Everyone cries about the poor, what have "you" done to help?

What do I do to help the poor? I teach in some of the shittiest neighborhoods in Denver. It's my life. I give to local charity ($) and volunteer in nursing homes.

Your company donates to Habitat for Humanity? Woo-ee. What business doesn't donate to something or the other? When was the last time you got your hands dirty, and how often do you do it? Ah...tax-deductible compassionate conservatism.

oh and PS: I don't make enough money for my charitable contributions (not political or religious) - about 1k/yr - to mean anything. I'm a single mom/teacher/head of household. So, yeah, I believe that, to a degree, we're all responsible for the state of affairs.


Yes I personally am involved. I've been over this already but no one wants to read beyond 1 or 2 posts. Also I don't claim a deduction for it. Not only that I give away thousands of dollars in merchandise without a deduction. Having said that its no more commendable that what you offer. Giving what you can is all that matters.

Ps. I'm originally from Colorado and you do have a lot of poor in Denver as well as pueblo. I lived in woodland park. Loved it.
Everyone cries about the poor?

Clearly you're not reading the threads on this board where the poor are villified as parasites.

Some may but I think most see a clear difference between those that can help themselves and those that can't.
And just to let everyone know, the houses aren't just given away. There are special mortgage circumstances in place. Many homes are built for the disabled that have special needs. In other areas they are built for those displaced by disasters or war. But by all means go ahead and just blindly judge.
Also I don't know "who" founded it. I do know its a Christian based non profit org. But the end result is all that matters.
What has the poor done to help themselves? have they taken advantage of the opportunities afforded them and gone to school to get a job? For those that are able, are they trying to work? Or are they passing by janoitorial or laborious jobs?

Wow! Your ignorance is showing. You are just another person that seems to think that if someone is poor they don't have a job. The numbers of the newly poor are growing by the day, and if something is not done right now with our out of control economy than you yourself just might end up in those numbers.

No one chooses to be poor. In many cases it is thrust upon them due to factors out of their control. Like the greedy rich who in order to increase their wealth move their company's overseas leaving the very workers who worked to make them rich to fend for themselves.
I noticed our good friend Wonky Pundit came in the thread only to critique. So pathetically sad. Regardless is someone took a write off or not it all benefits the poor he claims to champion. Disgusting partisanship.

You brought the topic up - obviously to put some perfume over how angry and hateful you are. Do you even care about the extent of your hypocrisy?
I noticed our good friend Wonky Pundit came in the thread only to critique. So pathetically sad. Regardless is someone took a write off or not it all benefits the poor he claims to champion. Disgusting partisanship.

You brought the topic up - obviously to put some perfume over how angry and hateful you are. Do you even care about the extent of your hypocrisy?

You give me negative rep for hypocrisy? You are a loon. At least I give to the poor who can't help themselves. You give to the able bodied idiots who could. Loser...
I noticed our good friend Wonky Pundit came in the thread only to critique. So pathetically sad. Regardless is someone took a write off or not it all benefits the poor he claims to champion. Disgusting partisanship.

You brought the topic up - obviously to put some perfume over how angry and hateful you are. Do you even care about the extent of your hypocrisy?

You give me negative rep for hypocrisy? You are a loon. At least I give to the poor who can't help themselves. You give to the able bodied idiots who could. Loser...

You realize that those who whine about getting negged accumulate even more negs.

I noticed our good friend Wonky Pundit came in the thread only to critique. So pathetically sadme Regardless is someone took a write off or not it all benefits the poor he claims to champion. Disgusting partisanship.

You brought the topic up - obviously to put some perfume over how angry and hateful you are. Do you even care about the extent of your hypocrisy?

Where I come from, we call these people dickheads.

Wonky, please put me on your ignore list or are you going to be an asshole over it?
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I noticed our good friend Wonky Pundit came in the thread only to critique. So pathetically sadme Regardless is someone took a write off or not it all benefits the poor he claims to champion. Disgusting partisanship.

You brought the topic up - obviously to put some perfume over how angry and hateful you are. Do you even care about the extent of your hypocrisy?

Where I come from, we call these people dickheads.

Wonky, please put me on your ignore list or are you going to be an asshole over it?

Sorry, I'm not sure who you're bitching at or what exactly you think I'm being an asshole over.
For a lot of reasons, I'm limited in how I can help. My way of helping is to cheer people up. Make them laugh. I also offer assistance and direction to anyone I come across online who is in need of work. If you have a computer, and internet access, you can make money. It might not be a lot, straightaway, but I was (for the most part) self-sufficient from Feb'09 to May '11.
Everyone cries about the poor, what have "you" done to help?

Over the course of my life, I have harbored many with no income and offered a stable roof over their heads, food on the table, the ability to bathe and wash clothing and hopefully a good example on how to achieve what economic independence they can, whether it means a job or getting disability and housing. Without some gov programs, this would have not been possible (ie food stamps, pell grants, medicaid) as I could not have supported those types of increases in my 25,000 a year budget. Most have succeeded, some have failed, some are dead. I pay the will work for food guys to clean my yard. I will buy food or meds for the parking lot beggars that have children and directions to the local homeless shelter for those without.

I pay my taxes gladly knowing that the safety net is woefully inadequate.
Sorry, I'm not sure who you're bitching at or what exactly you think I'm being an asshole over.

What have you done for the poor besides bitching in this thread?

Here is where you can make a difference, besides bitching and complaining.
Kiva - Loans that change lives

Well, since you asked, I regularly volunteer at one of the area's largest homeless shelters, where I teach computer literacy. And thanks for the link; I'll allocate to it when I set my quarterly donation budgets from now on.
I find it ironic that everyone I know who has volunteered for habitat for humanity do not own their own homes.

Everyone that I know who has volunteered for habitat for humanity does own their own home. How ironic is that?

and even more Ironic is, i know a bunch of people who Volunteered who own and some who rent..........top that....:eusa_angel:.......

No reason to try and top anecdotal evidence.
And just to let everyone know, the houses aren't just given away. There are special mortgage circumstances in place. Many homes are built for the disabled that have special needs. In other areas they are built for those displaced by disasters or war. But by all means go ahead and just blindly judge.
Also I don't know "who" founded it. I do know its a Christian based non profit org. But the end result is all that matters.

I do know who founded habitat for humanity and you are spot on. And it wasn't Jimmy Carter. I did notice I didn't get an answer from Wonky Pundit.
Can we stay on topic guys. Race, bigotry and political philosophy don't need to be in this thread. In fact this thread could be helpful to those who have thought about charity work but don't know where to start.

I can't believe that the same guy that posted the above words also posted.....

The money Uncle Sam redistributes to the poor is so pillfered and misused that it only enables them to remain poor in many cases.

.....in the OP. :lol:

You brought the topic up - obviously to put some perfume over how angry and hateful you are. Do you even care about the extent of your hypocrisy?

You give me negative rep for hypocrisy? You are a loon. At least I give to the poor who can't help themselves. You give to the able bodied idiots who could. Loser...

You realize that those who whine about getting negged accumulate even more negs.


You realize I've only been neg reped by one other person since I joined this site besides you? Idiot
And if you hadn't noticed I thanked people from all spectrums. You are just so shallow you'd probably drown in a damn rain puddle. By the way where was I two faced on this subject?
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