Every Black Male Should Have a White Woman....

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Very true. My "limited" experience at night clubs and as a musician in dive bars is black females that are good looking are prostitutes and those that are not will give you a serious disease for free. :p
Very true. My "limited" experience at night clubs and as a musician in dive bars is black females that are good looking are prostitutes and those that are not will give you a serious disease for free. :p

Thats interesting. A good friend of mine has been a bass player in top 40 clubs for years, and used to bring white females home after playing far more than Black females. His contention was that they were "much easier" to pick up.
....in their lives at one point in time past the age of 18. Get your mind out of the bedroom. Not like that. Personally, I found it very enlightening talking to white women once I got over hating white people. I was forced to pair up with this white girl from Louisiana when I had moved past basic training and into the phase of my military career when i was being trained for my MOS in communications security field. The talks we had regarding race were very frank and open. I was amazed that she easily spoke of the fears white males had of Black males. She should have known. Her father was a member of he KKK and she had heard all the horror stories since she was young enough to remember. It all made sense to me now that she explained the irrational fear white males have of Black males.

Sometimes I look back on that experience as a very "fork in the road" moment in my life. What if I had never met her? Would my oldest daughter have been born? would I have even met my Black wife? I wonder what makes most white women different from their male counter parts? Is it because they have witnessed up close and personal the fragile white male ego?

The bachelor just dumped the black girl. Two white girls remain. She was pretty and nice and acted very white but ultimately he chose two white chicks. She must have been ashy and didn't have pretty smelling hair like white women do.

How many days do black women go without washing their hair? I knew these girls they'd go out and get their hair did and try to keep that hair do fresh for what seemed like 5 days. That's nasty.
As we balkanize parameters will be set. New Africa has developed , Mexifornia , Solutria etc. Areas for race mixers will also exist. Multicultural urban areas will be UN controlled. From race to gender then income ; all will be bluntly the same. Androgenous mystery meat in a socialized "bernie" atmosphere. The organic separation is occurring right under your nose. A choice for everyone. More than 90% of whites will remain pure. The vast majority of White Women will chose White Men. White Men very seldom show interest in black women. Not a lot of folks do , not even their own. Strange , everyone wants a White Lady.
As we balkanize parameters will be set. New Africa has developed , Mexifornia , Solutria etc. Areas for race mixers will also exist. Multicultural urban areas will be UN controlled. From race to gender then income ; all will be bluntly the same. Androgenous mystery meat in a socialized "bernie" atmosphere. The organic separation is occurring right under your nose. A choice for everyone. More than 90% of whites will remain pure. The vast majority of White Women will chose White Men. White Men very seldom show interest in black women. Not a lot of folks do , not even their own. Strange , everyone wants a White Lady.

Not everyone wants a white female, however many(not all) white females have freely crossed over to other races by their own choice.

You are partially correct for once.
The vast majority of people everywhere date and eventually marry within their own race. There is nothing special about that preference.
As we balkanize parameters will be set. New Africa has developed , Mexifornia , Solutria etc. Areas for race mixers will also exist. Multicultural urban areas will be UN controlled. From race to gender then income ; all will be bluntly the same. Androgenous mystery meat in a socialized "bernie" atmosphere. The organic separation is occurring right under your nose. A choice for everyone. More than 90% of whites will remain pure. The vast majority of White Women will chose White Men. White Men very seldom show interest in black women. Not a lot of folks do , not even their own. Strange , everyone wants a White Lady.

Not everyone wants a white female, however many(not all) white females have freely crossed over to other races by their own choice.

You are partially correct for once.
The vast majority of people everywhere date and eventually marry within their own race. There is nothing special about that preference.

Yes sir. You are correct as well. 14 Words.
If that were true they would have never traveled to the "dark continent" and conquered it. I find it amusing that you think you're so dangerous and tough. You're not. You're just another in a long line of racist bigots who thinks you know everything. Sad really. With your obvious passion you could actually accomplish something positive for the world.
They were afraid of the dark continent. I find it amusing you got out my OP that i was dangerous and tough. is this your version of white male fear of Black people?

No, they weren't. They reveled in the conquering of it. While the blacks were mired in inter tribal warfare and butchery the white man was exploring, and conquering the world. There were some exceptional black nations that existed before the white man conquered Africa. But they were long gone by the time whitey showed up. Since then it has been handout after handout to the various black run countries because they are so incompetent that they can't even feed themselves. Thankfully there are some notable exceptions such as Botswana and Kenya, but the majority of sub Saharan Africa is a tale of woe.

And I stated very carefully that it was what YOU thought you were. I think you're a twit.
yes they were afraid and ultimately thats why they decided to leave. It was like a young boy playing chicken with cars on the road. It was a test of bravery for a white person to go into Africa. After whites totally screwed up Africa and stole their resources, art, etc etc they decided it was better to control them via money hence the loans. They need to have political power over there.

I know what I am. Its amusing you think you know what i am.

They did? When did they leave? You mean the Rhodesians and South Africans? Yes, they got chased out and now the Zimbabweans are dying in their tens of thousands because those who could actually do work like farming decided to leave. The same go's for South Africa. It was one of the wealthiest countries on the planet and while aparteid was shit, it did at least keep the majority of the blacks relatively safe from each other. Now that the blacks control the country it is rapidly turning into just another third world shithole. Which is truly a shame as it is one of the most beautiful places on Earth.

There are many blacks who would be great leaders and they are passed over because they weren't ANC. So just like obummer is doing here, political corruption runs rampant and the elite does very well while the middle class gets raped.
Its called the post colonial Africa in case you hadnt noticed. They kept a hold on the diamonds and yes they had to be chased out but they still steal resources. Sometimes you have to go backwards in order to go forward. Long after whites have perished Blacks will still be there. I am going to have to cut you short on this topic as it is straying too far from the OP. Please open another thread on the subject.
The only resources in Africa are huts made out of mud.
They were afraid of the dark continent. I find it amusing you got out my OP that i was dangerous and tough. is this your version of white male fear of Black people?

No, they weren't. They reveled in the conquering of it. While the blacks were mired in inter tribal warfare and butchery the white man was exploring, and conquering the world. There were some exceptional black nations that existed before the white man conquered Africa. But they were long gone by the time whitey showed up. Since then it has been handout after handout to the various black run countries because they are so incompetent that they can't even feed themselves. Thankfully there are some notable exceptions such as Botswana and Kenya, but the majority of sub Saharan Africa is a tale of woe.

And I stated very carefully that it was what YOU thought you were. I think you're a twit.
yes they were afraid and ultimately thats why they decided to leave. It was like a young boy playing chicken with cars on the road. It was a test of bravery for a white person to go into Africa. After whites totally screwed up Africa and stole their resources, art, etc etc they decided it was better to control them via money hence the loans. They need to have political power over there.

I know what I am. Its amusing you think you know what i am.

They did? When did they leave? You mean the Rhodesians and South Africans? Yes, they got chased out and now the Zimbabweans are dying in their tens of thousands because those who could actually do work like farming decided to leave. The same go's for South Africa. It was one of the wealthiest countries on the planet and while aparteid was shit, it did at least keep the majority of the blacks relatively safe from each other. Now that the blacks control the country it is rapidly turning into just another third world shithole. Which is truly a shame as it is one of the most beautiful places on Earth.

There are many blacks who would be great leaders and they are passed over because they weren't ANC. So just like obummer is doing here, political corruption runs rampant and the elite does very well while the middle class gets raped.
Its called the post colonial Africa in case you hadnt noticed. They kept a hold on the diamonds and yes they had to be chased out but they still steal resources. Sometimes you have to go backwards in order to go forward. Long after whites have perished Blacks will still be there. I am going to have to cut you short on this topic as it is straying too far from the OP. Please open another thread on the subject.
The only resources in Africa are huts made out of mud.

Before posting lies that make you appear to be stupid, you should do some research.
....in their lives at one point in time past the age of 18. Get your mind out of the bedroom. Not like that. Personally, I found it very enlightening talking to white women once I got over hating white people. I was forced to pair up with this white girl from Louisiana when I had moved past basic training and into the phase of my military career when i was being trained for my MOS in communications security field. The talks we had regarding race were very frank and open. I was amazed that she easily spoke of the fears white males had of Black males. She should have known. Her father was a member of he KKK and she had heard all the horror stories since she was young enough to remember. It all made sense to me now that she explained the irrational fear white males have of Black males.

Sometimes I look back on that experience as a very "fork in the road" moment in my life. What if I had never met her? Would my oldest daughter have been born? would I have even met my Black wife? I wonder what makes most white women different from their male counter parts? Is it because they have witnessed up close and personal the fragile white male ego?

If you black boyz with your big donkey cocks would stick to black babes with their tight azzes on the Hershey Bar Road there would be less mulato's born and having to call themselves black.
....in their lives at one point in time past the age of 18. Get your mind out of the bedroom. Not like that. Personally, I found it very enlightening talking to white women once I got over hating white people. I was forced to pair up with this white girl from Louisiana when I had moved past basic training and into the phase of my military career when i was being trained for my MOS in communications security field. The talks we had regarding race were very frank and open. I was amazed that she easily spoke of the fears white males had of Black males. She should have known. Her father was a member of he KKK and she had heard all the horror stories since she was young enough to remember. It all made sense to me now that she explained the irrational fear white males have of Black males.

Sometimes I look back on that experience as a very "fork in the road" moment in my life. What if I had never met her? Would my oldest daughter have been born? would I have even met my Black wife? I wonder what makes most white women different from their male counter parts? Is it because they have witnessed up close and personal the fragile white male ego?

I don't respond to these racist threads. ;)
....in their lives at one point in time past the age of 18. Get your mind out of the bedroom. Not like that. Personally, I found it very enlightening talking to white women once I got over hating white people. I was forced to pair up with this white girl from Louisiana when I had moved past basic training and into the phase of my military career when i was being trained for my MOS in communications security field. The talks we had regarding race were very frank and open. I was amazed that she easily spoke of the fears white males had of Black males. She should have known. Her father was a member of he KKK and she had heard all the horror stories since she was young enough to remember. It all made sense to me now that she explained the irrational fear white males have of Black males.

Sometimes I look back on that experience as a very "fork in the road" moment in my life. What if I had never met her? Would my oldest daughter have been born? would I have even met my Black wife? I wonder what makes most white women different from their male counter parts? Is it because they have witnessed up close and personal the fragile white male ego?

I met a black woman. My buddy's wife's friend. I went to motor city casino he got a suite and these black girls have never hung out with a white dude before. She's been asking to meet me again.

I am certain lots of black women would date white guys if given a chance but no white guys in Detroit growing up and these women have never left the city just like white people in my city don't know any black people. We are so segregated. I hope it works out I'll let you know.
....in their lives at one point in time past the age of 18. Get your mind out of the bedroom. Not like that. Personally, I found it very enlightening talking to white women once I got over hating white people. I was forced to pair up with this white girl from Louisiana when I had moved past basic training and into the phase of my military career when i was being trained for my MOS in communications security field. The talks we had regarding race were very frank and open. I was amazed that she easily spoke of the fears white males had of Black males. She should have known. Her father was a member of he KKK and she had heard all the horror stories since she was young enough to remember. It all made sense to me now that she explained the irrational fear white males have of Black males.

Sometimes I look back on that experience as a very "fork in the road" moment in my life. What if I had never met her? Would my oldest daughter have been born? would I have even met my Black wife? I wonder what makes most white women different from their male counter parts? Is it because they have witnessed up close and personal the fragile white male ego?

I met a black woman. My buddy's wife's friend. I went to motor city casino he got a suite and these black girls have never hung out with a white dude before. She's been asking to meet me again.

I am certain lots of black women would date white guys if given a chance but no white guys in Detroit growing up and these women have never left the city just like white people in my city don't know any black people. We are so segregated. I hope it works out I'll let you know.
White men don't know how to approach black women.
....in their lives at one point in time past the age of 18. Get your mind out of the bedroom. Not like that. Personally, I found it very enlightening talking to white women once I got over hating white people. I was forced to pair up with this white girl from Louisiana when I had moved past basic training and into the phase of my military career when i was being trained for my MOS in communications security field. The talks we had regarding race were very frank and open. I was amazed that she easily spoke of the fears white males had of Black males. She should have known. Her father was a member of he KKK and she had heard all the horror stories since she was young enough to remember. It all made sense to me now that she explained the irrational fear white males have of Black males.

Sometimes I look back on that experience as a very "fork in the road" moment in my life. What if I had never met her? Would my oldest daughter have been born? would I have even met my Black wife? I wonder what makes most white women different from their male counter parts? Is it because they have witnessed up close and personal the fragile white male ego?

I met a black woman. My buddy's wife's friend. I went to motor city casino he got a suite and these black girls have never hung out with a white dude before. She's been asking to meet me again.

I am certain lots of black women would date white guys if given a chance but no white guys in Detroit growing up and these women have never left the city just like white people in my city don't know any black people. We are so segregated. I hope it works out I'll let you know.
White men don't know how to approach black women.
What's your advice?
....in their lives at one point in time past the age of 18. Get your mind out of the bedroom. Not like that. Personally, I found it very enlightening talking to white women once I got over hating white people. I was forced to pair up with this white girl from Louisiana when I had moved past basic training and into the phase of my military career when i was being trained for my MOS in communications security field. The talks we had regarding race were very frank and open. I was amazed that she easily spoke of the fears white males had of Black males. She should have known. Her father was a member of he KKK and she had heard all the horror stories since she was young enough to remember. It all made sense to me now that she explained the irrational fear white males have of Black males.

Sometimes I look back on that experience as a very "fork in the road" moment in my life. What if I had never met her? Would my oldest daughter have been born? would I have even met my Black wife? I wonder what makes most white women different from their male counter parts? Is it because they have witnessed up close and personal the fragile white male ego?

I met a black woman. My buddy's wife's friend. I went to motor city casino he got a suite and these black girls have never hung out with a white dude before. She's been asking to meet me again.

I am certain lots of black women would date white guys if given a chance but no white guys in Detroit growing up and these women have never left the city just like white people in my city don't know any black people. We are so segregated. I hope it works out I'll let you know.
White men don't know how to approach black women.
What's your advice?
Just treat them the same as you would a white girl. It's not rocket science.
....in their lives at one point in time past the age of 18. Get your mind out of the bedroom. Not like that. Personally, I found it very enlightening talking to white women once I got over hating white people. I was forced to pair up with this white girl from Louisiana when I had moved past basic training and into the phase of my military career when i was being trained for my MOS in communications security field. The talks we had regarding race were very frank and open. I was amazed that she easily spoke of the fears white males had of Black males. She should have known. Her father was a member of he KKK and she had heard all the horror stories since she was young enough to remember. It all made sense to me now that she explained the irrational fear white males have of Black males.

Sometimes I look back on that experience as a very "fork in the road" moment in my life. What if I had never met her? Would my oldest daughter have been born? would I have even met my Black wife? I wonder what makes most white women different from their male counter parts? Is it because they have witnessed up close and personal the fragile white male ego?

I met a black woman. My buddy's wife's friend. I went to motor city casino he got a suite and these black girls have never hung out with a white dude before. She's been asking to meet me again.

I am certain lots of black women would date white guys if given a chance but no white guys in Detroit growing up and these women have never left the city just like white people in my city don't know any black people. We are so segregated. I hope it works out I'll let you know.
White men don't know how to approach black women.
What's your advice?
Just treat them the same as you would a white girl. It's not rocket science.

I've had black women tell me they like how I give them more attention/affection than a brother gives them. We are probably better communicators where the black guys are probably just better in the sack. I don't think white girls are dating black guys for the intellectual conversations. Lets be honest. Black women probably don't expect Tyrone to be a good communicator, good parent, provider or faithful loving spouse. All she's thinking about at the time is dick. I'm guessing this is why white women date black guys too. It's taboo and they have big cocks.
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