Every left wing black celebrity against Cain

wtf, Cain is black? I guess I never payed enough attention to the color of his skin as others seem to be doing. Tell me more about what the left thinks of Cains skin color.
Many even here on these boards tell us that he ain't authentic. :eusa_whistle:

So a Man that has 1 white and 1 Black parent is Authentic, But a man who has 2 Black parents is not? Cain can Trace his Heritage back through Slavery in the US, Obama on the other hand is half white, and his Fathers Family is from Africa therefor Obama can not trace his Heritage back through Slavery in the US. I guess Biden was right, but he meant his own party, when he said people like Obama because he does not sound or act Black. Seems Democrats and Libs don't like black people to act to Black?


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Barry Obama is a mulatto. Period. It would be great to have a real black president who wanted to see America prosper and knows how to make that happen. Herman Cain.
Most will think he is a uncle tom. They can't stand the fact that he worked his way up by his own hand...Kind of sad.

So, left wing black celebrities didn't work their way up by their own hands or are you saying black conservatives are the only blacks who work their way up by their own hand?
Barry Obama is a mulatto. Period. It would be great to have a real black president who wanted to see America prosper and knows how to make that happen. Herman Cain.

You can determine who is a "real black", but I as a black man can't?
So, just who are the racists? MLK said one day we would look at a man's character and evaluate him that way instead of his skin. Cain has worked hard against the odds and made something of himself. He wasn't going to be a victim. He didn't play the Democrat's game.

The black Hollywood celebrities who judge a person by their skin can go to hell. Cain has worked harder than all of than them put together. Celebrities do a gig and then they sit. Do a gig and wait for another.

wtf, Cain is black? I guess I never payed enough attention to the color of his skin as others seem to be doing. Tell me more about what the left thinks of Cains skin color.
Many even here on these boards tell us that he ain't authentic. :eusa_whistle:

So a Man that has 1 white and 1 Black parent is Authentic, But a man who has 2 Black parents is not? Cain can Trace his Heritage back through Slavery in the US, Obama on the other hand is half white, and his Fathers Family is from Africa therefor Obama can not trace his Heritage back through Slavery in the US. I guess Biden was right, but he meant his own party, when he said people like Obama because he does not sound or act Black. Seems Democrats and Libs don't like black people to act to Black?


Obama was down for the struggle in Selma with Shabazz don't ya know? :eusa_shhh:
Barry Obama is a mulatto. Period. It would be great to have a real black president who wanted to see America prosper and knows how to make that happen. Herman Cain.

You can determine who is a "real black", but I as a black man can't?

Sorry, I don't follow your posts and haven't a clue as to what you are talking about. Don't need to, either.
wtf, Cain is black? I guess I never payed enough attention to the color of his skin as others seem to be doing. Tell me more about what the left thinks of Cains skin color.
Many even here on these boards tell us that he ain't authentic. :eusa_whistle:

So a Man that has 1 white and 1 Black parent is Authentic, But a man who has 2 Black parents is not? Cain can Trace his Heritage back through Slavery in the US, Obama on the other hand is half white, and his Fathers Family is from Africa therefor Obama can not trace his Heritage back through Slavery in the US. I guess Biden was right, but he meant his own party, when he said people like Obama because he does not sound or act Black. Seems Democrats and Libs don't like black people to act to Black?



You heard the so called Reverand Wright. Did he sound like he wanted people to think for themselves? Whoopi Goldberg once said the black people can say the "n" word but white people can't. Now isn't that the most ridiculous thing you have ever heard? Blacks can insult one another but no way should a white denigrade a black. Don't think she ever mentioned any nasty terms for whites that whites could say and blacks could not.

This whole black thing is STUPID! There is no difference between a black and white person until you look at their character! There is no difference between any two people until you look at their character.

If Whoopi or anyone decides to claim they know everything about an entire race of people their are incredibly dishonest or have an I.Q. of an eggplant!

What is right for whites is good for blacks. If it takes hard work for a white person to accomplish something it expected the same for the black, Asian or Hispanic.

If you want something for nothing. Nothing is what you should get. Look at the OWS. I'm tired of trash and trash talk. If you want to be a victim, knock yourself out.
They call him "not black enough".
Hell, if anyone ain't black enough it is Obama.
Saw Harry Belafonte today. What a joke he is. And that Cornell West dude that teaches at Harvard. He was angry that Cain has the audacity to run as President because we already have a "black" President.
These folks all of a sudden have dropped "African American" from their vocabulary.
I talked to someone in Bainbridge today. I am talking south Georgia where if a truck passes you and you have your window down tobacco juice may just hit you in the face.
He saw a pickup truck with a bumper sticker with a Confederate flag on one side of the back bumper and a Cain For President sticker on the other side.
Not saying it is right but that is fact in the south. They would rather support a Herman Cain than a Barack Obama. POLICY folks. Pure and simple. You can not fool country folks be they black or white.

They have to be against him or explain why other blacks should stay on the Liberal Plantation.
Hermain Cain worked Hard but Obama and every black celeb didn't

See the partisan pattern here?

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