Everyone is Smart Except Trump

His own staff calls him an idiot and child. Your title is uncharacteristically correct

Correction: Former staff.
I have a feeling that Haley wrote the anonymous article in the NYT.

I think you might be right.
From the substance of the piece, it was definitely someone involved in geo-politics and not domestic affairs.
It was ghost-written to obscure her identifiers in her personal vocabulary and syntax, for sure.
But I was thinking Mike Pompeo at first.
Now with her weird resignation coming off the heels of the Kavanaugh confirmation, it makes sense.
She's getting out now and I don't blame her.
Another cabinet swamp member is in trouble: Wilbur Ross.
She likely resigned because she felt like an idiot for giving the left ammo after the disgrace that happened with Kavanaugh.

I thought it was her as soon as the article came out(as you can see in the poll on here originally made about the article). She is the only true Never Trump Republican in the cabinet.
His own staff calls him an idiot and child. Your title is uncharacteristically correct

In Woodward's "Fear" there are more who have been caught calling him what he is. Steve Bannon really opened up in his interviews with Woodward.

Can you imagine the eye rolls that are done whenever he is on the phone with other heads-of-state?

“Germany is on board with this” Trump says….

I just spoke with Germany, they said that they oppose this"
His own staff calls him an idiot and child. Your title is uncharacteristically correct


That's why Trump hired the best people, Polish illegal immigrants to build his Trump tower.
Trump didn't hire Polish illegal immigrants to build Trump Tower, jackass.

uh... not to build it, but to demolish the existing building to make way for his tower.... he hired them & didn't pay them & was sued over a million dollars because of it. so.... close enough.

oh & yaaaaaaaaa................. they were illegal.

STEWART, District Judge:

Plaintiff Harry J. Diduck ("Diduck") brings this class action[1] against defendants William Kaszycki and Kaszycki & Sons Contractors, Inc., defendant John Senyshyn, a trustee of the House Wreckers' Union Local 95 ("the Union"), and defendants Trump-Equitable Fifth Avenue Co. ("Trump-Equitable")[2], the Trump Organization, *805 Inc., Donald J. Trump, Donald J. Trump d/b/a The Trump Organization, and the Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States (the "Trump defendants").

Diduck, a beneficiary of the Union's pension and welfare insurance funds, alleges that Senyshyn breached the fiduciary duty imposed upon him as a trustee of the funds by section 404 of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended ("ERISA"), 29 U.S.C. § 1104. Plaintiff alleges Senyshyn breached his fiduciary duty by failing to collect pension and welfare fund contributions due on the wages of non-union, Polish workers.

He also alleges that the Trump defendants participated in the breach, thereby becoming jointly and severally liable. He seeks as damages the contributions and liquidated damages, which the funds would have recovered but for the defendants' breach of duty and participation therein, and interest from April 1, 1980, in the sum $1,027,858.10. Plaintiff also seeks his necessary costs and disbursements of the action and a reasonable attorneys' fee.

A non-jury trial of sixteen days was held. The following constitutes our findings of fact and conclusions of law as mandated by Rule 52 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure.
Most, if not all, of Kaszycki's Polish workers had recently arrived from Poland. They were undocumented and worked "off the books." Tr. 725. No records were kept, no Social Security or other taxes were withheld, Tr. 715, 724, 728, and they were *806 not paid in accordance with wage laws. See Donovan v. Kaszycki, 599 F. Supp. 860, 864 (1984). They were told they would be paid $4.00 or in some cases $5.00 an hour for working 12-hour shifts seven days a week. In fact they were paid irregularly and incompletely, sometimes with Kaszycki's personal checks which were returned by the bank for insufficient funds. Tr. 153-54. Kaszycki was later found to have violated the sections of the Fair Labor Standards Act requiring recordkeeping, payment of overtime, and minimum wages. See Donovan v. Kaszycki, 599 F. Supp. at 867-69.

Diduck v. Kaszycki & Sons Contractors, Inc., 774 F. Supp. 802 (S.D.N.Y. 1991)
And of course you are simply lying again. Those Polish workers you are whining about never worked for Trump, period.

Fuckin' liar.
Trump became POTUS by outsmarting his political opponents every single step of the way.
Muhammed, Thump became POTUS by outsmarting his political electorate every single step of the way...by playing on their fears and anger, and by pumping them full of lies about everybody else. His political opponents saw (and see) him clearly. His base (you) believe him as he (to quote another poster) turns Bedford Falls into Pottersville.

I voted for Trump.

I challenge you to go ahead and back up your unsupported assertion by providing any specific example of Trump outsmarting or tricking me to get my vote.

mic drop

Good, now please just walk away from the mic and never pick it up again.
Trump became POTUS by outsmarting his political opponents every single step of the way.
Muhammed, Thump became POTUS by outsmarting his political electorate every single step of the way...by playing on their fears and anger, and by pumping them full of lies about everybody else. His political opponents saw (and see) him clearly. His base (you) believe him as he (to quote another poster) turns Bedford Falls into Pottersville.

I voted for Trump.

I challenge you to go ahead and back up your unsupported assertion by providing any specific example of Trump outsmarting or tricking me to get my vote.

mic drop

So you voted for a fraud, business cheat, liar, women abusing, name caller, childish, hate spewing, vocabulary of a second grader, fat assed, adulterer, on purpose???
I never voted for Bill Clinton, jackass.
This Rabbi nails it.

It really is quite simple. Everyone is smart except Donald J. Trump. That’s why they all are billionaires and all got elected President. Only Trump does not know what he is doing. Only Trump does not know how to negotiate with Vladimir Putin. Anderson Cooper knows how to stand up to Putin. The whole crowd at MSNBC does. All the journalists do.

They could not stand up to Matt Lauer at NBC. They could not stand up to Charlie Rose at CBS. They could not stand up to Mark Halperin at NBC. Nor up to Leon Wieseltier at the New Republic, nor Jann Wenner at Rolling Stone, nor Michael Oreskes at NPR, at the New York Times, or at the Associated Press. But — oh, wow! — can they ever stand up to Putin! Only Trump is incapable of negotiating with the Russian tyrant.

Remember the four years when Anderson Cooper was President of the United States? And before that — when the entire Washington Post editorial staff jointly were elected to be President? Remember? Neither do I.

The Seedier Media never have negotiated life and death, not corporate life and death, and not human life and death. They think they know how to negotiate, but they do not know how. They go to a college, are told by peers that they are smart, get some good grades, proceed to a graduate degree in journalism, and get hired as analysts. Now they are experts, ready to take on Putin and the Iranian Ayatollahs at age 30.

That is not the road to expertise in tough dealing. The alternate road is that, along the way, maybe you get forced into some street fights. Sometimes the other guy wins, and sometimes you beat the intestines out of him. Then you deal with grown-ups as you mature, and you learn that people can be nasty, often after they smile and speak softly. You get cheated a few times, played. And you learn. Maybe you become an attorney litigating multi-million-dollar case matters. Say what you will about attorneys, but those years — not the years in law school, not the years drafting legal memoranda, but the years of meeting face-to-face and confronting opposing counsel — those years can teach a great deal. They can teach how to transition from sweet, gentle, diplomatic negotiating to tough negotiating. At some point, with enough tough-nosed experience, you figure out Trump’s “The Art of the Deal” yourself.
Read it all.

Everyone Is Smart Except Trump

That's an Op-Ed by a far right wing columnist.
Don't you idiots ever just want the facts?
And totally true.

Your tears make me smile.
Trump became POTUS by outsmarting his political opponents every single step of the way.
Muhammed, Thump became POTUS by outsmarting his political electorate every single step of the way...by playing on their fears and anger, and by pumping them full of lies about everybody else. His political opponents saw (and see) him clearly. His base (you) believe him as he (to quote another poster) turns Bedford Falls into Pottersville.

Hillary Clinton et al declared the people of Flyover Country to be a bunch of rubes and racists, The Basket of Deplorables Clinging to their Firearms and their faith in Almighty God. Lib media stars mocked the people while embracing radical leftists and muslims, illegal aliens, etc., who were deemed to be the future. Obama idolized Richard Spencer's Occupooper Movement who camped out in major cities from New York to Youngstown and beyond as public health hazards.

It isn't hard to understand why the people rejected the Hildog in 2016
My prince, 'the people' didn't reject the Hildog..she got 3 mil more votes than the fog machine.
Trump became POTUS by outsmarting his political opponents every single step of the way.
Muhammed, Thump became POTUS by outsmarting his political electorate every single step of the way...by playing on their fears and anger, and by pumping them full of lies about everybody else. His political opponents saw (and see) him clearly. His base (you) believe him as he (to quote another poster) turns Bedford Falls into Pottersville.

Hillary Clinton et al declared the people of Flyover Country to be a bunch of rubes and racists, The Basket of Deplorables Clinging to their Firearms and their faith in Almighty God. Lib media stars mocked the people while embracing radical leftists and muslims, illegal aliens, etc., who were deemed to be the future. Obama idolized Richard Spencer's Occupooper Movement who camped out in major cities from New York to Youngstown and beyond as public health hazards.

It isn't hard to understand why the people rejected the Hildog in 2016
My prince, 'the people' didn't reject the Hildog..she got 3 mil more votes than the fog machine.
And how many of those votes were fraudulent?
Trump became POTUS by outsmarting his political opponents every single step of the way.
Muhammed, Thump became POTUS by outsmarting his political electorate every single step of the way...by playing on their fears and anger, and by pumping them full of lies about everybody else. His political opponents saw (and see) him clearly. His base (you) believe him as he (to quote another poster) turns Bedford Falls into Pottersville.

Hillary Clinton et al declared the people of Flyover Country to be a bunch of rubes and racists, The Basket of Deplorables Clinging to their Firearms and their faith in Almighty God. Lib media stars mocked the people while embracing radical leftists and muslims, illegal aliens, etc., who were deemed to be the future. Obama idolized Richard Spencer's Occupooper Movement who camped out in major cities from New York to Youngstown and beyond as public health hazards.

It isn't hard to understand why the people rejected the Hildog in 2016
My prince, 'the people' didn't reject the Hildog..she got 3 mil more votes than the fog machine.
And how many of those votes were fraudulent?
None so far have been proven.
Trump became POTUS by outsmarting his political opponents every single step of the way.
Muhammed, Thump became POTUS by outsmarting his political electorate every single step of the way...by playing on their fears and anger, and by pumping them full of lies about everybody else. His political opponents saw (and see) him clearly. His base (you) believe him as he (to quote another poster) turns Bedford Falls into Pottersville.

Hillary Clinton et al declared the people of Flyover Country to be a bunch of rubes and racists, The Basket of Deplorables Clinging to their Firearms and their faith in Almighty God. Lib media stars mocked the people while embracing radical leftists and muslims, illegal aliens, etc., who were deemed to be the future. Obama idolized Richard Spencer's Occupooper Movement who camped out in major cities from New York to Youngstown and beyond as public health hazards.

It isn't hard to understand why the people rejected the Hildog in 2016
My prince, 'the people' didn't reject the Hildog..she got 3 mil more votes than the fog machine.
And how many of those votes were fraudulent?
None so far have been proven.
I like Dov Fischer I would sit in the congregation and gladly listen to that wise man. I have thought what Rabbi Fischer put into words. How many of the media news readers have become billionaires in the dog eat dog world of real estate development have been successful in negotiating international treaties? How many of you naysayers on this forum are billionaires, highly successful business people, smart?
Muhammed, Thump became POTUS by outsmarting his political electorate every single step of the way...by playing on their fears and anger, and by pumping them full of lies about everybody else. His political opponents saw (and see) him clearly. His base (you) believe him as he (to quote another poster) turns Bedford Falls into Pottersville.

Hillary Clinton et al declared the people of Flyover Country to be a bunch of rubes and racists, The Basket of Deplorables Clinging to their Firearms and their faith in Almighty God. Lib media stars mocked the people while embracing radical leftists and muslims, illegal aliens, etc., who were deemed to be the future. Obama idolized Richard Spencer's Occupooper Movement who camped out in major cities from New York to Youngstown and beyond as public health hazards.

It isn't hard to understand why the people rejected the Hildog in 2016
My prince, 'the people' didn't reject the Hildog..she got 3 mil more votes than the fog machine.
And how many of those votes were fraudulent?
None so far have been proven.
So prove me a liar. All This Talk of Voter Fraud? Across U.S., Officials Found Next to None
My prince, 'the people' didn't reject the Hildog..she got 3 mil more votes than the fog machine.

So they say.

But so what?

I don't know if you were taught civics in school back in the day, but the Founding Fathers were concerned that the smaller or less populated states would have no say. Back in colonial days, Virginia was the most populated state, others like Delaware, not so much.

So they came up with the Electoral College idea, where EVERY state would have some say in the selectionary process for the Presidency. Both Mrs. Clinton as well as Donald J. Trump were well familiar with the rules, and that was the basis of their campaign.

As a result, Mrs. Clinton stayed out of California during the campaign and piled up the votes as a result. If the popular vote meant anything, she would have spent time there and received a beating there as well.
Hillary Clinton et al declared the people of Flyover Country to be a bunch of rubes and racists, The Basket of Deplorables Clinging to their Firearms and their faith in Almighty God. Lib media stars mocked the people while embracing radical leftists and muslims, illegal aliens, etc., who were deemed to be the future. Obama idolized Richard Spencer's Occupooper Movement who camped out in major cities from New York to Youngstown and beyond as public health hazards.

It isn't hard to understand why the people rejected the Hildog in 2016
My prince, 'the people' didn't reject the Hildog..she got 3 mil more votes than the fog machine.
And how many of those votes were fraudulent?
None so far have been proven.
So prove me a liar. All This Talk of Voter Fraud? Across U.S., Officials Found Next to None

I was listening to the radio on Election Day, and citizens were calling in reporting that the unions were transporting buses full of illegals from polling place to polling place enabling Hillary Clinton to stuff the ballot box.

I didn't see it myself, but to date, Hillary Clinton has yet to provide any evidence whatsoever to prove those reports wrong.
My prince, 'the people' didn't reject the Hildog..she got 3 mil more votes than the fog machine.
And how many of those votes were fraudulent?
None so far have been proven.
So prove me a liar. All This Talk of Voter Fraud? Across U.S., Officials Found Next to None

I was listening to the radio on Election Day, and citizens were calling in reporting that the unions were transporting buses full of illegals from polling place to polling place enabling Hillary Clinton to stuff the ballot box.

I didn't see it myself, but to date, Hillary Clinton has yet to provide any evidence whatsoever to prove those reports wrong.
My prince, 'the people' didn't reject the Hildog..she got 3 mil more votes than the fog machine.

So they say.

But so what?

I don't know if you were taught civics in school back in the day, but the Founding Fathers were concerned that the smaller or less populated states would have no say. Back in colonial days, Virginia was the most populated state, others like Delaware, not so much.

So they came up with the Electoral College idea, where EVERY state would have some say in the selectionary process for the Presidency. Both Mrs. Clinton as well as Donald J. Trump were well familiar with the rules, and that was the basis of their campaign.

As a result, Mrs. Clinton stayed out of California during the campaign and piled up the votes as a result. If the popular vote meant anything, she would have spent time there and received a beating there as well.
My prince, nobody grabbed the torches and pitchforks. The electoral college was honored...griped about, but the acknowledged law of the land. But it is also a stone cold hard fact that Hillary gathered about 3 mil more popular votes than Trump. I don't need a civic lesson on those poor downtrodden folks in Kansas having no voice. Since 2K they're the ONLY voice anybody hears, even those who chew loco weed, like Inhofe, the guy who disproves global warming by bringing in to chambers a snowball in February.

I was listening to the radio on Election Day, and citizens were calling in reporting that the unions were transporting buses full of illegals from polling place to polling place enabling Hillary Clinton to stuff the ballot box.

I didn't see it myself, but to date, Hillary Clinton has yet to provide any evidence whatsoever to prove those reports wrong.
My prince, 'the people' didn't reject the Hildog..she got 3 mil more votes than the fog machine.

So they say.

But so what?

I don't know if you were taught civics in school back in the day, but the Founding Fathers were concerned that the smaller or less populated states would have no say. Back in colonial days, Virginia was the most populated state, others like Delaware, not so much.

So they came up with the Electoral College idea, where EVERY state would have some say in the selectionary process for the Presidency. Both Mrs. Clinton as well as Donald J. Trump were well familiar with the rules, and that was the basis of their campaign.

As a result, Mrs. Clinton stayed out of California during the campaign and piled up the votes as a result. If the popular vote meant anything, she would have spent time there and received a beating there as well.
My prince, nobody grabbed the torches and pitchforks. The electoral college was honored...griped about, but the acknowledged law of the land. But it is also a stone cold hard fact that Hillary gathered about 3 mil more popular votes than Trump. I don't need a civic lesson on those poor downtrodden folks in Kansas having no voice. Since 2K they're the ONLY voice anybody hears, even those who chew loco weed, like Inhofe, the guy who disproves global warming by bringing in to chambers a snowball in February.

Sen. Inhofe is from Oklahoma, not Kansas.
My prince, 'the people' didn't reject the Hildog..she got 3 mil more votes than the fog machine.
And how many of those votes were fraudulent?
None so far have been proven.
So prove me a liar. All This Talk of Voter Fraud? Across U.S., Officials Found Next to None

I was listening to the radio on Election Day, and citizens were calling in reporting that the unions were transporting buses full of illegals from polling place to polling place enabling Hillary Clinton to stuff the ballot box.

I didn't see it myself, but to date, Hillary Clinton has yet to provide any evidence whatsoever to prove those reports wrong.
Wanna bet they didn't see it either. When I worked the rigs, we had a call one time for a traffic accident where a death occurred, so we naturally attended first to the living injured. The story got around that we ignored the dead guy and left him in the car and when the wrecker came they hauled off the dead guy still in the car. Of course it wasn't true, but many who wanted to believe it never did admit the lie. This sounds s lot like the experience I had with titillating gossip.

I was listening to the radio on Election Day, and citizens were calling in reporting that the unions were transporting buses full of illegals from polling place to polling place enabling Hillary Clinton to stuff the ballot box.

I didn't see it myself, but to date, Hillary Clinton has yet to provide any evidence whatsoever to prove those reports wrong.
My prince, 'the people' didn't reject the Hildog..she got 3 mil more votes than the fog machine.

So they say.

But so what?

I don't know if you were taught civics in school back in the day, but the Founding Fathers were concerned that the smaller or less populated states would have no say. Back in colonial days, Virginia was the most populated state, others like Delaware, not so much.

So they came up with the Electoral College idea, where EVERY state would have some say in the selectionary process for the Presidency. Both Mrs. Clinton as well as Donald J. Trump were well familiar with the rules, and that was the basis of their campaign.

As a result, Mrs. Clinton stayed out of California during the campaign and piled up the votes as a result. If the popular vote meant anything, she would have spent time there and received a beating there as well.
My prince, nobody grabbed the torches and pitchforks. The electoral college was honored...griped about, but the acknowledged law of the land. But it is also a stone cold hard fact that Hillary gathered about 3 mil more popular votes than Trump. I don't need a civic lesson on those poor downtrodden folks in Kansas having no voice. Since 2K they're the ONLY voice anybody hears, even those who chew loco weed, like Inhofe, the guy who disproves global warming by bringing in to chambers a snowball in February.

Sen. Inhofe is from Oklahoma, not Kansas.
Flyover, schmyover!
Hillary Clinton et al declared the people of Flyover Country to be a bunch of rubes and racists, The Basket of Deplorables Clinging to their Firearms and their faith in Almighty God. Lib media stars mocked the people while embracing radical leftists and muslims, illegal aliens, etc., who were deemed to be the future. Obama idolized Richard Spencer's Occupooper Movement who camped out in major cities from New York to Youngstown and beyond as public health hazards.

It isn't hard to understand why the people rejected the Hildog in 2016
My prince, 'the people' didn't reject the Hildog..she got 3 mil more votes than the fog machine.
And how many of those votes were fraudulent?
None so far have been proven.
So prove me a liar. All This Talk of Voter Fraud? Across U.S., Officials Found Next to None
Your own link proves that you're a liar.
His own staff calls him an idiot and child. Your title is uncharacteristically correct


That's why Trump hired the best people, Polish illegal immigrants to build his Trump tower.
Trump didn't hire Polish illegal immigrants to build Trump Tower, jackass.

uh... not to build it, but to demolish the existing building to make way for his tower.... he hired them & didn't pay them & was sued over a million dollars because of it. so.... close enough.

oh & yaaaaaaaaa................. they were illegal.

STEWART, District Judge:

Plaintiff Harry J. Diduck ("Diduck") brings this class action[1] against defendants William Kaszycki and Kaszycki & Sons Contractors, Inc., defendant John Senyshyn, a trustee of the House Wreckers' Union Local 95 ("the Union"), and defendants Trump-Equitable Fifth Avenue Co. ("Trump-Equitable")[2], the Trump Organization, *805 Inc., Donald J. Trump, Donald J. Trump d/b/a The Trump Organization, and the Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States (the "Trump defendants").

Diduck, a beneficiary of the Union's pension and welfare insurance funds, alleges that Senyshyn breached the fiduciary duty imposed upon him as a trustee of the funds by section 404 of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended ("ERISA"), 29 U.S.C. § 1104. Plaintiff alleges Senyshyn breached his fiduciary duty by failing to collect pension and welfare fund contributions due on the wages of non-union, Polish workers.

He also alleges that the Trump defendants participated in the breach, thereby becoming jointly and severally liable. He seeks as damages the contributions and liquidated damages, which the funds would have recovered but for the defendants' breach of duty and participation therein, and interest from April 1, 1980, in the sum $1,027,858.10. Plaintiff also seeks his necessary costs and disbursements of the action and a reasonable attorneys' fee.

A non-jury trial of sixteen days was held. The following constitutes our findings of fact and conclusions of law as mandated by Rule 52 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure.
Most, if not all, of Kaszycki's Polish workers had recently arrived from Poland. They were undocumented and worked "off the books." Tr. 725. No records were kept, no Social Security or other taxes were withheld, Tr. 715, 724, 728, and they were *806 not paid in accordance with wage laws. See Donovan v. Kaszycki, 599 F. Supp. 860, 864 (1984). They were told they would be paid $4.00 or in some cases $5.00 an hour for working 12-hour shifts seven days a week. In fact they were paid irregularly and incompletely, sometimes with Kaszycki's personal checks which were returned by the bank for insufficient funds. Tr. 153-54. Kaszycki was later found to have violated the sections of the Fair Labor Standards Act requiring recordkeeping, payment of overtime, and minimum wages. See Donovan v. Kaszycki, 599 F. Supp. at 867-69.

Diduck v. Kaszycki & Sons Contractors, Inc., 774 F. Supp. 802 (S.D.N.Y. 1991)
And of course you are simply lying again. Those Polish workers you are whining about never worked for Trump, period.

Fuckin' liar.

the court docs say otherwise. lol... are you saying trump paid out money for something he didn't do?

yaaaaaaaaaaa............... that's the ticket..................
My prince, 'the people' didn't reject the Hildog..she got 3 mil more votes than the fog machine.
And how many of those votes were fraudulent?
None so far have been proven.
So prove me a liar. All This Talk of Voter Fraud? Across U.S., Officials Found Next to None

I was listening to the radio on Election Day, and citizens were calling in reporting that the unions were transporting buses full of illegals from polling place to polling place enabling Hillary Clinton to stuff the ballot box.

I didn't see it myself, but to date, Hillary Clinton has yet to provide any evidence whatsoever to prove those reports wrong.

rightwing radio no doubt.... maybe a little mark levin or oxyboy?

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