males. She should have known. Her father was a member of he KKK and she had heard all the horror stories since she was young enough to remember. It all made sense to me now that she explained the irrational fear white males have of Black males.

Sometimes I look back on that experience as a very "fork in the road" moment in my life. What if I had never met her? Would my oldest daughter have been born? would I have even met my Black wife? I wonder what makes most white women different from their male counter parts? Is it because they have witnessed up close and personal the fragile white male ego?

I wonder if she's attracted to blacks.

Detroit TV Reporter Resigns Following Alleged Use Of Racial Slur | The Huffington Post

She said, "I’m tired of reporting on these n*****s killing each other in Detroit.”
....in their lives at one point in time past the age of 18. Get your mind out of the bedroom. Not like that. Personally, I found it very enlightening talking to white women once I got over hating white people. I was forced to pair up with this white girl from Louisiana when I had moved past basic training and into the phase of my military career when i was being trained for my MOS in communications security field. The talks we had regarding race were very frank and open. I was amazed that she easily spoke of the fears white males had of Black males. She should have known. Her father was a member of he KKK and she had heard all the horror stories since she was young enough to remember. It all made sense to me now that she explained the irrational fear white males have of Black males.

Sometimes I look back on that experience as a very "fork in the road" moment in my life. What if I had never met her? Would my oldest daughter have been born? would I have even met my Black wife? I wonder what makes most white women different from their male counter parts? Is it because they have witnessed up close and personal the fragile white male ego?

a white place is a community with 90% or more white population, it is not hard, even for that puny mind of yours.

Just why the fuck would blacks sue to live in white neighborhoods if they didn't think it was better and would help them live better? Blacks are really retarded, whine and bitch all day about white racism but then sue to move your ugly asses into white neighborhoods and schools. WTF is wrong with you people?

I did move where I wanted, how many times must I say it before your less than high scool education can understand? but then you human maggots want to follow me with your damned HUD programs. Blacks do not have the resources to live by me, that is the whole point of the new HUD program, to give you assholes extra money so you can ruin my neighborhood.

Data shows black reading abilities are far below whites, you sure are making that point.

You are certainly living proof that ignorance and stupidity comes in all races.

There are NO DESIGNATED "white or black" neighborhoods, drinking fountains or public places anymore, you pea brained, inbred, cave monkey. The year is 2016 not 1950.

You should know what I am saying unless you are learning inpaired, which is becoming obvious that you are.

And YES, like it or not there are thousands of blacks who have more than enough resources to live BETTER than you, let alone near you, however even most below average of any person regardless of their race would choose to be as far away from garbage like you if they were sane.

You continue to rant about "blacks suing" to live in your neighborhood, but have not posted a single link or "statistic" as you claim to be so well versed on to validate your obsession.

Like I told you before, my guess is that you are just a low rent peckerwood who likely lives in section 8 housing, gets food stamps, welfare and every other handout available to uneducated, unskilled, unemployable white trash, and are PISSED OFF because you reside at the low end of the social scale and swim in the shallow end of your own gene pool, and the same blacks that you HATE are are far better than you.....and ypu wake up everyday knowing it and that is EXACTLY why YOU are here everyday, ranting like some unhinged mental patient about the very blacks that you hate.....why don't you move to Appalachia...it's nearly 99% white and they have a reputation for "keeping it in the family".

You would be right at home there.

Your guess about me? LOL, that's like a retard guessing what makes an EM drive work

my god you dumbshit, I never said designated, it just so happens that white people like to live together without you, and you monkeys don't like that.

Amazing how utterly ignorant blacks are, simply amazing, So there are no lawsuits with goal of forced integration? What a booger eating dumfuck hoodrat

Texas Efforts Could Bring Desegregated Housing to Nation

....The upscale suburb of Frisco is about 45 minutes north of Bonton, but it might as well be on the other side of the world. Robertson and her family live on a quiet street of one- and two-story brick houses with young trees in grassy front yards. The violent-crime rate in her new neighborhood, based on data compiled by NeighborhoodScout.com, is less than a quarter of what it is in Bonton; the median family income is four times as high, according to census data. At one end of the block there’s a park with playgrounds and ballfields, and at the other a hike-and-bike trail that leads to a large pond. The kids are doing well in Frisco schools, and Robertson has earned her medical assistant certificate.....

...During that time, Texas has been the focus of two lawsuits that housing advocates say are possibly the most important desegregation actions to come along in years, both courtesy of the Inclusive Communities Project and the small law firm that represents it. Attorney Mike Daniel and his former law partner, Betsy Julian, now president of Inclusive Communities, have been at the center of groundbreaking civil rights work in North Texas for more than 30 years.

Texas? No wonder you're as
a white place is a community with 90% or more white population, it is not hard, even for that puny mind of yours.

Just why the fuck would blacks sue to live in white neighborhoods if they didn't think it was better and would help them live better? Blacks are really retarded, whine and bitch all day about white racism but then sue to move your ugly asses into white neighborhoods and schools. WTF is wrong with you people?

I did move where I wanted, how many times must I say it before your less than high scool education can understand? but then you human maggots want to follow me with your damned HUD programs. Blacks do not have the resources to live by me, that is the whole point of the new HUD program, to give you assholes extra money so you can ruin my neighborhood.

Data shows black reading abilities are far below whites, you sure are making that point.

You are certainly living proof that ignorance and stupidity comes in all races.

There are NO DESIGNATED "white or black" neighborhoods, drinking fountains or public places anymore, you pea brained, inbred, cave monkey. The year is 2016 not 1950.

You should know what I am saying unless you are learning inpaired, which is becoming obvious that you are.

And YES, like it or not there are thousands of blacks who have more than enough resources to live BETTER than you, let alone near you, however even most below average of any person regardless of their race would choose to be as far away from garbage like you if they were sane.

You continue to rant about "blacks suing" to live in your neighborhood, but have not posted a single link or "statistic" as you claim to be so well versed on to validate your obsession.

Like I told you before, my guess is that you are just a low rent peckerwood who likely lives in section 8 housing, gets food stamps, welfare and every other handout available to uneducated, unskilled, unemployable white trash, and are PISSED OFF because you reside at the low end of the social scale and swim in the shallow end of your own gene pool, and the same blacks that you HATE are are far better than you.....and ypu wake up everyday knowing it and that is EXACTLY why YOU are here everyday, ranting like some unhinged mental patient about the very blacks that you hate.....why don't you move to Appalachia...it's nearly 99% white and they have a reputation for "keeping it in the family".

You would be right at home there.

Your guess about me? LOL, that's like a retard guessing what makes an EM drive work

my god you dumbshit, I never said designated, it just so happens that white people like to live together without you, and you monkeys don't like that.

Amazing how utterly ignorant blacks are, simply amazing, So there are no lawsuits with goal of forced integration? What a booger eating dumfuck hoodrat

Texas Efforts Could Bring Desegregated Housing to Nation

....The upscale suburb of Frisco is about 45 minutes north of Bonton, but it might as well be on the other side of the world. Robertson and her family live on a quiet street of one- and two-story brick houses with young trees in grassy front yards. The violent-crime rate in her new neighborhood, based on data compiled by NeighborhoodScout.com, is less than a quarter of what it is in Bonton; the median family income is four times as high, according to census data. At one end of the block there’s a park with playgrounds and ballfields, and at the other a hike-and-bike trail that leads to a large pond. The kids are doing well in Frisco schools, and Robertson has earned her medical assistant certificate.....

...During that time, Texas has been the focus of two lawsuits that housing advocates say are possibly the most important desegregation actions to come along in years, both courtesy of the Inclusive Communities Project and the small law firm that represents it. Attorney Mike Daniel and his former law partner, Betsy Julian, now president of Inclusive Communities, have been at the center of groundbreaking civil rights work in North Texas for more than 30 years.

My "guess"about you is completely accurate...angry, demoralized, victimized cracker is getting some black neighbors...lmao.

Of course you never said "designated" because even an idiot like you knows that there are long standing laws that have made housing discrimination illegal in this country, thats a fact and no matter how many tantrums you throw on this message board wil

I never said that there "were no lawsuits" out there for unfair housing practices.....YOU said that I said that, you dumbass hillbilly.....In just said that you had posted none..so you posted one from podunk Texas. ...so is that where you live?

Is the lady in the story your neighbor?

I read it, and as I would expect parts of Texas would be catching up to the rest of the country...no surprise there.

There are plenty of areas outside of Texas to escape the blacks that you fear so much.


never said I live in Texas dumfuck, go back to 8th grade and try and pass reading. You acted like lawsuits don't exist, because you said I had not posted any, now you lie like a black man and pretend you knew all along. I shoved just one article up your dumb black ass, when I could have gotten more.

Guess all you want, it is just that, a guess from a dumb porch monkey. You still can't grasp the illogic of complaining about my racism but then demanding to live next me because blacks cannot make decent communities of their own, I understand, you have a less evolved brain.

"Reading" is not taught in the intermediate school system in most civilized cities you stupid, inbred, cave dweller. It more often called "literature" or English.

I think you are the one who needs to try obtaining at least a GED. All that you seem to know are 4 letter single syllable words.

I never "acted" like anything, I simply stated that you had not posted anything about any lawsuits. Now, as far as you living in Texas, if the average person has a complaint about a law, an ordinance or any social change, even a remedial, idiot, farm animal fucker like you would post about something which directly affects them or is happening near them.

As far as your so called "racism" I am not complaining about it all....in fact, visualizing you turning beet red and foaming at the mouth like a rabid dog about blacks living near you is quite amusing.

Nothing funnier than an angry, pink, piece of racist shit that can't do anything to change what is happening right before their beady eyed, sheet wearing faces.

Now do you understand, Elmer?

Post some more rants... .you are one funny peckerwood.

my posts contain logic, links and data, yours contain guesses and contradictions.

So people must post only info that affects them directly now, got any other desperate rules dumbass? Once again subtler concepts elude your primitive mind, 'you' can mean in the plural, such as black people.

You haven't said anything of substance this entire thread, I gave you a list of facts about blacks and you said could address them as there were 'other variables' or some other lame crap like that. Crickets after that, typical.

As I said, I do hate libs and blacks, so what? blacks have directed plenty of hate my way long before I made my conclusions and if there was something wrong with being angry then every liberal out there needs medication now.

Wanna know what's funny? black men thinking they know something, so when the prison library closes you can go back to your cell and come up with your next set of lines for my entertainment. Hey it's Friday night, your ex biatch that you punched out must be working on getting her next little monk.
Last edited:
I have no idea why people engage this liar asslips as if he has honesty or credibility, no idea.

I asked my stepdaughter, none the white girls around here are not chasing down blacks, and they don't even think about it.

Interracial dating is something you can't really get good stats on because data would be hard to get and interpret, a perfect topic for a liar to talk about. OK cupid however has an interracial dating site where people rate each other and guess which race gets the lowest rating? you got it, blacks, they suck at most everything else so why not suck at dating?

Interracial Dating Is Fundamentally Changing America

As sociologist Jennifer Lee, author of The Diversity Paradox, told Mic, the OkCupid data is in line with broader demographic data. "Racial boundaries are fading more rapidly for today's new immigrant groups than for black Americans," she said, as more Asians and Latinos seem to benefit from cross-race acceptance.

Interracial marriage is another story, we have lots of data on that.

Interracial marriage in the United States - Wikipedia

Whites marry within their own race at far higher rates than everyone else, and white women marry black men at only a 0.7% rate, or only about 1 in 5 of all white woman interracial marriages. White women- black man divorce rates are twice as high as an all white marriage. Black women on the other hand marry white men at a 4% rate, about 6 times as high as white women/black man. They also are 44% less likely to divorce than white-white couples. Black women appear to value white men far more than white women value black men. Of course they do, white men have better jobs, and believe in raising kids and obeying the law. It also goes without saying that reality again is the opposite of what that vile liar asslips says it is.

The data on Asian and Hispanic women who marry outside of race at the highest rates is interesting. They pick white men over black men by about 5 to 1.

Black men suck, ask the asians
Sweetie, OP started this thread to bait you. And it sure works. You can calm down now and go back to your front porch.

sugar, go fuck yourself, every thread in a forum is supposed to elicit a response
You are certainly living proof that ignorance and stupidity comes in all races.

There are NO DESIGNATED "white or black" neighborhoods, drinking fountains or public places anymore, you pea brained, inbred, cave monkey. The year is 2016 not 1950.

You should know what I am saying unless you are learning inpaired, which is becoming obvious that you are.

And YES, like it or not there are thousands of blacks who have more than enough resources to live BETTER than you, let alone near you, however even most below average of any person regardless of their race would choose to be as far away from garbage like you if they were sane.

You continue to rant about "blacks suing" to live in your neighborhood, but have not posted a single link or "statistic" as you claim to be so well versed on to validate your obsession.

Like I told you before, my guess is that you are just a low rent peckerwood who likely lives in section 8 housing, gets food stamps, welfare and every other handout available to uneducated, unskilled, unemployable white trash, and are PISSED OFF because you reside at the low end of the social scale and swim in the shallow end of your own gene pool, and the same blacks that you HATE are are far better than you.....and ypu wake up everyday knowing it and that is EXACTLY why YOU are here everyday, ranting like some unhinged mental patient about the very blacks that you hate.....why don't you move to Appalachia...it's nearly 99% white and they have a reputation for "keeping it in the family".

You would be right at home there.

Your guess about me? LOL, that's like a retard guessing what makes an EM drive work

my god you dumbshit, I never said designated, it just so happens that white people like to live together without you, and you monkeys don't like that.

Amazing how utterly ignorant blacks are, simply amazing, So there are no lawsuits with goal of forced integration? What a booger eating dumfuck hoodrat

Texas Efforts Could Bring Desegregated Housing to Nation

....The upscale suburb of Frisco is about 45 minutes north of Bonton, but it might as well be on the other side of the world. Robertson and her family live on a quiet street of one- and two-story brick houses with young trees in grassy front yards. The violent-crime rate in her new neighborhood, based on data compiled by NeighborhoodScout.com, is less than a quarter of what it is in Bonton; the median family income is four times as high, according to census data. At one end of the block there’s a park with playgrounds and ballfields, and at the other a hike-and-bike trail that leads to a large pond. The kids are doing well in Frisco schools, and Robertson has earned her medical assistant certificate.....

...During that time, Texas has been the focus of two lawsuits that housing advocates say are possibly the most important desegregation actions to come along in years, both courtesy of the Inclusive Communities Project and the small law firm that represents it. Attorney Mike Daniel and his former law partner, Betsy Julian, now president of Inclusive Communities, have been at the center of groundbreaking civil rights work in North Texas for more than 30 years.

Texas? No wonder you're as
You are certainly living proof that ignorance and stupidity comes in all races.

There are NO DESIGNATED "white or black" neighborhoods, drinking fountains or public places anymore, you pea brained, inbred, cave monkey. The year is 2016 not 1950.

You should know what I am saying unless you are learning inpaired, which is becoming obvious that you are.

And YES, like it or not there are thousands of blacks who have more than enough resources to live BETTER than you, let alone near you, however even most below average of any person regardless of their race would choose to be as far away from garbage like you if they were sane.

You continue to rant about "blacks suing" to live in your neighborhood, but have not posted a single link or "statistic" as you claim to be so well versed on to validate your obsession.

Like I told you before, my guess is that you are just a low rent peckerwood who likely lives in section 8 housing, gets food stamps, welfare and every other handout available to uneducated, unskilled, unemployable white trash, and are PISSED OFF because you reside at the low end of the social scale and swim in the shallow end of your own gene pool, and the same blacks that you HATE are are far better than you.....and ypu wake up everyday knowing it and that is EXACTLY why YOU are here everyday, ranting like some unhinged mental patient about the very blacks that you hate.....why don't you move to Appalachia...it's nearly 99% white and they have a reputation for "keeping it in the family".

You would be right at home there.

Your guess about me? LOL, that's like a retard guessing what makes an EM drive work

my god you dumbshit, I never said designated, it just so happens that white people like to live together without you, and you monkeys don't like that.

Amazing how utterly ignorant blacks are, simply amazing, So there are no lawsuits with goal of forced integration? What a booger eating dumfuck hoodrat

Texas Efforts Could Bring Desegregated Housing to Nation

....The upscale suburb of Frisco is about 45 minutes north of Bonton, but it might as well be on the other side of the world. Robertson and her family live on a quiet street of one- and two-story brick houses with young trees in grassy front yards. The violent-crime rate in her new neighborhood, based on data compiled by NeighborhoodScout.com, is less than a quarter of what it is in Bonton; the median family income is four times as high, according to census data. At one end of the block there’s a park with playgrounds and ballfields, and at the other a hike-and-bike trail that leads to a large pond. The kids are doing well in Frisco schools, and Robertson has earned her medical assistant certificate.....

...During that time, Texas has been the focus of two lawsuits that housing advocates say are possibly the most important desegregation actions to come along in years, both courtesy of the Inclusive Communities Project and the small law firm that represents it. Attorney Mike Daniel and his former law partner, Betsy Julian, now president of Inclusive Communities, have been at the center of groundbreaking civil rights work in North Texas for more than 30 years.

My "guess"about you is completely accurate...angry, demoralized, victimized cracker is getting some black neighbors...lmao.

Of course you never said "designated" because even an idiot like you knows that there are long standing laws that have made housing discrimination illegal in this country, thats a fact and no matter how many tantrums you throw on this message board wil

I never said that there "were no lawsuits" out there for unfair housing practices.....YOU said that I said that, you dumbass hillbilly.....In just said that you had posted none..so you posted one from podunk Texas. ...so is that where you live?

Is the lady in the story your neighbor?

I read it, and as I would expect parts of Texas would be catching up to the rest of the country...no surprise there.

There are plenty of areas outside of Texas to escape the blacks that you fear so much.


never said I live in Texas dumfuck, go back to 8th grade and try and pass reading. You acted like lawsuits don't exist, because you said I had not posted any, now you lie like a black man and pretend you knew all along. I shoved just one article up your dumb black ass, when I could have gotten more.

Guess all you want, it is just that, a guess from a dumb porch monkey. You still can't grasp the illogic of complaining about my racism but then demanding to live next me because blacks cannot make decent communities of their own, I understand, you have a less evolved brain.

"Reading" is not taught in the intermediate school system in most civilized cities you stupid, inbred, cave dweller. It more often called "literature" or English.

I think you are the one who needs to try obtaining at least a GED. All that you seem to know are 4 letter single syllable words.

I never "acted" like anything, I simply stated that you had not posted anything about any lawsuits. Now, as far as you living in Texas, if the average person has a complaint about a law, an ordinance or any social change, even a remedial, idiot, farm animal fucker like you would post about something which directly affects them or is happening near them.

As far as your so called "racism" I am not complaining about it all....in fact, visualizing you turning beet red and foaming at the mouth like a rabid dog about blacks living near you is quite amusing.

Nothing funnier than an angry, pink, piece of racist shit that can't do anything to change what is happening right before their beady eyed, sheet wearing faces.

Now do you understand, Elmer?

Post some more rants... .you are one funny peckerwood.

my posts contain logic, links and data, yours contain guesses and contradictions.

So people must post only info that affects them directly now, got any other desperate rules dumbass? Once again subtler concepts elude your primitive mind, 'you' can mean in the plural, such as black people.

You haven't said anything of substance this entire thread, I gave you a list of facts about blacks and you said could address them as there were 'other variables' or some other lame crap like that. Crickets after that, typical.

As I said, I do hate libs and blacks, so what? blacks have directed plenty of hate my way long before I made my conclusions and if there was something wrong with being angry then every liberal out there needs medication now.

Wanna know what's funny? black men thinking they know something, so when the prison library closes you can go back to your cell and come up with your next set of lines for my entertainment. Hey it's Friday night, your ex biatch that you punched out must be working on getting her next little monk.

Here is what is funny, your posts don't contain any logic or any thought, you're not capable of any.

Just some cut and pasted articles with a few racial slurs attached along with some crazy rants about "how white people want to live".

You dont speak for all white people any more than I speak for all black people

You have not shown one iota of intelligence or lucid thinking in anything you have posted, you're just an angry, foul mouthed cretin, who probably could just as easily be a mass shooter because you think you're a victim.

By your own admission you hate the fact that you cannot live in a segregated environment, but the truth is that you actually could, because all you have to do is pack up, and get your miserable, stupid, inbred ass out of the country, so why would I waste even a millisecond trying to have any kind of sensible discussion with the likes of you?

What you are is a reminder of the kind of , pink, racist filth that my own parents and grandparents marched against just to have the right to vote and live where they chose to live without having a cross burned on their property or the church that they attended bombed by some retarded, bigoted scum like you.

You need to be segregated. ....in a mental ward, with other nut cases who are like you....and that is not a "guess".
Last edited:
Your guess about me? LOL, that's like a retard guessing what makes an EM drive work

my god you dumbshit, I never said designated, it just so happens that white people like to live together without you, and you monkeys don't like that.

Amazing how utterly ignorant blacks are, simply amazing, So there are no lawsuits with goal of forced integration? What a booger eating dumfuck hoodrat

Texas Efforts Could Bring Desegregated Housing to Nation

....The upscale suburb of Frisco is about 45 minutes north of Bonton, but it might as well be on the other side of the world. Robertson and her family live on a quiet street of one- and two-story brick houses with young trees in grassy front yards. The violent-crime rate in her new neighborhood, based on data compiled by NeighborhoodScout.com, is less than a quarter of what it is in Bonton; the median family income is four times as high, according to census data. At one end of the block there’s a park with playgrounds and ballfields, and at the other a hike-and-bike trail that leads to a large pond. The kids are doing well in Frisco schools, and Robertson has earned her medical assistant certificate.....

...During that time, Texas has been the focus of two lawsuits that housing advocates say are possibly the most important desegregation actions to come along in years, both courtesy of the Inclusive Communities Project and the small law firm that represents it. Attorney Mike Daniel and his former law partner, Betsy Julian, now president of Inclusive Communities, have been at the center of groundbreaking civil rights work in North Texas for more than 30 years.

Texas? No wonder you're as
Your guess about me? LOL, that's like a retard guessing what makes an EM drive work

my god you dumbshit, I never said designated, it just so happens that white people like to live together without you, and you monkeys don't like that.

Amazing how utterly ignorant blacks are, simply amazing, So there are no lawsuits with goal of forced integration? What a booger eating dumfuck hoodrat

Texas Efforts Could Bring Desegregated Housing to Nation

....The upscale suburb of Frisco is about 45 minutes north of Bonton, but it might as well be on the other side of the world. Robertson and her family live on a quiet street of one- and two-story brick houses with young trees in grassy front yards. The violent-crime rate in her new neighborhood, based on data compiled by NeighborhoodScout.com, is less than a quarter of what it is in Bonton; the median family income is four times as high, according to census data. At one end of the block there’s a park with playgrounds and ballfields, and at the other a hike-and-bike trail that leads to a large pond. The kids are doing well in Frisco schools, and Robertson has earned her medical assistant certificate.....

...During that time, Texas has been the focus of two lawsuits that housing advocates say are possibly the most important desegregation actions to come along in years, both courtesy of the Inclusive Communities Project and the small law firm that represents it. Attorney Mike Daniel and his former law partner, Betsy Julian, now president of Inclusive Communities, have been at the center of groundbreaking civil rights work in North Texas for more than 30 years.

My "guess"about you is completely accurate...angry, demoralized, victimized cracker is getting some black neighbors...lmao.

Of course you never said "designated" because even an idiot like you knows that there are long standing laws that have made housing discrimination illegal in this country, thats a fact and no matter how many tantrums you throw on this message board wil

I never said that there "were no lawsuits" out there for unfair housing practices.....YOU said that I said that, you dumbass hillbilly.....In just said that you had posted none..so you posted one from podunk Texas. ...so is that where you live?

Is the lady in the story your neighbor?

I read it, and as I would expect parts of Texas would be catching up to the rest of the country...no surprise there.

There are plenty of areas outside of Texas to escape the blacks that you fear so much.


never said I live in Texas dumfuck, go back to 8th grade and try and pass reading. You acted like lawsuits don't exist, because you said I had not posted any, now you lie like a black man and pretend you knew all along. I shoved just one article up your dumb black ass, when I could have gotten more.

Guess all you want, it is just that, a guess from a dumb porch monkey. You still can't grasp the illogic of complaining about my racism but then demanding to live next me because blacks cannot make decent communities of their own, I understand, you have a less evolved brain.

"Reading" is not taught in the intermediate school system in most civilized cities you stupid, inbred, cave dweller. It more often called "literature" or English.

I think you are the one who needs to try obtaining at least a GED. All that you seem to know are 4 letter single syllable words.

I never "acted" like anything, I simply stated that you had not posted anything about any lawsuits. Now, as far as you living in Texas, if the average person has a complaint about a law, an ordinance or any social change, even a remedial, idiot, farm animal fucker like you would post about something which directly affects them or is happening near them.

As far as your so called "racism" I am not complaining about it all....in fact, visualizing you turning beet red and foaming at the mouth like a rabid dog about blacks living near you is quite amusing.

Nothing funnier than an angry, pink, piece of racist shit that can't do anything to change what is happening right before their beady eyed, sheet wearing faces.

Now do you understand, Elmer?

Post some more rants... .you are one funny peckerwood.

my posts contain logic, links and data, yours contain guesses and contradictions.

So people must post only info that affects them directly now, got any other desperate rules dumbass? Once again subtler concepts elude your primitive mind, 'you' can mean in the plural, such as black people.

You haven't said anything of substance this entire thread, I gave you a list of facts about blacks and you said could address them as there were 'other variables' or some other lame crap like that. Crickets after that, typical.

As I said, I do hate libs and blacks, so what? blacks have directed plenty of hate my way long before I made my conclusions and if there was something wrong with being angry then every liberal out there needs medication now.

Wanna know what's funny? black men thinking they know something, so when the prison library closes you can go back to your cell and come up with your next set of lines for my entertainment. Hey it's Friday night, your ex biatch that you punched out must be working on getting her next little monk.

Here is what is funny, your posts don't contain any logic or any thought, you're not capable of any.

Just some cut and pasted articles with a few racial slurs attached along with some crazy rants about "how white people want to live".

You dont speak for all white people any more than I speak for all black people

You have not shown one iota of intelligence or lucid thinking in anything you have posted, you're just an angry, foul mouthed cretin, who probably could just as easily be a mass shooter because you think you're a victim.

By your own admission you hate the fact that you cannot live in a segregated environment, but the truth is that you actually could, because all you have to do is pack up, and get your miserable, stupid, inbred ass out of the country, so why would I waste even a millisecond trying to have any kind of sensible discussion with the likes of you?

What you are is a reminder of the kind of , pink, racist filth that my own parents and grandparents marched against just to have the right to vote and live where they chose to live without having a cross burned on their property or the church that they attended bombed by some retarded, bigoted scum like you.

You need to be segregated. ....in a mental ward, with other nut cases who are like you....and that is not a "guess".

I have posted a lot of macro stats to refute the BS you and asslips spout with your hand waving black-think BS. Banging your fist against your cage can't change that, you think you can declare what reality is just by saying it, something you blacks and libs love to do. Most all blacks share this in common, you think your primitive personal feelings and self manufactured conclusions are all that matters as you are not able to abstract and understand beyond that. You are children in your intellect and white libs feed your sense of injustice so much that a lot of you now march and complain for a living.

I posted the article to educate your small mind that low income blacks now want into wealthy white neighborhoods without earning it or being wanted there. I am talking about the larger reality and you know it, racial segregation is the desired way for most whites or else you yard apes would not be complaining about it so much, or demand laws against it. That is called logic dumfukker, or are you actually going to insist that Obama is acting on this all because of me alone? The only difference between me and lying white libs who live in white cities is that I am honest and they are too stupid or brainwashed to not understand their own desires. I have also spoken with a lot of my neighbors, none of us want section 8s, none. Therefore it is only at government gunpoint that blacks will move into my locale if this moves ahead, the housing values here are too high for most blacks and those that can afford it are probably turned off by the over 90% white demographic. That is how a really free and humane society works, people get to live where they choose and not forced to integrate with black garbage like you.

I have told your slow black mind repeatedly, I am segregated, so why cant you fuggers just leave me and my neighbors alone? Leave the country because I have a complaint? lol, here is some more of what you lower IQs hate- logic. If someone should leave the country because they have a complaint, you dumbfuks should have left long long ago, all you ever do is complain. Here is some more cold reality for you, the fact is white people would have nice choices like Norway, black people's best choices are in white majority countries. Here in the states even black people know the best neighborhoods are populated with white people. It must really suck to be so damned uncivilized that you have to move next to white people in order to feel like you have opportunity.
Texas? No wonder you're as
My "guess"about you is completely accurate...angry, demoralized, victimized cracker is getting some black neighbors...lmao.

Of course you never said "designated" because even an idiot like you knows that there are long standing laws that have made housing discrimination illegal in this country, thats a fact and no matter how many tantrums you throw on this message board wil

I never said that there "were no lawsuits" out there for unfair housing practices.....YOU said that I said that, you dumbass hillbilly.....In just said that you had posted none..so you posted one from podunk Texas. ...so is that where you live?

Is the lady in the story your neighbor?

I read it, and as I would expect parts of Texas would be catching up to the rest of the country...no surprise there.

There are plenty of areas outside of Texas to escape the blacks that you fear so much.


never said I live in Texas dumfuck, go back to 8th grade and try and pass reading. You acted like lawsuits don't exist, because you said I had not posted any, now you lie like a black man and pretend you knew all along. I shoved just one article up your dumb black ass, when I could have gotten more.

Guess all you want, it is just that, a guess from a dumb porch monkey. You still can't grasp the illogic of complaining about my racism but then demanding to live next me because blacks cannot make decent communities of their own, I understand, you have a less evolved brain.

"Reading" is not taught in the intermediate school system in most civilized cities you stupid, inbred, cave dweller. It more often called "literature" or English.

I think you are the one who needs to try obtaining at least a GED. All that you seem to know are 4 letter single syllable words.

I never "acted" like anything, I simply stated that you had not posted anything about any lawsuits. Now, as far as you living in Texas, if the average person has a complaint about a law, an ordinance or any social change, even a remedial, idiot, farm animal fucker like you would post about something which directly affects them or is happening near them.

As far as your so called "racism" I am not complaining about it all....in fact, visualizing you turning beet red and foaming at the mouth like a rabid dog about blacks living near you is quite amusing.

Nothing funnier than an angry, pink, piece of racist shit that can't do anything to change what is happening right before their beady eyed, sheet wearing faces.

Now do you understand, Elmer?

Post some more rants... .you are one funny peckerwood.

my posts contain logic, links and data, yours contain guesses and contradictions.

So people must post only info that affects them directly now, got any other desperate rules dumbass? Once again subtler concepts elude your primitive mind, 'you' can mean in the plural, such as black people.

You haven't said anything of substance this entire thread, I gave you a list of facts about blacks and you said could address them as there were 'other variables' or some other lame crap like that. Crickets after that, typical.

As I said, I do hate libs and blacks, so what? blacks have directed plenty of hate my way long before I made my conclusions and if there was something wrong with being angry then every liberal out there needs medication now.

Wanna know what's funny? black men thinking they know something, so when the prison library closes you can go back to your cell and come up with your next set of lines for my entertainment. Hey it's Friday night, your ex biatch that you punched out must be working on getting her next little monk.

Here is what is funny, your posts don't contain any logic or any thought, you're not capable of any.

Just some cut and pasted articles with a few racial slurs attached along with some crazy rants about "how white people want to live".

You dont speak for all white people any more than I speak for all black people

You have not shown one iota of intelligence or lucid thinking in anything you have posted, you're just an angry, foul mouthed cretin, who probably could just as easily be a mass shooter because you think you're a victim.

By your own admission you hate the fact that you cannot live in a segregated environment, but the truth is that you actually could, because all you have to do is pack up, and get your miserable, stupid, inbred ass out of the country, so why would I waste even a millisecond trying to have any kind of sensible discussion with the likes of you?

What you are is a reminder of the kind of , pink, racist filth that my own parents and grandparents marched against just to have the right to vote and live where they chose to live without having a cross burned on their property or the church that they attended bombed by some retarded, bigoted scum like you.

You need to be segregated. ....in a mental ward, with other nut cases who are like you....and that is not a "guess".

I have posted a lot of macro stats to refute the BS you and asslips spout with your hand waving black-think BS. Banging your fist against your cage can't change that, you think you can declare what reality is just by saying it, something you blacks and libs love to do. Most all blacks share this in common, you think your primitive personal feelings and self manufactured conclusions are all that matters as you are not able to abstract and understand beyond that. You are children in your intellect and white libs feed your sense of injustice so much that a lot of you now march and complain for a living.

I posted the article to educate your small mind that low income blacks now want into wealthy white neighborhoods without earning it or being wanted there. I am talking about the larger reality and you know it, racial segregation is the desired way for most whites or else you yard apes would not be complaining about it so much, or demand laws against it. That is called logic dumfukker, or are you actually going to insist that Obama is acting on this all because of me alone? The only difference between me and lying white libs who live in white cities is that I am honest and they are too stupid or brainwashed to not understand their own desires. I have also spoken with a lot of my neighbors, none of us want section 8s, none. Therefore it is only at government gunpoint that blacks will move into my locale if this moves ahead, the housing values here are too high for most blacks and those that can afford it are probably turned off by the over 90% white demographic. That is how a really free and humane society works, people get to live where they choose and not forced to integrate with black garbage like you.

I have told your slow black mind repeatedly, I am segregated, so why cant you fuggers just leave me and my neighbors alone? Leave the country because I have a complaint? lol, here is some more of what you lower IQs hate- logic. If someone should leave the country because they have a complaint, you dumbfuks should have left long long ago, all you ever do is complain. Here is some more cold reality for you, the fact is white people would have nice choices like Norway, black people's best choices are in white majority countries. Here in the states even black people know the best neighborhoods are populated with white people. It must really suck to be so damned uncivilized that you have to move next to white people in order to feel like you have opportunity.
Texas? No wonder you're as
My "guess"about you is completely accurate...angry, demoralized, victimized cracker is getting some black neighbors...lmao.

Of course you never said "designated" because even an idiot like you knows that there are long standing laws that have made housing discrimination illegal in this country, thats a fact and no matter how many tantrums you throw on this message board wil

I never said that there "were no lawsuits" out there for unfair housing practices.....YOU said that I said that, you dumbass hillbilly.....In just said that you had posted none..so you posted one from podunk Texas. ...so is that where you live?

Is the lady in the story your neighbor?

I read it, and as I would expect parts of Texas would be catching up to the rest of the country...no surprise there.

There are plenty of areas outside of Texas to escape the blacks that you fear so much.


never said I live in Texas dumfuck, go back to 8th grade and try and pass reading. You acted like lawsuits don't exist, because you said I had not posted any, now you lie like a black man and pretend you knew all along. I shoved just one article up your dumb black ass, when I could have gotten more.

Guess all you want, it is just that, a guess from a dumb porch monkey. You still can't grasp the illogic of complaining about my racism but then demanding to live next me because blacks cannot make decent communities of their own, I understand, you have a less evolved brain.

"Reading" is not taught in the intermediate school system in most civilized cities you stupid, inbred, cave dweller. It more often called "literature" or English.

I think you are the one who needs to try obtaining at least a GED. All that you seem to know are 4 letter single syllable words.

I never "acted" like anything, I simply stated that you had not posted anything about any lawsuits. Now, as far as you living in Texas, if the average person has a complaint about a law, an ordinance or any social change, even a remedial, idiot, farm animal fucker like you would post about something which directly affects them or is happening near them.

As far as your so called "racism" I am not complaining about it all....in fact, visualizing you turning beet red and foaming at the mouth like a rabid dog about blacks living near you is quite amusing.

Nothing funnier than an angry, pink, piece of racist shit that can't do anything to change what is happening right before their beady eyed, sheet wearing faces.

Now do you understand, Elmer?

Post some more rants... .you are one funny peckerwood.

my posts contain logic, links and data, yours contain guesses and contradictions.

So people must post only info that affects them directly now, got any other desperate rules dumbass? Once again subtler concepts elude your primitive mind, 'you' can mean in the plural, such as black people.

You haven't said anything of substance this entire thread, I gave you a list of facts about blacks and you said could address them as there were 'other variables' or some other lame crap like that. Crickets after that, typical.

As I said, I do hate libs and blacks, so what? blacks have directed plenty of hate my way long before I made my conclusions and if there was something wrong with being angry then every liberal out there needs medication now.

Wanna know what's funny? black men thinking they know something, so when the prison library closes you can go back to your cell and come up with your next set of lines for my entertainment. Hey it's Friday night, your ex biatch that you punched out must be working on getting her next little monk.

Here is what is funny, your posts don't contain any logic or any thought, you're not capable of any.

Just some cut and pasted articles with a few racial slurs attached along with some crazy rants about "how white people want to live".

You dont speak for all white people any more than I speak for all black people

You have not shown one iota of intelligence or lucid thinking in anything you have posted, you're just an angry, foul mouthed cretin, who probably could just as easily be a mass shooter because you think you're a victim.

By your own admission you hate the fact that you cannot live in a segregated environment, but the truth is that you actually could, because all you have to do is pack up, and get your miserable, stupid, inbred ass out of the country, so why would I waste even a millisecond trying to have any kind of sensible discussion with the likes of you?

What you are is a reminder of the kind of , pink, racist filth that my own parents and grandparents marched against just to have the right to vote and live where they chose to live without having a cross burned on their property or the church that they attended bombed by some retarded, bigoted scum like you.

You need to be segregated. ....in a mental ward, with other nut cases who are like you....and that is not a "guess".

I have posted a lot of macro stats to refute the BS you and asslips spout with your hand waving black-think BS. Banging your fist against your cage can't change that, you think you can declare what reality is just by saying it, something you blacks and libs love to do. Most all blacks share this in common, you think your primitive personal feelings and self manufactured conclusions are all that matters as you are not able to abstract and understand beyond that. You are children in your intellect and white libs feed your sense of injustice so much that a lot of you now march and complain for a living.

I posted the article to educate your small mind that low income blacks now want into wealthy white neighborhoods without earning it or being wanted there. I am talking about the larger reality and you know it, racial segregation is the desired way for most whites or else you yard apes would not be complaining about it so much, or demand laws against it. That is called logic dumfukker, or are you actually going to insist that Obama is acting on this all because of me alone? The only difference between me and lying white libs who live in white cities is that I am honest and they are too stupid or brainwashed to not understand their own desires. I have also spoken with a lot of my neighbors, none of us want section 8s, none. Therefore it is only at government gunpoint that blacks will move into my locale if this moves ahead, the housing values here are too high for most blacks and those that can afford it are probably turned off by the over 90% white demographic. That is how a really free and humane society works, people get to live where they choose and not forced to integrate with black garbage like you.

I have told your slow black mind repeatedly, I am segregated, so why cant you fuggers just leave me and my neighbors alone? Leave the country because I have a complaint? lol, here is some more of what you lower IQs hate- logic. If someone should leave the country because they have a complaint, you dumbfuks should have left long long ago, all you ever do is complain. Here is some more cold reality for you, the fact is white people would have nice choices like Norway, black people's best choices are in white majority countries. Here in the states even black people know the best neighborhoods are populated with white people. It must really suck to be so damned uncivilized that you have to move next to white people in order to feel like you have opportunity.

Truth be told my rabid, simian, plaything...I my "opportunity" has been granted already.

The majority of the people in my own immediate surroundings are diverse, professionally accomplished, well educated, and secure in who they are.

They are not plaugued by lack of education mental illness nor acute paranoia and low self esteem as YOU are.

No one but a new generation aspiring KKK inbreds would gain anything by being anywhere near filthy white trash like you.

So please, keep on ranting and scouring the internet for whatever you think thatvI will waste time reading....ss opposed to being here ranting and raving, why don't you beer guzzling, cross eyed peckerwoods meet with your city council to keep the people that you dont want around out of "Dogpatch"?

You're just cheap form of entertainment not to be taken seriously......speaking of articles, I think you might be in this picture, Gomer.

Why I Have No Sympathy for Angry White Men
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....in their lives at one point in time past the age of 18. Get your mind out of the bedroom. Not like that. Personally, I found it very enlightening talking to white women once I got over hating white people. I was forced to pair up with this white girl from Louisiana when I had moved past basic training and into the phase of my military career when i was being trained for my MOS in communications security field. The talks we had regarding race were very frank and open. I was amazed that she easily spoke of the fears white males had of Black males. She should have known. Her father was a member of he KKK and she had heard all the horror stories since she was young enough to remember. It all made sense to me now that she explained the irrational fear white males have of Black males.

Sometimes I look back on that experience as a very "fork in the road" moment in my life. What if I had never met her? Would my oldest daughter have been born? would I have even met my Black wife? I wonder what makes most white women different from their male counter parts? Is it because they have witnessed up close and personal the fragile white male ego?


What makes black women so different from their male counterparts? I've noticed this to, because they absolutely love talking to me. guess its just the charm.

seems to me your personal universe seems rather large and all encompassing in your estimation but many many people have also experienced friendships and relationships with peoples of other races. The feeling your talking about is not that unusual other people have experienced it as well. Yes how did you know, every white girl has a father who was in the KKK? and i thought we whites had kept that a secret
Black women arent that different from their male counterparts. They get it worse in some cases or they are not perceived as a threat as Black males are.

I'm not talking about other relationships. I am talking specifically about Black men and white women. Both have been told to stay away from each other but it seems that advice backfires on white men. Not every white girl has a father that is/was in the KKK. They could simply be racists with no formal allegiance to any white hate group.

So your fork in the road experience was talking to a white woman who's father was a KKK member. Of course if she had any humanity she would be probably fed up with all that by the time she was old enough to make up her own mind. Her perception of the men around her probably was based on people with kkk affiliation and just as biased as yours. This hardly represents most white men, of course all people are different. Many people have insecurities including black men, but for you to know the root cause of every white guys insecurity if they have one or say one particular race has a fragile ego? its pretty ridiculous. It could also said a lot of white guys may be nervous around blacks cause they've been trained now for the last 20 years or so ,that if they open their mouth it might be racist or offensive. I'd say that a lot of white kids have had their heads messed with and not allowed to be little boys anymore, thats why so many get put on medication. It's not a white thing, but a societal thing. what were experiencing now in the US is a strange mixture of social experiments converging on each other with a certain amount of collateral damage and also to an extent a backlash against that.
I disagree. Most white men suffer from a huge inferiority complex. I see it at every turn. Take for instance the anger they have at the subject matter of the thread. It chaps their asses that white women come to Black men. There is no reason other than insecurity for their display of anger. .It really hurts NCC1791. He is probably purple from being so red in the face.
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never said I live in Texas dumfuck, go back to 8th grade and try and pass reading. You acted like lawsuits don't exist, because you said I had not posted any, now you lie like a black man and pretend you knew all along. I shoved just one article up your dumb black ass, when I could have gotten more.

Guess all you want, it is just that, a guess from a dumb porch monkey. You still can't grasp the illogic of complaining about my racism but then demanding to live next me because blacks cannot make decent communities of their own, I understand, you have a less evolved brain.

"Reading" is not taught in the intermediate school system in most civilized cities you stupid, inbred, cave dweller. It more often called "literature" or English.

I think you are the one who needs to try obtaining at least a GED. All that you seem to know are 4 letter single syllable words.

I never "acted" like anything, I simply stated that you had not posted anything about any lawsuits. Now, as far as you living in Texas, if the average person has a complaint about a law, an ordinance or any social change, even a remedial, idiot, farm animal fucker like you would post about something which directly affects them or is happening near them.

As far as your so called "racism" I am not complaining about it all....in fact, visualizing you turning beet red and foaming at the mouth like a rabid dog about blacks living near you is quite amusing.

Nothing funnier than an angry, pink, piece of racist shit that can't do anything to change what is happening right before their beady eyed, sheet wearing faces.

Now do you understand, Elmer?

Post some more rants... .you are one funny peckerwood.

my posts contain logic, links and data, yours contain guesses and contradictions.

So people must post only info that affects them directly now, got any other desperate rules dumbass? Once again subtler concepts elude your primitive mind, 'you' can mean in the plural, such as black people.

You haven't said anything of substance this entire thread, I gave you a list of facts about blacks and you said could address them as there were 'other variables' or some other lame crap like that. Crickets after that, typical.

As I said, I do hate libs and blacks, so what? blacks have directed plenty of hate my way long before I made my conclusions and if there was something wrong with being angry then every liberal out there needs medication now.

Wanna know what's funny? black men thinking they know something, so when the prison library closes you can go back to your cell and come up with your next set of lines for my entertainment. Hey it's Friday night, your ex biatch that you punched out must be working on getting her next little monk.

Here is what is funny, your posts don't contain any logic or any thought, you're not capable of any.

Just some cut and pasted articles with a few racial slurs attached along with some crazy rants about "how white people want to live".

You dont speak for all white people any more than I speak for all black people

You have not shown one iota of intelligence or lucid thinking in anything you have posted, you're just an angry, foul mouthed cretin, who probably could just as easily be a mass shooter because you think you're a victim.

By your own admission you hate the fact that you cannot live in a segregated environment, but the truth is that you actually could, because all you have to do is pack up, and get your miserable, stupid, inbred ass out of the country, so why would I waste even a millisecond trying to have any kind of sensible discussion with the likes of you?

What you are is a reminder of the kind of , pink, racist filth that my own parents and grandparents marched against just to have the right to vote and live where they chose to live without having a cross burned on their property or the church that they attended bombed by some retarded, bigoted scum like you.

You need to be segregated. ....in a mental ward, with other nut cases who are like you....and that is not a "guess".

I have posted a lot of macro stats to refute the BS you and asslips spout with your hand waving black-think BS. Banging your fist against your cage can't change that, you think you can declare what reality is just by saying it, something you blacks and libs love to do. Most all blacks share this in common, you think your primitive personal feelings and self manufactured conclusions are all that matters as you are not able to abstract and understand beyond that. You are children in your intellect and white libs feed your sense of injustice so much that a lot of you now march and complain for a living.

I posted the article to educate your small mind that low income blacks now want into wealthy white neighborhoods without earning it or being wanted there. I am talking about the larger reality and you know it, racial segregation is the desired way for most whites or else you yard apes would not be complaining about it so much, or demand laws against it. That is called logic dumfukker, or are you actually going to insist that Obama is acting on this all because of me alone? The only difference between me and lying white libs who live in white cities is that I am honest and they are too stupid or brainwashed to not understand their own desires. I have also spoken with a lot of my neighbors, none of us want section 8s, none. Therefore it is only at government gunpoint that blacks will move into my locale if this moves ahead, the housing values here are too high for most blacks and those that can afford it are probably turned off by the over 90% white demographic. That is how a really free and humane society works, people get to live where they choose and not forced to integrate with black garbage like you.

I have told your slow black mind repeatedly, I am segregated, so why cant you fuggers just leave me and my neighbors alone? Leave the country because I have a complaint? lol, here is some more of what you lower IQs hate- logic. If someone should leave the country because they have a complaint, you dumbfuks should have left long long ago, all you ever do is complain. Here is some more cold reality for you, the fact is white people would have nice choices like Norway, black people's best choices are in white majority countries. Here in the states even black people know the best neighborhoods are populated with white people. It must really suck to be so damned uncivilized that you have to move next to white people in order to feel like you have opportunity.
never said I live in Texas dumfuck, go back to 8th grade and try and pass reading. You acted like lawsuits don't exist, because you said I had not posted any, now you lie like a black man and pretend you knew all along. I shoved just one article up your dumb black ass, when I could have gotten more.

Guess all you want, it is just that, a guess from a dumb porch monkey. You still can't grasp the illogic of complaining about my racism but then demanding to live next me because blacks cannot make decent communities of their own, I understand, you have a less evolved brain.

"Reading" is not taught in the intermediate school system in most civilized cities you stupid, inbred, cave dweller. It more often called "literature" or English.

I think you are the one who needs to try obtaining at least a GED. All that you seem to know are 4 letter single syllable words.

I never "acted" like anything, I simply stated that you had not posted anything about any lawsuits. Now, as far as you living in Texas, if the average person has a complaint about a law, an ordinance or any social change, even a remedial, idiot, farm animal fucker like you would post about something which directly affects them or is happening near them.

As far as your so called "racism" I am not complaining about it all....in fact, visualizing you turning beet red and foaming at the mouth like a rabid dog about blacks living near you is quite amusing.

Nothing funnier than an angry, pink, piece of racist shit that can't do anything to change what is happening right before their beady eyed, sheet wearing faces.

Now do you understand, Elmer?

Post some more rants... .you are one funny peckerwood.

my posts contain logic, links and data, yours contain guesses and contradictions.

So people must post only info that affects them directly now, got any other desperate rules dumbass? Once again subtler concepts elude your primitive mind, 'you' can mean in the plural, such as black people.

You haven't said anything of substance this entire thread, I gave you a list of facts about blacks and you said could address them as there were 'other variables' or some other lame crap like that. Crickets after that, typical.

As I said, I do hate libs and blacks, so what? blacks have directed plenty of hate my way long before I made my conclusions and if there was something wrong with being angry then every liberal out there needs medication now.

Wanna know what's funny? black men thinking they know something, so when the prison library closes you can go back to your cell and come up with your next set of lines for my entertainment. Hey it's Friday night, your ex biatch that you punched out must be working on getting her next little monk.

Here is what is funny, your posts don't contain any logic or any thought, you're not capable of any.

Just some cut and pasted articles with a few racial slurs attached along with some crazy rants about "how white people want to live".

You dont speak for all white people any more than I speak for all black people

You have not shown one iota of intelligence or lucid thinking in anything you have posted, you're just an angry, foul mouthed cretin, who probably could just as easily be a mass shooter because you think you're a victim.

By your own admission you hate the fact that you cannot live in a segregated environment, but the truth is that you actually could, because all you have to do is pack up, and get your miserable, stupid, inbred ass out of the country, so why would I waste even a millisecond trying to have any kind of sensible discussion with the likes of you?

What you are is a reminder of the kind of , pink, racist filth that my own parents and grandparents marched against just to have the right to vote and live where they chose to live without having a cross burned on their property or the church that they attended bombed by some retarded, bigoted scum like you.

You need to be segregated. ....in a mental ward, with other nut cases who are like you....and that is not a "guess".

I have posted a lot of macro stats to refute the BS you and asslips spout with your hand waving black-think BS. Banging your fist against your cage can't change that, you think you can declare what reality is just by saying it, something you blacks and libs love to do. Most all blacks share this in common, you think your primitive personal feelings and self manufactured conclusions are all that matters as you are not able to abstract and understand beyond that. You are children in your intellect and white libs feed your sense of injustice so much that a lot of you now march and complain for a living.

I posted the article to educate your small mind that low income blacks now want into wealthy white neighborhoods without earning it or being wanted there. I am talking about the larger reality and you know it, racial segregation is the desired way for most whites or else you yard apes would not be complaining about it so much, or demand laws against it. That is called logic dumfukker, or are you actually going to insist that Obama is acting on this all because of me alone? The only difference between me and lying white libs who live in white cities is that I am honest and they are too stupid or brainwashed to not understand their own desires. I have also spoken with a lot of my neighbors, none of us want section 8s, none. Therefore it is only at government gunpoint that blacks will move into my locale if this moves ahead, the housing values here are too high for most blacks and those that can afford it are probably turned off by the over 90% white demographic. That is how a really free and humane society works, people get to live where they choose and not forced to integrate with black garbage like you.

I have told your slow black mind repeatedly, I am segregated, so why cant you fuggers just leave me and my neighbors alone? Leave the country because I have a complaint? lol, here is some more of what you lower IQs hate- logic. If someone should leave the country because they have a complaint, you dumbfuks should have left long long ago, all you ever do is complain. Here is some more cold reality for you, the fact is white people would have nice choices like Norway, black people's best choices are in white majority countries. Here in the states even black people know the best neighborhoods are populated with white people. It must really suck to be so damned uncivilized that you have to move next to white people in order to feel like you have opportunity.

Truth be told my rabid, simian, plaything...I my "opportunity" has been granted already.

The majority of the people in my own immediate surroundings are diverse, professionally accomplished, well educated, and secure in who they are.

They are not plaugued by lack of education mental illness nor acute paranoia and low self esteem as YOU are.

No one but a new generation aspiring KKK inbreds would gain anything by being anywhere near filthy white trash like you.

So please, keep on ranting and scouring the internet for whatever you think thatvI will waste time reading....ss opposed to being here ranting and raving, why don't you beer guzzling, cross eyed peckerwoods meet with your city council to keep the people that you dont want around out of "Dogpatch"?

You're just cheap form of entertainment not to be taken seriously......speaking of articles, I think you might be in this picture, Gomer.

Why I Have No Sympathy for Angry White Men

I just gave you tons of verifiable evidence that blacks want to live in white affluent suburbs, so what do you do? deny and lie, an ad hominem. That's all you really have when arguing against the pathetic reality of black people. If the majority of you are so well off and happy, then would you mind ending this immoral housing push by your man Obama? after all according to you blacks don't need it, and why the hell live by people like me? Your delusions cannot change the facts we all know.

I don't give a shit what you say about yourself on the internet, blacks lie constantly and there is no point accepting anything I cannot verify. What can be verified is there is a 1 in 3 chance you have a criminal record, 1 in 20 chance you are in jail, and a 30% chance you didn't graduate high school. Maybe someday your small primitive mind will grasp that concept, but I doubt it.
Black men suck, ask the asians

We dont have to ask. They freely tell us we are the best.

I gave you stats and you give an anecdote, once again illustrating the futility of trying to have an intelligent conversation with people who are cognitively genetically handicapped. It is really too bad the NBA doesn't produce an export, or support 15 million jobs or we would not have to argue. Lincoln was spot on, we do not belong together, he should have sent you home.
Black men suck, ask the asians

We dont have to ask. They freely tell us we are the best.

I gave you stats and you give an anecdote, once again illustrating the futility of trying to have an intelligent conversation with people who are cognitively genetically handicapped. It is really too bad the NBA doesn't produce an export, or support 15 million jobs or we would not have to argue. Lincoln was spot on, we do not belong together, he should have sent you home.

Only fools like you think stats mean much. I prefer real life women telling it like it is.
Black men suck, ask the asians

We dont have to ask. They freely tell us we are the best.

I gave you stats and you give an anecdote, once again illustrating the futility of trying to have an intelligent conversation with people who are cognitively genetically handicapped. It is really too bad the NBA doesn't produce an export, or support 15 million jobs or we would not have to argue. Lincoln was spot on, we do not belong together, he should have sent you home.

Only fools like you think stats mean much. I prefer real life women telling it like it is.

Ah, an idiot actually saying anecdote is more valuable than statistics, all I have to do is let you speak and out comes the drivel

Your smaller brain and lower IQ comes from being the only haplogroup to not have neanderthal DNA. Funny to hear you slam that because they did have larger cranial volumes
"Reading" is not taught in the intermediate school system in most civilized cities you stupid, inbred, cave dweller. It more often called "literature" or English.

I think you are the one who needs to try obtaining at least a GED. All that you seem to know are 4 letter single syllable words.

I never "acted" like anything, I simply stated that you had not posted anything about any lawsuits. Now, as far as you living in Texas, if the average person has a complaint about a law, an ordinance or any social change, even a remedial, idiot, farm animal fucker like you would post about something which directly affects them or is happening near them.

As far as your so called "racism" I am not complaining about it all....in fact, visualizing you turning beet red and foaming at the mouth like a rabid dog about blacks living near you is quite amusing.

Nothing funnier than an angry, pink, piece of racist shit that can't do anything to change what is happening right before their beady eyed, sheet wearing faces.

Now do you understand, Elmer?

Post some more rants... .you are one funny peckerwood.

my posts contain logic, links and data, yours contain guesses and contradictions.

So people must post only info that affects them directly now, got any other desperate rules dumbass? Once again subtler concepts elude your primitive mind, 'you' can mean in the plural, such as black people.

You haven't said anything of substance this entire thread, I gave you a list of facts about blacks and you said could address them as there were 'other variables' or some other lame crap like that. Crickets after that, typical.

As I said, I do hate libs and blacks, so what? blacks have directed plenty of hate my way long before I made my conclusions and if there was something wrong with being angry then every liberal out there needs medication now.

Wanna know what's funny? black men thinking they know something, so when the prison library closes you can go back to your cell and come up with your next set of lines for my entertainment. Hey it's Friday night, your ex biatch that you punched out must be working on getting her next little monk.

Here is what is funny, your posts don't contain any logic or any thought, you're not capable of any.

Just some cut and pasted articles with a few racial slurs attached along with some crazy rants about "how white people want to live".

You dont speak for all white people any more than I speak for all black people

You have not shown one iota of intelligence or lucid thinking in anything you have posted, you're just an angry, foul mouthed cretin, who probably could just as easily be a mass shooter because you think you're a victim.

By your own admission you hate the fact that you cannot live in a segregated environment, but the truth is that you actually could, because all you have to do is pack up, and get your miserable, stupid, inbred ass out of the country, so why would I waste even a millisecond trying to have any kind of sensible discussion with the likes of you?

What you are is a reminder of the kind of , pink, racist filth that my own parents and grandparents marched against just to have the right to vote and live where they chose to live without having a cross burned on their property or the church that they attended bombed by some retarded, bigoted scum like you.

You need to be segregated. ....in a mental ward, with other nut cases who are like you....and that is not a "guess".

I have posted a lot of macro stats to refute the BS you and asslips spout with your hand waving black-think BS. Banging your fist against your cage can't change that, you think you can declare what reality is just by saying it, something you blacks and libs love to do. Most all blacks share this in common, you think your primitive personal feelings and self manufactured conclusions are all that matters as you are not able to abstract and understand beyond that. You are children in your intellect and white libs feed your sense of injustice so much that a lot of you now march and complain for a living.

I posted the article to educate your small mind that low income blacks now want into wealthy white neighborhoods without earning it or being wanted there. I am talking about the larger reality and you know it, racial segregation is the desired way for most whites or else you yard apes would not be complaining about it so much, or demand laws against it. That is called logic dumfukker, or are you actually going to insist that Obama is acting on this all because of me alone? The only difference between me and lying white libs who live in white cities is that I am honest and they are too stupid or brainwashed to not understand their own desires. I have also spoken with a lot of my neighbors, none of us want section 8s, none. Therefore it is only at government gunpoint that blacks will move into my locale if this moves ahead, the housing values here are too high for most blacks and those that can afford it are probably turned off by the over 90% white demographic. That is how a really free and humane society works, people get to live where they choose and not forced to integrate with black garbage like you.

I have told your slow black mind repeatedly, I am segregated, so why cant you fuggers just leave me and my neighbors alone? Leave the country because I have a complaint? lol, here is some more of what you lower IQs hate- logic. If someone should leave the country because they have a complaint, you dumbfuks should have left long long ago, all you ever do is complain. Here is some more cold reality for you, the fact is white people would have nice choices like Norway, black people's best choices are in white majority countries. Here in the states even black people know the best neighborhoods are populated with white people. It must really suck to be so damned uncivilized that you have to move next to white people in order to feel like you have opportunity.
"Reading" is not taught in the intermediate school system in most civilized cities you stupid, inbred, cave dweller. It more often called "literature" or English.

I think you are the one who needs to try obtaining at least a GED. All that you seem to know are 4 letter single syllable words.

I never "acted" like anything, I simply stated that you had not posted anything about any lawsuits. Now, as far as you living in Texas, if the average person has a complaint about a law, an ordinance or any social change, even a remedial, idiot, farm animal fucker like you would post about something which directly affects them or is happening near them.

As far as your so called "racism" I am not complaining about it all....in fact, visualizing you turning beet red and foaming at the mouth like a rabid dog about blacks living near you is quite amusing.

Nothing funnier than an angry, pink, piece of racist shit that can't do anything to change what is happening right before their beady eyed, sheet wearing faces.

Now do you understand, Elmer?

Post some more rants... .you are one funny peckerwood.

my posts contain logic, links and data, yours contain guesses and contradictions.

So people must post only info that affects them directly now, got any other desperate rules dumbass? Once again subtler concepts elude your primitive mind, 'you' can mean in the plural, such as black people.

You haven't said anything of substance this entire thread, I gave you a list of facts about blacks and you said could address them as there were 'other variables' or some other lame crap like that. Crickets after that, typical.

As I said, I do hate libs and blacks, so what? blacks have directed plenty of hate my way long before I made my conclusions and if there was something wrong with being angry then every liberal out there needs medication now.

Wanna know what's funny? black men thinking they know something, so when the prison library closes you can go back to your cell and come up with your next set of lines for my entertainment. Hey it's Friday night, your ex biatch that you punched out must be working on getting her next little monk.

Here is what is funny, your posts don't contain any logic or any thought, you're not capable of any.

Just some cut and pasted articles with a few racial slurs attached along with some crazy rants about "how white people want to live".

You dont speak for all white people any more than I speak for all black people

You have not shown one iota of intelligence or lucid thinking in anything you have posted, you're just an angry, foul mouthed cretin, who probably could just as easily be a mass shooter because you think you're a victim.

By your own admission you hate the fact that you cannot live in a segregated environment, but the truth is that you actually could, because all you have to do is pack up, and get your miserable, stupid, inbred ass out of the country, so why would I waste even a millisecond trying to have any kind of sensible discussion with the likes of you?

What you are is a reminder of the kind of , pink, racist filth that my own parents and grandparents marched against just to have the right to vote and live where they chose to live without having a cross burned on their property or the church that they attended bombed by some retarded, bigoted scum like you.

You need to be segregated. ....in a mental ward, with other nut cases who are like you....and that is not a "guess".

I have posted a lot of macro stats to refute the BS you and asslips spout with your hand waving black-think BS. Banging your fist against your cage can't change that, you think you can declare what reality is just by saying it, something you blacks and libs love to do. Most all blacks share this in common, you think your primitive personal feelings and self manufactured conclusions are all that matters as you are not able to abstract and understand beyond that. You are children in your intellect and white libs feed your sense of injustice so much that a lot of you now march and complain for a living.

I posted the article to educate your small mind that low income blacks now want into wealthy white neighborhoods without earning it or being wanted there. I am talking about the larger reality and you know it, racial segregation is the desired way for most whites or else you yard apes would not be complaining about it so much, or demand laws against it. That is called logic dumfukker, or are you actually going to insist that Obama is acting on this all because of me alone? The only difference between me and lying white libs who live in white cities is that I am honest and they are too stupid or brainwashed to not understand their own desires. I have also spoken with a lot of my neighbors, none of us want section 8s, none. Therefore it is only at government gunpoint that blacks will move into my locale if this moves ahead, the housing values here are too high for most blacks and those that can afford it are probably turned off by the over 90% white demographic. That is how a really free and humane society works, people get to live where they choose and not forced to integrate with black garbage like you.

I have told your slow black mind repeatedly, I am segregated, so why cant you fuggers just leave me and my neighbors alone? Leave the country because I have a complaint? lol, here is some more of what you lower IQs hate- logic. If someone should leave the country because they have a complaint, you dumbfuks should have left long long ago, all you ever do is complain. Here is some more cold reality for you, the fact is white people would have nice choices like Norway, black people's best choices are in white majority countries. Here in the states even black people know the best neighborhoods are populated with white people. It must really suck to be so damned uncivilized that you have to move next to white people in order to feel like you have opportunity.

Truth be told my rabid, simian, plaything...I my "opportunity" has been granted already.

The majority of the people in my own immediate surroundings are diverse, professionally accomplished, well educated, and secure in who they are.

They are not plaugued by lack of education mental illness nor acute paranoia and low self esteem as YOU are.

No one but a new generation aspiring KKK inbreds would gain anything by being anywhere near filthy white trash like you.

So please, keep on ranting and scouring the internet for whatever you think thatvI will waste time reading....ss opposed to being here ranting and raving, why don't you beer guzzling, cross eyed peckerwoods meet with your city council to keep the people that you dont want around out of "Dogpatch"?

You're just cheap form of entertainment not to be taken seriously......speaking of articles, I think you might be in this picture, Gomer.

Why I Have No Sympathy for Angry White Men

I just gave you tons of verifiable evidence that blacks want to live in white affluent suburbs, so what do you do? deny and lie, an ad hominem. That's all you really have when arguing against the pathetic reality of black people. If the majority of you are so well off and happy, then would you mind ending this immoral housing push by your man Obama? after all according to you blacks don't need it, and why the hell live by people like me? Your delusions cannot change the facts we all know.

I don't give a shit what you say about yourself on the internet, blacks lie constantly and there is no point accepting anything I cannot verify. What can be verified is there is a 1 in 3 chance you have a criminal record, 1 in 20 chance you are in jail, and a 30% chance you didn't graduate high school. Maybe someday your small primitive mind will grasp that concept, but I doubt it.

Of course you give a s*** about every word that I say, because you continue to answer what I say.....don't you?

If I believed that someone was blatantly inferior and couldn't stand the thought of them residing in my neighborhood, I certainly would not frustrate myself by searching the Internet for statitics that the were not "capable" of comprehending.......I would stay as far away from them as I possibly could, and would no even dignify them with a single word.

You are right about one thing, I don't and would not want to live near anyone like you at all.

You're psychotic.
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