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Every Youngster Age 18-19 Should Be Required To Serve 3 Years In The Military

Corrill and Ray simply don't want the great American public involved in decision making. Obviously. Being anti-neo conservativism is not being a left or anti-war. It is being pro-American and beholden to the best virtues embedded in the Declaration and Constitution.
NOthing either Ray or I have said in anyway supports your claim that we do not want the American public involved in decision making.
Keep lying.
Correll, you of all people don't understand the discussion.

You are a neo-con, a supporter of the military-industrial complex, and I think a believer in 'last time end of days' eschatology.

i understand what you want, why you want it, the problems associated with what you want, the reasons it would not work and the ideological differences that lead you to disagree with me on this.

YOur sudden insight that I might be a "a believer in 'last time end of days' eschatology" is nothing but a fairly standard lib tact of personal attack when confronted by a valid opponent.
You have not a clue, little buddy.

You are not a valid opponent is the point here.

You don't have the balls to admit you think evangelical end of times bullshit thinking is involved here.

THis is where you should start to tone it down, instead of doubling down on your lib tactics.

Your draft proposal has been revealed as a political ploy that won't work, is too expensive and would mess with the lives of millions of Americans for no reason.

YOur personal attacks aimed at me are laughable silly. No one could seriously or honestly claim that I am not a "valid opponent" to you, especially on this issue.

And you've done nothing to support your odd off topic personal attack about me being a End Times Evangelicalist.

If you want to push an anti-war agenda, make the argument on it's merits.
Corrill and Ray simply don't want the great American public involved in decision making. Obviously. Being anti-neo conservativism is not being a left or anti-war. It is being pro-American and beholden to the best virtues embedded in the Declaration and Constitution.
NOthing either Ray or I have said in anyway supports your claim that we do not want the American public involved in decision making.
Keep lying.

YOu're the one making these weird claims.

It would be a lot easier for you to cut and paste the remarks that Ray or I made that supposedly support your odd claims, than it would for me to cut and paste ALL OF our remarks to show that we did not.
Correl, you are so lost. I am not a lib and you are not a patriot, only a broken down far right reactionary social con. No man knows the coming of Jesus; thus your belief these are the end times is laughable.

The draft will work, and no one has demonstrated that it is not financially feasible. Messing with the lives of millions of Americans to force them to engage with their government is good.

I have made no personal attack against you (as you are engaged in the Rushbo mirror offense against me), and, no, you are not viable at all as an opponent. You do amuse me, though, which means you may possibly learn valuable lessons from me.
Correl, you are so lost. I am not a lib and you are not a patriot, only a broken down far right reactionary social con. No man knows the coming of Jesus; thus your belief these are the end times is laughable.

The draft will work, and no one has demonstrated that it is not financially feasible. Messing with the lives of millions of Americans to force them to engage with their government is good.

I have made no personal attack against you (as you are engaged in the Rushbo mirror offense against me), and, no, you are not viable at all as an opponent. You do amuse me, though, which means you may possibly learn valuable lessons from me.

1. You are certainly using lib tactics. Anytime you want to stop...

2. Your attempts at baiting me with accusations of religious beliefs is just an attempt to deflect a debate you know you are losing, badly.

3. We can't afford the military we have now and you want to vastly expand it, and you want hard numbers showing that that won't work? Seriously?

4. You have constantly belittled my intellect and my character, and attributed to me religious beliefs that your perceive as nutty, because you perceive them as nutty. That you have not stooped yet to simple name calling does not lessen your personal attacks.
Telling the truth is not a lib or a con tactic, little buddy. Outing you clearly and concisely is good Americanism. You make it so easy.

I am not baiting you about religious extremism. If you are now denying that you are a socially religious conservative, I will believe you. I am glad you woke up.

We have a military grievously injured because of Bush neo-conservative invasions of the ME. We should have pulled out of Afghanistan after we punished al-quada.

You have falsely attacked my intellect, my religion, and my patriotism, and after kicking your ass over it, you as the typical reactionary little wuss you are, you cry when you get what you dished out.

Now, mate, I challenge you to grow up and conduct yourself as an adult without the name calling and the insinuations.

Can you do that?
The military service and training forms a basic structure for young citizens much better than E Mail and Texting. Video games are a no brainer.

Israel requires this of all their young men and women and they seem to turn out pretty well.

Also.....the bunch of chicken hawks in the congress would think twice if they were sending their own to some godforsaken desert or mountain range to get wounded or die.
FORCING military service is NOT the way to cure societal ills. Punishing everyone because a minority of society doesn't know how to behave is ridiculous.
Telling the truth is not a lib or a con tactic, little buddy. Outing you clearly and concisely is good Americanism. You make it so easy.

I am not baiting you about religious extremism. If you are now denying that you are a socially religious conservative, I will believe you. I am glad you woke up.

We have a military grievously injured because of Bush neo-conservative invasions of the ME. We should have pulled out of Afghanistan after we punished al-quada.

You have falsely attacked my intellect, my religion, and my patriotism, and after kicking your ass over it, you as the typical reactionary little wuss you are, you cry when you get what you dished out.

Now, mate, I challenge you to grow up and conduct yourself as an adult without the name calling and the insinuations.

Can you do that?

1. You are not telling the truth.

2. I deny nothing. I note your tactics and call you on them. My religious beliefs are irrelevant to this thread. I see your motives for your underhanded tactics and point them out.

3. YOur opinion on why are military spending is so high now, is irrelevant to my point that we cannot afford the much larger military your proposal would require.

4. I have attacked your intellect? Probably in response to a personal attack from you. To me you see quite bright, probably close enough to my intellectual equal as to make no difference.

5. Your religion? I literally could not care less about your religion. You must have misunderstood something I posted.

6. Your patriotism? IN this thread? I don't recall doing that.

7. No name calling? I always strive to treat people the way they treat me. IF you can refrain, I will do as well.
Correl, you are so lost. I am not a lib and you are not a patriot, only a broken down far right reactionary social con. No man knows the coming of Jesus; thus your belief these are the end times is laughable.

The draft will work, and no one has demonstrated that it is not financially feasible. Messing with the lives of millions of Americans to force them to engage with their government is good.

I beg to differ.

So far you have yet to respond to my question about what we do with the millions of people that refuse to go. Where are we going to get all that jail space? Where are we going to get all that money to imprison these otherwise law abiding citizens?
If kids are FORCED to put their lives on the line simply because they were born here - THAT means we are not a freedom loving Country, that's a revolting thing we call(ed) slavery.
Listen to you whiners who do not want or your children to serve our nation, either in the military or in a job corps.

Yep, you are the unworthy inheritors of the Greatest Generation.

I have no children, but if I did, I would be more than proud if they joined the forces to serve their country, but I don't want them forced into it unless it's a real emergency. I certainly don't want their lives being used for a leftist political agenda.
So you are for a neo-con policy of letting the president and the military industrial complex wage never ending war.

Having a draft would have nothing to do with that. Having a draft would only serve as a vehicle for the left to reinforce their anti-war agenda. The military shouldn't be used like the IRS to get even with political foes. Besides, if our volunteer military wants to go to "never ending wars," why should you care? It's their decision and their lives--not yours.

I pulled my 7 years. I notice you aiming that pea shooter...do you ever actually hit anything with it? Do you ever actually fire it??

Oh yes, but ammo is expensive so I keep it to a minimum.

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The military service and training forms a basic structure for young citizens much better than E Mail and Texting. Video games are a no brainer.

Israel requires this of all their young men and women and they seem to turn out pretty well.

Also.....the bunch of chicken hawks in the congress would think twice if they were sending their own to some godforsaken desert or mountain range to get wounded or die.
then everyone would have VA medical insurance.
Corrill and Ray simply don't want the great American public involved in decision making. Obviously. Being anti-neo conservativism is not being a left or anti-war. It is being pro-American and beholden to the best virtues embedded in the Declaration and Constitution.

Americans are involved in decision making, but we are not a Democracy, we are a Republic.

In a Republic, we elect people to vote on our behalf and convey our desires as to how this country should operate.

During that process, WE ARE involved in the decision making of our country.
If kids are FORCED to put their lives on the line simply because they were born here - THAT means we are not a freedom loving Country, that's a revolting thing we call(ed) slavery.

Serving your country when it needs your help is not servitude, it's patriotism. However, being forced to serve your country for a political agenda is a dictatorship. To think we should turn the entire country upside down because some think Americans are too stupid to understand our military action overseas is plain insulting.

None of our government agencies should be used for political purposes, and that means left or right.
If kids are FORCED to put their lives on the line simply because they were born here - THAT means we are not a freedom loving Country, that's a revolting thing we call(ed) slavery.

Serving your country when it needs your help is not servitude, it's patriotism. However, being forced to serve your country for a political agenda is a dictatorship. To think we should turn the entire country upside down because some think Americans are too stupid to understand our military action overseas is plain insulting.

None of our government agencies should be used for political purposes, and that means left or right.
The children should be forced to choose between military service or civil service.
If kids are FORCED to put their lives on the line simply because they were born here - THAT means we are not a freedom loving Country, that's a revolting thing we call(ed) slavery.

Serving your country when it needs your help is not servitude, it's patriotism. However, being forced to serve your country for a political agenda is a dictatorship. To think we should turn the entire country upside down because some think Americans are too stupid to understand our military action overseas is plain insulting.

None of our government agencies should be used for political purposes, and that means left or right.
The children should be forced to choose between military service or civil service.

If kids are FORCED to put their lives on the line simply because they were born here - THAT means we are not a freedom loving Country, that's a revolting thing we call(ed) slavery.

Serving your country when it needs your help is not servitude, it's patriotism. However, being forced to serve your country for a political agenda is a dictatorship. To think we should turn the entire country upside down because some think Americans are too stupid to understand our military action overseas is plain insulting.

None of our government agencies should be used for political purposes, and that means left or right.
The children should be forced to choose between military service or civil service.

Pay their country back for letting them live here.
Fuck no. I come from a very long line of vets. In fact, you don't have a war or conflict that my family has not been involved in. You may not have my son.

Then get the word to the Republicans that their right wing agenda is not important enough to send the sons and daughters of others to fight and die.

The Bushs have been out of office for almost eight years, yet we are still fighting in the Mid East under your beloved Obama's leadership. Why don't you do yourself a favor and go out and buy a clue.
An no the US cannot have any of my kids to use as cannon fodder for their illegal wars.
If kids are FORCED to put their lives on the line simply because they were born here - THAT means we are not a freedom loving Country, that's a revolting thing we call(ed) slavery.

Serving your country when it needs your help is not servitude, it's patriotism. However, being forced to serve your country for a political agenda is a dictatorship. To think we should turn the entire country upside down because some think Americans are too stupid to understand our military action overseas is plain insulting.

None of our government agencies should be used for political purposes, and that means left or right.
The children should be forced to choose between military service or civil service.

Pay their country back for letting them live here.

Umm, yeah. That's not the way America works.

You don't own the government for living here.

They owe you for giving them the consent to have the legitimacy to govern.
Nationalism is stupid and youd think with our exponential growth technologically as a species we could think past this shit by now. Tribalism is for wild animals and cavemen.

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