Everybody is bisexual

We are all bisexual

  • Yes

    Votes: 1 5.3%
  • No

    Votes: 8 42.1%
  • Bullshit! I am 100% straight

    Votes: 3 15.8%
  • wtf is she smoking? And why isn't she sharing?

    Votes: 3 15.8%
  • To some degree, from a scientific perspective; yes

    Votes: 3 15.8%
  • Other

    Votes: 1 5.3%

  • Total voters
No all people are not bi....however there is some delicious irony that Koshergirl (Ms. "I hate all gays, They will all burn in hell.") made that statement. If, as she states, "everybody is bi" and she is somebody, doesn't that mean she is bi as well? Doesn't that mean that she is subject to her own intolerance of homosexuality and will burn in the flames of hell as a result? Her vigorous condemnation of the GLBT community has just become sparkling clear. We hate most what we are and cannot accept.

Oh, she's FINE with being bi! That means gay is a choice.
I had to look up this Andrea Gibson person.

That is a skinny dude!! Do not count. If you said Rihana or Carrie Underwood, then I would say you have some taste in women! Why don't you become my wingm--uhhh--woman??

Because beauty isn't all about appearances, youngster. ;)

Physical attraction is! But I guess you are trying to say that she has a beautiful soul. An inspiring way of looking at the world.

A master of true aesthetics.
Still does not account for any type of physical attraction.

There's someone for everyone, right? You can't see the beauty, I can. That's another thread though, I think.
Isn't the entire gay agenda to persuade everyone that if they aren't gay, or at least bisexual they aren't "normal"?
Take it up with Koshergrl, that was her assessment.

I'll say it again, only the desperate homosexual lobby would suggest that everyone is bisexual in order to justify some weird "evolution" that the president discovered in himself.
Sexuality is on a continuum, with homosexuality on one end and heterosexuality on the other.

We're not all bi-sexual, nor are we all heterosexual.

There are heteros who would never even fantasize what it would like to have sex with someone of the same sex. There are homosexuals and lesbians who have never had sex with anyone of the opposite sex and aren't the slightest bit interested.

It's always enlightening to hear what heterosexuals think the "homosexual agenda" is.
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Heterosexual - does it with members of the opposite sex only
Homosexual - does it with members of the same sex only
Bi sexual - will take a hole or a pole, it makes no difference
Tri sexual - will try anything sexual
Quadrasexual - will do anything with anybody for a quarter

Which one are you?
i always found it kinda (how do you say that?)...un-nuanced to take something as astronomically complex as human sexuality and then categorize it by gender.

ive had sex with men, loads of fun, but ive never been in love with a man, never saw a man and though Mmmmm. but, if the opportunity arises, id do it again (hypothetically, im true to the gf of course). so what am i then? i just say: "i have a high libido and a low threshold" :D

Sounds like you're bisexual.
If your going to claim its hereditary, you better find a Y-chromosome in women in a big hurry.

As far as the wrong side of history for Mr. Obama, of course society will deteriorate to its lowest level. That is history and being on the "wrong side" is the right side of morality and society.
You're of Islamic decent. The IRISH laugh at you.
But, I am Irish, and proud of it. :cool:

btw What is Islamic decent?? :confused:

You are an Irish Sunni boi?

Oh. Ok. Like Fakey is a "Republican?"

What is Islamic decent

A typo which I missed. I am proud of you now.

BTW: if you want proof that you are just a complete abject loser, take note of the fact that Fly Prancer is the one who gave you a "thanks."

No all people are not bi....however there is some delicious irony that Koshergirl (Ms. "I hate all gays, They will all burn in hell.") made that statement. If, as she states, "everybody is bi" and she is somebody, doesn't that mean she is bi as well? Doesn't that mean that she is subject to her own intolerance of homosexuality and will burn in the flames of hell as a result? Her vigorous condemnation of the GLBT community has just become sparkling clear. We hate most what we are and cannot accept.

Oh, she's FINE with being bi! That means gay is a choice.

No it doesn't. It just means some people respond to a variety of stimulus instead of a single one.
If your going to claim its hereditary, you better find a Y-chromosome in women in a big hurry.

As far as the wrong side of history for Mr. Obama, of course society will deteriorate to its lowest level. That is history and being on the "wrong side" is the right side of morality and society.

Yep not discirnating aginst people is total deterioration just like freeing blacks form slvery
According to this test - John Barrowman is 100% gay. There was no response at female nudity.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pe58_vd_5g4]Brain scan results - Making of Me: John Barrowman - BBC - YouTube[/ame]
If your going to claim its hereditary, you better find a Y-chromosome in women in a big hurry.

As far as the wrong side of history for Mr. Obama, of course society will deteriorate to its lowest level. That is history and being on the "wrong side" is the right side of morality and society.

Yep not discirnating aginst people is total deterioration just like freeing blacks form slvery

Your inability to see differences in the comparision is noted.
According to this test - John Barrowman is 100% gay. There was no response at female nudity.
Did you actually listen to what they told him?

They said, " You are more sexually arouse by men; than you are by lesbians".

So obviously they showed him pictures of dykes and Not good looking straight women.

Heck, no normal straight man is going to be turned on by a dyke.

So in essence, this so called study, was bogus from the get-go. :doubt:

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