Every Classroom Should Have Heavily Armed Teachers In It

And if the teacher is there?
Then great. But if they aren't then we have more dead kids again. As I said, teacher ninjas will have varying degrees of success and failure just like every other shooting incident you've ever heard of. Sometimes a grandma kills a robber coming into the house, sometimes a grandfather takes his grandchildren hunting and they come back home and still all get killed. Every other nation doesn't do it better than us by having better trained teacher ninjas and Ninja citizens, they do it by not having such readily available and easily accessible guns.
Then great. But if they aren't then we have more dead kids again. As I said, teacher ninjas will have varying degrees of success and failure just like every other shooting incident you've ever heard of. Sometimes a grandma kills a robber coming into the house, sometimes a grandfather takes his grandchildren hunting and they come back home and still all get killed. Every other nation doesn't do it better than us by having better trained teacher ninjas and Ninja citizens, they do it by not having such readily available and easily accessible guns.
So, better to have an armed teacher than not.

And why are you against me having a gun in my house in case of a home invader?
Look at that campus Unkotare, it's massive. Explain to me how you guarantee a teacher ninja is always going to be right where the shooter is when the time comes.
If you had an honest argument to offer you would not have to constantly resort to such dishonesty.

Nobody has ever even suggested such a guarantee is even possible.

What is certainly possible is to have enough trained faculty and staff on campus to give them at least a chance to stop a would be mass shooter before they can rack up huge numbers of dead and wounded by being able to respond immediately should such an incident occur.
Of course......................more guns is the answer.................... shows how desperate you are.
More guns in the right hands is pretty much always the answer to violent criminals with murderous intent or at least a very big part of the overall solution.

As I've said from the beginning, the first step is to secure the campus to prevent them from gaining entry in the first place.
Then great. But if they aren't then we have more dead kids again. As I said, teacher ninjas will have varying degrees of success and failure just like every other shooting incident you've ever heard of. Sometimes a grandma kills a robber coming into the house, sometimes a grandfather takes his grandchildren hunting and they come back home and still all get killed. Every other nation doesn't do it better than us by having better trained teacher ninjas and Ninja citizens, they do it by not having such readily available and easily accessible guns.
I know a great many Israelis that disagree. They've been arming faculty and staff for decades and Israel has very restrictive gun laws as well. They just realize that no law is going to prevent bad people from getting their hands on guns and doing bad things with them.
Look what you're doing right now.

Now you're telling yourself that sniper skills are required to hit someone in the same classroom with you.
When you spend your days running around with your hair on fire and flames shooting out of your ass that's the kind only of "logic" you are capable of.

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