Every picture of "Ground Zero" is evidence of explosives used.

no bin laden was not the master mind ..bin laden cant order the FBI to back off investigation or order a stand down and why is bin laden not betrayed ,,how does he keep this massive conspiracy and his location secret all this time...I mean we all know secrets cant be kept...right ?

Last wills? Talking about the men who so Brave sacrificed their lives for Allah to kill the Evil Americans, and Allah promised that paradise. remember? what is it? 42 Virgins?

You're a Sheep.



well that's just pure fantasy..millions in rewards..rivals..division in the Muslim world...but in your brain washed opinion..the Muslim is immune to these things ..so what you really mean is only Muslims can keep secrets ...I see
but what of the tortured confessions could they not be tortured as to where is bin laden ???

Of course it's fantasy, but that's how Jihadist's are, if you haven't noticed..

If Osama or any Al Qaeda leader knew about a so called 9/11 Conspiracy they would've already said, "We didn't do shit, that's all Bush and his Admin plotting against the US to Invade Afghan and Iraq"

Well actually, A Taliban detainee in Pakistan claims to have information about Osama Bin Laden's whereabouts in January or February of this year..

BBC News - Bin Laden 'seen in Afghanistan in early 2009'
bin laden is likely dead
we havent seen nor heard from him in YEARS

most likely he died when tora bora was incinerated

then the videos would be fake
there have been NO VIDEOS since tora bora
here i go and flip the coin to be on the side of the conspiracy wackos but i think it is possible that we DID get him at tora bora and didnt make it public. we may have killed him or we may have him in custody.

i'm not a strong believer in that but i do consider it.
Last wills? Talking about the men who so Brave sacrificed their lives for Allah to kill the Evil Americans, and Allah promised that paradise. remember? what is it? 42 Virgins?

You're a Sheep.



well that's just pure fantasy..millions in rewards..rivals..division in the Muslim world...but in your brain washed opinion..the Muslim is immune to these things ..so what you really mean is only Muslims can keep secrets ...I see
but what of the tortured confessions could they not be tortured as to where is bin laden ???

Of course it's fantasy, but that's how Jihadist's are, if you haven't noticed..

If Osama or any Al Qaeda leader knew about a so called 9/11 Conspiracy they would've already said, "We didn't do shit, that's all Bush and his Admin plotting against the US to Invade Afghan and Iraq"

Well actually, A Taliban detainee in Pakistan claims to have information about Osama Bin Laden's whereabouts in January or February of this year..

BBC News - Bin Laden 'seen in Afghanistan in early 2009'

LOL..and people claim they saw Elvis at Wally mart
then the videos would be fake
there have been NO VIDEOS since tora bora
here i go and flip the coin to be on the side of the conspiracy wackos but i think it is possible that we DID get him at tora bora and didnt make it public. we may have killed him or we may have him in custody.

i'm not a strong believer in that but i do consider it.
its not that "we didnt make it public" it's more likely a case of "nothing left to prove it"

do you have a clue what happens in a thermobaric explosion?

Last edited:
well that's just pure fantasy..millions in rewards..rivals..division in the Muslim world...but in your brain washed opinion..the Muslim is immune to these things ..so what you really mean is only Muslims can keep secrets ...I see
but what of the tortured confessions could they not be tortured as to where is bin laden ???

Of course it's fantasy, but that's how Jihadist's are, if you haven't noticed..

If Osama or any Al Qaeda leader knew about a so called 9/11 Conspiracy they would've already said, "We didn't do shit, that's all Bush and his Admin plotting against the US to Invade Afghan and Iraq"

Well actually, A Taliban detainee in Pakistan claims to have information about Osama Bin Laden's whereabouts in January or February of this year..

BBC News - Bin Laden 'seen in Afghanistan in early 2009'

LOL..and people claim they saw Elvis at Wally mart
hey, something we can agree on
well that's just pure fantasy..millions in rewards..rivals..division in the Muslim world...but in your brain washed opinion..the Muslim is immune to these things ..so what you really mean is only Muslims can keep secrets ...I see
but what of the tortured confessions could they not be tortured as to where is bin laden ???

Of course it's fantasy, but that's how Jihadist's are, if you haven't noticed..

If Osama or any Al Qaeda leader knew about a so called 9/11 Conspiracy they would've already said, "We didn't do shit, that's all Bush and his Admin plotting against the US to Invade Afghan and Iraq"

Well actually, A Taliban detainee in Pakistan claims to have information about Osama Bin Laden's whereabouts in January or February of this year..

BBC News - Bin Laden 'seen in Afghanistan in early 2009'

LOL..and people claim they saw Elvis at Wally mart

You're comparing Osama and Elvis..

Now you're being insane.

Osama admitted himself he was the Mastermind.

Bin Laden: Yes, I did it - Telegraph

Online NewsHour Update: Bin Laden Admits 9/11 Responsibility, Warns of More Attacks -- October 29, 2004

A tape aired by Al-Jazeera television Friday showed al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden admitting for the first time that he orchestrated the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks and saying the United States could face more.

"We decided to destroy towers in America," he said. "God knows that it had not occurred to our mind to attack the towers, but after our patience ran out and we saw the injustice and inflexibility of the American-Israeli alliance toward our people in Palestine and Lebanon, this came to my mind."

EDIT: Also, This Bastard killed my fellow Spanish Citizens on March 11th. was that also an Inside job? Right... Oh! and lets not forget England..
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Of course it's fantasy, but that's how Jihadist's are, if you haven't noticed..

If Osama or any Al Qaeda leader knew about a so called 9/11 Conspiracy they would've already said, "We didn't do shit, that's all Bush and his Admin plotting against the US to Invade Afghan and Iraq"

Well actually, A Taliban detainee in Pakistan claims to have information about Osama Bin Laden's whereabouts in January or February of this year..

BBC News - Bin Laden 'seen in Afghanistan in early 2009'

LOL..and people claim they saw Elvis at Wally mart

You're comparing Osama and Elvis..

Now you're being insane.

Osama admitted himself he was the Mastermind.

Bin Laden: Yes, I did it - Telegraph

Online NewsHour Update: Bin Laden Admits 9/11 Responsibility, Warns of More Attacks -- October 29, 2004

A tape aired by Al-Jazeera television Friday showed al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden admitting for the first time that he orchestrated the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks and saying the United States could face more.

"We decided to destroy towers in America," he said. "God knows that it had not occurred to our mind to attack the towers, but after our patience ran out and we saw the injustice and inflexibility of the American-Israeli alliance toward our people in Palestine and Lebanon, this came to my mind."

EDIT: Also, This Bastard killed my fellow Spanish Citizens on March 11th. was that also an Inside job? Right... Oh! and lets not forget England..

the tapes are so clearly fake and in his first statement he denied any involvement...I'm not saying there are not terrorist or that bin laden was not one...just not one capable of an event of this magnitude and the fact is without a series of unprecedented failures both before and on 9/11 the plan would of been a complete failure ..how could the man in the cave plan that ??
Last edited:
LOL..and people claim they saw Elvis at Wally mart

You're comparing Osama and Elvis..

Now you're being insane.

Osama admitted himself he was the Mastermind.

Bin Laden: Yes, I did it - Telegraph

Online NewsHour Update: Bin Laden Admits 9/11 Responsibility, Warns of More Attacks -- October 29, 2004

"We decided to destroy towers in America," he said. "God knows that it had not occurred to our mind to attack the towers, but after our patience ran out and we saw the injustice and inflexibility of the American-Israeli alliance toward our people in Palestine and Lebanon, this came to my mind."

EDIT: Also, This Bastard killed my fellow Spanish Citizens on March 11th. was that also an Inside job? Right... Oh! and lets not forget England..

the tapes are so clearly fake and in his first statement he denied any involvement...I'm not saying thee are not terrorist or that bin laden was not one...just not one capable of an event of this magnitude and the fact is without aseris of unprecidented failures both before and on 9/11 the plan would of been a complete failure ..how could the man in the cave plan that ??

haha, so with showing him Clearly say he was the mastermind and then Zawahiri also praising the Martyrs clearly makes it fake..

Come on, now you're being Delusional.... wait.. you were always being Delusional. :cuckoo:
he goes from right handed to left handed..his beard is long and grey ..then it is short and black his nose is pointed and long then its broad and flat..they are fakes..without question
he goes from right handed to left handed..his beard is long and grey ..then it is short and black his nose is pointed and long then its broad and flat..they are fakes..without question
more delusions
the tapes are so clearly fake and in his first statement he denied any involvement...I'm not saying there are not terrorist or that bin laden was not one...just not one capable of an event of this magnitude and the fact is without a series of unprecedented failures both before and on 9/11 the plan would of been a complete failure ..how could the man in the cave plan that ??
if i remember right he denied it as the USA was preparing to invade afghanistan to come get him. remember, its prefectly ok for muslims to lie to infidels.

ok, lets skip the "man in a cave" thing, because he wasnt really living in caves, and get right to your point.

why couldnt a he plan an attack of this magnitude? after all, it is not the first attack he planned. it wasnt the last, unfortunately. the plan isnt all that complicated. train a few guys to fly planes and give them a few guys for some muscle when on board.

in fact, the plan wasnt all that successful. they only hit 75% of what they wanted to hit. i dont think they thought the buildings would actually collapse. (although the 93 bombing apparently attempted to knock one tower into the other).

its certainly an infinitely less complicated mission that wiring a building for explosives and having airplanes crash into the buildings then setting off silent explosives powerful enough to knock down the towers. it starts exactly where the planes hit and charges needed to either be placed during a raging inferno or the demolitions needed to be rewired after a plane takes out several floors of the building.

....and i actually believe that this is what the twoofers really are in denial about. something this catastrophic can be caused by such a simple plan with so few people involved. therefore it MUST be a huge conspiracy.
the tapes are so clearly fake and in his first statement he denied any involvement...I'm not saying there are not terrorist or that bin laden was not one...just not one capable of an event of this magnitude and the fact is without a series of unprecedented failures both before and on 9/11 the plan would of been a complete failure ..how could the man in the cave plan that ??
if i remember right he denied it as the USA was preparing to invade afghanistan to come get him. remember, its prefectly ok for muslims to lie to infidels.

ok, lets skip the "man in a cave" thing, because he wasnt really living in caves, and get right to your point.

why couldnt a he plan an attack of this magnitude? after all, it is not the first attack he planned. it wasnt the last, unfortunately. the plan isnt all that complicated. train a few guys to fly planes and give them a few guys for some muscle when on board.

in fact, the plan wasnt all that successful. they only hit 75% of what they wanted to hit. i dont think they thought the buildings would actually collapse. (although the 93 bombing apparently attempted to knock one tower into the other).

its certainly an infinitely less complicated mission that wiring a building for explosives and having airplanes crash into the buildings then setting off silent explosives powerful enough to knock down the towers. it starts exactly where the planes hit and charges needed to either be placed during a raging inferno or the demolitions needed to be rewired after a plane takes out several floors of the building.

....and i actually believe that this is what the twoofers really are in denial about. something this catastrophic can be caused by such a simple plan with so few people involved. therefore it MUST be a huge conspiracy.
yeah, they didnt go to the caves till AFTER the 9/11 attacks
but Eots and his delusional fuck buddies dont seem to understand common sense facts'
well you remember wrongly he denied the attacks as did the taliaban and your assessment of the simplicity of flying planes into buildings as not be a of great magnitude in its complexity just shows your simplistic understanding...the list of prior knowledge is unbelievable ..even to the point of several citizen average Joe's reporting the activities of the hi-jackers..nevernind the FBI and CIA...and then the the 18 destined to die..not an easy task despite your beliefs every Muslim is a suicide bomber...to find individuals capable of doing this operation ..willing to die..with the stealth to fly under the radar for years of training and planning required would be no simple task for an individual ..then being assured of being successful in taking control of the plans with nothing but razor blades..and then of course,,an unprecedented failure of NORAD is essential for even minimal success...if it was simple why are not all the islamofascist just wanting to die for their 42 virgins..simply getting on planes hijacking and crashing them ??..they could do it here or anywhere in the world...it is as easy now as it was then to get a small sharp object on a plane
disinfo agent Liar ability,was wondering how long it would be before you came here to one of these 9/11 threads.lol.

The Troofers are the only purveyors of disinformation in this "discussion."

Rimjob has not even a hint of credibility since, like all of these dioshonest fucking asswipe Troofers, everything he says in support of his moronic thesis depends on lies and the willingness of everyone else to suspend reason.

Sorry, Rimjob, but your idiotic application is -- as always -- once again denied.
no bin laden was not the master mind ..bin laden cant order the FBI to back off investigation or order a stand down and why is bin laden not betrayed ,,how does he keep this massive conspiracy and his location secret all this time...I mean we all know secrets cant be kept...right ?

LOL..and people claim they saw Elvis at Wally mart

You're comparing Osama and Elvis..

Now you're being insane.

Osama admitted himself he was the Mastermind.

Bin Laden: Yes, I did it - Telegraph

Online NewsHour Update: Bin Laden Admits 9/11 Responsibility, Warns of More Attacks -- October 29, 2004

"We decided to destroy towers in America," he said. "God knows that it had not occurred to our mind to attack the towers, but after our patience ran out and we saw the injustice and inflexibility of the American-Israeli alliance toward our people in Palestine and Lebanon, this came to my mind."

EDIT: Also, This Bastard killed my fellow Spanish Citizens on March 11th. was that also an Inside job? Right... Oh! and lets not forget England..

the tapes are so clearly fake and in his first statement he denied any involvement...I'm not saying there are not terrorist or that bin laden was not one...just not one capable of an event of this magnitude and the fact is without a series of unprecedented failures both before and on 9/11 the plan would of been a complete failure ..how could the man in the cave plan that ??

Why does everyone think that UBL was the man in the cave? They went to the caves after the invasion of Afghanistan. UBL had quite a nice little secure compound he lived in prior to the attacks.
Did you miss this Creative.

Why would NIST try to forensically analyse collapse without the building plans? NO where in their product does it say they had plans.

Here's a quote from LERA website. Leslie Robertson's firm.
LERA | WTC - Sept. 11, 2001

World Trade Center and NIST

"In response to the WTC tragedy, the National Institute of Standards and Technology is conducting a three-part plan: a 24-month building and fire safety investigation to study the factors contributing to the probable cause (or causes) of post-impact collapse of the WTC Towers (WTC 1 and 2) and WTC 7; a research and development program to provide the technical basis for improved building and fire codes, standards, and practices; and a dissemination and technical assistance program to engage leaders of the construction and building community in implementing proposed changes to practices, standards and codes. Also it will provide practical guidance and tools to better prepare facility owners, contractors, architects, engineers, emergency responders, and regulatory authorities to respond to future disasters."

LERA participated in the development of a database of structural information for the two towers of the World Trade Center (WTC1 and 2).

How would LERA have participated in the development of a structural information database without plans and bills of materials???
no bin laden was not the master mind ..bin laden cant order the FBI to back off investigation or order a stand down and why is bin laden not betrayed ,,how does he keep this massive conspiracy and his location secret all this time...I mean we all know secrets cant be kept...right ?


So why did it take them 7 YEARS to explain the building collapses?

That is because they had to figure out how to re-write physics.

Even a Physicist that worked for NASA for almost 30yrs said:... "seeing the huge pyroclastic cloud of pulverized concrete dust and the massive structural members being hurled horizontally leaves no doubt in my mind the World Trade Center buildings were brought down by explosives."

Seven Senior Engineers say NIST Reprort re-writes physics:
Seven Senior Federal Engineers and Scientists Call for New 9-11 Investigation



Here is a simple comprehensive example that depicts how the NIST investigation went when Bush appointed his personal friend to head the NIST Report and collapse investigation.

The Administration specifically instructed him to NOT look at the possibility in explosives in the collapses....even though there are countless witnesses live on the news who heard many explosions.




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