Every Black Male Should Have a White Woman....

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Black men suck, ask the asians

We dont have to ask. They freely tell us we are the best.

I gave you stats and you give an anecdote, once again illustrating the futility of trying to have an intelligent conversation with people who are cognitively genetically handicapped. It is really too bad the NBA doesn't produce an export, or support 15 million jobs or we would not have to argue. Lincoln was spot on, we do not belong together, he should have sent you home.

Only fools like you think stats mean much. I prefer real life women telling it like it is.

Ah, an idiot actually saying anecdote is more valuable than statistics, all I have to do is let you speak and out comes the drivel

Your smaller brain and lower IQ comes from being the only haplogroup to not have neanderthal DNA. Funny to hear you slam that because they did have larger cranial volumes

Yes. anecdotes prove stats wrong all the time. Only an idiot wouldnt know that.

Neanderthals definitely had big heads like you white cave gibbons. However that larger cranial cavity was dedicated to visual acuity and not cognitive functions like reasoning or anything to do with intelligence. I love when you cave gibbons mention that and I make you face your lack of intelligence.
Black men suck, ask the asians

We dont have to ask. They freely tell us we are the best.

I gave you stats and you give an anecdote, once again illustrating the futility of trying to have an intelligent conversation with people who are cognitively genetically handicapped. It is really too bad the NBA doesn't produce an export, or support 15 million jobs or we would not have to argue. Lincoln was spot on, we do not belong together, he should have sent you home.

Only fools like you think stats mean much. I prefer real life women telling it like it is.

Ah, an idiot actually saying anecdote is more valuable than statistics, all I have to do is let you speak and out comes the drivel

Your smaller brain and lower IQ comes from being the only haplogroup to not have neanderthal DNA. Funny to hear you slam that because they did have larger cranial volumes

Yes. anecdotes prove stats wrong all the time. Only an idiot wouldnt know that.

Neanderthals definitely had big heads like you white cave gibbons. However that larger cranial cavity was dedicated to visual acuity and not cognitive functions like reasoning or anything to do with intelligence. I love when you cave gibbons mention that and I make you face your lack of intelligence.

anecdotes 'prove' stats wrong?? LOL keep talking moron, keep posting the logical fallacies. I know you are too limited to know the difference but educated folks can see it

Except that all testing of cognitive functions shows whites are superior. I can post the test results, you can't post anything but your lies.
my posts contain logic, links and data, yours contain guesses and contradictions.

So people must post only info that affects them directly now, got any other desperate rules dumbass? Once again subtler concepts elude your primitive mind, 'you' can mean in the plural, such as black people.

You haven't said anything of substance this entire thread, I gave you a list of facts about blacks and you said could address them as there were 'other variables' or some other lame crap like that. Crickets after that, typical.

As I said, I do hate libs and blacks, so what? blacks have directed plenty of hate my way long before I made my conclusions and if there was something wrong with being angry then every liberal out there needs medication now.

Wanna know what's funny? black men thinking they know something, so when the prison library closes you can go back to your cell and come up with your next set of lines for my entertainment. Hey it's Friday night, your ex biatch that you punched out must be working on getting her next little monk.

Here is what is funny, your posts don't contain any logic or any thought, you're not capable of any.

Just some cut and pasted articles with a few racial slurs attached along with some crazy rants about "how white people want to live".

You dont speak for all white people any more than I speak for all black people

You have not shown one iota of intelligence or lucid thinking in anything you have posted, you're just an angry, foul mouthed cretin, who probably could just as easily be a mass shooter because you think you're a victim.

By your own admission you hate the fact that you cannot live in a segregated environment, but the truth is that you actually could, because all you have to do is pack up, and get your miserable, stupid, inbred ass out of the country, so why would I waste even a millisecond trying to have any kind of sensible discussion with the likes of you?

What you are is a reminder of the kind of , pink, racist filth that my own parents and grandparents marched against just to have the right to vote and live where they chose to live without having a cross burned on their property or the church that they attended bombed by some retarded, bigoted scum like you.

You need to be segregated. ....in a mental ward, with other nut cases who are like you....and that is not a "guess".

I have posted a lot of macro stats to refute the BS you and asslips spout with your hand waving black-think BS. Banging your fist against your cage can't change that, you think you can declare what reality is just by saying it, something you blacks and libs love to do. Most all blacks share this in common, you think your primitive personal feelings and self manufactured conclusions are all that matters as you are not able to abstract and understand beyond that. You are children in your intellect and white libs feed your sense of injustice so much that a lot of you now march and complain for a living.

I posted the article to educate your small mind that low income blacks now want into wealthy white neighborhoods without earning it or being wanted there. I am talking about the larger reality and you know it, racial segregation is the desired way for most whites or else you yard apes would not be complaining about it so much, or demand laws against it. That is called logic dumfukker, or are you actually going to insist that Obama is acting on this all because of me alone? The only difference between me and lying white libs who live in white cities is that I am honest and they are too stupid or brainwashed to not understand their own desires. I have also spoken with a lot of my neighbors, none of us want section 8s, none. Therefore it is only at government gunpoint that blacks will move into my locale if this moves ahead, the housing values here are too high for most blacks and those that can afford it are probably turned off by the over 90% white demographic. That is how a really free and humane society works, people get to live where they choose and not forced to integrate with black garbage like you.

I have told your slow black mind repeatedly, I am segregated, so why cant you fuggers just leave me and my neighbors alone? Leave the country because I have a complaint? lol, here is some more of what you lower IQs hate- logic. If someone should leave the country because they have a complaint, you dumbfuks should have left long long ago, all you ever do is complain. Here is some more cold reality for you, the fact is white people would have nice choices like Norway, black people's best choices are in white majority countries. Here in the states even black people know the best neighborhoods are populated with white people. It must really suck to be so damned uncivilized that you have to move next to white people in order to feel like you have opportunity.
my posts contain logic, links and data, yours contain guesses and contradictions.

So people must post only info that affects them directly now, got any other desperate rules dumbass? Once again subtler concepts elude your primitive mind, 'you' can mean in the plural, such as black people.

You haven't said anything of substance this entire thread, I gave you a list of facts about blacks and you said could address them as there were 'other variables' or some other lame crap like that. Crickets after that, typical.

As I said, I do hate libs and blacks, so what? blacks have directed plenty of hate my way long before I made my conclusions and if there was something wrong with being angry then every liberal out there needs medication now.

Wanna know what's funny? black men thinking they know something, so when the prison library closes you can go back to your cell and come up with your next set of lines for my entertainment. Hey it's Friday night, your ex biatch that you punched out must be working on getting her next little monk.

Here is what is funny, your posts don't contain any logic or any thought, you're not capable of any.

Just some cut and pasted articles with a few racial slurs attached along with some crazy rants about "how white people want to live".

You dont speak for all white people any more than I speak for all black people

You have not shown one iota of intelligence or lucid thinking in anything you have posted, you're just an angry, foul mouthed cretin, who probably could just as easily be a mass shooter because you think you're a victim.

By your own admission you hate the fact that you cannot live in a segregated environment, but the truth is that you actually could, because all you have to do is pack up, and get your miserable, stupid, inbred ass out of the country, so why would I waste even a millisecond trying to have any kind of sensible discussion with the likes of you?

What you are is a reminder of the kind of , pink, racist filth that my own parents and grandparents marched against just to have the right to vote and live where they chose to live without having a cross burned on their property or the church that they attended bombed by some retarded, bigoted scum like you.

You need to be segregated. ....in a mental ward, with other nut cases who are like you....and that is not a "guess".

I have posted a lot of macro stats to refute the BS you and asslips spout with your hand waving black-think BS. Banging your fist against your cage can't change that, you think you can declare what reality is just by saying it, something you blacks and libs love to do. Most all blacks share this in common, you think your primitive personal feelings and self manufactured conclusions are all that matters as you are not able to abstract and understand beyond that. You are children in your intellect and white libs feed your sense of injustice so much that a lot of you now march and complain for a living.

I posted the article to educate your small mind that low income blacks now want into wealthy white neighborhoods without earning it or being wanted there. I am talking about the larger reality and you know it, racial segregation is the desired way for most whites or else you yard apes would not be complaining about it so much, or demand laws against it. That is called logic dumfukker, or are you actually going to insist that Obama is acting on this all because of me alone? The only difference between me and lying white libs who live in white cities is that I am honest and they are too stupid or brainwashed to not understand their own desires. I have also spoken with a lot of my neighbors, none of us want section 8s, none. Therefore it is only at government gunpoint that blacks will move into my locale if this moves ahead, the housing values here are too high for most blacks and those that can afford it are probably turned off by the over 90% white demographic. That is how a really free and humane society works, people get to live where they choose and not forced to integrate with black garbage like you.

I have told your slow black mind repeatedly, I am segregated, so why cant you fuggers just leave me and my neighbors alone? Leave the country because I have a complaint? lol, here is some more of what you lower IQs hate- logic. If someone should leave the country because they have a complaint, you dumbfuks should have left long long ago, all you ever do is complain. Here is some more cold reality for you, the fact is white people would have nice choices like Norway, black people's best choices are in white majority countries. Here in the states even black people know the best neighborhoods are populated with white people. It must really suck to be so damned uncivilized that you have to move next to white people in order to feel like you have opportunity.

Truth be told my rabid, simian, plaything...I my "opportunity" has been granted already.

The majority of the people in my own immediate surroundings are diverse, professionally accomplished, well educated, and secure in who they are.

They are not plaugued by lack of education mental illness nor acute paranoia and low self esteem as YOU are.

No one but a new generation aspiring KKK inbreds would gain anything by being anywhere near filthy white trash like you.

So please, keep on ranting and scouring the internet for whatever you think thatvI will waste time reading....ss opposed to being here ranting and raving, why don't you beer guzzling, cross eyed peckerwoods meet with your city council to keep the people that you dont want around out of "Dogpatch"?

You're just cheap form of entertainment not to be taken seriously......speaking of articles, I think you might be in this picture, Gomer.

Why I Have No Sympathy for Angry White Men

I just gave you tons of verifiable evidence that blacks want to live in white affluent suburbs, so what do you do? deny and lie, an ad hominem. That's all you really have when arguing against the pathetic reality of black people. If the majority of you are so well off and happy, then would you mind ending this immoral housing push by your man Obama? after all according to you blacks don't need it, and why the hell live by people like me? Your delusions cannot change the facts we all know.

I don't give a shit what you say about yourself on the internet, blacks lie constantly and there is no point accepting anything I cannot verify. What can be verified is there is a 1 in 3 chance you have a criminal record, 1 in 20 chance you are in jail, and a 30% chance you didn't graduate high school. Maybe someday your small primitive mind will grasp that concept, but I doubt it.

Of course you give a s*** about every word that I say, because you continue to answer what I say.....don't you?

If I believed that someone was blatantly inferior and couldn't stand the thought of them residing in my neighborhood, I certainly would not frustrate myself by searching the Internet for statitics that the were not "capable" of comprehending.......I would stay as far away from them as I possibly could, and would no even dignify them with a single word.

You are right about one thing, I don't and would not want to live near anyone like you at all.

You're psychotic.

the only reason I give a shit about you goons is that you vote and make laws that annoy me. Which stat have I posted that I do not understand? still waiting for your analysis liar, blacks have higher crime rates and somehow you are going to 'refute' that

Great, I don't want to live by you either and there are a lot of whites like me, so will you fight to end forced integration?
Here is what is funny, your posts don't contain any logic or any thought, you're not capable of any.

Just some cut and pasted articles with a few racial slurs attached along with some crazy rants about "how white people want to live".

You dont speak for all white people any more than I speak for all black people

You have not shown one iota of intelligence or lucid thinking in anything you have posted, you're just an angry, foul mouthed cretin, who probably could just as easily be a mass shooter because you think you're a victim.

By your own admission you hate the fact that you cannot live in a segregated environment, but the truth is that you actually could, because all you have to do is pack up, and get your miserable, stupid, inbred ass out of the country, so why would I waste even a millisecond trying to have any kind of sensible discussion with the likes of you?

What you are is a reminder of the kind of , pink, racist filth that my own parents and grandparents marched against just to have the right to vote and live where they chose to live without having a cross burned on their property or the church that they attended bombed by some retarded, bigoted scum like you.

You need to be segregated. ....in a mental ward, with other nut cases who are like you....and that is not a "guess".

I have posted a lot of macro stats to refute the BS you and asslips spout with your hand waving black-think BS. Banging your fist against your cage can't change that, you think you can declare what reality is just by saying it, something you blacks and libs love to do. Most all blacks share this in common, you think your primitive personal feelings and self manufactured conclusions are all that matters as you are not able to abstract and understand beyond that. You are children in your intellect and white libs feed your sense of injustice so much that a lot of you now march and complain for a living.

I posted the article to educate your small mind that low income blacks now want into wealthy white neighborhoods without earning it or being wanted there. I am talking about the larger reality and you know it, racial segregation is the desired way for most whites or else you yard apes would not be complaining about it so much, or demand laws against it. That is called logic dumfukker, or are you actually going to insist that Obama is acting on this all because of me alone? The only difference between me and lying white libs who live in white cities is that I am honest and they are too stupid or brainwashed to not understand their own desires. I have also spoken with a lot of my neighbors, none of us want section 8s, none. Therefore it is only at government gunpoint that blacks will move into my locale if this moves ahead, the housing values here are too high for most blacks and those that can afford it are probably turned off by the over 90% white demographic. That is how a really free and humane society works, people get to live where they choose and not forced to integrate with black garbage like you.

I have told your slow black mind repeatedly, I am segregated, so why cant you fuggers just leave me and my neighbors alone? Leave the country because I have a complaint? lol, here is some more of what you lower IQs hate- logic. If someone should leave the country because they have a complaint, you dumbfuks should have left long long ago, all you ever do is complain. Here is some more cold reality for you, the fact is white people would have nice choices like Norway, black people's best choices are in white majority countries. Here in the states even black people know the best neighborhoods are populated with white people. It must really suck to be so damned uncivilized that you have to move next to white people in order to feel like you have opportunity.
Here is what is funny, your posts don't contain any logic or any thought, you're not capable of any.

Just some cut and pasted articles with a few racial slurs attached along with some crazy rants about "how white people want to live".

You dont speak for all white people any more than I speak for all black people

You have not shown one iota of intelligence or lucid thinking in anything you have posted, you're just an angry, foul mouthed cretin, who probably could just as easily be a mass shooter because you think you're a victim.

By your own admission you hate the fact that you cannot live in a segregated environment, but the truth is that you actually could, because all you have to do is pack up, and get your miserable, stupid, inbred ass out of the country, so why would I waste even a millisecond trying to have any kind of sensible discussion with the likes of you?

What you are is a reminder of the kind of , pink, racist filth that my own parents and grandparents marched against just to have the right to vote and live where they chose to live without having a cross burned on their property or the church that they attended bombed by some retarded, bigoted scum like you.

You need to be segregated. ....in a mental ward, with other nut cases who are like you....and that is not a "guess".

I have posted a lot of macro stats to refute the BS you and asslips spout with your hand waving black-think BS. Banging your fist against your cage can't change that, you think you can declare what reality is just by saying it, something you blacks and libs love to do. Most all blacks share this in common, you think your primitive personal feelings and self manufactured conclusions are all that matters as you are not able to abstract and understand beyond that. You are children in your intellect and white libs feed your sense of injustice so much that a lot of you now march and complain for a living.

I posted the article to educate your small mind that low income blacks now want into wealthy white neighborhoods without earning it or being wanted there. I am talking about the larger reality and you know it, racial segregation is the desired way for most whites or else you yard apes would not be complaining about it so much, or demand laws against it. That is called logic dumfukker, or are you actually going to insist that Obama is acting on this all because of me alone? The only difference between me and lying white libs who live in white cities is that I am honest and they are too stupid or brainwashed to not understand their own desires. I have also spoken with a lot of my neighbors, none of us want section 8s, none. Therefore it is only at government gunpoint that blacks will move into my locale if this moves ahead, the housing values here are too high for most blacks and those that can afford it are probably turned off by the over 90% white demographic. That is how a really free and humane society works, people get to live where they choose and not forced to integrate with black garbage like you.

I have told your slow black mind repeatedly, I am segregated, so why cant you fuggers just leave me and my neighbors alone? Leave the country because I have a complaint? lol, here is some more of what you lower IQs hate- logic. If someone should leave the country because they have a complaint, you dumbfuks should have left long long ago, all you ever do is complain. Here is some more cold reality for you, the fact is white people would have nice choices like Norway, black people's best choices are in white majority countries. Here in the states even black people know the best neighborhoods are populated with white people. It must really suck to be so damned uncivilized that you have to move next to white people in order to feel like you have opportunity.

Truth be told my rabid, simian, plaything...I my "opportunity" has been granted already.

The majority of the people in my own immediate surroundings are diverse, professionally accomplished, well educated, and secure in who they are.

They are not plaugued by lack of education mental illness nor acute paranoia and low self esteem as YOU are.

No one but a new generation aspiring KKK inbreds would gain anything by being anywhere near filthy white trash like you.

So please, keep on ranting and scouring the internet for whatever you think thatvI will waste time reading....ss opposed to being here ranting and raving, why don't you beer guzzling, cross eyed peckerwoods meet with your city council to keep the people that you dont want around out of "Dogpatch"?

You're just cheap form of entertainment not to be taken seriously......speaking of articles, I think you might be in this picture, Gomer.

Why I Have No Sympathy for Angry White Men

I just gave you tons of verifiable evidence that blacks want to live in white affluent suburbs, so what do you do? deny and lie, an ad hominem. That's all you really have when arguing against the pathetic reality of black people. If the majority of you are so well off and happy, then would you mind ending this immoral housing push by your man Obama? after all according to you blacks don't need it, and why the hell live by people like me? Your delusions cannot change the facts we all know.

I don't give a shit what you say about yourself on the internet, blacks lie constantly and there is no point accepting anything I cannot verify. What can be verified is there is a 1 in 3 chance you have a criminal record, 1 in 20 chance you are in jail, and a 30% chance you didn't graduate high school. Maybe someday your small primitive mind will grasp that concept, but I doubt it.

Of course you give a s*** about every word that I say, because you continue to answer what I say.....don't you?

If I believed that someone was blatantly inferior and couldn't stand the thought of them residing in my neighborhood, I certainly would not frustrate myself by searching the Internet for statitics that the were not "capable" of comprehending.......I would stay as far away from them as I possibly could, and would no even dignify them with a single word.

You are right about one thing, I don't and would not want to live near anyone like you at all.

You're psychotic.

the only reason I give a shit about you goons is that you vote and make laws that annoy me. Which stat have I posted that I do not understand? still waiting for your analysis liar, blacks have higher crime rates and somehow you are going to 'refute' that

Great, I don't want to live by you either and there are a lot of whites like me, so will you fight to end forced integration?

I don't need to "fight" to "end" anything you moron.

No one is stopping me from living where I choose to.

YOU'RE problem is that YOU cannot stop anyone from living where they choose...that's your issue, not mine.
We dont have to ask. They freely tell us we are the best.

I gave you stats and you give an anecdote, once again illustrating the futility of trying to have an intelligent conversation with people who are cognitively genetically handicapped. It is really too bad the NBA doesn't produce an export, or support 15 million jobs or we would not have to argue. Lincoln was spot on, we do not belong together, he should have sent you home.

Only fools like you think stats mean much. I prefer real life women telling it like it is.

Ah, an idiot actually saying anecdote is more valuable than statistics, all I have to do is let you speak and out comes the drivel

Your smaller brain and lower IQ comes from being the only haplogroup to not have neanderthal DNA. Funny to hear you slam that because they did have larger cranial volumes

Yes. anecdotes prove stats wrong all the time. Only an idiot wouldnt know that.

Neanderthals definitely had big heads like you white cave gibbons. However that larger cranial cavity was dedicated to visual acuity and not cognitive functions like reasoning or anything to do with intelligence. I love when you cave gibbons mention that and I make you face your lack of intelligence.

anecdotes 'prove' stats wrong?? LOL keep talking moron, keep posting the logical fallacies. I know you are too limited to know the difference but educated folks can see it

Except that all testing of cognitive functions shows whites are superior. I can post the test results, you can't post anything but your lies.

Calling on your fellow cave gibbons for support and pretending they are intelligent doesnt cut it honky boy.

White testing is just as ridiculously irrelevant as most of you white cave chimps. Gimme a break. No one takes that silly shit as credible except retarded cave chimps such as yourself. Go get deloused with that bullshit. :laugh:
I have posted a lot of macro stats to refute the BS you and asslips spout with your hand waving black-think BS. Banging your fist against your cage can't change that, you think you can declare what reality is just by saying it, something you blacks and libs love to do. Most all blacks share this in common, you think your primitive personal feelings and self manufactured conclusions are all that matters as you are not able to abstract and understand beyond that. You are children in your intellect and white libs feed your sense of injustice so much that a lot of you now march and complain for a living.

I posted the article to educate your small mind that low income blacks now want into wealthy white neighborhoods without earning it or being wanted there. I am talking about the larger reality and you know it, racial segregation is the desired way for most whites or else you yard apes would not be complaining about it so much, or demand laws against it. That is called logic dumfukker, or are you actually going to insist that Obama is acting on this all because of me alone? The only difference between me and lying white libs who live in white cities is that I am honest and they are too stupid or brainwashed to not understand their own desires. I have also spoken with a lot of my neighbors, none of us want section 8s, none. Therefore it is only at government gunpoint that blacks will move into my locale if this moves ahead, the housing values here are too high for most blacks and those that can afford it are probably turned off by the over 90% white demographic. That is how a really free and humane society works, people get to live where they choose and not forced to integrate with black garbage like you.

I have told your slow black mind repeatedly, I am segregated, so why cant you fuggers just leave me and my neighbors alone? Leave the country because I have a complaint? lol, here is some more of what you lower IQs hate- logic. If someone should leave the country because they have a complaint, you dumbfuks should have left long long ago, all you ever do is complain. Here is some more cold reality for you, the fact is white people would have nice choices like Norway, black people's best choices are in white majority countries. Here in the states even black people know the best neighborhoods are populated with white people. It must really suck to be so damned uncivilized that you have to move next to white people in order to feel like you have opportunity.
I have posted a lot of macro stats to refute the BS you and asslips spout with your hand waving black-think BS. Banging your fist against your cage can't change that, you think you can declare what reality is just by saying it, something you blacks and libs love to do. Most all blacks share this in common, you think your primitive personal feelings and self manufactured conclusions are all that matters as you are not able to abstract and understand beyond that. You are children in your intellect and white libs feed your sense of injustice so much that a lot of you now march and complain for a living.

I posted the article to educate your small mind that low income blacks now want into wealthy white neighborhoods without earning it or being wanted there. I am talking about the larger reality and you know it, racial segregation is the desired way for most whites or else you yard apes would not be complaining about it so much, or demand laws against it. That is called logic dumfukker, or are you actually going to insist that Obama is acting on this all because of me alone? The only difference between me and lying white libs who live in white cities is that I am honest and they are too stupid or brainwashed to not understand their own desires. I have also spoken with a lot of my neighbors, none of us want section 8s, none. Therefore it is only at government gunpoint that blacks will move into my locale if this moves ahead, the housing values here are too high for most blacks and those that can afford it are probably turned off by the over 90% white demographic. That is how a really free and humane society works, people get to live where they choose and not forced to integrate with black garbage like you.

I have told your slow black mind repeatedly, I am segregated, so why cant you fuggers just leave me and my neighbors alone? Leave the country because I have a complaint? lol, here is some more of what you lower IQs hate- logic. If someone should leave the country because they have a complaint, you dumbfuks should have left long long ago, all you ever do is complain. Here is some more cold reality for you, the fact is white people would have nice choices like Norway, black people's best choices are in white majority countries. Here in the states even black people know the best neighborhoods are populated with white people. It must really suck to be so damned uncivilized that you have to move next to white people in order to feel like you have opportunity.

Truth be told my rabid, simian, plaything...I my "opportunity" has been granted already.

The majority of the people in my own immediate surroundings are diverse, professionally accomplished, well educated, and secure in who they are.

They are not plaugued by lack of education mental illness nor acute paranoia and low self esteem as YOU are.

No one but a new generation aspiring KKK inbreds would gain anything by being anywhere near filthy white trash like you.

So please, keep on ranting and scouring the internet for whatever you think thatvI will waste time reading....ss opposed to being here ranting and raving, why don't you beer guzzling, cross eyed peckerwoods meet with your city council to keep the people that you dont want around out of "Dogpatch"?

You're just cheap form of entertainment not to be taken seriously......speaking of articles, I think you might be in this picture, Gomer.

Why I Have No Sympathy for Angry White Men

I just gave you tons of verifiable evidence that blacks want to live in white affluent suburbs, so what do you do? deny and lie, an ad hominem. That's all you really have when arguing against the pathetic reality of black people. If the majority of you are so well off and happy, then would you mind ending this immoral housing push by your man Obama? after all according to you blacks don't need it, and why the hell live by people like me? Your delusions cannot change the facts we all know.

I don't give a shit what you say about yourself on the internet, blacks lie constantly and there is no point accepting anything I cannot verify. What can be verified is there is a 1 in 3 chance you have a criminal record, 1 in 20 chance you are in jail, and a 30% chance you didn't graduate high school. Maybe someday your small primitive mind will grasp that concept, but I doubt it.

Of course you give a s*** about every word that I say, because you continue to answer what I say.....don't you?

If I believed that someone was blatantly inferior and couldn't stand the thought of them residing in my neighborhood, I certainly would not frustrate myself by searching the Internet for statitics that the were not "capable" of comprehending.......I would stay as far away from them as I possibly could, and would no even dignify them with a single word.

You are right about one thing, I don't and would not want to live near anyone like you at all.

You're psychotic.

the only reason I give a shit about you goons is that you vote and make laws that annoy me. Which stat have I posted that I do not understand? still waiting for your analysis liar, blacks have higher crime rates and somehow you are going to 'refute' that

Great, I don't want to live by you either and there are a lot of whites like me, so will you fight to end forced integration?

I don't need to "fight" to "end" anything you moron.

No one is stopping me from living where I choose to.

YOU'RE problem is that YOU cannot stop anyone from living where they choose...that's your issue, not mine.

forced integration is not 'living where one chooses' loser because if people just like me choose to only live by each other, then you assholes demand to move next to me. How about everyone is free to associate with their own kind? instead of being harassed by lowlife black monkeys who can't make their own neighborhoods worth a damn?
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I gave you stats and you give an anecdote, once again illustrating the futility of trying to have an intelligent conversation with people who are cognitively genetically handicapped. It is really too bad the NBA doesn't produce an export, or support 15 million jobs or we would not have to argue. Lincoln was spot on, we do not belong together, he should have sent you home.
Only fools like you think stats mean much. I prefer real life women telling it like it is.

Ah, an idiot actually saying anecdote is more valuable than statistics, all I have to do is let you speak and out comes the drivel

Your smaller brain and lower IQ comes from being the only haplogroup to not have neanderthal DNA. Funny to hear you slam that because they did have larger cranial volumes
Yes. anecdotes prove stats wrong all the time. Only an idiot wouldnt know that.

Neanderthals definitely had big heads like you white cave gibbons. However that larger cranial cavity was dedicated to visual acuity and not cognitive functions like reasoning or anything to do with intelligence. I love when you cave gibbons mention that and I make you face your lack of intelligence.

anecdotes 'prove' stats wrong?? LOL keep talking moron, keep posting the logical fallacies. I know you are too limited to know the difference but educated folks can see it

Except that all testing of cognitive functions shows whites are superior. I can post the test results, you can't post anything but your lies.
Calling on your fellow cave gibbons for support and pretending they are intelligent doesnt cut it honky boy.

White testing is just as ridiculously irrelevant as most of you white cave chimps. Gimme a break. No one takes that silly shit as credible except retarded cave chimps such as yourself. Go get deloused with that bullshit. :laugh:

who did I call on for support? lying dumbass

nobody takes standardized testing such as PISA, ACT, SAT, etc. as credible? prove it liar

'anecdotes prove stats wrong' ... you are breathtakingly stupid, and it is funny because you cant grasp just how stupid you are
Last edited:
Truth be told my rabid, simian, plaything...I my "opportunity" has been granted already.

The majority of the people in my own immediate surroundings are diverse, professionally accomplished, well educated, and secure in who they are.

They are not plaugued by lack of education mental illness nor acute paranoia and low self esteem as YOU are.

No one but a new generation aspiring KKK inbreds would gain anything by being anywhere near filthy white trash like you.

So please, keep on ranting and scouring the internet for whatever you think thatvI will waste time reading....ss opposed to being here ranting and raving, why don't you beer guzzling, cross eyed peckerwoods meet with your city council to keep the people that you dont want around out of "Dogpatch"?

You're just cheap form of entertainment not to be taken seriously......speaking of articles, I think you might be in this picture, Gomer.

Why I Have No Sympathy for Angry White Men

I just gave you tons of verifiable evidence that blacks want to live in white affluent suburbs, so what do you do? deny and lie, an ad hominem. That's all you really have when arguing against the pathetic reality of black people. If the majority of you are so well off and happy, then would you mind ending this immoral housing push by your man Obama? after all according to you blacks don't need it, and why the hell live by people like me? Your delusions cannot change the facts we all know.

I don't give a shit what you say about yourself on the internet, blacks lie constantly and there is no point accepting anything I cannot verify. What can be verified is there is a 1 in 3 chance you have a criminal record, 1 in 20 chance you are in jail, and a 30% chance you didn't graduate high school. Maybe someday your small primitive mind will grasp that concept, but I doubt it.

Of course you give a s*** about every word that I say, because you continue to answer what I say.....don't you?

If I believed that someone was blatantly inferior and couldn't stand the thought of them residing in my neighborhood, I certainly would not frustrate myself by searching the Internet for statitics that the were not "capable" of comprehending.......I would stay as far away from them as I possibly could, and would no even dignify them with a single word.

You are right about one thing, I don't and would not want to live near anyone like you at all.

You're psychotic.

the only reason I give a shit about you goons is that you vote and make laws that annoy me. Which stat have I posted that I do not understand? still waiting for your analysis liar, blacks have higher crime rates and somehow you are going to 'refute' that

Great, I don't want to live by you either and there are a lot of whites like me, so will you fight to end forced integration?

I don't need to "fight" to "end" anything you moron.

No one is stopping me from living where I choose to.

YOU'RE problem is that YOU cannot stop anyone from living where they choose...that's your issue, not mine.

forced integration is not 'living where one chooses' loser because if people just like me choose to only live by each other, then you assholes demand to move next to me. How about everyone is free to associate with their own kind? instead of being harassed by lowlife black monkeys who can't make their own neighborhoods worth a damn?

Everyone IS "free" to "associate" with who they "choose", you dumbass cave creature.

You are just not "free" to prevent others from living where they choose to.

Now, instead of throwing a tantrum about that on an anonymous message board on the internet, why don't you pack your belongings and move to a place where you have no nearby neighbors?

There you go....your problem is solved.
I just gave you tons of verifiable evidence that blacks want to live in white affluent suburbs, so what do you do? deny and lie, an ad hominem. That's all you really have when arguing against the pathetic reality of black people. If the majority of you are so well off and happy, then would you mind ending this immoral housing push by your man Obama? after all according to you blacks don't need it, and why the hell live by people like me? Your delusions cannot change the facts we all know.

I don't give a shit what you say about yourself on the internet, blacks lie constantly and there is no point accepting anything I cannot verify. What can be verified is there is a 1 in 3 chance you have a criminal record, 1 in 20 chance you are in jail, and a 30% chance you didn't graduate high school. Maybe someday your small primitive mind will grasp that concept, but I doubt it.

Of course you give a s*** about every word that I say, because you continue to answer what I say.....don't you?

If I believed that someone was blatantly inferior and couldn't stand the thought of them residing in my neighborhood, I certainly would not frustrate myself by searching the Internet for statitics that the were not "capable" of comprehending.......I would stay as far away from them as I possibly could, and would no even dignify them with a single word.

You are right about one thing, I don't and would not want to live near anyone like you at all.

You're psychotic.

the only reason I give a shit about you goons is that you vote and make laws that annoy me. Which stat have I posted that I do not understand? still waiting for your analysis liar, blacks have higher crime rates and somehow you are going to 'refute' that

Great, I don't want to live by you either and there are a lot of whites like me, so will you fight to end forced integration?

I don't need to "fight" to "end" anything you moron.

No one is stopping me from living where I choose to.

YOU'RE problem is that YOU cannot stop anyone from living where they choose...that's your issue, not mine.

forced integration is not 'living where one chooses' loser because if people just like me choose to only live by each other, then you assholes demand to move next to me. How about everyone is free to associate with their own kind? instead of being harassed by lowlife black monkeys who can't make their own neighborhoods worth a damn?

Everyone IS "free" to "associate" with who they "choose", you dumbass cave creature.

You are just not "free" to prevent others from living where they choose to.

Now, instead of throwing a tantrum about that on an anonymous message board on the internet, why don't you pack your belongings and move to a place where you have no nearby neighbors?

There you go....your problem is solved.

problem not solved dumbshit, I live amongst whites who are like me, but you and your diversity Nazis want to force in some worthless porch monkeys because you don't want my neighborhood too white and you claim they have a better chance at life in my white neighborhood. We freely congregated together, forcing people at government gunpoint to integrate is immoral and antithetical to freedom.

We don't like you and don't want your fucking diversity. If you can't make your own neighborhoods safe and prosperous, it's your own damn fault that you are animals.

Where the White People Live

....the existence of self-segregated wealthy white areas close by low-income minority ones isn't unique....
....Racially concentrated areas of affluence, by the researchers' definition, are census tracts where 90 percent or more of the population is white and the median income is at least four times the federal poverty level, adjusted for the cost of living in each city.

Living Together, Learning Apart

The two schools’ tables demonstrate an alarming fact about the district as a whole: Now that parents have more say in their children’s education than they have in decades, San Francisco’s public schools are increasingly segregated.....
......Sanchez said the lack of diversity at Cleveland actually makes his job easier.
The more homogeneous your population is, the easier it is to run it — the expectations of the families are very similar,” he said, noting there aren’t many discipline problems at his school.

That’s a far different attitude than the one Sanchez had 10 years ago as a lefty firebrand on the school board. At the time, the seven members were grappling with how to remake the student assignment system, and Sanchez wanted to use race as a tiebreaker when two students were vying for the same spot and to give public housing residents priority.

He didn’t succeed — and he’s long abandoned that fight.

“I’ve raised the white flag, so to speak,” he said. “There’s a patina of people wanting diversity, but when the rubber hits the road, they’re going to make the best decisions for their family. I don’t think most families actually want it.”
Of course you give a s*** about every word that I say, because you continue to answer what I say.....don't you?

If I believed that someone was blatantly inferior and couldn't stand the thought of them residing in my neighborhood, I certainly would not frustrate myself by searching the Internet for statitics that the were not "capable" of comprehending.......I would stay as far away from them as I possibly could, and would no even dignify them with a single word.

You are right about one thing, I don't and would not want to live near anyone like you at all.

You're psychotic.

the only reason I give a shit about you goons is that you vote and make laws that annoy me. Which stat have I posted that I do not understand? still waiting for your analysis liar, blacks have higher crime rates and somehow you are going to 'refute' that

Great, I don't want to live by you either and there are a lot of whites like me, so will you fight to end forced integration?

I don't need to "fight" to "end" anything you moron.

No one is stopping me from living where I choose to.

YOU'RE problem is that YOU cannot stop anyone from living where they choose...that's your issue, not mine.

forced integration is not 'living where one chooses' loser because if people just like me choose to only live by each other, then you assholes demand to move next to me. How about everyone is free to associate with their own kind? instead of being harassed by lowlife black monkeys who can't make their own neighborhoods worth a damn?

Everyone IS "free" to "associate" with who they "choose", you dumbass cave creature.

You are just not "free" to prevent others from living where they choose to.

Now, instead of throwing a tantrum about that on an anonymous message board on the internet, why don't you pack your belongings and move to a place where you have no nearby neighbors?

There you go....your problem is solved.

problem not solved dumbshit, I live amongst whites who are like me, but you and your diversity Nazis want to force in some worthless porch monkeys because you don't want my neighborhood too white and you claim they have a better chance at life in my white neighborhood. We freely congregated together, forcing people at government gunpoint to integrate is immoral and antithetical to freedom.

We don't like you and don't want your fucking diversity. If you can't make your own neighborhoods safe and prosperous, it's your own damn fault that you are animals.

Where the White People Live

....the existence of self-segregated wealthy white areas close by low-income minority ones isn't unique....
....Racially concentrated areas of affluence, by the researchers' definition, are census tracts where 90 percent or more of the population is white and the median income is at least four times the federal poverty level, adjusted for the cost of living in each city.

Living Together, Learning Apart

The two schools’ tables demonstrate an alarming fact about the district as a whole: Now that parents have more say in their children’s education than they have in decades, San Francisco’s public schools are increasingly segregated.....
......Sanchez said the lack of diversity at Cleveland actually makes his job easier.
The more homogeneous your population is, the easier it is to run it — the expectations of the families are very similar,” he said, noting there aren’t many discipline problems at his school.

That’s a far different attitude than the one Sanchez had 10 years ago as a lefty firebrand on the school board. At the time, the seven members were grappling with how to remake the student assignment system, and Sanchez wanted to use race as a tiebreaker when two students were vying for the same spot and to give public housing residents priority.

He didn’t succeed — and he’s long abandoned that fight.

“I’ve raised the white flag, so to speak,” he said. “There’s a patina of people wanting diversity, but when the rubber hits the road, they’re going to make the best decisions for their family. I don’t think most families actually want it.”

MY neighborhood is "safe and prosperous" and includeq ...if yours is not,; that's not MY problem,; you damn fool...it's yours l
the only reason I give a shit about you goons is that you vote and make laws that annoy me. Which stat have I posted that I do not understand? still waiting for your analysis liar, blacks have higher crime rates and somehow you are going to 'refute' that

Great, I don't want to live by you either and there are a lot of whites like me, so will you fight to end forced integration?

I don't need to "fight" to "end" anything you moron.

No one is stopping me from living where I choose to.

YOU'RE problem is that YOU cannot stop anyone from living where they choose...that's your issue, not mine.

forced integration is not 'living where one chooses' loser because if people just like me choose to only live by each other, then you assholes demand to move next to me. How about everyone is free to associate with their own kind? instead of being harassed by lowlife black monkeys who can't make their own neighborhoods worth a damn?

Everyone IS "free" to "associate" with who they "choose", you dumbass cave creature.

You are just not "free" to prevent others from living where they choose to.

Now, instead of throwing a tantrum about that on an anonymous message board on the internet, why don't you pack your belongings and move to a place where you have no nearby neighbors?

There you go....your problem is solved.

problem not solved dumbshit, I live amongst whites who are like me, but you and your diversity Nazis want to force in some worthless porch monkeys because you don't want my neighborhood too white and you claim they have a better chance at life in my white neighborhood. We freely congregated together, forcing people at government gunpoint to integrate is immoral and antithetical to freedom.

We don't like you and don't want your fucking diversity. If you can't make your own neighborhoods safe and prosperous, it's your own damn fault that you are animals.

Where the White People Live

....the existence of self-segregated wealthy white areas close by low-income minority ones isn't unique....
....Racially concentrated areas of affluence, by the researchers' definition, are census tracts where 90 percent or more of the population is white and the median income is at least four times the federal poverty level, adjusted for the cost of living in each city.

Living Together, Learning Apart

The two schools’ tables demonstrate an alarming fact about the district as a whole: Now that parents have more say in their children’s education than they have in decades, San Francisco’s public schools are increasingly segregated.....
......Sanchez said the lack of diversity at Cleveland actually makes his job easier.
The more homogeneous your population is, the easier it is to run it — the expectations of the families are very similar,” he said, noting there aren’t many discipline problems at his school.

That’s a far different attitude than the one Sanchez had 10 years ago as a lefty firebrand on the school board. At the time, the seven members were grappling with how to remake the student assignment system, and Sanchez wanted to use race as a tiebreaker when two students were vying for the same spot and to give public housing residents priority.

He didn’t succeed — and he’s long abandoned that fight.

“I’ve raised the white flag, so to speak,” he said. “There’s a patina of people wanting diversity, but when the rubber hits the road, they’re going to make the best decisions for their family. I don’t think most families actually want it.”

MY neighborhood is "safe and prosperous" and includeq ...if yours is not,; that's not MY problem,; you damn fool...it's yours l

Mine is fine unless you goons move in, that is my problem, Obama wants to make it unsafe by forced integration. My problem is you people, not my current neighbors.
I don't need to "fight" to "end" anything you moron.

No one is stopping me from living where I choose to.

YOU'RE problem is that YOU cannot stop anyone from living where they choose...that's your issue, not mine.

forced integration is not 'living where one chooses' loser because if people just like me choose to only live by each other, then you assholes demand to move next to me. How about everyone is free to associate with their own kind? instead of being harassed by lowlife black monkeys who can't make their own neighborhoods worth a damn?

Everyone IS "free" to "associate" with who they "choose", you dumbass cave creature.

You are just not "free" to prevent others from living where they choose to.

Now, instead of throwing a tantrum about that on an anonymous message board on the internet, why don't you pack your belongings and move to a place where you have no nearby neighbors?

There you go....your problem is solved.

problem not solved dumbshit, I live amongst whites who are like me, but you and your diversity Nazis want to force in some worthless porch monkeys because you don't want my neighborhood too white and you claim they have a better chance at life in my white neighborhood. We freely congregated together, forcing people at government gunpoint to integrate is immoral and antithetical to freedom.

We don't like you and don't want your fucking diversity. If you can't make your own neighborhoods safe and prosperous, it's your own damn fault that you are animals.

Where the White People Live

....the existence of self-segregated wealthy white areas close by low-income minority ones isn't unique....
....Racially concentrated areas of affluence, by the researchers' definition, are census tracts where 90 percent or more of the population is white and the median income is at least four times the federal poverty level, adjusted for the cost of living in each city.

Living Together, Learning Apart

The two schools’ tables demonstrate an alarming fact about the district as a whole: Now that parents have more say in their children’s education than they have in decades, San Francisco’s public schools are increasingly segregated.....
......Sanchez said the lack of diversity at Cleveland actually makes his job easier.
The more homogeneous your population is, the easier it is to run it — the expectations of the families are very similar,” he said, noting there aren’t many discipline problems at his school.

That’s a far different attitude than the one Sanchez had 10 years ago as a lefty firebrand on the school board. At the time, the seven members were grappling with how to remake the student assignment system, and Sanchez wanted to use race as a tiebreaker when two students were vying for the same spot and to give public housing residents priority.

He didn’t succeed — and he’s long abandoned that fight.

“I’ve raised the white flag, so to speak,” he said. “There’s a patina of people wanting diversity, but when the rubber hits the road, they’re going to make the best decisions for their family. I don’t think most families actually want it.”

MY neighborhood is "safe and prosperous" and includeq ...if yours is not,; that's not MY problem,; you damn fool...it's yours l

Mine is fine unless you goons move in, that is my problem, Obama wants to make it unsafe by forced integration. My problem is you people, not my current neighbors.

LMAO...."Obama the bogeyman".

Idiot, please . It's a free country, and you're not being held hostage here....you're free to leave.

There are plenty of places in the world that you could move to where the population of blacks is so infinitesimal that you would never encounter another one for the rest of your life.

Instead of living in fear, why not get your sorry ass out?

Speaking for myself, while I cannot control the possibility of ending up living near some KKK nutcase like you, I certainly would not worry about it until it happened.
forced integration is not 'living where one chooses' loser because if people just like me choose to only live by each other, then you assholes demand to move next to me. How about everyone is free to associate with their own kind? instead of being harassed by lowlife black monkeys who can't make their own neighborhoods worth a damn?

Everyone IS "free" to "associate" with who they "choose", you dumbass cave creature.

You are just not "free" to prevent others from living where they choose to.

Now, instead of throwing a tantrum about that on an anonymous message board on the internet, why don't you pack your belongings and move to a place where you have no nearby neighbors?

There you go....your problem is solved.

problem not solved dumbshit, I live amongst whites who are like me, but you and your diversity Nazis want to force in some worthless porch monkeys because you don't want my neighborhood too white and you claim they have a better chance at life in my white neighborhood. We freely congregated together, forcing people at government gunpoint to integrate is immoral and antithetical to freedom.

We don't like you and don't want your fucking diversity. If you can't make your own neighborhoods safe and prosperous, it's your own damn fault that you are animals.

Where the White People Live

....the existence of self-segregated wealthy white areas close by low-income minority ones isn't unique....
....Racially concentrated areas of affluence, by the researchers' definition, are census tracts where 90 percent or more of the population is white and the median income is at least four times the federal poverty level, adjusted for the cost of living in each city.

Living Together, Learning Apart

The two schools’ tables demonstrate an alarming fact about the district as a whole: Now that parents have more say in their children’s education than they have in decades, San Francisco’s public schools are increasingly segregated.....
......Sanchez said the lack of diversity at Cleveland actually makes his job easier.
The more homogeneous your population is, the easier it is to run it — the expectations of the families are very similar,” he said, noting there aren’t many discipline problems at his school.

That’s a far different attitude than the one Sanchez had 10 years ago as a lefty firebrand on the school board. At the time, the seven members were grappling with how to remake the student assignment system, and Sanchez wanted to use race as a tiebreaker when two students were vying for the same spot and to give public housing residents priority.

He didn’t succeed — and he’s long abandoned that fight.

“I’ve raised the white flag, so to speak,” he said. “There’s a patina of people wanting diversity, but when the rubber hits the road, they’re going to make the best decisions for their family. I don’t think most families actually want it.”

MY neighborhood is "safe and prosperous" and includeq ...if yours is not,; that's not MY problem,; you damn fool...it's yours l

Mine is fine unless you goons move in, that is my problem, Obama wants to make it unsafe by forced integration. My problem is you people, not my current neighbors.

LMAO...."Obama the bogeyman".

Idiot, please . It's a free country, and you're not being held hostage here....you're free to leave.

There are plenty of places in the world that you could move to where the population of blacks is so infinitesimal that you would never encounter another one for the rest of your life.

Instead of living in fear, why not get your sorry ass out?

Speaking for myself, while I cannot control the possibility of ending up living near some KKK nutcase like you, I certainly would not worry about it until it happened.

why don't blacks leave? you are always complaining about this racist country, have been for over 150 years yet I don't see you guys moving your worthless asses out to Africa. In fact I see the opposite, Africans want to come live in this oppressive racist country, kind of shows what liars you are.

So I should never fight against unfair and immoral race laws that violate my rights? ah, fuck you asshole

You can control it dipshit, live with blacks. I guarantee you if you do that, then nobody like me (most whites) will ever move next to you. We go out of our way to get the hell away from you. The problem is that you blacks want to follow us with your housing laws. You want to follow us because you are primitive losers who can't make your own communities worth a damn.
forced integration is not 'living where one chooses' loser because if people just like me choose to only live by each other, then you assholes demand to move next to me. How about everyone is free to associate with their own kind? instead of being harassed by lowlife black monkeys who can't make their own neighborhoods worth a damn?

Everyone IS "free" to "associate" with who they "choose", you dumbass cave creature.

You are just not "free" to prevent others from living where they choose to.

Now, instead of throwing a tantrum about that on an anonymous message board on the internet, why don't you pack your belongings and move to a place where you have no nearby neighbors?

There you go....your problem is solved.

problem not solved dumbshit, I live amongst whites who are like me, but you and your diversity Nazis want to force in some worthless porch monkeys because you don't want my neighborhood too white and you claim they have a better chance at life in my white neighborhood. We freely congregated together, forcing people at government gunpoint to integrate is immoral and antithetical to freedom.

We don't like you and don't want your fucking diversity. If you can't make your own neighborhoods safe and prosperous, it's your own damn fault that you are animals.

Where the White People Live

....the existence of self-segregated wealthy white areas close by low-income minority ones isn't unique....
....Racially concentrated areas of affluence, by the researchers' definition, are census tracts where 90 percent or more of the population is white and the median income is at least four times the federal poverty level, adjusted for the cost of living in each city.

Living Together, Learning Apart

The two schools’ tables demonstrate an alarming fact about the district as a whole: Now that parents have more say in their children’s education than they have in decades, San Francisco’s public schools are increasingly segregated.....
......Sanchez said the lack of diversity at Cleveland actually makes his job easier.
The more homogeneous your population is, the easier it is to run it — the expectations of the families are very similar,” he said, noting there aren’t many discipline problems at his school.

That’s a far different attitude than the one Sanchez had 10 years ago as a lefty firebrand on the school board. At the time, the seven members were grappling with how to remake the student assignment system, and Sanchez wanted to use race as a tiebreaker when two students were vying for the same spot and to give public housing residents priority.

He didn’t succeed — and he’s long abandoned that fight.

“I’ve raised the white flag, so to speak,” he said. “There’s a patina of people wanting diversity, but when the rubber hits the road, they’re going to make the best decisions for their family. I don’t think most families actually want it.”

MY neighborhood is "safe and prosperous" and includeq ...if yours is not,; that's not MY problem,; you damn fool...it's yours l

Mine is fine unless you goons move in, that is my problem, Obama wants to make it unsafe by forced integration. My problem is you people, not my current neighbors.

LMAO...."Obama the bogeyman".

Idiot, please . It's a free country, and you're not being held hostage here....you're free to leave.

There are plenty of places in the world that you could move to where the population of blacks is so infinitesimal that you would never encounter another one for the rest of your life.

Instead of living in fear, why not get your sorry ass out?

Speaking for myself, while I cannot control the possibility of ending up living near some KKK nutcase like you, I certainly would not worry about it until it happened.
Yes, he could move to very rural Maine, but he'd have different things to bitch about then.
Everyone IS "free" to "associate" with who they "choose", you dumbass cave creature.

You are just not "free" to prevent others from living where they choose to.

Now, instead of throwing a tantrum about that on an anonymous message board on the internet, why don't you pack your belongings and move to a place where you have no nearby neighbors?

There you go....your problem is solved.

problem not solved dumbshit, I live amongst whites who are like me, but you and your diversity Nazis want to force in some worthless porch monkeys because you don't want my neighborhood too white and you claim they have a better chance at life in my white neighborhood. We freely congregated together, forcing people at government gunpoint to integrate is immoral and antithetical to freedom.

We don't like you and don't want your fucking diversity. If you can't make your own neighborhoods safe and prosperous, it's your own damn fault that you are animals.

Where the White People Live

....the existence of self-segregated wealthy white areas close by low-income minority ones isn't unique....
....Racially concentrated areas of affluence, by the researchers' definition, are census tracts where 90 percent or more of the population is white and the median income is at least four times the federal poverty level, adjusted for the cost of living in each city.

Living Together, Learning Apart

The two schools’ tables demonstrate an alarming fact about the district as a whole: Now that parents have more say in their children’s education than they have in decades, San Francisco’s public schools are increasingly segregated.....
......Sanchez said the lack of diversity at Cleveland actually makes his job easier.
The more homogeneous your population is, the easier it is to run it — the expectations of the families are very similar,” he said, noting there aren’t many discipline problems at his school.

That’s a far different attitude than the one Sanchez had 10 years ago as a lefty firebrand on the school board. At the time, the seven members were grappling with how to remake the student assignment system, and Sanchez wanted to use race as a tiebreaker when two students were vying for the same spot and to give public housing residents priority.

He didn’t succeed — and he’s long abandoned that fight.

“I’ve raised the white flag, so to speak,” he said. “There’s a patina of people wanting diversity, but when the rubber hits the road, they’re going to make the best decisions for their family. I don’t think most families actually want it.”

MY neighborhood is "safe and prosperous" and includeq ...if yours is not,; that's not MY problem,; you damn fool...it's yours l

Mine is fine unless you goons move in, that is my problem, Obama wants to make it unsafe by forced integration. My problem is you people, not my current neighbors.

LMAO...."Obama the bogeyman".

Idiot, please . It's a free country, and you're not being held hostage here....you're free to leave.

There are plenty of places in the world that you could move to where the population of blacks is so infinitesimal that you would never encounter another one for the rest of your life.

Instead of living in fear, why not get your sorry ass out?

Speaking for myself, while I cannot control the possibility of ending up living near some KKK nutcase like you, I certainly would not worry about it until it happened.
Yes, he could move to very rural Maine, but he'd have different things to bitch about then.

Isnt that the truth?
Everyone IS "free" to "associate" with who they "choose", you dumbass cave creature.

You are just not "free" to prevent others from living where they choose to.

Now, instead of throwing a tantrum about that on an anonymous message board on the internet, why don't you pack your belongings and move to a place where you have no nearby neighbors?

There you go....your problem is solved.

problem not solved dumbshit, I live amongst whites who are like me, but you and your diversity Nazis want to force in some worthless porch monkeys because you don't want my neighborhood too white and you claim they have a better chance at life in my white neighborhood. We freely congregated together, forcing people at government gunpoint to integrate is immoral and antithetical to freedom.

We don't like you and don't want your fucking diversity. If you can't make your own neighborhoods safe and prosperous, it's your own damn fault that you are animals.

Where the White People Live

....the existence of self-segregated wealthy white areas close by low-income minority ones isn't unique....
....Racially concentrated areas of affluence, by the researchers' definition, are census tracts where 90 percent or more of the population is white and the median income is at least four times the federal poverty level, adjusted for the cost of living in each city.

Living Together, Learning Apart

The two schools’ tables demonstrate an alarming fact about the district as a whole: Now that parents have more say in their children’s education than they have in decades, San Francisco’s public schools are increasingly segregated.....
......Sanchez said the lack of diversity at Cleveland actually makes his job easier.
The more homogeneous your population is, the easier it is to run it — the expectations of the families are very similar,” he said, noting there aren’t many discipline problems at his school.

That’s a far different attitude than the one Sanchez had 10 years ago as a lefty firebrand on the school board. At the time, the seven members were grappling with how to remake the student assignment system, and Sanchez wanted to use race as a tiebreaker when two students were vying for the same spot and to give public housing residents priority.

He didn’t succeed — and he’s long abandoned that fight.

“I’ve raised the white flag, so to speak,” he said. “There’s a patina of people wanting diversity, but when the rubber hits the road, they’re going to make the best decisions for their family. I don’t think most families actually want it.”

MY neighborhood is "safe and prosperous" and includeq ...if yours is not,; that's not MY problem,; you damn fool...it's yours l

Mine is fine unless you goons move in, that is my problem, Obama wants to make it unsafe by forced integration. My problem is you people, not my current neighbors.

LMAO...."Obama the bogeyman".

Idiot, please . It's a free country, and you're not being held hostage here....you're free to leave.

There are plenty of places in the world that you could move to where the population of blacks is so infinitesimal that you would never encounter another one for the rest of your life.

Instead of living in fear, why not get your sorry ass out?

Speaking for myself, while I cannot control the possibility of ending up living near some KKK nutcase like you, I certainly would not worry about it until it happened.

why don't blacks leave? you are always complaining about this racist country, have been for over 150 years yet I don't see you guys moving your worthless asses out to Africa. In fact I see the opposite, Africans want to come live in this oppressive racist country, kind of shows what liars you are.

So I should never fight against unfair and immoral race laws that violate my rights? ah, fuck you asshole

You can control it dipshit, live with blacks. I guarantee you if you do that, then nobody like me (most whites) will ever move next to you. We go out of our way to get the hell away from you. The problem is that you blacks want to follow us with your housing laws. You want to follow us because you are primitive losers who can't make your own communities worth a damn.

ROFLMAO! You actually believe that by default ANY white person makes a better neighbor?

I have never moved anywhere with the thought in mind that I would be "enhanced" by living near "white people". I have lived around all races of people and the commin denominator has always been pride of ownership, advanced education and the ability to afford a better life.

Every home that I have ever purchased I did so because I liked and could afford the home

On the other hand my own Mother lives in a town in the midwest in the better part of town but some of the nastiest, most poor WHITE garbage that I ever laid eyes on "live together" in that town.

I would not let my dog live in "their" neighborhood.
I can assure you that there are NO blacks in that town who want to live anywhere near those inbred animals.

Cars parked on dirt, where there used to be grass, trash and filth all over the place, half naked, little pink bastards running up and down the street with snotty noses and dirty faces.

You can wage whatever fight you wish to cave boy, but, you will not stop anyone from living where they choose to, nor can I.

You have the freedom to live where you wish to, you cannot mandate where anyone else does.

You need to get that through your thick neanderthal skull.
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....in their lives at one point in time past the age of 18. Get your mind out of the bedroom. Not like that. Personally, I found it very enlightening talking to white women once I got over hating white people. I was forced to pair up with this white girl from Louisiana when I had moved past basic training and into the phase of my military career when i was being trained for my MOS in communications security field. The talks we had regarding race were very frank and open. I was amazed that she easily spoke of the fears white males had of Black males. She should have known. Her father was a member of he KKK and she had heard all the horror stories since she was young enough to remember. It all made sense to me now that she explained the irrational fear white males have of Black males.

Sometimes I look back on that experience as a very "fork in the road" moment in my life. What if I had never met her? Would my oldest daughter have been born? would I have even met my Black wife? I wonder what makes most white women different from their male counter parts? Is it because they have witnessed up close and personal the fragile white male ego?


Everyone fears that which they don't know. It's not a race issue at all. You could be from Mars and if you are unknown people will fear you. On the other hand, it is those rare people who conquer their fear who do great things.
I find that to be true of everyone but the white race. In general they have a fear of Black people, cats, Black plaques, Black hearts, etc etc. The adjective Black is terrifying to whites. On the other hand they use white to characterize good. White lies are small insignificant lies to them for an example.
Better hope they don't lose this fear you speak of. I know, from experience, that most people fear being called a racist. They don't fear blacks as much as they don't trust them. Life experience taught them this. Live in a big city and this goes without saying. People who live in the country are 180 from this. For the most part, blacks that live in rural areas are generally as hard working, trustworthy, and honest as anyone. In urban areas, not so much. But it's the same in every country. Criminals and low-lifes tend to live where government handouts are plenty.
the only reason I give a shit about you goons is that you vote and make laws that annoy me. Which stat have I posted that I do not understand? still waiting for your analysis liar, blacks have higher crime rates and somehow you are going to 'refute' that

Great, I don't want to live by you either and there are a lot of whites like me, so will you fight to end forced integration?

I don't need to "fight" to "end" anything you moron.

No one is stopping me from living where I choose to.

YOU'RE problem is that YOU cannot stop anyone from living where they choose...that's your issue, not mine.

forced integration is not 'living where one chooses' loser because if people just like me choose to only live by each other, then you assholes demand to move next to me. How about everyone is free to associate with their own kind? instead of being harassed by lowlife black monkeys who can't make their own neighborhoods worth a damn?

Everyone IS "free" to "associate" with who they "choose", you dumbass cave creature.

You are just not "free" to prevent others from living where they choose to.

Now, instead of throwing a tantrum about that on an anonymous message board on the internet, why don't you pack your belongings and move to a place where you have no nearby neighbors?

There you go....your problem is solved.

problem not solved dumbshit, I live amongst whites who are like me, but you and your diversity Nazis want to force in some worthless porch monkeys because you don't want my neighborhood too white and you claim they have a better chance at life in my white neighborhood. We freely congregated together, forcing people at government gunpoint to integrate is immoral and antithetical to freedom.

We don't like you and don't want your fucking diversity. If you can't make your own neighborhoods safe and prosperous, it's your own damn fault that you are animals.

Where the White People Live

....the existence of self-segregated wealthy white areas close by low-income minority ones isn't unique....
....Racially concentrated areas of affluence, by the researchers' definition, are census tracts where 90 percent or more of the population is white and the median income is at least four times the federal poverty level, adjusted for the cost of living in each city.

Living Together, Learning Apart

The two schools’ tables demonstrate an alarming fact about the district as a whole: Now that parents have more say in their children’s education than they have in decades, San Francisco’s public schools are increasingly segregated.....
......Sanchez said the lack of diversity at Cleveland actually makes his job easier.
The more homogeneous your population is, the easier it is to run it — the expectations of the families are very similar,” he said, noting there aren’t many discipline problems at his school.

That’s a far different attitude than the one Sanchez had 10 years ago as a lefty firebrand on the school board. At the time, the seven members were grappling with how to remake the student assignment system, and Sanchez wanted to use race as a tiebreaker when two students were vying for the same spot and to give public housing residents priority.

He didn’t succeed — and he’s long abandoned that fight.

“I’ve raised the white flag, so to speak,” he said. “There’s a patina of people wanting diversity, but when the rubber hits the road, they’re going to make the best decisions for their family. I don’t think most families actually want it.”

MY neighborhood is "safe and prosperous" and includeq ...if yours is not,; that's not MY problem,; you damn fool...it's yours l
That was a pathetic comeback.
I don't need to "fight" to "end" anything you moron.

No one is stopping me from living where I choose to.

YOU'RE problem is that YOU cannot stop anyone from living where they choose...that's your issue, not mine.

forced integration is not 'living where one chooses' loser because if people just like me choose to only live by each other, then you assholes demand to move next to me. How about everyone is free to associate with their own kind? instead of being harassed by lowlife black monkeys who can't make their own neighborhoods worth a damn?

Everyone IS "free" to "associate" with who they "choose", you dumbass cave creature.

You are just not "free" to prevent others from living where they choose to.

Now, instead of throwing a tantrum about that on an anonymous message board on the internet, why don't you pack your belongings and move to a place where you have no nearby neighbors?

There you go....your problem is solved.

problem not solved dumbshit, I live amongst whites who are like me, but you and your diversity Nazis want to force in some worthless porch monkeys because you don't want my neighborhood too white and you claim they have a better chance at life in my white neighborhood. We freely congregated together, forcing people at government gunpoint to integrate is immoral and antithetical to freedom.

We don't like you and don't want your fucking diversity. If you can't make your own neighborhoods safe and prosperous, it's your own damn fault that you are animals.

Where the White People Live

....the existence of self-segregated wealthy white areas close by low-income minority ones isn't unique....
....Racially concentrated areas of affluence, by the researchers' definition, are census tracts where 90 percent or more of the population is white and the median income is at least four times the federal poverty level, adjusted for the cost of living in each city.

Living Together, Learning Apart

The two schools’ tables demonstrate an alarming fact about the district as a whole: Now that parents have more say in their children’s education than they have in decades, San Francisco’s public schools are increasingly segregated.....
......Sanchez said the lack of diversity at Cleveland actually makes his job easier.
The more homogeneous your population is, the easier it is to run it — the expectations of the families are very similar,” he said, noting there aren’t many discipline problems at his school.

That’s a far different attitude than the one Sanchez had 10 years ago as a lefty firebrand on the school board. At the time, the seven members were grappling with how to remake the student assignment system, and Sanchez wanted to use race as a tiebreaker when two students were vying for the same spot and to give public housing residents priority.

He didn’t succeed — and he’s long abandoned that fight.

“I’ve raised the white flag, so to speak,” he said. “There’s a patina of people wanting diversity, but when the rubber hits the road, they’re going to make the best decisions for their family. I don’t think most families actually want it.”

MY neighborhood is "safe and prosperous" and includeq ...if yours is not,; that's not MY problem,; you damn fool...it's yours l
That was a pathetic comeback.

I am not seeking your approval.

Besides, I was not trying a "comeback" to answer blatant stupidity.
forced integration is not 'living where one chooses' loser because if people just like me choose to only live by each other, then you assholes demand to move next to me. How about everyone is free to associate with their own kind? instead of being harassed by lowlife black monkeys who can't make their own neighborhoods worth a damn?

Everyone IS "free" to "associate" with who they "choose", you dumbass cave creature.

You are just not "free" to prevent others from living where they choose to.

Now, instead of throwing a tantrum about that on an anonymous message board on the internet, why don't you pack your belongings and move to a place where you have no nearby neighbors?

There you go....your problem is solved.

problem not solved dumbshit, I live amongst whites who are like me, but you and your diversity Nazis want to force in some worthless porch monkeys because you don't want my neighborhood too white and you claim they have a better chance at life in my white neighborhood. We freely congregated together, forcing people at government gunpoint to integrate is immoral and antithetical to freedom.

We don't like you and don't want your fucking diversity. If you can't make your own neighborhoods safe and prosperous, it's your own damn fault that you are animals.

Where the White People Live

....the existence of self-segregated wealthy white areas close by low-income minority ones isn't unique....
....Racially concentrated areas of affluence, by the researchers' definition, are census tracts where 90 percent or more of the population is white and the median income is at least four times the federal poverty level, adjusted for the cost of living in each city.

Living Together, Learning Apart

The two schools’ tables demonstrate an alarming fact about the district as a whole: Now that parents have more say in their children’s education than they have in decades, San Francisco’s public schools are increasingly segregated.....
......Sanchez said the lack of diversity at Cleveland actually makes his job easier.
The more homogeneous your population is, the easier it is to run it — the expectations of the families are very similar,” he said, noting there aren’t many discipline problems at his school.

That’s a far different attitude than the one Sanchez had 10 years ago as a lefty firebrand on the school board. At the time, the seven members were grappling with how to remake the student assignment system, and Sanchez wanted to use race as a tiebreaker when two students were vying for the same spot and to give public housing residents priority.

He didn’t succeed — and he’s long abandoned that fight.

“I’ve raised the white flag, so to speak,” he said. “There’s a patina of people wanting diversity, but when the rubber hits the road, they’re going to make the best decisions for their family. I don’t think most families actually want it.”

MY neighborhood is "safe and prosperous" and includeq ...if yours is not,; that's not MY problem,; you damn fool...it's yours l
That was a pathetic comeback.

I am not seeking your approval.

Besides, I was not trying a "comeback" to answer blatant stupidity.
You couldn't even hope to piece together such a solid argument in your lifetime.

You only hold yourself in high regard because of the Democrat bubble that protects you from actually having to have a mastery of basic facts and the ability to use logic to further your agenda.
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