Everyone is beating up Maui officials because the sirens didn't go off. Why?

You are propagating the blame game. I'm just asking why would you sound sirens primarily used for tsunamis for a wild fire that could have caused a rush of people AWAY from the water? What's wrong with a simple loud clear warning on your cell phone like an Amber Alert?
Well, that's true, people may have thought tsunami, however with the amount of smoke and fire immediately visible, I think people would have gotten the message. Also, I have heard that cell towers, like the power lines were knocked down by the wind. So an alert on a cell phone may or may not have been effective. The timeline still isn't clear. But I have seen videos taken on the mountain after some power lines fell over, sparked and started a fire. That was an hour or so before things blew up.
You are propagating the blame game. I'm just asking why would you sound sirens primarily used for tsunamis for a wild fire that could have caused a rush of people AWAY from the water and TOWARD the fire? What's wrong with a simple loud clear warning on your cell phone like an Amber Alert?
I believe a lot, if not all, the cell service was out.
Aren't the sirens primarily for hurricane/tsunami warning? I get amber alerts and storm warnings on my cell phone, wouldn't that work better than hurricane sirens? That could have been confusing and made people move away from the water.

Unless cell service is down
Early morning .

And hydrants were dry

And bypass was closed

Too many failures not to be staged

Just bad timing. Lackadaisical local government attitude. Kind of what we are seeing on the back side too from there. Apparently it takes a month of sundays to get a permit to do anything there. A very good sign that the government just has never been held accountable for doing things when they want when they feel like it in their own sweet time.
Just bad timing. Lackadaisical local government attitude. Kind of what we are seeing on the back side too from there. Apparently it takes a month of sundays to get a permit to do anything there. A very good sign that the government just has never been held accountable for doing things when they want when they feel like it in their own sweet time.
too many coincidences for a government.

Where the hell is there to go?
One major road with a secondary road. Apparently both look closed now.
There was nowhere to escape except the water.
Typical crybaby victim ideology. I heard that lawsuits are already being filed, and the fires are not even all out yet. What a bunch of f-ing a-holes.
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Where the hell is there to go?
One major road with a secondary road. Apparently both look closed now.
There was nowhere to escape except the water.
it's what someone does who wants them to die.

Again, cell service down
water hydrants dry
closed main road out
no early alerts because they didn't want to. Like they couldn't code it the siren to be different than the tsunami. more con games.

decades those people wouldn't sell to the elites. The elites decided they had enough.
too many coincidences for a government.

Saw one guy on TV not long after who wasn't saying send us aid and give us money. He was saying let us rebuild without having to wait forever for all the permits and inspections and hurry up and wait time that goes with anything there. He wasn't arguing that things not be built to code. He was saying don't let inspectors slow walk every damn thing that gets done nitpicking cosmetics.
Saw one guy on TV not long after who wasn't saying send us aid and give us money. He was saying let us rebuild without having to wait forever for all the permits and inspections and hurry up and wait time that goes with anything there. He wasn't arguing that things not be built to code. He was saying don't let inspectors slow walk every damn thing that gets done nitpicking cosmetics.
I heard the very same thing
Aren't the sirens primarily for hurricane/tsunami warning? I get amber alerts and storm warnings on my cell phone, wouldn't that work better than hurricane sirens? That could have been confusing and made people move away from the water.

That's what the officials have said. BUT, they set off the sirens when they had a false alarm about incoming MISSILES!

Those officials have said their citizens were "trained" that the sirens were for tsunamis and to go to high ground. Come on, seriously. Do they believe their citizens are STUPID? Their citizens are going to hear the sirens, run outside, see a wall of smoke and FIRE and run toward the fire?

Once again, this catastrophe is on the shoulders of our whacky environmentalist friends.
A good point was made that the tsunami warning would have had people rushing inland.
So you're saying that their citizens are so stupid that when they ran outside and saw high winds blowing smoke and FIRE in their direction, they would opt to run toward the fire?

Sorry, that's not a good enough excuse.
I take issue with the title of this thread.
I have not seen even one report of these "officials" being beat up.
Although that seems to be exactly what they deserve, so far I don't think any of them has suffered one punch to the nose.
Aren't the sirens primarily for hurricane/tsunami warning? I get amber alerts and storm warnings on my cell phone, wouldn't that work better than hurricane sirens? That could have been confusing and made people move away from the water.

They want someone to hold responsible.
Where the fuck is our gov't???

People in maui have no food, water, shelter, or medicine!

More people are going to die from exposure than the damn fire!
When asked, President Biden said "no comment".
YOu've lost your mind.
people who make stupid mistakes hat cost lives should be held accountable with the severest of consequences...then we wouldn't have ass holes that destroy shit.......lost my mind????.......you think girls can have penises and adore an incestous pedophile in the wh........i lost my mind...bawwwhahaha

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