Every Single Time Biden Says Or Does Something Stupid They Drop Another Indictment

Tera Reade had to move out of the country because she was afraid Biden would have her killed.
Biden grabbed her in a side office when he was senator....and forced his hand up her crotch.
When she reported it they fired her.

Here's one example of someone who was counting votes in Fulton Co Georgia, and gave Biden an extra 100K votes.

You do know Trump is being charged with defrauding Ruby? She did nothing wrong and this story has been completely debunked!
10 million teenagers do it every Saturday night.

Yes. It's perfectly legal, dumbass.

Didn't happen, moron.

Also didn't happen.

You're a brainwashed Dim bulb.
You are such a scumbag POS! It is okay for an ex-President to hold to nuclear battle plans? Boy, are you a sick puppy!
You are such a scumbag POS! It is okay for an ex-President to hold to nuclear battle plans? Boy, are you a sick puppy!
Actually it was newspapers with headlines on them.
They haven't been able to produce these secret documents.
Only the newspapers.
I'm still waiting for someone on the brain-dead right to tell specifically what Biden has done with these indictments and to date, no one has had the balls to even try.
?? half of the indictments are by Biden's DOJ
She didn't do anything! You are just low life POS's trying to run interference for a criminal dumbass!
She bragged about breaking sealed ballots and delivering an extra 100 thousand votes for Biden by counting them over and over and over and over.
It's no coincidence that every time Biden needs something to take the headlines off of his criminal acts or angry, mindless, or silly statements, someone drops another indictment to redirect the press away from having to cover it.

The latest example is his "No Comment" statement yesterday when asked about the growing Death-toll.

Seems that that GA DA had to jump through her backside to get this indictment into the headlines.
She even unsealed the indictment prematurely just to get everyone off of Biden's heartless comments on the dead in Lihiana Hawaii.

It appears that Biden doesn't give a darn about the dead in Hawaii.....and he's rushing off to another vacation today so they can get him away from reporters.
Still no comment.

Does this look like somebody who's in charge of the United States????

Biden says plenty of stupid shit. There have only been 4 indictments. 5 if you count the superseding indictment.

Your 'pattern' isn't.

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