Everyone Except Russia & Republicans want Hillary to be POTUS

And the American people want Trump.
Hillary got more votes but I digress.
Your mob rule is over....
You should have taken my bet.

Now let's see trump make America great again
My charities of choice benefitted greatly from the bets I made.....
I doubt you took any bets you didn't take mine
Keep an open mind.....
Everyone Except Russia & Republicans want Hillary to be POTUS

The Russians didn't vote, so that means Republicans out-voted the Democrats...not enough Democrats wanted Hillary...

This is the SECOND time America REJECTED Hillary Clinton.


Think about the dangers that the panic mongers have been filling your head with......

Look who the fuck is talking, Chicken Little himself.

If someday, I see evidence that my previous fears were unfounded, I will rejoice.

Somebody mentioned "logic"?

Earlier, yes.

What do you mean by that?

Are you implying that a fear can never be logical?....

It's nice of you to keep proving my point for me, you dimwit.

You are not making any sense. You are generally managing to convey disagreement, and often rudely.

But you rarely make a coherent or complete thought.

I asked you if you were implying that fear can never be logical. YOur response in no way answered that.

If you think that it did, you need to know that your communication skills are very poor.
Hillary's latest press release says if elected she's gonna promote all ISIS players to the Varsity!
You can call Trump Don but you'll address her as Mrs. President
Boy, this hurts, huh?

President-elect Trump and Mrs. Has-been. It's a beautiful thing. Enjoy!

I'm numb right now. Shocked.

Keep in mind the nonsense the panic mongers have been telling you would happen.

And note over the next four years that none of it happens.

They were lying to you, and if you pay attention, you will see that.

Also, remember what Trump said he would do, and see if he does. Don't let yourself be distracted by new lies that they come up with moving forward.

Judge them on their accuracy rate.
We will have honest discussions moving forward. I'm keeping an open mind.

Didn't I tell you trump would have to win without my vote but if he won he'd have my support?

Yes, you did.

I was afraid that he could not pull it off without people like you having an open mind BEFORE voting.

AND, for the next 4 years, everyone that you listen too in media AND POP CULTURE, will be spinning reality to try to close your mind.

DId I ever tell you about the discussion I had online with a lib about the movie Avatar?
You can call Trump Don but you'll address her as Mrs. President
Boy, this hurts, huh?

President-elect Trump and Mrs. Has-been. It's a beautiful thing. Enjoy!

I'm numb right now. Shocked.

Keep in mind the nonsense the panic mongers have been telling you would happen.

And note over the next four years that none of it happens.

They were lying to you, and if you pay attention, you will see that.

Also, remember what Trump said he would do, and see if he does. Don't let yourself be distracted by new lies that they come up with moving forward.

Judge them on their accuracy rate.
We will have honest discussions moving forward. I'm keeping an open mind.

Didn't I tell you trump would have to win without my vote but if he won he'd have my support?

Yes, you did.

I was afraid that he could not pull it off without people like you having an open mind BEFORE voting.

AND, for the next 4 years, everyone that you listen too in media AND POP CULTURE, will be spinning reality to try to close your mind.

DId I ever tell you about the discussion I had online with a lib about the movie Avatar?
No. Love that movie. I root against the humans
Boy, this hurts, huh?

President-elect Trump and Mrs. Has-been. It's a beautiful thing. Enjoy!

I'm numb right now. Shocked.

Keep in mind the nonsense the panic mongers have been telling you would happen.

And note over the next four years that none of it happens.

They were lying to you, and if you pay attention, you will see that.

Also, remember what Trump said he would do, and see if he does. Don't let yourself be distracted by new lies that they come up with moving forward.

Judge them on their accuracy rate.
We will have honest discussions moving forward. I'm keeping an open mind.

Didn't I tell you trump would have to win without my vote but if he won he'd have my support?

Yes, you did.

I was afraid that he could not pull it off without people like you having an open mind BEFORE voting.

AND, for the next 4 years, everyone that you listen too in media AND POP CULTURE, will be spinning reality to try to close your mind.

DId I ever tell you about the discussion I had online with a lib about the movie Avatar?
No. Love that movie. I root against the humans

As you were meant to.

I put forth the position that it was a metaphor for the Iraqi occupation and meant to slam America and America's actions and to get Americans to effectively root against their own nation.

THe lib I was talking to, told me that I was being hypersensitive and reading shit into it.
I'm numb right now. Shocked.

Keep in mind the nonsense the panic mongers have been telling you would happen.

And note over the next four years that none of it happens.

They were lying to you, and if you pay attention, you will see that.

Also, remember what Trump said he would do, and see if he does. Don't let yourself be distracted by new lies that they come up with moving forward.

Judge them on their accuracy rate.
We will have honest discussions moving forward. I'm keeping an open mind.

Didn't I tell you trump would have to win without my vote but if he won he'd have my support?

Yes, you did.

I was afraid that he could not pull it off without people like you having an open mind BEFORE voting.

AND, for the next 4 years, everyone that you listen too in media AND POP CULTURE, will be spinning reality to try to close your mind.

DId I ever tell you about the discussion I had online with a lib about the movie Avatar?
No. Love that movie. I root against the humans

As you were meant to.

I put forth the position that it was a metaphor for the Iraqi occupation and meant to slam America and America's actions and to get Americans to effectively root against their own nation.

THe lib I was talking to, told me that I was being hypersensitive and reading shit into it.

Not root against America but root against the corporatization of America and the killing all our natural resources and destroying the environment.

You were not reading too much into it. You're right I think.

God it feels good not to be in charge for a change. I can't wait to see how you guys do. GOP President, Senate, House, Michigan Republican Governor, Michigan Senate and Michigan House both run by Republicans. Republicans rule my government. Good luck.
Keep in mind the nonsense the panic mongers have been telling you would happen.

And note over the next four years that none of it happens.

They were lying to you, and if you pay attention, you will see that.

Also, remember what Trump said he would do, and see if he does. Don't let yourself be distracted by new lies that they come up with moving forward.

Judge them on their accuracy rate.
We will have honest discussions moving forward. I'm keeping an open mind.

Didn't I tell you trump would have to win without my vote but if he won he'd have my support?

Yes, you did.

I was afraid that he could not pull it off without people like you having an open mind BEFORE voting.

AND, for the next 4 years, everyone that you listen too in media AND POP CULTURE, will be spinning reality to try to close your mind.

DId I ever tell you about the discussion I had online with a lib about the movie Avatar?
No. Love that movie. I root against the humans

As you were meant to.

I put forth the position that it was a metaphor for the Iraqi occupation and meant to slam America and America's actions and to get Americans to effectively root against their own nation.

THe lib I was talking to, told me that I was being hypersensitive and reading shit into it.

Not root against America but root against the corporatization of America and the killing all our natural resources and destroying the environment.

You were not reading too much into it. You're right I think.

God it feels good not to be in charge for a change. I can't wait to see how you guys do. GOP President, Senate, House, Michigan Republican Governor, Michigan Senate and Michigan House both run by Republicans. Republicans rule my government. Good luck.

FOr that other lib, I posted an article where the director James Cameron talked about how he put all those messages about Iraq and America into the film, on purpose. TO make the point.

Question: Do you think that other lib

a. apologized for doubting me and admitted that I was right, and promised to be more aware of propaganda from Hollywood in the future.


b. stopped posting in that thread.?
Boy, this hurts, huh?

President-elect Trump and Mrs. Has-been. It's a beautiful thing. Enjoy!

I'm numb right now. Shocked.

Keep in mind the nonsense the panic mongers have been telling you would happen.

And note over the next four years that none of it happens.

They were lying to you, and if you pay attention, you will see that.

Also, remember what Trump said he would do, and see if he does. Don't let yourself be distracted by new lies that they come up with moving forward.

Judge them on their accuracy rate.
We will have honest discussions moving forward. I'm keeping an open mind.

Didn't I tell you trump would have to win without my vote but if he won he'd have my support?

Yes, you did.

I was afraid that he could not pull it off without people like you having an open mind BEFORE voting.

AND, for the next 4 years, everyone that you listen too in media AND POP CULTURE, will be spinning reality to try to close your mind.

DId I ever tell you about the discussion I had online with a lib about the movie Avatar?
No. Love that movie. I root against the humans

I'm numb right now. Shocked.

Keep in mind the nonsense the panic mongers have been telling you would happen.

And note over the next four years that none of it happens.

They were lying to you, and if you pay attention, you will see that.

Also, remember what Trump said he would do, and see if he does. Don't let yourself be distracted by new lies that they come up with moving forward.

Judge them on their accuracy rate.
We will have honest discussions moving forward. I'm keeping an open mind.

Didn't I tell you trump would have to win without my vote but if he won he'd have my support?

Yes, you did.

I was afraid that he could not pull it off without people like you having an open mind BEFORE voting.

AND, for the next 4 years, everyone that you listen too in media AND POP CULTURE, will be spinning reality to try to close your mind.

DId I ever tell you about the discussion I had online with a lib about the movie Avatar?
No. Love that movie. I root against the humans

He will kill Putin.

Oh I thought that was pence for a minute
If the populations of the rest of the world's G20 countries could vote in the US election, they'd overwhelmingly vote for Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump.

That's according to a recent poll by Germany's Handelsblatt publishing group and YouGov, the online pollster.

But there's one country where the former First Lady takes a backseat to Trump and that's Russia.

What do Russians think of Donald Trump? - BBC News

Congrats Republicans. You are now officially communist sympathizers.
Britain was in favor of him becoming president, so was Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, the Philippines and Japan.
Keep in mind the nonsense the panic mongers have been telling you would happen.

And note over the next four years that none of it happens.

They were lying to you, and if you pay attention, you will see that.

Also, remember what Trump said he would do, and see if he does. Don't let yourself be distracted by new lies that they come up with moving forward.

Judge them on their accuracy rate.
We will have honest discussions moving forward. I'm keeping an open mind.

Didn't I tell you trump would have to win without my vote but if he won he'd have my support?

Yes, you did.

I was afraid that he could not pull it off without people like you having an open mind BEFORE voting.

AND, for the next 4 years, everyone that you listen too in media AND POP CULTURE, will be spinning reality to try to close your mind.

DId I ever tell you about the discussion I had online with a lib about the movie Avatar?
No. Love that movie. I root against the humans

He will kill Putin.

Oh I thought that was pence for a minute

I doubt that Pence is THAT COOL.
If the populations of the rest of the world's G20 countries could vote in the US election, they'd overwhelmingly vote for Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump.

That's according to a recent poll by Germany's Handelsblatt publishing group and YouGov, the online pollster.

But there's one country where the former First Lady takes a backseat to Trump and that's Russia.

What do Russians think of Donald Trump? - BBC News

Congrats Republicans. You are now officially communist sympathizers.
Britain was in favor of him becoming president, so was Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, the Philippines and Japan.
Reminds me of Bush's coalition of the willing to invade Iraq. Pretty small list.

And that has to be wrong about Britain. My Brit friend says they gave him a hard time in England over trump.

You're assuming brexiters are pro trump.
If the populations of the rest of the world's G20 countries could vote in the US election, they'd overwhelmingly vote for Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump.

That's according to a recent poll by Germany's Handelsblatt publishing group and YouGov, the online pollster.

But there's one country where the former First Lady takes a backseat to Trump and that's Russia.

What do Russians think of Donald Trump? - BBC News

Congrats Republicans. You are now officially communist sympathizers.
Britain was in favor of him becoming president, so was Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, the Philippines and Japan.
Reminds me of Bush's coalition of the willing to invade Iraq. Pretty small list.

And that has to be wrong about Britain. My Brit friend says they gave him a hard time in England over trump.

You're assuming brexiters are pro trump.
Many nations haven't voiced an opinion one way or another, so we really don't know what their opinion is, after all, many nations don't really give a crap about what goes on here.
As for England, Nigel Farage and his associates did support the idea of a Trump presidency.
If the populations of the rest of the world's G20 countries could vote in the US election, they'd overwhelmingly vote for Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump.

That's according to a recent poll by Germany's Handelsblatt publishing group and YouGov, the online pollster.

But there's one country where the former First Lady takes a backseat to Trump and that's Russia.

What do Russians think of Donald Trump? - BBC News

Congrats Republicans. You are now officially communist sympathizers.
Britain was in favor of him becoming president, so was Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, the Philippines and Japan.
I'm calling this out as a lie. I just talked to some brits and they want to know what the hell America was thinking.

You're probably thinking that Brexiters are in favor of trump. They are not.

Trump might actually do a good job. I tell people I'm cautiously pessimistic.
If the populations of the rest of the world's G20 countries could vote in the US election, they'd overwhelmingly vote for Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump.

That's according to a recent poll by Germany's Handelsblatt publishing group and YouGov, the online pollster.

But there's one country where the former First Lady takes a backseat to Trump and that's Russia.

What do Russians think of Donald Trump? - BBC News

Congrats Republicans. You are now officially communist sympathizers.
Britain was in favor of him becoming president, so was Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, the Philippines and Japan.
I'm calling this out as a lie. I just talked to some brits and they want to know what the hell America was thinking.

You're probably thinking that Brexiters are in favor of trump. They are not.

Trump might actually do a good job. I tell people I'm cautiously pessimistic.

I repeatedly discussed the Rotherham Rape Ring.

If you are unaware of it, you should really read up on it.

It shows just how deeply fucked up the UK is, by leftism very much like we have here.
If the populations of the rest of the world's G20 countries could vote in the US election, they'd overwhelmingly vote for Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump.

That's according to a recent poll by Germany's Handelsblatt publishing group and YouGov, the online pollster.

But there's one country where the former First Lady takes a backseat to Trump and that's Russia.

What do Russians think of Donald Trump? - BBC News

Congrats Republicans. You are now officially communist sympathizers.
Britain was in favor of him becoming president, so was Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, the Philippines and Japan.
Are you sure about Britain? If you are wrong about your first country, how suspect are your claims about the rest?

Donald Trump is almost as unpopular in Britain as he is in Mexico

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