Every Black Male Should Have a White Woman....

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....in their lives at one point in time past the age of 18. Get your mind out of the bedroom. Not like that. Personally, I found it very enlightening talking to white women once I got over hating white people. I was forced to pair up with this white girl from Louisiana when I had moved past basic training and into the phase of my military career when i was being trained for my MOS in communications security field. The talks we had regarding race were very frank and open. I was amazed that she easily spoke of the fears white males had of Black males. She should have known. Her father was a member of he KKK and she had heard all the horror stories since she was young enough to remember. It all made sense to me now that she explained the irrational fear white males have of Black males.

Sometimes I look back on that experience as a very "fork in the road" moment in my life. What if I had never met her? Would my oldest daughter have been born? would I have even met my Black wife? I wonder what makes most white women different from their male counter parts? Is it because they have witnessed up close and personal the fragile white male ego?

You probably have a big fat one tied up in your closet.
You couldn't even hope to piece together such a solid argument in your lifetime.

You only hold yourself in high regard because of the Democrat bubble that protects you from actually having to have a mastery of basic facts and the ability to use logic to further your agenda.

Fact: It is unlawful to mandate who can live where based on race

Fact: Ones race does not determine what quality of neighbor they will be.

Fact: People no matter what their race are not preassigned good behavior.

Logic: To dispute the above "facts" is in fact, illogical. Judging people based on INDIVIDUAL merit and character IS logical.

You radical, extreme right, wingnuts are infamous for prejudging, stereotyping and categorizing.

One does not need to live in a "bubble" of any political designation to see or know that.

To think like your ilk, one needs to be driven by fear, paranoia and scapegoating....the same type which made Nazis Germany "great" at one time.

FACT: Obama is dictating that black people live in certain 'too white' neighborhoods BASED ON RACE. Diversity itself is BASED ON RACE. thanks for admitting you guys are NAZIs
Actually, it was the Nazi's who discriminated, like some folks still clinging to that ideology, like you. Obama doesn't really care about skin, he cares about breaking the cycle of poverty and the violent ghetto culture, and to do that, people are more successful when they move out of the ghetto. Which makes perfect sense. Better schools, less violence on the streets the kids play on, more upwardly mobile opportunities in local businesses, etc. etc.
THAT's why he's subsidizing higher rents for folks on housing assistance to get them the hell out of the projects. It didn't work for the past 50 years, so he's trying a different approach.
Black folks take very good care of their things. You have nothing to worry about.

you sure packed a lot of liberal lies into one paragraph

Obama and blacks do care about skin color, they rant about whites constantly. Don't try and bullshit me with that kind of crap.

Blacks do not take care of their things, everyone acknowledges that black ghettos are terrible. Now to make your narrative you want to lie and dismiss a reality that is well established.

The best neighborhoods happen to be large majority white, and we want it that to stay way because we have lots of evidence that blacks bring crime and decay. If we didn't care then blacks would not need housing laws to force themselves upon us. Once again you want to take race out of it when in fact blacks bitch about it all the time, typical lying liberal two step. Better neighborhoods are white because white people are better, it is incredible stupid to think that 'goodness' is absent people and white people moved there because opportunity existed in a vacuum.

That's right out of a "Nazi" handbook...white people are better?

If you were in 1930's Germany and did not fit their Aryan model of superiority, you would have been baked or gassed.

Anyway, you can beat this dead horse until it is "skelatized".
It will not change anything.

You don't like it when you think that you're getting a helping of your own bigotry and ignorance...do you?

where have I ever said to kill anybody? you lying SOB

wanting to be left alone and not be forced to live by you is nothing like the Nazis, it is you diversity jackboots that are obsessed with people like me
LMAO...."Obama the bogeyman".

Idiot, please . It's a free country, and you're not being held hostage here....you're free to leave.

There are plenty of places in the world that you could move to where the population of blacks is so infinitesimal that you would never encounter another one for the rest of your life.

Instead of living in fear, why not get your sorry ass out?

Speaking for myself, while I cannot control the possibility of ending up living near some KKK nutcase like you, I certainly would not worry about it until it happened.

why don't blacks leave? you are always complaining about this racist country, have been for over 150 years yet I don't see you guys moving your worthless asses out to Africa. In fact I see the opposite, Africans want to come live in this oppressive racist country, kind of shows what liars you are.

So I should never fight against unfair and immoral race laws that violate my rights? ah, fuck you asshole

You can control it dipshit, live with blacks. I guarantee you if you do that, then nobody like me (most whites) will ever move next to you. We go out of our way to get the hell away from you. The problem is that you blacks want to follow us with your housing laws. You want to follow us because you are primitive losers who can't make your own communities worth a damn.

ROFLMAO! You actually believe that by default ANY white person makes a better neighbor?

I have never moved anywhere with the thought in mind that I would be "enhanced" by living near "white people". I have lived around all races of people and the commin denominator has always been pride of ownership, advanced education and the ability to afford a better life.

Every home that I have ever purchased I did so because I liked and could afford the home

On the other hand my own Mother lives in a town in the midwest in the better part of town but some of the nastiest, most poor WHITE garbage that I ever laid eyes on "live together" in that town.

I would not let my dog live in "their" neighborhood.
I can assure you that there are NO blacks in that town who want to live anywhere near those inbred animals.

Cars parked on dirt, where there used to be grass, trash and filth all over the place, half naked, little pink bastards running up and down the street with snotty noses and dirty faces.

You can wage whatever fight you wish to cave boy, but, you will not stop anyone from living where they choose to, nor can I.

You have the freedom to live where you wish to, you cannot mandate where anyone else does.

You need to get that through your thick neanderthal skull.

dumbass, I don't need to 'mandate' anything since people naturally self segregate as I have shown. It is you and your fucking kind that want to mandate racial integration. It isn't hard to understand, but you are black so I have more patience with your slow smaller mind.

Obama himself has declared that affluent white suburbs are better, so do blacks as that is why they demand laws to get them in or get them 'equal'. You can lie all you dumb black ass all day long, it won't change reality.

Lol. I think you're the "dumbass" here. It's you, not I who is throwing the cjildish tantrum over your own paranoia about something you cannot do a thing about.

The fact that you are so obsessed with
LMAO...."Obama the bogeyman".

Idiot, please . It's a free country, and you're not being held hostage here....you're free to leave.

There are plenty of places in the world that you could move to where the population of blacks is so infinitesimal that you would never encounter another one for the rest of your life.

Instead of living in fear, why not get your sorry ass out?

Speaking for myself, while I cannot control the possibility of ending up living near some KKK nutcase like you, I certainly would not worry about it until it happened.

why don't blacks leave? you are always complaining about this racist country, have been for over 150 years yet I don't see you guys moving your worthless asses out to Africa. In fact I see the opposite, Africans want to come live in this oppressive racist country, kind of shows what liars you are.

So I should never fight against unfair and immoral race laws that violate my rights? ah, fuck you asshole

You can control it dipshit, live with blacks. I guarantee you if you do that, then nobody like me (most whites) will ever move next to you. We go out of our way to get the hell away from you. The problem is that you blacks want to follow us with your housing laws. You want to follow us because you are primitive losers who can't make your own communities worth a damn.

ROFLMAO! You actually believe that by default ANY white person makes a better neighbor?

I have never moved anywhere with the thought in mind that I would be "enhanced" by living near "white people". I have lived around all races of people and the commin denominator has always been pride of ownership, advanced education and the ability to afford a better life.

Every home that I have ever purchased I did so because I liked and could afford the home

On the other hand my own Mother lives in a town in the midwest in the better part of town but some of the nastiest, most poor WHITE garbage that I ever laid eyes on "live together" in that town.

I would not let my dog live in "their" neighborhood.
I can assure you that there are NO blacks in that town who want to live anywhere near those inbred animals.

Cars parked on dirt, where there used to be grass, trash and filth all over the place, half naked, little pink bastards running up and down the street with snotty noses and dirty faces.

You can wage whatever fight you wish to cave boy, but, you will not stop anyone from living where they choose to, nor can I.

You have the freedom to live where you wish to, you cannot mandate where anyone else does.

You need to get that through your thick neanderthal skull.

dumbass, I don't need to 'mandate' anything since people naturally self segregate as I have shown. It is you and your fucking kind that want to mandate racial integration. It isn't hard to understand, but you are black so I have more patience with your slow smaller mind.

Obama himself has declared that affluent white suburbs are better, so do blacks as that is why they demand laws to get them in or get them 'equal'. You can lie all you dumb black ass all day long, it won't change reality.

Lol. It looks like you're the dumbass here, Jethro.

People tend to live where their resources allow them to, and YES there are laws that prevent ignorant individuals like YOU from turning the clock back to 1950.

You can piss and moan all that you want to, but I'm finished being entertained by your whining.

Write a letter to your billionaire corporatist president and let's see if it even gets read.

You are finished because you lost the argument. People want segregation, I gave you plenty of evidence for that, but really we all know that nobody wants to live by blacks or you guys would not be crying about housing laws.

You claim one cannot mandate where people should live when that is exactly what Obama is doing by working against our natural desire to segregate. Only a black man could contradict himself so blatantly and not have the brains to understand it.

There was no argument here to lose, you stupid cave creature. All that I did was respond to some of your ranting for entertainment,
You can "blame Obama" and post as much you wish to about how racist, neo nazi, white supremacist scumbags like you want to segregate.

Obama did not originate the fair housing act, you stupid, pink, inbred Klucker,

Lyndon Johnson signed it into law back in 1968. If anything, All that Obama has done is to supporte an update of the law.

I actually agree with you to an extent. I think that those who want to be segregated should be allowed to MOVE........to a remote location. Away from the rest of civilization forever.
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why don't blacks leave? you are always complaining about this racist country, have been for over 150 years yet I don't see you guys moving your worthless asses out to Africa. In fact I see the opposite, Africans want to come live in this oppressive racist country, kind of shows what liars you are.

So I should never fight against unfair and immoral race laws that violate my rights? ah, fuck you asshole

You can control it dipshit, live with blacks. I guarantee you if you do that, then nobody like me (most whites) will ever move next to you. We go out of our way to get the hell away from you. The problem is that you blacks want to follow us with your housing laws. You want to follow us because you are primitive losers who can't make your own communities worth a damn.

ROFLMAO! You actually believe that by default ANY white person makes a better neighbor?

I have never moved anywhere with the thought in mind that I would be "enhanced" by living near "white people". I have lived around all races of people and the commin denominator has always been pride of ownership, advanced education and the ability to afford a better life.

Every home that I have ever purchased I did so because I liked and could afford the home

On the other hand my own Mother lives in a town in the midwest in the better part of town but some of the nastiest, most poor WHITE garbage that I ever laid eyes on "live together" in that town.

I would not let my dog live in "their" neighborhood.
I can assure you that there are NO blacks in that town who want to live anywhere near those inbred animals.

Cars parked on dirt, where there used to be grass, trash and filth all over the place, half naked, little pink bastards running up and down the street with snotty noses and dirty faces.

You can wage whatever fight you wish to cave boy, but, you will not stop anyone from living where they choose to, nor can I.

You have the freedom to live where you wish to, you cannot mandate where anyone else does.

You need to get that through your thick neanderthal skull.

dumbass, I don't need to 'mandate' anything since people naturally self segregate as I have shown. It is you and your fucking kind that want to mandate racial integration. It isn't hard to understand, but you are black so I have more patience with your slow smaller mind.

Obama himself has declared that affluent white suburbs are better, so do blacks as that is why they demand laws to get them in or get them 'equal'. You can lie all you dumb black ass all day long, it won't change reality.

Lol. I think you're the "dumbass" here. It's you, not I who is throwing the cjildish tantrum over your own paranoia about something you cannot do a thing about.

The fact that you are so obsessed with
why don't blacks leave? you are always complaining about this racist country, have been for over 150 years yet I don't see you guys moving your worthless asses out to Africa. In fact I see the opposite, Africans want to come live in this oppressive racist country, kind of shows what liars you are.

So I should never fight against unfair and immoral race laws that violate my rights? ah, fuck you asshole

You can control it dipshit, live with blacks. I guarantee you if you do that, then nobody like me (most whites) will ever move next to you. We go out of our way to get the hell away from you. The problem is that you blacks want to follow us with your housing laws. You want to follow us because you are primitive losers who can't make your own communities worth a damn.

ROFLMAO! You actually believe that by default ANY white person makes a better neighbor?

I have never moved anywhere with the thought in mind that I would be "enhanced" by living near "white people". I have lived around all races of people and the commin denominator has always been pride of ownership, advanced education and the ability to afford a better life.

Every home that I have ever purchased I did so because I liked and could afford the home

On the other hand my own Mother lives in a town in the midwest in the better part of town but some of the nastiest, most poor WHITE garbage that I ever laid eyes on "live together" in that town.

I would not let my dog live in "their" neighborhood.
I can assure you that there are NO blacks in that town who want to live anywhere near those inbred animals.

Cars parked on dirt, where there used to be grass, trash and filth all over the place, half naked, little pink bastards running up and down the street with snotty noses and dirty faces.

You can wage whatever fight you wish to cave boy, but, you will not stop anyone from living where they choose to, nor can I.

You have the freedom to live where you wish to, you cannot mandate where anyone else does.

You need to get that through your thick neanderthal skull.

dumbass, I don't need to 'mandate' anything since people naturally self segregate as I have shown. It is you and your fucking kind that want to mandate racial integration. It isn't hard to understand, but you are black so I have more patience with your slow smaller mind.

Obama himself has declared that affluent white suburbs are better, so do blacks as that is why they demand laws to get them in or get them 'equal'. You can lie all you dumb black ass all day long, it won't change reality.

Lol. It looks like you're the dumbass here, Jethro.

People tend to live where their resources allow them to, and YES there are laws that prevent ignorant individuals like YOU from turning the clock back to 1950.

You can piss and moan all that you want to, but I'm finished being entertained by your whining.

Write a letter to your billionaire corporatist president and let's see if it even gets read.

You are finished because you lost the argument. People want segregation, I gave you plenty of evidence for that, but really we all know that nobody wants to live by blacks or you guys would not be crying about housing laws.

You claim one cannot mandate where people should live when that is exactly what Obama is doing by working against our natural desire to segregate. Only a black man could contradict himself so blatantly and not have the brains to understand it.

There was no argument here to lose, you stupid cave creature. All that I did was respond to some of your ranting for entertainment,
You can "blame Obama" and post as much you wish to about how racist, neo nazi, white supremacist scumbags like you want to segregate.

Obama did not originate the fair housing act, you stupid, pink, inbred Klucker,

Lyndon Johnson signed it into law back in 1968. If anything, All that Obama has done is to supporte an update of the law.

I actually agree with you to an extent. I think that those who want to be segregated should be allowed to MOVE........to a remote location. Away from the rest of civilization forever.

Obama is trying to more forcefully integrate, I gave you the link, I know you are short on information but all you had to do was read.... oh, that's right, I forgot you are black and have difficulty in that regard

I don't care who started it, I care what is happening today. It failed to achieve your integrated NAZI diversity utopia because most people don't want that. Most folks are like me, we did self segregate and want to be left the hell alone. The problem is that you losers keep following us because you suck at civilization.

We agree, good, now we can together call off the left wing jackboots.
ROFLMAO! You actually believe that by default ANY white person makes a better neighbor?

I have never moved anywhere with the thought in mind that I would be "enhanced" by living near "white people". I have lived around all races of people and the commin denominator has always been pride of ownership, advanced education and the ability to afford a better life.

Every home that I have ever purchased I did so because I liked and could afford the home

On the other hand my own Mother lives in a town in the midwest in the better part of town but some of the nastiest, most poor WHITE garbage that I ever laid eyes on "live together" in that town.

I would not let my dog live in "their" neighborhood.
I can assure you that there are NO blacks in that town who want to live anywhere near those inbred animals.

Cars parked on dirt, where there used to be grass, trash and filth all over the place, half naked, little pink bastards running up and down the street with snotty noses and dirty faces.

You can wage whatever fight you wish to cave boy, but, you will not stop anyone from living where they choose to, nor can I.

You have the freedom to live where you wish to, you cannot mandate where anyone else does.

You need to get that through your thick neanderthal skull.

dumbass, I don't need to 'mandate' anything since people naturally self segregate as I have shown. It is you and your fucking kind that want to mandate racial integration. It isn't hard to understand, but you are black so I have more patience with your slow smaller mind.

Obama himself has declared that affluent white suburbs are better, so do blacks as that is why they demand laws to get them in or get them 'equal'. You can lie all you dumb black ass all day long, it won't change reality.

Lol. I think you're the "dumbass" here. It's you, not I who is throwing the cjildish tantrum over your own paranoia about something you cannot do a thing about.

The fact that you are so obsessed with
ROFLMAO! You actually believe that by default ANY white person makes a better neighbor?

I have never moved anywhere with the thought in mind that I would be "enhanced" by living near "white people". I have lived around all races of people and the commin denominator has always been pride of ownership, advanced education and the ability to afford a better life.

Every home that I have ever purchased I did so because I liked and could afford the home

On the other hand my own Mother lives in a town in the midwest in the better part of town but some of the nastiest, most poor WHITE garbage that I ever laid eyes on "live together" in that town.

I would not let my dog live in "their" neighborhood.
I can assure you that there are NO blacks in that town who want to live anywhere near those inbred animals.

Cars parked on dirt, where there used to be grass, trash and filth all over the place, half naked, little pink bastards running up and down the street with snotty noses and dirty faces.

You can wage whatever fight you wish to cave boy, but, you will not stop anyone from living where they choose to, nor can I.

You have the freedom to live where you wish to, you cannot mandate where anyone else does.

You need to get that through your thick neanderthal skull.

dumbass, I don't need to 'mandate' anything since people naturally self segregate as I have shown. It is you and your fucking kind that want to mandate racial integration. It isn't hard to understand, but you are black so I have more patience with your slow smaller mind.

Obama himself has declared that affluent white suburbs are better, so do blacks as that is why they demand laws to get them in or get them 'equal'. You can lie all you dumb black ass all day long, it won't change reality.

Lol. It looks like you're the dumbass here, Jethro.

People tend to live where their resources allow them to, and YES there are laws that prevent ignorant individuals like YOU from turning the clock back to 1950.

You can piss and moan all that you want to, but I'm finished being entertained by your whining.

Write a letter to your billionaire corporatist president and let's see if it even gets read.

You are finished because you lost the argument. People want segregation, I gave you plenty of evidence for that, but really we all know that nobody wants to live by blacks or you guys would not be crying about housing laws.

You claim one cannot mandate where people should live when that is exactly what Obama is doing by working against our natural desire to segregate. Only a black man could contradict himself so blatantly and not have the brains to understand it.

There was no argument here to lose, you stupid cave creature. All that I did was respond to some of your ranting for entertainment,
You can "blame Obama" and post as much you wish to about how racist, neo nazi, white supremacist scumbags like you want to segregate.

Obama did not originate the fair housing act, you stupid, pink, inbred Klucker,

Lyndon Johnson signed it into law back in 1968. If anything, All that Obama has done is to supporte an update of the law.

I actually agree with you to an extent. I think that those who want to be segregated should be allowed to MOVE........to a remote location. Away from the rest of civilization forever.

Obama is trying to more forcefully integrate, I gave you the link, I know you are short on information but all you had to do was read.... oh, that's right, I forgot you are black and have difficulty in that regard

I don't care who started it, I care what is happening today. It failed to achieve your integrated NAZI diversity utopia because most people don't want that. Most folks are like me, we did self segregate and want to be left the hell alone. The problem is that you losers keep following us because you suck at civilization.

We agree, good, now we can together call off the left wing jackboots.

No we don't agree. I don't categorize entire groups of people.

If I assumed that the entire white population of this country was as ignorant as you are, that would be a big mistake.
....in their lives at one point in time past the age of 18. Get your mind out of the bedroom. Not like that. Personally, I found it very enlightening talking to white women once I got over hating white people. I was forced to pair up with this white girl from Louisiana when I had moved past basic training and into the phase of my military career when i was being trained for my MOS in communications security field. The talks we had regarding race were very frank and open. I was amazed that she easily spoke of the fears white males had of Black males. She should have known. Her father was a member of he KKK and she had heard all the horror stories since she was young enough to remember. It all made sense to me now that she explained the irrational fear white males have of Black males.

Sometimes I look back on that experience as a very "fork in the road" moment in my life. What if I had never met her? Would my oldest daughter have been born? would I have even met my Black wife? I wonder what makes most white women different from their male counter parts? Is it because they have witnessed up close and personal the fragile white male ego?


Everyone fears that which they don't know. It's not a race issue at all. You could be from Mars and if you are unknown people will fear you. On the other hand, it is those rare people who conquer their fear who do great things.
I find that to be true of everyone but the white race. In general they have a fear of Black people, cats, Black plaques, Black hearts, etc etc. The adjective Black is terrifying to whites. On the other hand they use white to characterize good. White lies are small insigniicant lies to them for an example.

If that were true they would have never traveled to the "dark continent" and conquered it. I find it amusing that you think you're so dangerous and tough. You're not. You're just another in a long line of racist bigots who thinks you know everything. Sad really. With your obvious passion you could actually accomplish something positive for the world.
They were afraid of the dark continent. I find it amusing you got out of my OP that i was dangerous and tough. is this your version of white male fear of Black people?

I agree and support a lot of what you post. Sometimes you let your lack of understanding and fear of white people force you to make the same types of mistakes that the KKK makes. Don't get me wrong. I'm not tying to compare you to them, and I don't blame you for having a slanted understanding, but blanket statements as broad as yours will screw you up every time.
dumbass, I don't need to 'mandate' anything since people naturally self segregate as I have shown. It is you and your fucking kind that want to mandate racial integration. It isn't hard to understand, but you are black so I have more patience with your slow smaller mind.

Obama himself has declared that affluent white suburbs are better, so do blacks as that is why they demand laws to get them in or get them 'equal'. You can lie all you dumb black ass all day long, it won't change reality.

Lol. I think you're the "dumbass" here. It's you, not I who is throwing the cjildish tantrum over your own paranoia about something you cannot do a thing about.

The fact that you are so obsessed with
dumbass, I don't need to 'mandate' anything since people naturally self segregate as I have shown. It is you and your fucking kind that want to mandate racial integration. It isn't hard to understand, but you are black so I have more patience with your slow smaller mind.

Obama himself has declared that affluent white suburbs are better, so do blacks as that is why they demand laws to get them in or get them 'equal'. You can lie all you dumb black ass all day long, it won't change reality.

Lol. It looks like you're the dumbass here, Jethro.

People tend to live where their resources allow them to, and YES there are laws that prevent ignorant individuals like YOU from turning the clock back to 1950.

You can piss and moan all that you want to, but I'm finished being entertained by your whining.

Write a letter to your billionaire corporatist president and let's see if it even gets read.

You are finished because you lost the argument. People want segregation, I gave you plenty of evidence for that, but really we all know that nobody wants to live by blacks or you guys would not be crying about housing laws.

You claim one cannot mandate where people should live when that is exactly what Obama is doing by working against our natural desire to segregate. Only a black man could contradict himself so blatantly and not have the brains to understand it.

There was no argument here to lose, you stupid cave creature. All that I did was respond to some of your ranting for entertainment,
You can "blame Obama" and post as much you wish to about how racist, neo nazi, white supremacist scumbags like you want to segregate.

Obama did not originate the fair housing act, you stupid, pink, inbred Klucker,

Lyndon Johnson signed it into law back in 1968. If anything, All that Obama has done is to supporte an update of the law.

I actually agree with you to an extent. I think that those who want to be segregated should be allowed to MOVE........to a remote location. Away from the rest of civilization forever.

Obama is trying to more forcefully integrate, I gave you the link, I know you are short on information but all you had to do was read.... oh, that's right, I forgot you are black and have difficulty in that regard

I don't care who started it, I care what is happening today. It failed to achieve your integrated NAZI diversity utopia because most people don't want that. Most folks are like me, we did self segregate and want to be left the hell alone. The problem is that you losers keep following us because you suck at civilization.

We agree, good, now we can together call off the left wing jackboots.

No we don't agree. I don't categorize entire groups of people.

If I assumed that the entire white population of this country was as ignorant as you are, that would be a big mistake.

yes your kind does categorize, you rant all the time about all white people without ever qualifying it and you want laws based upon skin color only, which the most obnoxious gross generalization one can make

I educated you in this thread, I posted data and links that you did not even know about while you posted exactly nothing but your own primitive and tortured logic. I have trashed your every argument, now lying black man puffs out his chest and declares me ignorant. I can't think of a better example of how utterly stupid black people are. Maybe if you type it in bold and all caps, that might make it more perfectly black
Lol. I think you're the "dumbass" here. It's you, not I who is throwing the cjildish tantrum over your own paranoia about something you cannot do a thing about.

The fact that you are so obsessed with
Lol. It looks like you're the dumbass here, Jethro.

People tend to live where their resources allow them to, and YES there are laws that prevent ignorant individuals like YOU from turning the clock back to 1950.

You can piss and moan all that you want to, but I'm finished being entertained by your whining.

Write a letter to your billionaire corporatist president and let's see if it even gets read.

You are finished because you lost the argument. People want segregation, I gave you plenty of evidence for that, but really we all know that nobody wants to live by blacks or you guys would not be crying about housing laws.

You claim one cannot mandate where people should live when that is exactly what Obama is doing by working against our natural desire to segregate. Only a black man could contradict himself so blatantly and not have the brains to understand it.

There was no argument here to lose, you stupid cave creature. All that I did was respond to some of your ranting for entertainment,
You can "blame Obama" and post as much you wish to about how racist, neo nazi, white supremacist scumbags like you want to segregate.

Obama did not originate the fair housing act, you stupid, pink, inbred Klucker,

Lyndon Johnson signed it into law back in 1968. If anything, All that Obama has done is to supporte an update of the law.

I actually agree with you to an extent. I think that those who want to be segregated should be allowed to MOVE........to a remote location. Away from the rest of civilization forever.

Obama is trying to more forcefully integrate, I gave you the link, I know you are short on information but all you had to do was read.... oh, that's right, I forgot you are black and have difficulty in that regard

I don't care who started it, I care what is happening today. It failed to achieve your integrated NAZI diversity utopia because most people don't want that. Most folks are like me, we did self segregate and want to be left the hell alone. The problem is that you losers keep following us because you suck at civilization.

We agree, good, now we can together call off the left wing jackboots.

No we don't agree. I don't categorize entire groups of people.

If I assumed that the entire white population of this country was as ignorant as you are, that would be a big mistake.

yes your kind does categorize, you rant all the time about all white people without ever qualifying it and you want laws based upon skin color only, which the most obnoxious gross generalization one can make

I educated you in this thread, I posted data and links that you did not even know about while you posted exactly nothing but your own primitive and tortured logic. I have trashed your every argument, now lying black man puffs out his chest and declares me ignorant. I can't think of a better example of how utterly stupid black people are. Maybe if you type it in bold and all caps, that might make it more perfectly black

Thank you for reinforcing my point.

YES, YOU are ONE, INDIVIDUALLY IGNORANT, white person, and not all are like you, nor or ALL black people like me. Anyone who believes that a person's race, by default makes them who they are, is patently stupid.

You have not "trashed" me nor anyone else in this forum.

All that you have done is to put your own ignorance on display.
You are finished because you lost the argument. People want segregation, I gave you plenty of evidence for that, but really we all know that nobody wants to live by blacks or you guys would not be crying about housing laws.

You claim one cannot mandate where people should live when that is exactly what Obama is doing by working against our natural desire to segregate. Only a black man could contradict himself so blatantly and not have the brains to understand it.

There was no argument here to lose, you stupid cave creature. All that I did was respond to some of your ranting for entertainment,
You can "blame Obama" and post as much you wish to about how racist, neo nazi, white supremacist scumbags like you want to segregate.

Obama did not originate the fair housing act, you stupid, pink, inbred Klucker,

Lyndon Johnson signed it into law back in 1968. If anything, All that Obama has done is to supporte an update of the law.

I actually agree with you to an extent. I think that those who want to be segregated should be allowed to MOVE........to a remote location. Away from the rest of civilization forever.

Obama is trying to more forcefully integrate, I gave you the link, I know you are short on information but all you had to do was read.... oh, that's right, I forgot you are black and have difficulty in that regard

I don't care who started it, I care what is happening today. It failed to achieve your integrated NAZI diversity utopia because most people don't want that. Most folks are like me, we did self segregate and want to be left the hell alone. The problem is that you losers keep following us because you suck at civilization.

We agree, good, now we can together call off the left wing jackboots.

No we don't agree. I don't categorize entire groups of people.

If I assumed that the entire white population of this country was as ignorant as you are, that would be a big mistake.

yes your kind does categorize, you rant all the time about all white people without ever qualifying it and you want laws based upon skin color only, which the most obnoxious gross generalization one can make

I educated you in this thread, I posted data and links that you did not even know about while you posted exactly nothing but your own primitive and tortured logic. I have trashed your every argument, now lying black man puffs out his chest and declares me ignorant. I can't think of a better example of how utterly stupid black people are. Maybe if you type it in bold and all caps, that might make it more perfectly black

Thank you for reinforcing my point.

YES, YOU are ONE, INDIVIDUALLY IGNORANT, white person, and not all are like you, nor or ALL black people like me. Anyone who believes that a person's race, by default makes them who they are, is patently stupid.

You have not "trashed" me nor anyone else in this forum.

All that you have done is to put your own ignorance on display.

nice comeback, just stomp your foot harder and that makes you correct, blackthink is so primitive
There was no argument here to lose, you stupid cave creature. All that I did was respond to some of your ranting for entertainment,
You can "blame Obama" and post as much you wish to about how racist, neo nazi, white supremacist scumbags like you want to segregate.

Obama did not originate the fair housing act, you stupid, pink, inbred Klucker,

Lyndon Johnson signed it into law back in 1968. If anything, All that Obama has done is to supporte an update of the law.

I actually agree with you to an extent. I think that those who want to be segregated should be allowed to MOVE........to a remote location. Away from the rest of civilization forever.

Obama is trying to more forcefully integrate, I gave you the link, I know you are short on information but all you had to do was read.... oh, that's right, I forgot you are black and have difficulty in that regard

I don't care who started it, I care what is happening today. It failed to achieve your integrated NAZI diversity utopia because most people don't want that. Most folks are like me, we did self segregate and want to be left the hell alone. The problem is that you losers keep following us because you suck at civilization.

We agree, good, now we can together call off the left wing jackboots.

No we don't agree. I don't categorize entire groups of people.

If I assumed that the entire white population of this country was as ignorant as you are, that would be a big mistake.

yes your kind does categorize, you rant all the time about all white people without ever qualifying it and you want laws based upon skin color only, which the most obnoxious gross generalization one can make

I educated you in this thread, I posted data and links that you did not even know about while you posted exactly nothing but your own primitive and tortured logic. I have trashed your every argument, now lying black man puffs out his chest and declares me ignorant. I can't think of a better example of how utterly stupid black people are. Maybe if you type it in bold and all caps, that might make it more perfectly black

Thank you for reinforcing my point.

YES, YOU are ONE, INDIVIDUALLY IGNORANT, white person, and not all are like you, nor or ALL black people like me. Anyone who believes that a person's race, by default makes them who they are, is patently stupid.

You have not "trashed" me nor anyone else in this forum.

All that you have done is to put your own ignorance on display.

nice comeback, just stomp your foot harder and that makes you correct, blackthink is so primitive

No "stomping" is necessary, you are much more "primitive" than most of today's civilization. What you post proves this to be factual.

Your type of thinking has been outlawed from being put into action for decades.
Obama is trying to more forcefully integrate, I gave you the link, I know you are short on information but all you had to do was read.... oh, that's right, I forgot you are black and have difficulty in that regard

I don't care who started it, I care what is happening today. It failed to achieve your integrated NAZI diversity utopia because most people don't want that. Most folks are like me, we did self segregate and want to be left the hell alone. The problem is that you losers keep following us because you suck at civilization.

We agree, good, now we can together call off the left wing jackboots.

No we don't agree. I don't categorize entire groups of people.

If I assumed that the entire white population of this country was as ignorant as you are, that would be a big mistake.

yes your kind does categorize, you rant all the time about all white people without ever qualifying it and you want laws based upon skin color only, which the most obnoxious gross generalization one can make

I educated you in this thread, I posted data and links that you did not even know about while you posted exactly nothing but your own primitive and tortured logic. I have trashed your every argument, now lying black man puffs out his chest and declares me ignorant. I can't think of a better example of how utterly stupid black people are. Maybe if you type it in bold and all caps, that might make it more perfectly black

Thank you for reinforcing my point.

YES, YOU are ONE, INDIVIDUALLY IGNORANT, white person, and not all are like you, nor or ALL black people like me. Anyone who believes that a person's race, by default makes them who they are, is patently stupid.

You have not "trashed" me nor anyone else in this forum.

All that you have done is to put your own ignorance on display.

nice comeback, just stomp your foot harder and that makes you correct, blackthink is so primitive

No "stomping" is necessary, you are much more "primitive" than most of today's civilization. What you post proves this to be factual.

Your type of thinking has been outlawed from being put into action for decades.

my type of thinking relies on statistical reality and reason, your primitive mind works off anecdote and feelings

you can't outlaw thinking you dumbfuck
I stated that "your primitive thinkin
No we don't agree. I don't categorize entire groups of people.

If I assumed that the entire white population of this country was as ignorant as you are, that would be a big mistake.

yes your kind does categorize, you rant all the time about all white people without ever qualifying it and you want laws based upon skin color only, which the most obnoxious gross generalization one can make

I educated you in this thread, I posted data and links that you did not even know about while you posted exactly nothing but your own primitive and tortured logic. I have trashed your every argument, now lying black man puffs out his chest and declares me ignorant. I can't think of a better example of how utterly stupid black people are. Maybe if you type it in bold and all caps, that might make it more perfectly black

Thank you for reinforcing my point.

YES, YOU are ONE, INDIVIDUALLY IGNORANT, white person, and not all are like you, nor or ALL black people like me. Anyone who believes that a person's race, by default makes them who they are, is patently stupid.

You have not "trashed" me nor anyone else in this forum.

All that you have done is to put your own ignorance on display.

nice comeback, just stomp your foot harder and that makes you correct, blackthink is so primitive

No "stomping" is necessary, you are much more "primitive" than most of today's civilization. What you post proves this to be factual.

Your type of thinking has been outlawed from being put into action for decades.

my type of thinking relies on statistical reality and reason, your primitive mind works off anecdote and feelings

you can't outlaw thinking you dumbfuck

Your type of thinking relies on selected statistical data that you believe justifies your ignorant, backward generalizing as opposed to judging
individual behavior, which is what I base my thinking on.

I dI'd not state that "thinking" can be "outlawed", you fucking moron. Putting certain thoughts into action can be.

And quit playing stupid, infantile semantics. That is beneath even the likes of you.
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Look, with gave you guys the fat and ugly white chicks, and that's all you're getting! Know your place! Go fuck a fat white ho today!
....in their lives at one point in time past the age of 18. Get your mind out of the bedroom. Not like that. Personally, I found it very enlightening talking to white women once I got over hating white people. I was forced to pair up with this white girl from Louisiana when I had moved past basic training and into the phase of my military career when i was being trained for my MOS in communications security field. The talks we had regarding race were very frank and open. I was amazed that she easily spoke of the fears white males had of Black males. She should have known. Her father was a member of he KKK and she had heard all the horror stories since she was young enough to remember. It all made sense to me now that she explained the irrational fear white males have of Black males.

Sometimes I look back on that experience as a very "fork in the road" moment in my life. What if I had never met her? Would my oldest daughter have been born? would I have even met my Black wife? I wonder what makes most white women different from their male counter parts? Is it because they have witnessed up close and personal the fragile white male ego?


It is their soft vagina that feels so good. Dicks just don't feel as good as vaginas. It's simple. Weak men make their decisions this way. You are a weak man. You make decisions based on the feeling of the vagina. It makes her a good person because her vagina feels good to you. It is pretty sad really. If you are in your teens or early 20's then I will give you a free pass. Otherwise you are a completely weak person totally lead by emotions. You are dangerous if you can't objectively assess a person without touching their genitals.
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Everyone fears that which they don't know. It's not a race issue at all. You could be from Mars and if you are unknown people will fear you. On the other hand, it is those rare people who conquer their fear who do great things.

I don't hate black people. I do however hate black people who talk about race 24/7. I wish they would all be killed. Does that make me racist? I live in a racially diverse area but in my entire life I have met exactly zero black people that talk about race 24/7. Some reason they show up on tv all the time. They show upon the internet constantly. They are constantly being criticized. I feel like I am on a hidden camera prank show. There is so much talk about whiney black people that are obsessed with race issues but I have
never met one in real life. I think this is just a big ole scam. Black people aren't really a bunch of whiney, pathetic worthless trash. People are just trying to trick us into thinking that. Sorry. I am not falling for it. I have met too many black people to know better.
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....in their lives at one point in time past the age of 18. Get your mind out of the bedroom. Not like that. Personally, I found it very enlightening talking to white women once I got over hating white people. I was forced to pair up with this white girl from Louisiana when I had moved past basic training and into the phase of my military career when i was being trained for my MOS in communications security field. The talks we had regarding race were very frank and open. I was amazed that she easily spoke of the fears white males had of Black males. She should have known. Her father was a member of he KKK and she had heard all the horror stories since she was young enough to remember. It all made sense to me now that she explained the irrational fear white males have of Black males.

Sometimes I look back on that experience as a very "fork in the road" moment in my life. What if I had never met her? Would my oldest daughter have been born? would I have even met my Black wife? I wonder what makes most white women different from their male counter parts? Is it because they have witnessed up close and personal the fragile white male ego?


It is their soft vagina that feels so good. Dicks just don't feel as good as vaginas. It's simple. Weak men make their decisions this way. You are a weak man. You make decisions based on the feeling of the vagina. It makes her a good person because her vagina feels good to you. It is pretty sad really. If you are in your teens or early 20's then I will give you a free pass. Otherwise you are a completely weak person totally lead by emotions. You are dangerous if you can't objectively assess a person without touching their genitals.
You must be gay if you dont know all vaginas are soft. A good vagina doesnt make you a good person. What gave you the idea I even had sex with her? I see you must be another white guy full of butt hurt like many white women have told me.
....in their lives at one point in time past the age of 18. Get your mind out of the bedroom. Not like that. Personally, I found it very enlightening talking to white women once I got over hating white people. I was forced to pair up with this white girl from Louisiana when I had moved past basic training and into the phase of my military career when i was being trained for my MOS in communications security field. The talks we had regarding race were very frank and open. I was amazed that she easily spoke of the fears white males had of Black males. She should have known. Her father was a member of he KKK and she had heard all the horror stories since she was young enough to remember. It all made sense to me now that she explained the irrational fear white males have of Black males.

Sometimes I look back on that experience as a very "fork in the road" moment in my life. What if I had never met her? Would my oldest daughter have been born? would I have even met my Black wife? I wonder what makes most white women different from their male counter parts? Is it because they have witnessed up close and personal the fragile white male ego?

Ha! We finally got one! Serena Williams bitch! Boom! White guys rarely score a hot black chick. The ultimate catch would be Beyonce of course. But anyways, black women need to stop being racist and date us white guys.

Does Justin beiber bang any hot black chicks?
Everyone fears that which they don't know. It's not a race issue at all. You could be from Mars and if you are unknown people will fear you. On the other hand, it is those rare people who conquer their fear who do great things.

I don't hate black people. I do however hate black people who talk about race 24/7. I wish they would all be killed. Does that make me racist? I live in a racially diverse area but in my entire life I have met exactly zero black people that talk about race 24/7. Some reason they show up on tv all the time. They show upon the internet constantly. They are constantly being criticized. I feel like I am on a hidden camera prank show. There is so much talk about whiney black people that are obsessed with race issues but I have
never met one in real life. I think this is just a big ole scam. Black people aren't really a bunch of whiney, pathetic worthless trash. People are just trying to trick us into thinking that. Sorry. I am not falling for it. I have met too many black people to know better.
They use race, religion, guns to divide us
I have made out with one (or maybe two, high and stuff, not sure) afro american females back in the old days. They were not the typical, ugly, obese black slobs of today, they were hot. Bubble butts, small waists, juicy lips. They fucking loved my white body and 8 incher. I had to disconnect the phone line cause they called like I had impregnated them when that was not the case IMO.
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....in their lives at one point in time past the age of 18. Get your mind out of the bedroom. Not like that. Personally, I found it very enlightening talking to white women once I got over hating white people. I was forced to pair up with this white girl from Louisiana when I had moved past basic training and into the phase of my military career when i was being trained for my MOS in communications security field. The talks we had regarding race were very frank and open. I was amazed that she easily spoke of the fears white males had of Black males. She should have known. Her father was a member of he KKK and she had heard all the horror stories since she was young enough to remember. It all made sense to me now that she explained the irrational fear white males have of Black males.

Sometimes I look back on that experience as a very "fork in the road" moment in my life. What if I had never met her? Would my oldest daughter have been born? would I have even met my Black wife? I wonder what makes most white women different from their male counter parts? Is it because they have witnessed up close and personal the fragile white male ego?


It is their soft vagina that feels so good. Dicks just don't feel as good as vaginas. It's simple. Weak men make their decisions this way. You are a weak man. You make decisions based on the feeling of the vagina. It makes her a good person because her vagina feels good to you. It is pretty sad really. If you are in your teens or early 20's then I will give you a free pass. Otherwise you are a completely weak person totally lead by emotions. You are dangerous if you can't objectively assess a person without touching their genitals.
You must be gay if you dont know all vaginas are soft. A good vagina doesnt make you a good person. What gave you the idea I even had sex with her? I see you must be another white guy full of butt hurt like many white women have told me.
The problem with bedding down black chicks is, you cant shake them loose after that. They become very attached to white guys. Black chicks are only used in desperate situations when you cant find even a slobby white girl to sleep with, so they generally arent worth the hassle, but hey, sometimes your drunk and you just need a hole to blow your load in. Black chicks are good for that. Your women are very promiscuous, ya know.. easy, or as you homeboys like to say, "black bitches are loose".
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