Every studio rejected Liberace film as 'too gay'


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
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Soderbergh: Every studio rejected Liberace film as 'too gay'

Jan. 5, 2013
By Tim Molloy


"Nobody would make it. We went to everybody in town," the "Traffic" and "Oceans 11" director told TheWrap on Friday, at the Television Critics Association winter press tour. "We needed $5 million. Nobody would do it."

Wait a minute, we said. Let us get this straight: No studio would budget $5 million for a movie with Damon and Douglas?

"They said it was too gay. Everybody. This was after 'Brokeback Mountain,' by the way. Which is not as funny as this movie. I was stunned. It made no sense to any of us."


Soderbergh: Every studio rejected Liberace film as 'too gay' - MSN Movies News
Michael Douglas is playing Liberace?

Christ, you'd think there was a shortage of gay actors in Hollywood or something...

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