Every Classroom Should Have Heavily Armed Teachers In It

So, you expect the same cops to recognize all the teachers with guns.

Arming teachers would get that number up to rounding.
Of course not. Who ended up responding in Uvalde was a Border patrol unit. Even if the volunteers knew their local law enforcement officers are they going to know all the cops in the unit that ends up responding? How do they identify one another. If a cop walks into a shooting situation and man with gun waves at him and says don't worry I'm a certified teacher ninja, is that cop going to believe him? Is he even going to give him a moment to say all that?
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Of course not. Who ended up responding was in Uvalde was a Border patrol unit. Even if the volunteers knew their local law enforcement officers are they going to know all the cops in the unit that ends up responding? How do they identify one another. If a cop walks into a shooting situation and man with gun waves at him and says don't worry I'm a certified teacher ninjas, is that cop going to believe him? Is he even going to give him a moment to say all that?
Uvalde ISD did not participate in either of those programs and the BP were the last officers to arrive.

Stop pretending you have any idea what you're actually talking about.
I'm stating facts while you gin up fantasies and blather like a babbling fool.

We train the participants in both programs to a level of very high confidence and competence and have been doing so since 2013 with zero problems to date.

We have also not had a single incidence of a school shooting at any of our schools participating in either program where notice is posted for the public to see.

You are no better than the panic mongers wailing that concealed carry would turn the state into a shooting gallery, who then repeated the same when open carry was legalized and then again when constitutional/permitless carry passed.

When the School Shield and School Marshal Programs were implemented it was the same thing all over again.

None of it ever came true no will it.
If you've had no incidents then you haven't been tested which means you have no real idea how effective it will be when the shooting starts.
Would you prefer she throw pencils and story books at the shooter?
I'd prefer that homicidal crackpots were not being indulged by the permissiveness that allows them easy access to the contrivances they use for their school massacres, and that teachers were allowed to teach without needing to pose as combatants.

That isn't how it works in civilized nations.
I'd prefer that homicidal crackpots were not indulged by the permissiveness that allows them easy access to the contrivances they use for their school massacres, and that teachers were allowed to teach without needing to pose as combatants.

That isn't how it works in civilized nations.
No law you can imagine much less pass will prevent the next school massacre.

The worst school massacre in history wasn't even committed withy a firearm.

A couple of hours on the internet can provide any potential mass murderer an endless list of highly effective options that don't include firearms.

Firearms however are the best answer we have when people want to commit such acts other than of course hardening and securing campuses but even that isn't a 100% gurantee.
If you've had no incidents then you haven't been tested which means you have no real idea how effective it will be when the shooting starts.
The deterrent effect has so far proven to be 100% effective and that's the most important measure of all.
No law you can imagine much less pass will prevent the next school massacre.
Obviously, you don't know that.

Permissive firearm laws distinguish the United States from advanced nations in its frequency of the massacre of children by firearms.

Gun fanciers pleading impotence doesn't work for me. The horrific carnage has been allowed to persist for far too long.

Americans are 10 times more likely to be killed by guns than people in other developed countries, a new study finds. Compared to 22 other high-income nations, the United States' gun-related murder rate is 25 times higher.
The study was published online Feb. 1, 2016 in The American Journal of Medicine.
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Obviously, you don't know that.

Permissive firearm laws distinguish the United States from advanced nations in its frequency of the massacre of children by firearms.

Gun fanciers pleading impotence doesn't work for me.
I absolutely know that to be true.

Again, the worst school massacre in US history wasn't a shooting and anyone with an internet connection can find alternatives that are equally or more effective when mass murder of a sequestered population like school kids is the desired goal.

We then get into the issue of having upwards of 400 Million guns already in circulation and the impossibility of even seizing a significant portion of them.

We then look at the impossibility of keeping guns from coming into the US through our unsecured borders to keep feeding the supply.

No law you can imagine, much less pass is going to solve the problem or even make a significant dent in it.
That's stupid logic. That's like saying having a resource officer at Uvalde was 100% effective at deterring shooters the day before the shooting.
There wasn't a resource officer dedicated to that campus, they had to come over from other locations.

Still making a fool of yourself.
We've been arming faculty and staff since 2013 without a single problem.
So, how many have had shootings take place?
You are talking out of your ass again.

Part of implementing these programs is that the local or district police have to participate in the training with the faculty and staff so everybody is working off of the same program.
So, everyone knows everyone back view and side view, from say 50 to 100 yards in the hallway with kids running for cover?

I find that hard to believe.

Especially, if they're holding a weapon.
How could an army of volunteer teacher ninjas not work?
Let me count the ways
If a teacher WANTS to be armed, train them. Couple that with a armed LEO or National Guardsman. When is the Left going to realize you need to throw up into the eyes of a shooter that they may not be successful. Taking guns away from lawful citizens is not the answer.

Sorry not Uvalde, it was on my mind, I meant Parkland.
There was no SRO within a quarter mile of the shooting when it began that day.


It's a huge campus and the armed SRO was on the other side of the campus.

Keep making a fool of yourself though.
There was no SRO within a quarter mile of the shooting when it began that day.

It's a huge campus and the armed SRO was on the other side of the campus.

Keep making a fool of yourself though.
It's always another excuse. That's my point. You haven't been tested yet. What happens the day your volunteer is on the other side of the campus? How do you guarantee a volunteer teacher Ninja will always be in the right place at the right time to take a shooter out? The reality is you can't. Any insistence you can is fanfiction.
Of course not. Who ended up responding in Uvalde was a Border patrol unit. Even if the volunteers knew their local law enforcement officers are they going to know all the cops in the unit that ends up responding? How do they identify one another. If a cop walks into a shooting situation and man with gun waves at him and says don't worry I'm a certified teacher ninja, is that cop going to believe him? Is he even going to give him a moment to say all that?
You're just trolling, troll.

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