Every Black Male Should Have a White Woman....

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Everyone IS "free" to "associate" with who they "choose", you dumbass cave creature.

You are just not "free" to prevent others from living where they choose to.

Now, instead of throwing a tantrum about that on an anonymous message board on the internet, why don't you pack your belongings and move to a place where you have no nearby neighbors?

There you go....your problem is solved.

problem not solved dumbshit, I live amongst whites who are like me, but you and your diversity Nazis want to force in some worthless porch monkeys because you don't want my neighborhood too white and you claim they have a better chance at life in my white neighborhood. We freely congregated together, forcing people at government gunpoint to integrate is immoral and antithetical to freedom.

We don't like you and don't want your fucking diversity. If you can't make your own neighborhoods safe and prosperous, it's your own damn fault that you are animals.

Where the White People Live

....the existence of self-segregated wealthy white areas close by low-income minority ones isn't unique....
....Racially concentrated areas of affluence, by the researchers' definition, are census tracts where 90 percent or more of the population is white and the median income is at least four times the federal poverty level, adjusted for the cost of living in each city.

Living Together, Learning Apart

The two schools’ tables demonstrate an alarming fact about the district as a whole: Now that parents have more say in their children’s education than they have in decades, San Francisco’s public schools are increasingly segregated.....
......Sanchez said the lack of diversity at Cleveland actually makes his job easier.
The more homogeneous your population is, the easier it is to run it — the expectations of the families are very similar,” he said, noting there aren’t many discipline problems at his school.

That’s a far different attitude than the one Sanchez had 10 years ago as a lefty firebrand on the school board. At the time, the seven members were grappling with how to remake the student assignment system, and Sanchez wanted to use race as a tiebreaker when two students were vying for the same spot and to give public housing residents priority.

He didn’t succeed — and he’s long abandoned that fight.

“I’ve raised the white flag, so to speak,” he said. “There’s a patina of people wanting diversity, but when the rubber hits the road, they’re going to make the best decisions for their family. I don’t think most families actually want it.”

MY neighborhood is "safe and prosperous" and includeq ...if yours is not,; that's not MY problem,; you damn fool...it's yours l
That was a pathetic comeback.

I am not seeking your approval.

Besides, I was not trying a "comeback" to answer blatant stupidity.
You couldn't even hope to piece together such a solid argument in your lifetime.

You only hold yourself in high regard because of the Democrat bubble that protects you from actually having to have a mastery of basic facts and the ability to use logic to further your agenda.

Fact: It is unlawful to mandate who can live where based on race

Fact: Ones race does not determine what quality of neighbor they will be.

Fact: People no matter what their race are not preassigned good behavior.

Logic: To dispute the above "facts" is in fact, illogical. Judging people based on INDIVIDUAL merit and character IS logical.

You radical, extreme right, wingnuts are infamous for prejudging, stereotyping and categorizing.

One does not need to live in a "bubble" of any political designation to see or know that.

To think like your ilk, one needs to be driven by fear, paranoia and scapegoating....the same type which made Nazis Germany "great" at one time.
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problem not solved dumbshit, I live amongst whites who are like me, but you and your diversity Nazis want to force in some worthless porch monkeys because you don't want my neighborhood too white and you claim they have a better chance at life in my white neighborhood. We freely congregated together, forcing people at government gunpoint to integrate is immoral and antithetical to freedom.

We don't like you and don't want your fucking diversity. If you can't make your own neighborhoods safe and prosperous, it's your own damn fault that you are animals.

Where the White People Live

....the existence of self-segregated wealthy white areas close by low-income minority ones isn't unique....
....Racially concentrated areas of affluence, by the researchers' definition, are census tracts where 90 percent or more of the population is white and the median income is at least four times the federal poverty level, adjusted for the cost of living in each city.

Living Together, Learning Apart

The two schools’ tables demonstrate an alarming fact about the district as a whole: Now that parents have more say in their children’s education than they have in decades, San Francisco’s public schools are increasingly segregated.....
......Sanchez said the lack of diversity at Cleveland actually makes his job easier.
The more homogeneous your population is, the easier it is to run it — the expectations of the families are very similar,” he said, noting there aren’t many discipline problems at his school.

That’s a far different attitude than the one Sanchez had 10 years ago as a lefty firebrand on the school board. At the time, the seven members were grappling with how to remake the student assignment system, and Sanchez wanted to use race as a tiebreaker when two students were vying for the same spot and to give public housing residents priority.

He didn’t succeed — and he’s long abandoned that fight.

“I’ve raised the white flag, so to speak,” he said. “There’s a patina of people wanting diversity, but when the rubber hits the road, they’re going to make the best decisions for their family. I don’t think most families actually want it.”

MY neighborhood is "safe and prosperous" and includeq ...if yours is not,; that's not MY problem,; you damn fool...it's yours l
That was a pathetic comeback.

I am not seeking your approval.

Besides, I was not trying a "comeback" to answer blatant stupidity.
You couldn't even hope to piece together such a solid argument in your lifetime.

You only hold yourself in high regard because of the Democrat bubble that protects you from actually having to have a mastery of basic facts and the ability to use logic to further your agenda.

Fact: It is unlawful to mandate who can live where based on race

Fact: Ones race does not determine what quality of neighbor they will be.

Fact: People no matter what their race are not preassigned good behavior.

Logic: To dispute the above "facts" is in fact, illogical. Judging people based on INDIVIDUAL merit and character IS logical.

You radical, extreme right, wingnuts are infamous for prejudging, stereotyping and categorizing.

One does not need to live in a "bubble" of any political designation to see or know that.

To think like your ilk, one needs to be driven by fear, paranoia and scapegoating....the same type which made Nazis Germany "great" at one time.
You need to read my sig some time. You clearly don't understand what "paranoia" is.

When you have fuckwads like Asclepias and Guno constantly posting overt anti-white rhetoric and the most you can find from even the most independent Democrat posters all over the web is tacit disapproval, that is more than cause for "fear". When you have fuckwads like Asclepias and Guno constantly posting overt anti-white rhetoric while complaining about "white supremacy" and every so-called "anti-racist" is practically cheering them on, that is more than cause for "scapegoating".

You don't get to be a "progressive" and fuck over white people, Christians and men. You don't get to whine and scream about "fascism" and "segregation" when you actively encourage segregation on school campuses via "safe spaces", and when you actively encourage blatantly racist and fascist "identity politics". You don't get call yourself a leftist when you subscribe to everything the "far right" believes as long as it is proposed by brown lips.

If I sound like a right winger to you it is because of how far off course you retards actually are from your stated beliefs and goals, not because I am even remotely right wing. I am nothing more than a product of all the ideals and beliefs of the LEFT put into action without the excuses and the partisan bullshit.

The fact that someone like me sides with the right so adamantly should be more than cause for "paranoia" for you clowns.
Wherever he lives on the political spectrum, PTBW, Proud To Be White Forever, is a professed white nationalist. So you, PTBW, with your finger on the funny button just to show how disrespectful you are of others, can pretend to be using "logic" but we know it's a ruse.
Nasty piece of white trash that just can't keep away from a discussion where he can spread his stink.
Why do you even talk to us if we are all so inferior to your superior intellect?
Wherever he lives on the political spectrum, PTBW, Proud To Be White Forever, is a professed white nationalist. So you, PTBW, with your finger on the funny button just to show how disrespectful you are of others, can pretend to be using "logic" but we know it's a ruse.
Nasty piece of white trash that just can't keep away from a discussion where he can spread his stink.
Why do you even talk to us if we are all so inferior to your superior intellect?
I am a professed ALLY of white nationalists, moron. They are more progressive and closer to fixing the problems than the losers who arrogantly claim to be the answer to those very problems.

Your whining about my use of a harmless emoticons and your refusal to engage me on the thousands of substantive posts I do make is the reason why I choose to side with white nationalists over you and why I use the "funny" emotes for nearly every single post you make.

Get a fucking clue.
Wherever he lives on the political spectrum, PTBW, Proud To Be White Forever, is a professed white nationalist. So you, PTBW, with your finger on the funny button just to show how disrespectful you are of others, can pretend to be using "logic" but we know it's a ruse.
Nasty piece of white trash that just can't keep away from a discussion where he can spread his stink.
Why do you even talk to us if we are all so inferior to your superior intellect?
I am a professed ALLY of white nationalists, moron. They are more progressive and closer to fixing the problems than the losers who arrogantly claim to be the answer to those very problems.

Your whining about my use of a harmless emoticons and your refusal to engage me on the thousands of substantive posts I do make is the reason why I choose to side with white nationalists over you and why I use the "funny" emotes for nearly every single post you make.

Get a fucking clue.
I dearly wish reincarnation for you, bud, so you can spend a lifetime born as a black crack baby in Watts. And maybe after that you will reincarnate into something more human.
Wherever he lives on the political spectrum, PTBW, Proud To Be White Forever, is a professed white nationalist. So you, PTBW, with your finger on the funny button just to show how disrespectful you are of others, can pretend to be using "logic" but we know it's a ruse.
Nasty piece of white trash that just can't keep away from a discussion where he can spread his stink.
Why do you even talk to us if we are all so inferior to your superior intellect?
I am a professed ALLY of white nationalists, moron. They are more progressive and closer to fixing the problems than the losers who arrogantly claim to be the answer to those very problems.

Your whining about my use of a harmless emoticons and your refusal to engage me on the thousands of substantive posts I do make is the reason why I choose to side with white nationalists over you and why I use the "funny" emotes for nearly every single post you make.

Get a fucking clue.
I dearly wish reincarnation for you, bud, so you can spend a lifetime born as a black crack baby in Watts. And maybe after that you will reincarnate into something more human.
Get a fucking clue.
Wherever he lives on the political spectrum, PTBW, Proud To Be White Forever, is a professed white nationalist. So you, PTBW, with your finger on the funny button just to show how disrespectful you are of others, can pretend to be using "logic" but we know it's a ruse.
Nasty piece of white trash that just can't keep away from a discussion where he can spread his stink.
Why do you even talk to us if we are all so inferior to your superior intellect?
I am a professed ALLY of white nationalists, moron. They are more progressive and closer to fixing the problems than the losers who arrogantly claim to be the answer to those very problems.

Your whining about my use of a harmless emoticons and your refusal to engage me on the thousands of substantive posts I do make is the reason why I choose to side with white nationalists over you and why I use the "funny" emotes for nearly every single post you make.

Get a fucking clue.
I dearly wish reincarnation for you, bud, so you can spend a lifetime born as a black crack baby in Watts. And maybe after that you will reincarnate into something more human.
Get a fucking clue.
Almost as persuasive and mind altering as the first time you said it.
But have a Happy Thanksgiving, anyway--- TO ALL.
Wherever he lives on the political spectrum, PTBW, Proud To Be White Forever, is a professed white nationalist. So you, PTBW, with your finger on the funny button just to show how disrespectful you are of others, can pretend to be using "logic" but we know it's a ruse.
Nasty piece of white trash that just can't keep away from a discussion where he can spread his stink.
Why do you even talk to us if we are all so inferior to your superior intellect?
I am a professed ALLY of white nationalists, moron. They are more progressive and closer to fixing the problems than the losers who arrogantly claim to be the answer to those very problems.

Your whining about my use of a harmless emoticons and your refusal to engage me on the thousands of substantive posts I do make is the reason why I choose to side with white nationalists over you and why I use the "funny" emotes for nearly every single post you make.

Get a fucking clue.
I dearly wish reincarnation for you, bud, so you can spend a lifetime born as a black crack baby in Watts. And maybe after that you will reincarnate into something more human.
Get a fucking clue.
Almost as persuasive and mind altering as the first time you said it.
But have a Happy Thanksgiving, anyway--- TO ALL.
As opposed to admitting that you don't think a "black crack baby in Watts" is human?

That was particularly persuasive.
Wherever he lives on the political spectrum, PTBW, Proud To Be White Forever, is a professed white nationalist. So you, PTBW, with your finger on the funny button just to show how disrespectful you are of others, can pretend to be using "logic" but we know it's a ruse.
Nasty piece of white trash that just can't keep away from a discussion where he can spread his stink.
Why do you even talk to us if we are all so inferior to your superior intellect?
I am a professed ALLY of white nationalists, moron. They are more progressive and closer to fixing the problems than the losers who arrogantly claim to be the answer to those very problems.

Your whining about my use of a harmless emoticons and your refusal to engage me on the thousands of substantive posts I do make is the reason why I choose to side with white nationalists over you and why I use the "funny" emotes for nearly every single post you make.

Get a fucking clue.
I dearly wish reincarnation for you, bud, so you can spend a lifetime born as a black crack baby in Watts. And maybe after that you will reincarnate into something more human.
Get a fucking clue.
Almost as persuasive and mind altering as the first time you said it.
But have a Happy Thanksgiving, anyway--- TO ALL.
As opposed to admitting that you don't think a "black crack baby in Watts" is human?

That was particularly persuasive.
There is nothing in what I said that would lead you to that conclusion. Except your own twisted thinking. Hope you had a good turkey day.
problem not solved dumbshit, I live amongst whites who are like me, but you and your diversity Nazis want to force in some worthless porch monkeys because you don't want my neighborhood too white and you claim they have a better chance at life in my white neighborhood. We freely congregated together, forcing people at government gunpoint to integrate is immoral and antithetical to freedom.

We don't like you and don't want your fucking diversity. If you can't make your own neighborhoods safe and prosperous, it's your own damn fault that you are animals.

Where the White People Live

....the existence of self-segregated wealthy white areas close by low-income minority ones isn't unique....
....Racially concentrated areas of affluence, by the researchers' definition, are census tracts where 90 percent or more of the population is white and the median income is at least four times the federal poverty level, adjusted for the cost of living in each city.

Living Together, Learning Apart

The two schools’ tables demonstrate an alarming fact about the district as a whole: Now that parents have more say in their children’s education than they have in decades, San Francisco’s public schools are increasingly segregated.....
......Sanchez said the lack of diversity at Cleveland actually makes his job easier.
The more homogeneous your population is, the easier it is to run it — the expectations of the families are very similar,” he said, noting there aren’t many discipline problems at his school.

That’s a far different attitude than the one Sanchez had 10 years ago as a lefty firebrand on the school board. At the time, the seven members were grappling with how to remake the student assignment system, and Sanchez wanted to use race as a tiebreaker when two students were vying for the same spot and to give public housing residents priority.

He didn’t succeed — and he’s long abandoned that fight.

“I’ve raised the white flag, so to speak,” he said. “There’s a patina of people wanting diversity, but when the rubber hits the road, they’re going to make the best decisions for their family. I don’t think most families actually want it.”

MY neighborhood is "safe and prosperous" and includeq ...if yours is not,; that's not MY problem,; you damn fool...it's yours l
That was a pathetic comeback.

I am not seeking your approval.

Besides, I was not trying a "comeback" to answer blatant stupidity.
You couldn't even hope to piece together such a solid argument in your lifetime.

You only hold yourself in high regard because of the Democrat bubble that protects you from actually having to have a mastery of basic facts and the ability to use logic to further your agenda.

Fact: It is unlawful to mandate who can live where based on race

Fact: Ones race does not determine what quality of neighbor they will be.

Fact: People no matter what their race are not preassigned good behavior.

Logic: To dispute the above "facts" is in fact, illogical. Judging people based on INDIVIDUAL merit and character IS logical.

You radical, extreme right, wingnuts are infamous for prejudging, stereotyping and categorizing.

One does not need to live in a "bubble" of any political designation to see or know that.

To think like your ilk, one needs to be driven by fear, paranoia and scapegoating....the same type which made Nazis Germany "great" at one time.

FACT: Obama is dictating that black people live in certain 'too white' neighborhoods BASED ON RACE. Diversity and forced integration are BASED ON RACE. thanks for admitting you guys are NAZIs
Last edited:
problem not solved dumbshit, I live amongst whites who are like me, but you and your diversity Nazis want to force in some worthless porch monkeys because you don't want my neighborhood too white and you claim they have a better chance at life in my white neighborhood. We freely congregated together, forcing people at government gunpoint to integrate is immoral and antithetical to freedom.

We don't like you and don't want your fucking diversity. If you can't make your own neighborhoods safe and prosperous, it's your own damn fault that you are animals.

Where the White People Live

....the existence of self-segregated wealthy white areas close by low-income minority ones isn't unique....
....Racially concentrated areas of affluence, by the researchers' definition, are census tracts where 90 percent or more of the population is white and the median income is at least four times the federal poverty level, adjusted for the cost of living in each city.

Living Together, Learning Apart

The two schools’ tables demonstrate an alarming fact about the district as a whole: Now that parents have more say in their children’s education than they have in decades, San Francisco’s public schools are increasingly segregated.....
......Sanchez said the lack of diversity at Cleveland actually makes his job easier.
The more homogeneous your population is, the easier it is to run it — the expectations of the families are very similar,” he said, noting there aren’t many discipline problems at his school.

That’s a far different attitude than the one Sanchez had 10 years ago as a lefty firebrand on the school board. At the time, the seven members were grappling with how to remake the student assignment system, and Sanchez wanted to use race as a tiebreaker when two students were vying for the same spot and to give public housing residents priority.

He didn’t succeed — and he’s long abandoned that fight.

“I’ve raised the white flag, so to speak,” he said. “There’s a patina of people wanting diversity, but when the rubber hits the road, they’re going to make the best decisions for their family. I don’t think most families actually want it.”

MY neighborhood is "safe and prosperous" and includeq ...if yours is not,; that's not MY problem,; you damn fool...it's yours l

Mine is fine unless you goons move in, that is my problem, Obama wants to make it unsafe by forced integration. My problem is you people, not my current neighbors.

LMAO...."Obama the bogeyman".

Idiot, please . It's a free country, and you're not being held hostage here....you're free to leave.

There are plenty of places in the world that you could move to where the population of blacks is so infinitesimal that you would never encounter another one for the rest of your life.

Instead of living in fear, why not get your sorry ass out?

Speaking for myself, while I cannot control the possibility of ending up living near some KKK nutcase like you, I certainly would not worry about it until it happened.

why don't blacks leave? you are always complaining about this racist country, have been for over 150 years yet I don't see you guys moving your worthless asses out to Africa. In fact I see the opposite, Africans want to come live in this oppressive racist country, kind of shows what liars you are.

So I should never fight against unfair and immoral race laws that violate my rights? ah, fuck you asshole

You can control it dipshit, live with blacks. I guarantee you if you do that, then nobody like me (most whites) will ever move next to you. We go out of our way to get the hell away from you. The problem is that you blacks want to follow us with your housing laws. You want to follow us because you are primitive losers who can't make your own communities worth a damn.

ROFLMAO! You actually believe that by default ANY white person makes a better neighbor?

I have never moved anywhere with the thought in mind that I would be "enhanced" by living near "white people". I have lived around all races of people and the commin denominator has always been pride of ownership, advanced education and the ability to afford a better life.

Every home that I have ever purchased I did so because I liked and could afford the home

On the other hand my own Mother lives in a town in the midwest in the better part of town but some of the nastiest, most poor WHITE garbage that I ever laid eyes on "live together" in that town.

I would not let my dog live in "their" neighborhood.
I can assure you that there are NO blacks in that town who want to live anywhere near those inbred animals.

Cars parked on dirt, where there used to be grass, trash and filth all over the place, half naked, little pink bastards running up and down the street with snotty noses and dirty faces.

You can wage whatever fight you wish to cave boy, but, you will not stop anyone from living where they choose to, nor can I.

You have the freedom to live where you wish to, you cannot mandate where anyone else does.

You need to get that through your thick neanderthal skull.

dumbass, I don't need to 'mandate' anything since people naturally self segregate as I have shown. It is you and your fucking kind that want to mandate racial integration. It isn't hard to understand, but you are black so I have more patience with your slow smaller mind.

Obama himself has declared that affluent white suburbs are better, so do blacks as that is why they demand laws to get them in or get them 'equal'. You can lie all you dumb black ass all day long, it won't change reality.
MY neighborhood is "safe and prosperous" and includeq ...if yours is not,; that's not MY problem,; you damn fool...it's yours l
That was a pathetic comeback.

I am not seeking your approval.

Besides, I was not trying a "comeback" to answer blatant stupidity.
You couldn't even hope to piece together such a solid argument in your lifetime.

You only hold yourself in high regard because of the Democrat bubble that protects you from actually having to have a mastery of basic facts and the ability to use logic to further your agenda.

Fact: It is unlawful to mandate who can live where based on race

Fact: Ones race does not determine what quality of neighbor they will be.

Fact: People no matter what their race are not preassigned good behavior.

Logic: To dispute the above "facts" is in fact, illogical. Judging people based on INDIVIDUAL merit and character IS logical.

You radical, extreme right, wingnuts are infamous for prejudging, stereotyping and categorizing.

One does not need to live in a "bubble" of any political designation to see or know that.

To think like your ilk, one needs to be driven by fear, paranoia and scapegoating....the same type which made Nazis Germany "great" at one time.

FACT: Obama is dictating that black people live in certain 'too white' neighborhoods BASED ON RACE. Diversity itself is BASED ON RACE. thanks for admitting you guys are NAZIs
Actually, it was the Nazi's who discriminated, like some folks still clinging to that ideology, like you. Obama doesn't really care about skin, he cares about breaking the cycle of poverty and the violent ghetto culture, and to do that, people are more successful when they move out of the ghetto. Which makes perfect sense. Better schools, less violence on the streets the kids play on, more upwardly mobile opportunities in local businesses, etc. etc.
THAT's why he's subsidizing higher rents for folks on housing assistance to get them the hell out of the projects. It didn't work for the past 50 years, so he's trying a different approach.
Black folks take very good care of their things. You have nothing to worry about.
That was a pathetic comeback.

I am not seeking your approval.

Besides, I was not trying a "comeback" to answer blatant stupidity.
You couldn't even hope to piece together such a solid argument in your lifetime.

You only hold yourself in high regard because of the Democrat bubble that protects you from actually having to have a mastery of basic facts and the ability to use logic to further your agenda.

Fact: It is unlawful to mandate who can live where based on race

Fact: Ones race does not determine what quality of neighbor they will be.

Fact: People no matter what their race are not preassigned good behavior.

Logic: To dispute the above "facts" is in fact, illogical. Judging people based on INDIVIDUAL merit and character IS logical.

You radical, extreme right, wingnuts are infamous for prejudging, stereotyping and categorizing.

One does not need to live in a "bubble" of any political designation to see or know that.

To think like your ilk, one needs to be driven by fear, paranoia and scapegoating....the same type which made Nazis Germany "great" at one time.

FACT: Obama is dictating that black people live in certain 'too white' neighborhoods BASED ON RACE. Diversity itself is BASED ON RACE. thanks for admitting you guys are NAZIs
Actually, it was the Nazi's who discriminated, like some folks still clinging to that ideology, like you. Obama doesn't really care about skin, he cares about breaking the cycle of poverty and the violent ghetto culture, and to do that, people are more successful when they move out of the ghetto. Which makes perfect sense. Better schools, less violence on the streets the kids play on, more upwardly mobile opportunities in local businesses, etc. etc.
THAT's why he's subsidizing higher rents for folks on housing assistance to get them the hell out of the projects. It didn't work for the past 50 years, so he's trying a different approach.
Black folks take very good care of their things. You have nothing to worry about.

you sure packed a lot of liberal lies into one paragraph

Obama and blacks do care about skin color, they rant about whites constantly. Don't try and bullshit me with that kind of crap.

Blacks do not take care of their things, everyone acknowledges that black ghettos are terrible. Now to make your narrative you want to lie and dismiss a reality that is well established.

The best neighborhoods happen to be large majority white, and we want it that to stay way because we have lots of evidence that blacks bring crime and decay. If we didn't care then blacks would not need housing laws to force themselves upon us. Once again you want to take race out of it when in fact blacks bitch about it all the time, typical lying liberal two step. Better neighborhoods are white because white people are better, it is incredible stupid to think that 'goodness' is absent people and white people moved there because opportunity existed in a vacuum.
MY neighborhood is "safe and prosperous" and includeq ...if yours is not,; that's not MY problem,; you damn fool...it's yours l
That was a pathetic comeback.

I am not seeking your approval.

Besides, I was not trying a "comeback" to answer blatant stupidity.
You couldn't even hope to piece together such a solid argument in your lifetime.

You only hold yourself in high regard because of the Democrat bubble that protects you from actually having to have a mastery of basic facts and the ability to use logic to further your agenda.

Fact: It is unlawful to mandate who can live where based on race

Fact: Ones race does not determine what quality of neighbor they will be.

Fact: People no matter what their race are not preassigned good behavior.

Logic: To dispute the above "facts" is in fact, illogical. Judging people based on INDIVIDUAL merit and character IS logical.

You radical, extreme right, wingnuts are infamous for prejudging, stereotyping and categorizing.

One does not need to live in a "bubble" of any political designation to see or know that.

To think like your ilk, one needs to be driven by fear, paranoia and scapegoating....the same type which made Nazis Germany "great" at one time.

FACT: Obama is dictating that black people live in certain 'too white' neighborhoods BASED ON RACE. Diversity and forced integration are BASED ON RACE. thanks for admitting you guys are NAZIs

Now that's funny. You claim your neighborhood is "fine", but the "possibility" of a black person moving somewhere near you has you a hysterical wreck.

That's "Nazi" paranoia if there ever was.
I was amazed that she easily spoke of the fears white males had of Black males.
I used to work in a supermaximum prison as a maintenance mechanic III for the state of WI, and frequently when I'd have to walk down the inside cell corridors instead of behind them in the maintenance alleys, the blacks would say things like... "I'll fuck you up cracka, I'll keel you mutha fucka, you white devil, I'll fuckin' keel you"... and at 6' 2", 215 lbs and worked hard all my life and raised in WI in small hick towns full of farmers and hicks, they get liquored up and fight and so would I. One time I stopped and looked right at this black badass talkin' ass clown and said, "ya know what black boy, this door between us is for YOUR protection, not MINE"... and I got immediately called into the office and was given 3 days off without pay. But whites scared of BLACKS? Pfft... give me a fuckin' break. I've never known a single white guy AFRAID of you blacks... NO ONE... EVER. Get a fuckin' clue.
I am not seeking your approval.

Besides, I was not trying a "comeback" to answer blatant stupidity.
You couldn't even hope to piece together such a solid argument in your lifetime.

You only hold yourself in high regard because of the Democrat bubble that protects you from actually having to have a mastery of basic facts and the ability to use logic to further your agenda.

Fact: It is unlawful to mandate who can live where based on race

Fact: Ones race does not determine what quality of neighbor they will be.

Fact: People no matter what their race are not preassigned good behavior.

Logic: To dispute the above "facts" is in fact, illogical. Judging people based on INDIVIDUAL merit and character IS logical.

You radical, extreme right, wingnuts are infamous for prejudging, stereotyping and categorizing.

One does not need to live in a "bubble" of any political designation to see or know that.

To think like your ilk, one needs to be driven by fear, paranoia and scapegoating....the same type which made Nazis Germany "great" at one time.

FACT: Obama is dictating that black people live in certain 'too white' neighborhoods BASED ON RACE. Diversity itself is BASED ON RACE. thanks for admitting you guys are NAZIs
Actually, it was the Nazi's who discriminated, like some folks still clinging to that ideology, like you. Obama doesn't really care about skin, he cares about breaking the cycle of poverty and the violent ghetto culture, and to do that, people are more successful when they move out of the ghetto. Which makes perfect sense. Better schools, less violence on the streets the kids play on, more upwardly mobile opportunities in local businesses, etc. etc.
THAT's why he's subsidizing higher rents for folks on housing assistance to get them the hell out of the projects. It didn't work for the past 50 years, so he's trying a different approach.
Black folks take very good care of their things. You have nothing to worry about.

you sure packed a lot of liberal lies into one paragraph

Obama and blacks do care about skin color, they rant about whites constantly. Don't try and bullshit me with that kind of crap.

Blacks do not take care of their things, everyone acknowledges that black ghettos are terrible. Now to make your narrative you want to lie and dismiss a reality that is well established.

The best neighborhoods happen to be large majority white, and we want it that to stay way because we have lots of evidence that blacks bring crime and decay. If we didn't care then blacks would not need housing laws to force themselves upon us. Once again you want to take race out of it when in fact blacks bitch about it all the time, typical lying liberal two step. Better neighborhoods are white because white people are better, it is incredible stupid to think that 'goodness' is absent people and white people moved there because opportunity existed in a vacuum.

That's right out of a "Nazi" handbook...white people are better?

If you were in 1930's Germany and did not fit their Aryan model of superiority, you would have been baked or gassed.

Anyway, you can beat this dead horse until it is "skelatized".
It will not change anything.

You don't like it when you think that you're getting a helping of your own bigotry and ignorance...do you?
MY neighborhood is "safe and prosperous" and includeq ...if yours is not,; that's not MY problem,; you damn fool...it's yours l

Mine is fine unless you goons move in, that is my problem, Obama wants to make it unsafe by forced integration. My problem is you people, not my current neighbors.

LMAO...."Obama the bogeyman".

Idiot, please . It's a free country, and you're not being held hostage here....you're free to leave.

There are plenty of places in the world that you could move to where the population of blacks is so infinitesimal that you would never encounter another one for the rest of your life.

Instead of living in fear, why not get your sorry ass out?

Speaking for myself, while I cannot control the possibility of ending up living near some KKK nutcase like you, I certainly would not worry about it until it happened.

why don't blacks leave? you are always complaining about this racist country, have been for over 150 years yet I don't see you guys moving your worthless asses out to Africa. In fact I see the opposite, Africans want to come live in this oppressive racist country, kind of shows what liars you are.

So I should never fight against unfair and immoral race laws that violate my rights? ah, fuck you asshole

You can control it dipshit, live with blacks. I guarantee you if you do that, then nobody like me (most whites) will ever move next to you. We go out of our way to get the hell away from you. The problem is that you blacks want to follow us with your housing laws. You want to follow us because you are primitive losers who can't make your own communities worth a damn.

ROFLMAO! You actually believe that by default ANY white person makes a better neighbor?

I have never moved anywhere with the thought in mind that I would be "enhanced" by living near "white people". I have lived around all races of people and the commin denominator has always been pride of ownership, advanced education and the ability to afford a better life.

Every home that I have ever purchased I did so because I liked and could afford the home

On the other hand my own Mother lives in a town in the midwest in the better part of town but some of the nastiest, most poor WHITE garbage that I ever laid eyes on "live together" in that town.

I would not let my dog live in "their" neighborhood.
I can assure you that there are NO blacks in that town who want to live anywhere near those inbred animals.

Cars parked on dirt, where there used to be grass, trash and filth all over the place, half naked, little pink bastards running up and down the street with snotty noses and dirty faces.

You can wage whatever fight you wish to cave boy, but, you will not stop anyone from living where they choose to, nor can I.

You have the freedom to live where you wish to, you cannot mandate where anyone else does.

You need to get that through your thick neanderthal skull.

dumbass, I don't need to 'mandate' anything since people naturally self segregate as I have shown. It is you and your fucking kind that want to mandate racial integration. It isn't hard to understand, but you are black so I have more patience with your slow smaller mind.

Obama himself has declared that affluent white suburbs are better, so do blacks as that is why they demand laws to get them in or get them 'equal'. You can lie all you dumb black ass all day long, it won't change reality.

Lol. I think you're the "dumbass" here. It's you, not I who is throwing the cjildish tantrum over your own paranoia about something you cannot do a thing about.

The fact that you are so obsessed with
MY neighborhood is "safe and prosperous" and includeq ...if yours is not,; that's not MY problem,; you damn fool...it's yours l

Mine is fine unless you goons move in, that is my problem, Obama wants to make it unsafe by forced integration. My problem is you people, not my current neighbors.

LMAO...."Obama the bogeyman".

Idiot, please . It's a free country, and you're not being held hostage here....you're free to leave.

There are plenty of places in the world that you could move to where the population of blacks is so infinitesimal that you would never encounter another one for the rest of your life.

Instead of living in fear, why not get your sorry ass out?

Speaking for myself, while I cannot control the possibility of ending up living near some KKK nutcase like you, I certainly would not worry about it until it happened.

why don't blacks leave? you are always complaining about this racist country, have been for over 150 years yet I don't see you guys moving your worthless asses out to Africa. In fact I see the opposite, Africans want to come live in this oppressive racist country, kind of shows what liars you are.

So I should never fight against unfair and immoral race laws that violate my rights? ah, fuck you asshole

You can control it dipshit, live with blacks. I guarantee you if you do that, then nobody like me (most whites) will ever move next to you. We go out of our way to get the hell away from you. The problem is that you blacks want to follow us with your housing laws. You want to follow us because you are primitive losers who can't make your own communities worth a damn.

ROFLMAO! You actually believe that by default ANY white person makes a better neighbor?

I have never moved anywhere with the thought in mind that I would be "enhanced" by living near "white people". I have lived around all races of people and the commin denominator has always been pride of ownership, advanced education and the ability to afford a better life.

Every home that I have ever purchased I did so because I liked and could afford the home

On the other hand my own Mother lives in a town in the midwest in the better part of town but some of the nastiest, most poor WHITE garbage that I ever laid eyes on "live together" in that town.

I would not let my dog live in "their" neighborhood.
I can assure you that there are NO blacks in that town who want to live anywhere near those inbred animals.

Cars parked on dirt, where there used to be grass, trash and filth all over the place, half naked, little pink bastards running up and down the street with snotty noses and dirty faces.

You can wage whatever fight you wish to cave boy, but, you will not stop anyone from living where they choose to, nor can I.

You have the freedom to live where you wish to, you cannot mandate where anyone else does.

You need to get that through your thick neanderthal skull.

dumbass, I don't need to 'mandate' anything since people naturally self segregate as I have shown. It is you and your fucking kind that want to mandate racial integration. It isn't hard to understand, but you are black so I have more patience with your slow smaller mind.

Obama himself has declared that affluent white suburbs are better, so do blacks as that is why they demand laws to get them in or get them 'equal'. You can lie all you dumb black ass all day long, it won't change reality.

Lol. It looks like you're the dumbass here, Jethro.

People tend to live where their resources allow them to, and YES there are laws that prevent ignorant individuals like YOU from turning the clock back to 1950.

You can piss and moan all that you want to, but I'm finished being entertained by your whining.

Write a letter to your billionaire corporatist president and let's see if it even gets read.
That was a pathetic comeback.

I am not seeking your approval.

Besides, I was not trying a "comeback" to answer blatant stupidity.
You couldn't even hope to piece together such a solid argument in your lifetime.

You only hold yourself in high regard because of the Democrat bubble that protects you from actually having to have a mastery of basic facts and the ability to use logic to further your agenda.

Fact: It is unlawful to mandate who can live where based on race

Fact: Ones race does not determine what quality of neighbor they will be.

Fact: People no matter what their race are not preassigned good behavior.

Logic: To dispute the above "facts" is in fact, illogical. Judging people based on INDIVIDUAL merit and character IS logical.

You radical, extreme right, wingnuts are infamous for prejudging, stereotyping and categorizing.

One does not need to live in a "bubble" of any political designation to see or know that.

To think like your ilk, one needs to be driven by fear, paranoia and scapegoating....the same type which made Nazis Germany "great" at one time.

FACT: Obama is dictating that black people live in certain 'too white' neighborhoods BASED ON RACE. Diversity and forced integration are BASED ON RACE. thanks for admitting you guys are NAZIs

Now that's funny. You claim your neighborhood is "fine", but the "possibility" of a black person moving somewhere near you has you a hysterical wreck.

That's "Nazi" paranoia if there ever was.

A black person that can actually afford and wants to live amongst people like me probably hates blacks too, there are plenty of other choices for such a person. The real world shows us that people self segregate when given freedom. I have been here 8 years and so far very few blacks have shown interest.

A black piece of garbage like you that Obama wants to force upon me because my locale is too white is immoral left wing racial oppression.

My neighborhood is fine, but only a leftwing black jackass would think it isn't possible to ruin a neighborhood. There have been plenty of examples, like what blacks have done to Detroit
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Mine is fine unless you goons move in, that is my problem, Obama wants to make it unsafe by forced integration. My problem is you people, not my current neighbors.

LMAO...."Obama the bogeyman".

Idiot, please . It's a free country, and you're not being held hostage here....you're free to leave.

There are plenty of places in the world that you could move to where the population of blacks is so infinitesimal that you would never encounter another one for the rest of your life.

Instead of living in fear, why not get your sorry ass out?

Speaking for myself, while I cannot control the possibility of ending up living near some KKK nutcase like you, I certainly would not worry about it until it happened.

why don't blacks leave? you are always complaining about this racist country, have been for over 150 years yet I don't see you guys moving your worthless asses out to Africa. In fact I see the opposite, Africans want to come live in this oppressive racist country, kind of shows what liars you are.

So I should never fight against unfair and immoral race laws that violate my rights? ah, fuck you asshole

You can control it dipshit, live with blacks. I guarantee you if you do that, then nobody like me (most whites) will ever move next to you. We go out of our way to get the hell away from you. The problem is that you blacks want to follow us with your housing laws. You want to follow us because you are primitive losers who can't make your own communities worth a damn.

ROFLMAO! You actually believe that by default ANY white person makes a better neighbor?

I have never moved anywhere with the thought in mind that I would be "enhanced" by living near "white people". I have lived around all races of people and the commin denominator has always been pride of ownership, advanced education and the ability to afford a better life.

Every home that I have ever purchased I did so because I liked and could afford the home

On the other hand my own Mother lives in a town in the midwest in the better part of town but some of the nastiest, most poor WHITE garbage that I ever laid eyes on "live together" in that town.

I would not let my dog live in "their" neighborhood.
I can assure you that there are NO blacks in that town who want to live anywhere near those inbred animals.

Cars parked on dirt, where there used to be grass, trash and filth all over the place, half naked, little pink bastards running up and down the street with snotty noses and dirty faces.

You can wage whatever fight you wish to cave boy, but, you will not stop anyone from living where they choose to, nor can I.

You have the freedom to live where you wish to, you cannot mandate where anyone else does.

You need to get that through your thick neanderthal skull.

dumbass, I don't need to 'mandate' anything since people naturally self segregate as I have shown. It is you and your fucking kind that want to mandate racial integration. It isn't hard to understand, but you are black so I have more patience with your slow smaller mind.

Obama himself has declared that affluent white suburbs are better, so do blacks as that is why they demand laws to get them in or get them 'equal'. You can lie all you dumb black ass all day long, it won't change reality.

Lol. I think you're the "dumbass" here. It's you, not I who is throwing the cjildish tantrum over your own paranoia about something you cannot do a thing about.

The fact that you are so obsessed with
Mine is fine unless you goons move in, that is my problem, Obama wants to make it unsafe by forced integration. My problem is you people, not my current neighbors.

LMAO...."Obama the bogeyman".

Idiot, please . It's a free country, and you're not being held hostage here....you're free to leave.

There are plenty of places in the world that you could move to where the population of blacks is so infinitesimal that you would never encounter another one for the rest of your life.

Instead of living in fear, why not get your sorry ass out?

Speaking for myself, while I cannot control the possibility of ending up living near some KKK nutcase like you, I certainly would not worry about it until it happened.

why don't blacks leave? you are always complaining about this racist country, have been for over 150 years yet I don't see you guys moving your worthless asses out to Africa. In fact I see the opposite, Africans want to come live in this oppressive racist country, kind of shows what liars you are.

So I should never fight against unfair and immoral race laws that violate my rights? ah, fuck you asshole

You can control it dipshit, live with blacks. I guarantee you if you do that, then nobody like me (most whites) will ever move next to you. We go out of our way to get the hell away from you. The problem is that you blacks want to follow us with your housing laws. You want to follow us because you are primitive losers who can't make your own communities worth a damn.

ROFLMAO! You actually believe that by default ANY white person makes a better neighbor?

I have never moved anywhere with the thought in mind that I would be "enhanced" by living near "white people". I have lived around all races of people and the commin denominator has always been pride of ownership, advanced education and the ability to afford a better life.

Every home that I have ever purchased I did so because I liked and could afford the home

On the other hand my own Mother lives in a town in the midwest in the better part of town but some of the nastiest, most poor WHITE garbage that I ever laid eyes on "live together" in that town.

I would not let my dog live in "their" neighborhood.
I can assure you that there are NO blacks in that town who want to live anywhere near those inbred animals.

Cars parked on dirt, where there used to be grass, trash and filth all over the place, half naked, little pink bastards running up and down the street with snotty noses and dirty faces.

You can wage whatever fight you wish to cave boy, but, you will not stop anyone from living where they choose to, nor can I.

You have the freedom to live where you wish to, you cannot mandate where anyone else does.

You need to get that through your thick neanderthal skull.

dumbass, I don't need to 'mandate' anything since people naturally self segregate as I have shown. It is you and your fucking kind that want to mandate racial integration. It isn't hard to understand, but you are black so I have more patience with your slow smaller mind.

Obama himself has declared that affluent white suburbs are better, so do blacks as that is why they demand laws to get them in or get them 'equal'. You can lie all you dumb black ass all day long, it won't change reality.

Lol. It looks like you're the dumbass here, Jethro.

People tend to live where their resources allow them to, and YES there are laws that prevent ignorant individuals like YOU from turning the clock back to 1950.

You can piss and moan all that you want to, but I'm finished being entertained by your whining.

Write a letter to your billionaire corporatist president and let's see if it even gets read.

You are finished because you lost the argument. People want segregation, I gave you plenty of evidence for that, but really we all know that nobody wants to live by blacks or you guys would not be crying about housing laws.

You claim one cannot mandate where people should live when that is exactly what Obama is doing by working against our natural desire to segregate. Only a black man could contradict himself so blatantly and not have the brains to understand it.
....in their lives at one point in time past the age of 18. Get your mind out of the bedroom. Not like that. Personally, I found it very enlightening talking to white women once I got over hating white people. I was forced to pair up with this white girl from Louisiana when I had moved past basic training and into the phase of my military career when i was being trained for my MOS in communications security field. The talks we had regarding race were very frank and open. I was amazed that she easily spoke of the fears white males had of Black males. She should have known. Her father was a member of he KKK and she had heard all the horror stories since she was young enough to remember. It all made sense to me now that she explained the irrational fear white males have of Black males.

Sometimes I look back on that experience as a very "fork in the road" moment in my life. What if I had never met her? Would my oldest daughter have been born? would I have even met my Black wife? I wonder what makes most white women different from their male counter parts? Is it because they have witnessed up close and personal the fragile white male ego?


What are you saying about black women ?
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