Every president colluded with multiple parties

to keep the opposition candidate from getting elected.

They don’t collude with foreign governments to conduct a covert propaganda campaign to undermine the opposition. They don’t return the favour by making decisions which undermine your alliances and mutual defence treaties.

It is illegal to collude with foreign governments against the US government and its institutions. That’s called “treason”.

So when is Kerry going to jail?
There is no prison big enough to hold Washington DC
President Obama will be remembered as one of our better Presidents.

Financed, supplied, supported, armed, trained, protected, defended, and even dragged the U.S. into 2 Un-Constitutional Wars to help terrorists, including Al Qaeda who slaughtered 3,000 Americans.

Armed Mexican Drug Cartels, resulting in the deaths of Americans...

Protected Human Traffickers, engaged in human trafficking, protected and released violent multiple-offense illegals who victimized Americans, protected MS-13 animals, protected law-violating Sanctuary cities, refused to enforce US Immigration Law, and attempted to push his socialist agenda as 'law' by b-passing Congress to institute his own 'Dream Act...

Protected Hezbollah drug ops to appease Iran...

Un-Constitutionally engaged in his own personal treaty with Iran on behalf of the U.S., by-passing Congress to do so..

Was found in Contempt of Court Twice for ignoring Judges' rulings and found to have violated both Constitution and Law numerous times...

Illegally spied on Americans, reporters, the media, US Senators, USSC JUSTICES, the GOP Presidential candidate during an election...and on the current U.S. President as part of his treasonous attempt to prevent Trump from winning and to remove him from office if he did win...

..and even AFTER he is gone, his scandals and crimes continue to be exposed....

...like evidence of even MORE TREASON:

Obama-era license aimed to let Iran convert money in dollars

'The Obama administration secretly sought to give Iran access — albeit briefly — to the U.S. financial system by sidestepping sanctions kept in place after the 2015 nuclear deal, despite repeatedly telling Congress and the public it had no plans to do so.

An investigation by Senate Republicans released Wednesday sheds light on the delicate balance the Obama administration sought to strike after the deal, as it worked to ensure Iran received its promised benefits without playing into the hands of the deal’s opponents. Amid a tense political climate, Iran hawks in the U.S., Israel and elsewhere argued that the United States was giving far too much to Tehran and that the windfall would be used to fund extremism and other troubling Iranian activity.'

You're right - LIBERALS do prefer 'stupid' and 'ignorance'!

Obama was not only the worst President in U.S, history - he was a F*ING TRAITOR!
President Obama will be remembered as one of our better Presidents.

Financed, supplied, supported, armed, trained, protected, defended, and even dragged the U.S. into 2 Un-Constitutional Wars to help terrorists, including Al Qaeda who slaughtered 3,000 Americans.

Armed Mexican Drug Cartels, resulting in the deaths of Americans...

Protected Human Traffickers, engaged in human trafficking, protected and released violent multiple-offense illegals who victimized Americans, protected MS-13 animals, protected law-violating Sanctuary cities, refused to enforce US Immigration Law, and attempted to push his socialist agenda as 'law' by b-passing Congress to institute his own 'Dream Act...

Protected Hezbollah drug ops to appease Iran...

Un-Constitutionally engaged in his own personal treaty with Iran on behalf of the U.S., by-passing Congress to do so..

Was found in Contempt of Court Twice for ignoring Judges' rulings and found to have violated both Constitution and Law numerous times...

Illegally spied on Americans, reporters, the media, US Senators, USSC JUSTICES, the GOP Presidential candidate during an election...and on the current U.S. President as part of his treasonous attempt to prevent Trump from winning and to remove him from office if he did win...

..and even AFTER he is gone, his scandals and crimes continue to be exposed....

...like evidence of even MORE TREASON:

Obama-era license aimed to let Iran convert money in dollars

'The Obama administration secretly sought to give Iran access — albeit briefly — to the U.S. financial system by sidestepping sanctions kept in place after the 2015 nuclear deal, despite repeatedly telling Congress and the public it had no plans to do so.

An investigation by Senate Republicans released Wednesday sheds light on the delicate balance the Obama administration sought to strike after the deal, as it worked to ensure Iran received its promised benefits without playing into the hands of the deal’s opponents. Amid a tense political climate, Iran hawks in the U.S., Israel and elsewhere argued that the United States was giving far too much to Tehran and that the windfall would be used to fund extremism and other troubling Iranian activity.'

You're right - LIBERALS do prefer 'stupid' and 'ignorance'!

Obama was not only the worst President in U.S, history - he was a F*ING TRAITOR!
Did you read your own link? It says "Issuing the license was not illegal."
This thread is about Trump, but you cant help yourself from going back to Obama or Hillary.
This topic of politicians and multiple parties brings to my mind a little piece of trivia. Lincoln is the last person to be elected President that ran for the office under a party banner other than Republican or Democrat. In 1864 he dumped VP Hannibal Hamlin and picked as his running mate Andrew Johnson a former Democratic senator from Tennessee. They ran as the National Union Party to attract pro-war Democrats.

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