Every forum except this one censors and bans people and eventually banned me...

Leftists can't win an argument with a conservative because we are right and they are wrong. So they always resort to censorship, be it Communist Russia or Facebook.

Did you just equate Russia with Facebook? You do know you don't have to join Facebook.


Those crying over the censorship of other forums might want to understand that forums or social media networks like Facebook have the right to control the content that is posted on their site.

I may not agree with them but it is their right just like the OP'er has the right to start it own social media network, search engine and forums that allow a more open discussion but I have yet to see them do this.
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I got banned at one place for saying it was mexican day at walmart. Greaser taco bending mod didn't like it i guess. Good thing our mods are chinamen.
A while back I received a lifetime ban on a liberal board with only my second post....:4_13_65:
I got perma banned one place after a week for replying nyuk nyuk nyuk porcupine. You the three stooges. dick head said I called him a prick.
You probably used a reference to a "dick" too many times. It seems to be constantly at the forefront of your awareness.

Yep you even used it twice in the post I am responding to. :rolleyes:
Leftists can't win an argument with a conservative because we are right and they are wrong. So they always resort to censorship, be it Communist Russia or Facebook.

Did you just equate Russia with Facebook? You do know you don't have to join Facebook.


Those crying over the censorship of other forums might want to understand that forums or social media networks like Facebook have the right to control the content that is posted on their site.

I may not agree with them but it is their right just like the OP'er has the right to start it own social media network, search engine and forums that allow a more open discussion but I have yet to see then do this.
what's so STUPID/un-American is that if you post FACTS/TRUTH, they want to censor you--that's what the nazis did
I got banned at one place for saying it was mexican day at walmart. Greaser taco bending mod didn't like it i guess. Good thing our mods are chinamen.
A while back I received a lifetime ban on a liberal board with only my second post....:4_13_65:
I got perma banned one place after a week for replying nyuk nyuk nyuk porcupine. You know, the three stooges. dick head said I called him a prick.

If you get pinked or permanently pink from here there is something seriously wrong with the poster.

I have been permanently banned from three sites and one of them no longer has it message boards because of my trolling days...

( Yes, I was the troll of all trolls at one time but now just live under my bridge )
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I got banned at one place for saying it was mexican day at walmart. Greaser taco bending mod didn't like it i guess. Good thing our mods are chinamen.
A while back I received a lifetime ban on a liberal board with only my second post....:4_13_65:
they must have had a rule that forbade people that were dumb.
The fact that you are here makes it evident that we don't have that rule here....
Youre the one that got banned from a site that did have that rule. :rolleyes:
Leftists can't win an argument with a conservative because we are right and they are wrong. So they always resort to censorship, be it Communist Russia or Facebook.

Did you just equate Russia with Facebook? You do know you don't have to join Facebook.


Those crying over the censorship of other forums might want to understand that forums or social media networks like Facebook have the right to control the content that is posted on their site.

I may not agree with them but it is their right just like the OP'er has the right to start it own social media network, search engine and forums that allow a more open discussion but I have yet to see then do this.
what's so STUPID/un-American is that if you post FACTS/TRUTH, they want to censor you--that's what the nazis did

Sorry but they have that right to control the content that is posted on their site just like this site.

It is your choice to comply by their rules or not but in the end they have the right to control the content.

This has been going on way before Facebook and I have been pinked from the Kos and Slate before when the Slate had it own message board.

I called the editor a Nazis...
Youre the one that got banned from a site that did have that rule
They didn't have that rule...the board was filled with libtards like you...real 1960's throwbacks with anger and resentment issues....just like you....so when they heard the truth it shocked their senses....and they hit the ban button...LMAO....
...for being a conservative and refusing to back down on posting conservative ideas.

I want to thank the administrator and moderators of USMessageBoard for their adherence to the spirit of the First Amendment, which is becoming more and more rare on the internet and social platforms.
Free Republic? Stormfront?
Youre the one that got banned from a site that did have that rule
They didn't have that rule...the board was filled with libtards like you...real 1960's throwbacks with anger and resentment issues....just like you....so when they heard the truth it shocked their senses....and they hit the ban button...LMAO....
They did have a rule against being an idiot. Thats why you got banned. :rolleyes:
They did have a rule against being and idiot. Thats why you got banned.
It figures that you were a member of that fledgling message board that is no longer on line....when all you do is group think it will eventually die on the vine....just like liberalism...
I was banned from one forum because I called a woman a Saudi-paid agent. But she really was, constantly defending Saudi Arabia, the regime that just recently allowed women to operate motor vehicles. If she wasn't paid for her advocacy of a government stuck in the 7th century, then she's a total screwball.
I've been banned from many chat rooms, it's not a matter of being uncivil, or crass, just they disagree.....case in point was banned for life from Dem Underground 2nd post in....

So the reality comes down to why....why am i here? do i progress, do any of us learn ? or is it all just some group therapy session where we get to yell at each other?

You decide

Youre the one that got banned from a site that did have that rule
They didn't have that rule...the board was filled with libtards like you...real 1960's throwbacks with anger and resentment issues....just like you....so when they heard the truth it shocked their senses....and they hit the ban button...LMAO....
They did have a rule against being an idiot. Thats why you got banned. :rolleyes:

Lips i got banned lost ID from Yahoo MLB board for posting " i am aware that is how Aurther Ashe "said" he got AIDS" implying AIDS comes from homo activities.

Some loon reported me. I then used someone elses ID and complained! Some mod looked into it and i Got re-instated in a few days. Still good today. I am sort of a hero in that world. One guy was on ID #24 windwalker24. I suppose you can just keep going from same IP address? Here also?
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Jakestakey or Vigilante cannot be found using search? Were they Banned? or if you change name do you start fresh? Not linked to your old posts or previous banning? Maybe they are here as someone else?

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