Everyone is basically just ignoring Joe Biden

Nearly 100 posts...every one "ignoring" Biden.

You guys are just aghast that he's returning us to a sense of normalcy and some level of civility. Blob supporters hate civility and prefer violence. Always have, always will.

Especially yours. All you talk about is Trump, just like I said.

Of course you're lying. It's all you do dumb ass.

Biden is doing a great job. And while he looks great compared to his predecessor since your blob sucked so badly at the job...he only oozed out of office last season. Its pretty routine to discuss the predecessor.

Your problem is that you can't defend his record.

Look, you did it again! You can't talk about Biden without mentioning Trump. Donald Trump OWNS ypu.

Did what? Correctly pointed out that Biden's doing a great job? You betcha!

You're doing a great job teeing up that football for me. I keep kicking it through the uprights.

You're the anti-Lucy.
The problem is, you're facing the wrong uprights and keep scoring points for the opposition.
That was your fault? Seriously, how much do you think you really contributed to the totally irrelevant to the conversation event?

I certainly helped. I sat up a bunch of false polling places in the Georgia. How did I do it? I looked for the Holy Trinity of conservatism; Tattoo Parlors, Dairy Queens, and A Waffle House. Any Time there were all three of them present, I sat up a fake polling place, adorned it with confederate flags and offered a chicken sandwich with each ballot they put into the ballot shredder errr I mean ballot box.

I figured I'd have to set up about 20. It ended up being 3,000. I should have known that there was a lot more skin given that the average weight of a blob supporter is up around 400 pounds.

My bad.
wow. You have a lot of disdain for those that get tattoos, Purchase from dairy queen and The Waffle House

Yet you claim to be from the side of tolerance.


Well, in fairness, the average weight of a female blob supporter is about 400 .... which is roughly their cholesterol level as well. The male yokel of the species are much larger
Of course I'm kidding folks....the thread is so ridiculous (8 pages of comments on someone we're supposedly ignoring) so I'm playing along.
Nearly 100 posts...every one "ignoring" Biden.

You guys are just aghast that he's returning us to a sense of normalcy and some level of civility. Blob supporters hate civility and prefer violence. Always have, always will.

Especially yours. All you talk about is Trump, just like I said.

Of course you're lying. It's all you do dumb ass.

Biden is doing a great job. And while he looks great compared to his predecessor since your blob sucked so badly at the job...he only oozed out of office last season. Its pretty routine to discuss the predecessor.

Your problem is that you can't defend his record.

Look, you did it again! You can't talk about Biden without mentioning Trump. Donald Trump OWNS ypu.

Did what? Correctly pointed out that Biden's doing a great job? You betcha!

You're doing a great job teeing up that football for me. I keep kicking it through the uprights.

You're the anti-Lucy.
The problem is, you're facing the wrong uprights and keep scoring points for the opposition.
That was your fault? Seriously, how much do you think you really contributed to the totally irrelevant to the conversation event?

I certainly helped. I sat up a bunch of false polling places in the Georgia. How did I do it? I looked for the Holy Trinity of conservatism; Tattoo Parlors, Dairy Queens, and A Waffle House. Any Time there were all three of them present, I sat up a fake polling place, adorned it with confederate flags and offered a chicken sandwich with each ballot they put into the ballot shredder errr I mean ballot box.

I figured I'd have to set up about 20. It ended up being 3,000. I should have known that there was a lot more skin given that the average weight of a blob supporter is up around 400 pounds.

My bad.
wow. You have a lot of disdain for those that get tattoos, Purchase from dairy queen and The Waffle House

Yet you claim to be from the side of tolerance.

The left is very intolerant, which makes their yammering at everyone else about being tolerant so ineffective.

We're for allowing people to give each other water. You guys? Don't tolerate such things.
First his own VP blew him off by refusing a direct order to be his "Border Czar", now the Texas Rangers (and pretty much the rest of the state of Texas) have told Red Joe to just piss off.


President Biden called the Texas Rangers’ decision to play in front of a full house on Opening Day with no capacity restrictions “a mistake” in an interview on SportsCenter late Wednesday.

“Well that’s a decision they made, I think it’s a mistake,” Biden told ESPN’s Sage Steele in a pre-taped interview when asked about the team’s choice to open the stadium to as many fans as possible.

“They should listen to Dr. Fauci and the scientists and the experts.”

In mid-March, the Rangers announced they intend to open their new stadium, Globe Life Field, to 40,518 fans for Opening Day on April 5 against the Blue Jays.

The decision came after Texas Gov. Greg Abbott removed mask mandates and capacity restrictions across the state.

Fans will be required to wear masks when they’re not eating or drinking and the rule will be enforced by a “three-strike” warning policy, the team previously announced.

After Opening Day, the Rangers plan to introduce social-distanced seating sections.

Biden spoke with Steele about Opening Day, vaccinations and first lady Jill Biden’s love for the Philadelphia Flyers during a brief interview that aired at the bottom of the show at about 11:45 p.m.

When Steele asked what the president would say to fans and athletes who are hesitant to get vaccinated, he said to follow his example.

“I’d say look I’m President of the United States, I got vaccinated, you know I don’t have an unimportant job. Would I take the vaccine if I thought it was going to hurt me or affect my capacity?”

Joe who?
Nearly 100 posts...every one "ignoring" Biden.

You guys are just aghast that he's returning us to a sense of normalcy and some level of civility. Blob supporters hate civility and prefer violence. Always have, always will.

Especially yours. All you talk about is Trump, just like I said.

Of course you're lying. It's all you do dumb ass.

Biden is doing a great job. And while he looks great compared to his predecessor since your blob sucked so badly at the job...he only oozed out of office last season. Its pretty routine to discuss the predecessor.

Your problem is that you can't defend his record.

Look, you did it again! You can't talk about Biden without mentioning Trump. Donald Trump OWNS ypu.

Did what? Correctly pointed out that Biden's doing a great job? You betcha!

You're doing a great job teeing up that football for me. I keep kicking it through the uprights.

You're the anti-Lucy.
The problem is, you're facing the wrong uprights and keep scoring points for the opposition.
That was your fault? Seriously, how much do you think you really contributed to the totally irrelevant to the conversation event?

I certainly helped. I sat up a bunch of false polling places in the Georgia. How did I do it? I looked for the Holy Trinity of conservatism; Tattoo Parlors, Dairy Queens, and A Waffle House. Any Time there were all three of them present, I sat up a fake polling place, adorned it with confederate flags and offered a chicken sandwich with each ballot they put into the ballot shredder errr I mean ballot box.

I figured I'd have to set up about 20. It ended up being 3,000. I should have known that there was a lot more skin given that the average weight of a blob supporter is up around 400 pounds.

My bad.
Sounds like you should be getting a knock on the door in just a little. Might want to put something on.

Really? Are you panhandling again?
I found your confession of committing multiple felonies to be interesting. You might want to think about that before doing it again.
Nearly 100 posts...every one "ignoring" Biden.

You guys are just aghast that he's returning us to a sense of normalcy and some level of civility. Blob supporters hate civility and prefer violence. Always have, always will.

Especially yours. All you talk about is Trump, just like I said.

Of course you're lying. It's all you do dumb ass.

Biden is doing a great job. And while he looks great compared to his predecessor since your blob sucked so badly at the job...he only oozed out of office last season. Its pretty routine to discuss the predecessor.

Your problem is that you can't defend his record.

Look, you did it again! You can't talk about Biden without mentioning Trump. Donald Trump OWNS ypu.

Did what? Correctly pointed out that Biden's doing a great job? You betcha!

You're doing a great job teeing up that football for me. I keep kicking it through the uprights.

You're the anti-Lucy.
The problem is, you're facing the wrong uprights and keep scoring points for the opposition.
That was your fault? Seriously, how much do you think you really contributed to the totally irrelevant to the conversation event?

I certainly helped. I sat up a bunch of false polling places in the Georgia. How did I do it? I looked for the Holy Trinity of conservatism; Tattoo Parlors, Dairy Queens, and A Waffle House. Any Time there were all three of them present, I sat up a fake polling place, adorned it with confederate flags and offered a chicken sandwich with each ballot they put into the ballot shredder errr I mean ballot box.

I figured I'd have to set up about 20. It ended up being 3,000. I should have known that there was a lot more skin given that the average weight of a blob supporter is up around 400 pounds.

My bad.
wow. You have a lot of disdain for those that get tattoos, Purchase from dairy queen and The Waffle House

Yet you claim to be from the side of tolerance.

The left is very intolerant, which makes their yammering at everyone else about being tolerant so ineffective.

We're for allowing people to give each other water. You guys? Don't tolerate such things.
Wowie, Zowie, so are we! Isn't that cool? You guys finally got around to it, good for you.
Nearly 100 posts...every one "ignoring" Biden.

You guys are just aghast that he's returning us to a sense of normalcy and some level of civility. Blob supporters hate civility and prefer violence. Always have, always will.

Especially yours. All you talk about is Trump, just like I said.

Of course you're lying. It's all you do dumb ass.

Biden is doing a great job. And while he looks great compared to his predecessor since your blob sucked so badly at the job...he only oozed out of office last season. Its pretty routine to discuss the predecessor.

Your problem is that you can't defend his record.

Look, you did it again! You can't talk about Biden without mentioning Trump. Donald Trump OWNS ypu.

Did what? Correctly pointed out that Biden's doing a great job? You betcha!

You're doing a great job teeing up that football for me. I keep kicking it through the uprights.

You're the anti-Lucy.
The problem is, you're facing the wrong uprights and keep scoring points for the opposition.
That was your fault? Seriously, how much do you think you really contributed to the totally irrelevant to the conversation event?

I certainly helped. I sat up a bunch of false polling places in the Georgia. How did I do it? I looked for the Holy Trinity of conservatism; Tattoo Parlors, Dairy Queens, and A Waffle House. Any Time there were all three of them present, I sat up a fake polling place, adorned it with confederate flags and offered a chicken sandwich with each ballot they put into the ballot shredder errr I mean ballot box.

I figured I'd have to set up about 20. It ended up being 3,000. I should have known that there was a lot more skin given that the average weight of a blob supporter is up around 400 pounds.

My bad.
Sounds like you should be getting a knock on the door in just a little. Might want to put something on.

Really? Are you panhandling again?
I found your confession of committing multiple felonies to be interesting. You might want to think about that before doing it again.

I'll just invoke the Sydney Powell defense: "Only a moron would have believed me. How dumb does someone have to be to have believed in wide spread voter fraud? Trump supporters are the dumbest mother fuckers ever. We haven't seen idiots like this since the OJ Jury was empaneled"
The only reason Sleepy Old Uncle Joe obtained power is because the Orange Baboon-God was such an ignorant a$$hole.
The only reason that Biden is there is because there was nonstop I hate Trump shit in the media. Nonetheless, the Democratic Party essentially had 8 years to get their shit together. Biden and Kamala Harris should not have even been running. It was a poor choice on the part of the Democrats. There is no excuse.
Nearly 100 posts...every one "ignoring" Biden.

You guys are just aghast that he's returning us to a sense of normalcy and some level of civility. Blob supporters hate civility and prefer violence. Always have, always will.

Especially yours. All you talk about is Trump, just like I said.

Of course you're lying. It's all you do dumb ass.

Biden is doing a great job. And while he looks great compared to his predecessor since your blob sucked so badly at the job...he only oozed out of office last season. Its pretty routine to discuss the predecessor.

Your problem is that you can't defend his record.

Look, you did it again! You can't talk about Biden without mentioning Trump. Donald Trump OWNS ypu.

Did what? Correctly pointed out that Biden's doing a great job? You betcha!

You're doing a great job teeing up that football for me. I keep kicking it through the uprights.

You're the anti-Lucy.
The problem is, you're facing the wrong uprights and keep scoring points for the opposition.
That was your fault? Seriously, how much do you think you really contributed to the totally irrelevant to the conversation event?

I certainly helped. I sat up a bunch of false polling places in the Georgia. How did I do it? I looked for the Holy Trinity of conservatism; Tattoo Parlors, Dairy Queens, and A Waffle House. Any Time there were all three of them present, I sat up a fake polling place, adorned it with confederate flags and offered a chicken sandwich with each ballot they put into the ballot shredder errr I mean ballot box.

I figured I'd have to set up about 20. It ended up being 3,000. I should have known that there was a lot more skin given that the average weight of a blob supporter is up around 400 pounds.

My bad.
Sounds like you should be getting a knock on the door in just a little. Might want to put something on.

Really? Are you panhandling again?
I found your confession of committing multiple felonies to be interesting. You might want to think about that before doing it again.

I'll just invoke the Sydney Powell defense: "Only a moron would have believed me. How dumb does someone have to be to have believed in wide spread voter fraud? Trump supporters are the dumbest mother fuckers ever. We haven't seen idiots like this since the OJ Jury was empaneled"
Hey, this is the cancel culture. What you say can destroy your life, whether you said it 20 years ago and didn't mean a word of it is irrelevant, and that's the way the left wants it.
His supporters tend to hold an equally repulsive hatred toward America's traditional values.

Make no mistake. The brown-shirts have shown themselves for who they truly are and what they stand for.

And they should be exposed and shunned at every opportunity without mercy.

The act of being nice to these conniving, anti-American, communist bastards has run its course.
Your spin is laughable nonsense. Magaturds haven't been 'nice'. They've been insufferable fuck buckets for five years. No one on the other side is being 'nice' to magaturds either. They are exposed and shunned at every opportunity without mercy.

Do you even live in the US?
Do you even live in the US?

Of course, I Iive in the US.

In fact, I'm more Native American than European. My granny was darned near a pure blood. The first European who came over with my European surname was actually the first of its surname to come to the US. That's before it was the US, of course. That was via 'The Charles' in 1626. It landed in Virginia and my European ancestors occupied the same area ever since, even founding parts of what is current day Virginia. My back yard was the Cherokee National Forest growing up. So was my front yard. Just as it was for many, many generations before it was mine and remains so today for those who follow.

Genetically speaking, however, and historically speaking, I'm more native American than European, for what it's worth to you.

So, no, I'm not one of those first or second generation Americans who think they know everything, yet possess no American heritage whatsoever, often providing dictionary defiinitions for what surmises 'big government' or whatever else.

Why do you think whenever all these cowboys are popping off about muh gurns, I tend to just casually say screw that, I'm taking scalps if it ever really does hit the fan? Pft. Sheeeit....

Aaaaaah wooo wooo woo woo woo woo woooooo...

Mother trucker. Heh heh...
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Biden's poll numbers are going down like a fat guy on a seesaw.

felt so good i'm gonna say it again:

Sleepy Joe's poll numbers are going down like a fat guy on a seesaw.
Biden's poll numbers are going down like a fat guy on a seesaw.

felt so good i'm gonna say it again:

Sleepy Joe's poll numbers are going down like a fat guy on a seesaw.

He's a one-termer, at least.

And after the Mid-terms, his unchalenged assault on America, its heritage and its prosperity will be in the rear view, for the most part. Harris doesn't stand a chance in a fair election either.
Your spin is laughable nonsense. Magaturds haven't been 'nice'. They've been insufferable fuck buckets for five years. No one on the other side is being 'nice' to magaturds either. They are exposed and shunned at every opportunity without mercy.

Do you even live in the US?
Oh, is THAT what you say is going on? They didn't notice. Try a little harder next time. You know, actually be mean to somebody. Just remember that a lot of them are armed.
I expect him to be impeached shortly after the mid-terms. A few times, actually. Heh heh.
I expect the democrats to muscle him out of office after the mid-terms because having cackles in office would make the shellacking epic.

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