Every forum except this one censors and bans people and eventually banned me...

Leftists can't win an argument with a conservative because we are right and they are wrong. So they always resort to censorship, be it Communist Russia or Facebook.

Did you just equate Russia with Facebook? You do know you don't have to join Facebook.


Those crying over the censorship of other forums might want to understand that forums or social media networks like Facebook have the right to control the content that is posted on their site.

I may not agree with them but it is their right just like the OP'er has the right to start it own social media network, search engine and forums that allow a more open discussion but I have yet to see then do this.
what's so STUPID/un-American is that if you post FACTS/TRUTH, they want to censor you--that's what the nazis did

Sorry but they have that right to control the content that is posted on their site just like this site.

It is your choice to comply by their rules or not but in the end they have the right to control the content.

This has been going on way before Facebook and I have been pinked from the Kos and Slate before when the Slate had it own message board.

I called the editor a Nazis...
sure they do---but they are still nazis
they are still snowflakes/idiots/crazy
......and the MSM/blacks/etc are jackasses for making it that way--they are making America worse/un-American
I suppose it comes down to what one is really looking for on this soul sucking device.....i mean, the conspirators, the self righteous, the control freaks, the cheerleaders , pundits , skeptics , armchair scientists, partisans, along with the usual contingent of Walter Mitty's penning imagination gone wild are all here......~S~
I suppose it comes down to what one is really looking for on this soul sucking device.....i mean, the conspirators, the self righteous, the control freaks, the cheerleaders , pundits , skeptics , armchair scientists, partisans, along with the usual contingent of Walter Mitty's penning imagination gone wild are all here......~S~
USMB stole my soul for a little pleasure
I suppose it comes down to what one is really looking for on this soul sucking device.....i mean, the conspirators, the self righteous, the control freaks, the cheerleaders , pundits , skeptics , armchair scientists, partisans, along with the usual contingent of Walter Mitty's penning imagination gone wild are all here......~S~
USMB stole my soul for a little pleasure
I could not possibly have put it more elouquently simplistic Mr Harmonica

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