Everyone Is Bitching About Trump Hosting A Debate

Well looks like the long anticipated Trump debate is coming down to just Newt and Santorum. Why doesn't Trump just give Newt a blow job and save us the bother?

That is good for santorum...i still don't get why conservatives don't like him.
Trump is merely a profit/attention bitch.

I do not understand how anyone cannot see this.
To the Far Right trying to hijack the Republicans, George Will was dismissed a while ago, along with William Buckley Jr. and Barry Goldwater.


George Will isn't in the same class as Buckley and Goldwater.

He's a media invention by the left.

There's a number of other closet libs trying to pass themselves off as conservatives. Who they work for tells the story.

:lol::lol::lol: You try so hard to change reality. So very hard.

I know who Bloodsworth Thomason are. The same that reinvented Hillary.

Bod stop. Please. Anyone worth their salt in this debate knows that Linda took on Hillary and changed her.

It took Soros to go back to this johnny nada,this man of nothing, turn over Hillary and you have this asswipe as your President. A Clinton would not have been as manipulated as this Milli Vanilli.
Well looks like the long anticipated Trump debate is coming down to just Newt and Santorum. Why doesn't Trump just give Newt a blow job and save us the bother?

That is good for santorum...i still don't get why conservatives don't like him.

I'll go with libertarian radio host Neal Boortz on this one. He maintains that if the RNC picks a social conservative, it will alienate the rest of the conservatives and independents and hand the election to Obama. I agree. The survival of our country and way of life is on the line right now and much of it is fiscal in nature. Campaigning on abortion and marriage amendments is the wrong direction to go. Santorum is a social conservative thru and thru. He is not what we need in a candidate right now.

George Will isn't in the same class as Buckley and Goldwater.

He's a media invention by the left.

There's a number of other closet libs trying to pass themselves off as conservatives. Who they work for tells the story.

wait.. are you saying george will is a closet leftist?

Anyone to the left of Rush Limbaugh is a closet lefty

The liberal media's hatred for cons makes hiring real conservatives unthinkable.

George Will's Pulitzer was from being critical of the right for God's sake.
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How's the Debate plans going? What night?

Looks like Newt will debate against himself

He looks like an idiot being the only one to accept an invite from the Donald

Can you imagine the blow to the huge ego of Trump that nobody comes?
Look at all of the free publicity this debate has generated. The Donald can certainly stir up the Zombie left. LMFAO.. Newt is a smart man.. he needed some free publicity..and he got it courtesy of the Dumbocrats! Let's hear it for the leftist propaganda machine and scoring one for Newt!!!! Hip hip hoooray!!! Thanks ;-)
Look at all of the free publicity this debate has generated. The Donald can certainly stir up the Zombie left. LMFAO.. Newt is a smart man.. he needed some free publicity..and he got it courtesy of the Dumbocrats! Let's hear it for the leftist propaganda machine and scoring one for Newt!!!! Hip hip hoooray!!! Thanks ;-)

You are quite welcome. :lol::lol::lol:
Trump can do whatever he wants. If the candidates want to participate, that is up to them or not.
Look at all of the free publicity this debate has generated. The Donald can certainly stir up the Zombie left. LMFAO.. Newt is a smart man.. he needed some free publicity..and he got it courtesy of the Dumbocrats! Let's hear it for the leftist propaganda machine and scoring one for Newt!!!! Hip hip hoooray!!! Thanks ;-)

The Donald has been given notice about how irrelevant he is with the Republican Party. His kiss of death was Palin saying it was a good idea

Newt is looking for an excuse to bail without further humiliating his good buddy Donald
Well looks like the long anticipated Trump debate is coming down to just Newt and Santorum. Why doesn't Trump just give Newt a blow job and save us the bother?

That is good for santorum...i still don't get why conservatives don't like him.

I'll go with libertarian radio host Neal Boortz on this one. He maintains that if the RNC picks a social conservative, it will alienate the rest of the conservatives and independents and hand the election to Obama. I agree. The survival of our country and way of life is on the line right now and much of it is fiscal in nature. Campaigning on abortion and marriage amendments is the wrong direction to go. Santorum is a social conservative thru and thru. He is not what we need in a candidate right now.

As a person who is socially liberal on some issues but very conservative financially that explaination makes total sense!
Trump is just too sleazy. He makes a good point every now & then but overall he's just plain sleazy. It's all about the self-promotion and money for him. I like what Mitt Romney said to him in declining to show up..."I'm not your apprentice." Nice job Mitt.
when you have people like George Will saying something is not looking good for the gop then you can bet something is not looking good for the gop
.....Which pretty-much explains the "resurrection" of reporting on......


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