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Every Youngster Age 18-19 Should Be Required To Serve 3 Years In The Military

Libertarian memes are so adorable.

A draft involves Americans in foreign policy personally.

Not one argument above is effective against having one.

Americans are impacted by foreign policy and international events every single day without a draft. We live in a globalized interdependent economic world. For example, the world market price for oil partly determines the price of food you put In your mouth every day, unless of course you grow it in your back yard instead of buying it from a store or dining facility.

Any draft would only involve a very small randomly selected part of the U.S. population unless you have plans to expand the current active military force beyond its 1.5 million figure.

Annual enlistment by volunteers currently exceeds the needs of the military. How would you include draftees? Do you plan to block people from volunteering in the military in order to make room for draftees? Then the next question would be, what percentage of enlistments do you want to be draftees VS. volunteers?
The Correls and the deniers are all face down with their exposed butts ready for another reaming. A draft would prevent an imperial presidency running an imperial war in the world without the American people really paying attention until too late.

So why didn't that happen with Korea and Vietnam? The fact is, the DRAFT never prevented war ever.
A different electorate that overwhelmingly trusted their leaders to do know best. Father Knows Best has been cancelled for a long, long time. Do you really want Clinton or Trump with a volunteer military?

The fact is, there is no historical example demonstrating that simply having a draft would do what you say it would.

Finally, if you have a draft starting in 2017, the number of people you would draft would be tiny or nothing since the military meets all its manpower requirements through volunteers. The size of the military would still be the same at 1.5 million which severely limits the number of people that serve, regardless of whether they are drafted or volunteered. You would still only have an ever growing smaller segment of the population serving.

You would have to massively expand the size of the military to even see if your ideas would have any impact. Until you do, 1.5 million service members on active duty whether they are draftees or volunteers is a very tiny segment of the population. The chances of any one person being drafted would be exceedingly small, too small to be a political factor.
I have a cousin who retired as a full colonel. He told me, in no uncertain terms, that if the military has the resources to go to war, they will absolutely find a way to do just that.
Libertarian memes are so adorable.

A draft involves Americans in foreign policy personally.

Not one argument above is effective against having one.

The cost of maintaining a hugely increased military isn't an effective argument?

A volunteer military being more effective than a conscripted military isn't an effective argument?

I think the problem is that the draft involving people in foreign policy isn't an effective argument. ;)
The Correls and the deniers are all face down with their exposed butts ready for another reaming. A draft would prevent an imperial presidency running an imperial war in the world without the American people really paying attention until too late.

What about the people that refuse to go? Do we have enough prisons for those people? Do we have enough courts and court times? And since we are going to make criminals out of otherwise law abiding citizens, what are we going to do when Canada complains about the millions of Americans crossing their boarders to escape this draft of yours?

Thanks to illegal narcotics, America has the second highest percentage of her population behind bars. I guess you're looking to see if we can take first place? I guess we'll have to let more violent criminals out of prison so we can make some space, huh?
Oh hell yes bring back slavery. What is conscription if not involuntary servitude? The OP and those who agree with him/her clamor to become unquestioned and unquestioning slaves to the state. Ya know ole Forrests' mom was right "stupid is as stupid does".
Listen to you whiners who do not want or your children to serve our nation, either in the military or in a job corps.

Yep, you are the unworthy inheritors of the Greatest Generation.
Listen to you whiners who do not want or your children to serve our nation, either in the military or in a job corps.

Yep, you are the unworthy inheritors of the Greatest Generation.

I have no children, but if I did, I would be more than proud if they joined the forces to serve their country, but I don't want them forced into it unless it's a real emergency. I certainly don't want their lives being used for a leftist political agenda.
Listen to you whiners who do not want or your children to serve our nation, either in the military or in a job corps.

Yep, you are the unworthy inheritors of the Greatest Generation.

I have no children, but if I did, I would be more than proud if they joined the forces to serve their country, but I don't want them forced into it unless it's a real emergency. I certainly don't want their lives being used for a leftist political agenda.
So you are for a neo-con policy of letting the president and the military industrial complex wage never ending war.
Who the hell sai
The Correls and the deniers are all face down with their exposed butts ready for another reaming. A draft would prevent an imperial presidency running an imperial war in the world without the American people really paying attention until too late.

So why didn't that happen with Korea and Vietnam? The fact is, the DRAFT never prevented war ever.

The draft doesn't prevent a war but it damn sure let's one see who's willing to go and fight:

On May 27, 1968, George Bush Jr. was 12 days away from losing his student draft deferment, at a time when 350 Americans a week were dying in combat. The National Guard, seen by many as the most respectable way to avoid Vietnam, had a huge waiting list -- a year and a half in Texas, over 100,000 men nationwide. Yet Bush and his family friends pulled strings, and the young man was admitted the same day he applied, regardless of any waiting list. He joined the elite unit in Texas known as the "champagne unit" because all the Dallas Cowboys football players belonged to it.
Bush's unit commander was so excited about his VIP recruit that he staged a special ceremony for the press so he could have his picture taken administering the oath (even though the official oath had been given by a captain earlier.)
Bush and his allies have tried to deny this with several changing stories but Bush himself admits lobbying commander Staudt, who approved him, and court documents confirm that close family friend and oil magnate Sid Adger called Texas Speaker of the House Ben Barnes, who called General James Rose, the head of the Texas Air National Guard, to get Bush in. Rose, who is now dead, told his friend and former legislator Jake Johnson that "I got that Republican congressman's son from Houston into the Guard."
Staudt's unit, the 147th, was infamous as a nesting place for politically connected and celebrity draft avoiders. Democratic Senator Lloyd Bentsen's son was in the unit, as were both of Sid Adger's sons and at least 7 members of the Dallas Cowboys. When the guards began to test for drugs Bush never flew again and he never left the U S.
Listen to you whiners who do not want or your children to serve our nation, either in the military or in a job corps.

Yep, you are the unworthy inheritors of the Greatest Generation.

I have no children, but if I did, I would be more than proud if they joined the forces to serve their country, but I don't want them forced into it unless it's a real emergency. I certainly don't want their lives being used for a leftist political agenda.
So you are for a neo-con policy of letting the president and the military industrial complex wage never ending war.

That is the biggest false choice I think I have every seen.

EIther support the Draft or "a neo-con policy of letting the president and the military industrial complex wage never ending war."

REally? There is no other possible explanation for disagreeing with you?

Our family has shown up for every major rumble since the Civil War to the present day. We've done our bit for King and Country, for a while.
Correll, you of all people don't understand the discussion.

You are a neo-con, a supporter of the military-industrial complex, and I think a believer in 'last time end of days' eschatology.
Listen to you whiners who do not want or your children to serve our nation, either in the military or in a job corps.

Yep, you are the unworthy inheritors of the Greatest Generation.

I have no children, but if I did, I would be more than proud if they joined the forces to serve their country, but I don't want them forced into it unless it's a real emergency. I certainly don't want their lives being used for a leftist political agenda.
So you are for a neo-con policy of letting the president and the military industrial complex wage never ending war.

Having a draft would have nothing to do with that. Having a draft would only serve as a vehicle for the left to reinforce their anti-war agenda. The military shouldn't be used like the IRS to get even with political foes. Besides, if our volunteer military wants to go to "never ending wars," why should you care? It's their decision and their lives--not yours.
Corrill and Ray simply don't want the great American public involved in decision making. Obviously. Being anti-neo conservativism is not being a left or anti-war. It is being pro-American and beholden to the best virtues embedded in the Declaration and Constitution.
Listen to you whiners who do not want or your children to serve our nation, either in the military or in a job corps.

Yep, you are the unworthy inheritors of the Greatest Generation.

I have no children, but if I did, I would be more than proud if they joined the forces to serve their country, but I don't want them forced into it unless it's a real emergency. I certainly don't want their lives being used for a leftist political agenda.
So you are for a neo-con policy of letting the president and the military industrial complex wage never ending war.

Having a draft would have nothing to do with that. Having a draft would only serve as a vehicle for the left to reinforce their anti-war agenda. The military shouldn't be used like the IRS to get even with political foes. Besides, if our volunteer military wants to go to "never ending wars," why should you care? It's their decision and their lives--not yours.

I pulled my 7 years. I notice you aiming that pea shooter...do you ever actually hit anything with it? Do you ever actually fire it??
Correll, you of all people don't understand the discussion.

You are a neo-con, a supporter of the military-industrial complex, and I think a believer in 'last time end of days' eschatology.

i understand what you want, why you want it, the problems associated with what you want, the reasons it would not work and the ideological differences that lead you to disagree with me on this.

YOur sudden insight that I might be a "a believer in 'last time end of days' eschatology" is nothing but a fairly standard lib tact of personal attack when confronted by a valid opponent.
Corrill and Ray simply don't want the great American public involved in decision making. Obviously. Being anti-neo conservativism is not being a left or anti-war. It is being pro-American and beholden to the best virtues embedded in the Declaration and Constitution.

NOthing either Ray or I have said in anyway supports your claim that we do not want the American public involved in decision making.
Correll, you of all people don't understand the discussion.

You are a neo-con, a supporter of the military-industrial complex, and I think a believer in 'last time end of days' eschatology.

i understand what you want, why you want it, the problems associated with what you want, the reasons it would not work and the ideological differences that lead you to disagree with me on this.

YOur sudden insight that I might be a "a believer in 'last time end of days' eschatology" is nothing but a fairly standard lib tact of personal attack when confronted by a valid opponent.
You have not a clue, little buddy.

You are not a valid opponent is the point here.

You don't have the balls to admit you think evangelical end of times bullshit thinking is involved here.

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