Everyone should be in favor of reducing taxes on the "rich"

Of course. They are looking to maximize profits.

which, does not at all correlate with benefiting the society capitalists are stuck t like a tick on a dogs nutsack.

You're forgetting the part where workers are also consumers. Companies that charge too much for their products get undercut by competition and go out of business. Look at a list of "unstoppable" businesses that progressives were railing against 100 years ago. Guess what, almost none of them exist anymore, they were put out of business by other businesse who offered customers a better deal.

Oh, you mean like how we see OIL companies being undercut all the time? Bell LABS before the gov stepped in to split it up? Multi national conglomerates? Yea dude. THE PIPE DREAM WORKS! sure it does.

weather or not workers are consumer means little when their consumption ability is minimized while their income is a reduced cost of labor for a capitalist, yo. Look at the housing market. WHAT THE FUCK ARE CONSTRUCTION WORKERS AND REALTORS DOING TO MAKE A SCRATCH IN THE CONSUMPTION OF GOODS WHILE THEIR MARKET IS STAGNANT DO TO CAPITALISTS IN BANKING?

They were in an economic funk for the better part of two decades. Then they were doing better for a couple of years, and now it's back to recession for them, most likely. They also pay exhorbitant prices for consumer goods, many Japanese people under the age of 40 have to live with their parents, etc.

yea.. I tellya.. NOHTING SAYS ECONOMIC RECESSION like dominating the shit out of our AUTO industry. Funny how freely capitalist use the word RECESSION when polishing the turd of their own bullshit theory. MOST LIKELY? Oh well.. thats convincing. And, please, don't confuse CULTURAL traditions with economic requirements. It's never been an aspect of their CULTURE to fly out of the house at 18 years of age. Maybe you should take the ethnocentrist goggles off.

The private oil companies don't have anywhere near the market share that state oil companies do. Also they aren't a monopoly. And they aren't interfering with solar panel companies. (Hint: there already is a Henry Ford style solar panel revolution going on, google Konarka or Nanosolar. A somewhat free market has responded to supply and demand. They could ramp up production a lot faster and probably could have brought this technology to fruition years sooner, with more capital.)

HA! yea.. I mean, ANY OLE DUDE can just go ahead and compete with SHELL! Deflecting criticism isn't really that impressive, dude. Oh, and just so you know, not everyone wears or NEEDS lipstick either so you can spare me the comparative profit margins between oil and cosmetics.

Speaking of oil monopolies, did you know that when Standard Oil went to court, their market share was 87%? And not 100%? Did you know that, by the time the company was broken up by our government, their market share was at 60% and falling? Even though they were relentlessly dropping prices on Kerosene and gasoline? Did you know that Rockefeller got tired of paying for insurance on his refineries, and pushed through a safety program so that he could stop paying it?

wow! 87%! Hell, that just SCREAMS "hey, come compete with me". Should I be impressed by your non sequiter?

We had cheap labor competition during the 50's and 60's, and we prospered. Sure, there were tariffs. But the price of labor in 3rd world countries more than makes up for it. So why wasn't our industrial base hollowed out?

CHEAP? in relation to the goods and services available? please. Indeed tarrifs. The price of labor in third world countries do NOT make up for anything and WE SEE THAT IN OUR PRODUCTION MARKETS. Indeed, our factories ARE being hollowed out when compared to an era where a breadwinner could support a family with a full time job in manufacturing.

It didn't start until Nixon took us off the last remnant of the gold standard in 1971. Not only did we immediately see inflation, but american industry went into decline. Thus we see the familiar statistics that it takes two incomes to provide what one income once did. Or the familiar lament that incomes for people without college degrees has stalled or declined. Or the huge trade deficit, which was like an elephant that appeared out of nowhere. You can thank the government and the quasi-private federal reserve for all of this.

thank you for your opinion on the root of the two income family. Blame nixon and the gold standard. That probably wont deflect the fact that we CURRENTLY see that outsourced tech jobs forces gen X techies into jobs at wal mart. That missing manufacturing for unskilled labor jobs have devalued the middle-lower class into pauper levels of SOL. Defelcting at the base standard of your capital doesn't validate the SYSTEM of capitalism in relation to the society that, once again, it leeches from like a tick on a dogs balls.

The employment rate of gen-x techies is 100% in case you don;t get that. I am in the business and I hire every qualified American techie I can find and I still have to go to India for over 40% of the tech needs because our lazy gen-xer's won't take Computer Science and related majors in college!!!! We'd hire but they DON'T EXIST!!!!
You stated:

No success is not DEPENDANT on starting postion.

and im calling BULLSHIT.

Why? I am the son of a used car salesman and a hair dresser. My wife is the daughter of a share cropper. I am now in that top 1% that gets bashed by the loons on this forum all the time. All we did was work our way through college, continue our education and training on the job, and after 30 years of hard work has a good degree of success. And we are the NORM, not the exception. Less that 1% of the wealthy (net worth's over $1,000,000) inherited it, the rest are entirely self made. Barack Obama is a prime example of a man of meager beginnings making it. Only in America. And his and mine and million's of others have pretty much the same story. We are SELF made.
Why? I am the son of a used car salesman and a hair dresser. My wife is the daughter of a share cropper. I am now in that top 1% that gets bashed by the loons on this forum all the time. All we did was work our way through college, continue our education and training on the job, and after 30 years of hard work has a good degree of success. And we are the NORM, not the exception. Less that 1% of the wealthy (net worth's over $1,000,000) inherited it, the rest are entirely self made. Barack Obama is a prime example of a man of meager beginnings making it. Only in America. And his and mine and million's of others have pretty much the same story. We are SELF made.

You will never convince the likes of Shogun that is the case. You know it is true and I know it is true and there actually has been research done that bears it out as well as theory by the likes of no less than Milton Friedman explaining why free markets are so important to free societies.

Seemingly Shogun and editec simply won't even accept as a possibility (even though it more likely truth) that where people are is more attributable to their behavior, atitudes and choices then it is to some make believe conspiracy by the wealthy and the right or just plain old bad luck.
Which would mean the amount of effort one puts forth is irrelevant, which I would have to call bullshit on. Will wealth be more difficult to achieve for crack whore, ghetto boy? You bet. He has fewer initial resources to draw on that will make it more difficult for him to compete in a free market. Does that mean his destiny is written in stone before birth? Of course not. Ultimately his level of success can only be determined by him. The goal would be to get him an people like him better opportunities, which I have little problem with. Why does that need to involve taking down the rich?


no, it's not irrelevant but it IS NOT GUARANTEE either. I KNOW effort counts. But, pretending like some bullshit chewbacca arguement validates your economic opinions is pretty laughable. You mentioned a ghetto child. NOW compare that to the silver spoon hilton kids. WHO do you think is MORE LIKELY to achieve wealth? So, in essence, STATISTICALLY YES the particular layer of CLASS that you drop out of a vagina into DOES set your destiny in stone. Like I've said, your rags to riches BULLSHIT non sequiters are not the norm.

WHY? Because no one who is rich is about to displace opportunity set aside for members of their own fucking class up to and including their own family. Like I said, there ARE more of us than there are of your pet 2%. Don't like it? Move somewhere where wealth is immune from the society around you.
Who in the middle class is hurting? 94% still have jobs. 90% are paying their mortgages on time. 82% are paying their credit card bills on time. The one's that are not are actually the very low end fringe of the middle class and have basically been caught living beyond their means.

If you still have a job and are making enough to pay your bills your only association with the recession is from watching TV, and that is over 90% of us.

600,000 jobs lost in the recession and roughly 425,000 have found new jobs since..... The other 175,000 will find new work within the next six months. 94% of the country is still working. So what's the problem?

WHO? are you fucking retarded?

Middle Class Struggle For Homes
Queens Chronicle - Middle Class Struggle For Homes

A struggle to make ends meet
Middle class, buried in bills, cutting back, and reaching out for help
Middle class families struggling to make ends meet - The Boston Globe

Cities Shed Middle Class, and Are Richer and Poorer for It

Blacks Lose Better Jobs Faster As Middle-Class Work Drops
Blacks Lose Better Jobs Faster As Middle-Class Work Drops - New York Times

DO YOU NEED MORE EXAMPLES YOU STUPID SON OF A BITCH? Cite your fucking sources, motherfucker. We can all make up numbers. Im betting jacks, joes and dominoes that your numbers come from a bullshit rightwing blog.
The employment rate of gen-x techies is 100% in case you don;t get that. I am in the business and I hire every qualified American techie I can find and I still have to go to India for over 40% of the tech needs because our lazy gen-xer's won't take Computer Science and related majors in college!!!! We'd hire but they DON'T EXIST!!!!




I can't wait to see where you got THAT number from. I KNOW the business and I HAVE friends who are unemployed because tech jobs have been sent to fucking india. Spare me the the "I HAVE to go to india" bullshit. Your fucking excuses don't gel with unemployed Gen-X'rs who are simply not interested in your pathetic fucking rationalization for looking at India.
Why? I am the son of a used car salesman and a hair dresser. My wife is the daughter of a share cropper. I am now in that top 1% that gets bashed by the loons on this forum all the time. All we did was work our way through college, continue our education and training on the job, and after 30 years of hard work has a good degree of success. And we are the NORM, not the exception. Less that 1% of the wealthy (net worth's over $1,000,000) inherited it, the rest are entirely self made. Barack Obama is a prime example of a man of meager beginnings making it. Only in America. And his and mine and million's of others have pretty much the same story. We are SELF made.

Oh, and I guess your example is the standard by which we see EVERYONE born to poverty all of a sudden become millionaires? :lol: No, all you did was be very lucky in the opportunities that came your way. AND A GOOD DEGREE OF SUCCESS. Funny how you just gloss over that and pretend working for 30 years is the mitigating factor. You are NOT the norm. In this latest day of inflated cost and lowered value of the dollar $1 MILLION doesn't mean shit. Hell, we have fucking GAME SHOWS that give that much away. Your assumptions are flawed if you think that number makes you WEALTHY or anywhere near the top 1%.

So, again, enjoy the LINKS I provided when PROVING my case with more than rhetorical bullshit numbers pulled from thin air while the rest of us VOTES you bitch motherfuckers off of cloud nine. Don't like it? Take your fucking ass to Dubai.
Oh, and I guess your example is the standard by which we see EVERYONE born to poverty all of a sudden become millionaires? :lol: No, all you did was be very lucky in the opportunities that came your way. AND A GOOD DEGREE OF SUCCESS. Funny how you just gloss over that and pretend working for 30 years is the mitigating factor. You are NOT the norm. In this latest day of inflated cost and lowered value of the dollar $1 MILLION doesn't mean shit. Hell, we have fucking GAME SHOWS that give that much away. Your assumptions are flawed if you think that number makes you WEALTHY or anywhere near the top 1%.

Would he be ther if he did NOT put in 30 years of work?

So, again, enjoy the LINKS I provided when PROVING my case with more than rhetorical bullshit numbers pulled from thin air while the rest of us VOTES you bitch motherfuckers off of cloud nine. Don't like it? Take your fucking ass to Dubai.

Steller argument, truly.

no, it's not irrelevant but it IS NOT GUARANTEE either. I KNOW effort counts. But, pretending like some bullshit chewbacca arguement validates your economic opinions is pretty laughable. You mentioned a ghetto child. NOW compare that to the silver spoon hilton kids. WHO do you think is MORE LIKELY to achieve wealth? So, in essence, STATISTICALLY YES the particular layer of CLASS that you drop out of a vagina into DOES set your destiny in stone. Like I've said, your rags to riches BULLSHIT non sequiters are not the norm.

Then you would have to argue that there are ZERO rags to riches stories and I'm sure even your dumb ass know better than that. I'm not arguing any of the above. The more resources you have available from the out set the easier things will be for you. That is not even close to a garuntee that you will either attain wealth or keep it. What YOU do is going to determine whether or not you keep that money.

WHY? Because no one who is rich is about to displace opportunity set aside for members of their own fucking class up to and including their own family. Like I said, there ARE more of us than there are of your pet 2%. Don't like it? Move somewhere where wealth is immune from the society around you.

Wow are you out to lunch. Please point out the rich people with all this time on their hands that are out there actively trying to keep poor people from getting jobs.
Would he be ther if he did NOT put in 30 years of work?

I guess that depends on how far up the wealth heirachy was the vagina that birthed him.

Steller argument, truly.

way to offer a rebuttal. Indeed, and you WONDER why your bullshit opinion of economic theory doesn't float in the face of evidence. You know, like the FACT that wealthy motherfuckers are not trading places with the poor just to create an even advantage.

Then you would have to argue that there are ZERO rags to riches stories and I'm sure even your dumb ass know better than that. I'm not arguing any of the above. The more resources you have available from the out set the easier things will be for you. That is not even close to a garuntee that you will either attain wealth or keep it. What YOU do is going to determine whether or not you keep that money.

no, I wouldnt. Nice strawman, tex. I realize that VARIATIONS don't reflect the STANDARDS by which they deviate from. Again, way to hide behind a transparent dodge into logical fallacies. Statistically, the more wealth one starts with the more wealth they will accumulate. Likewise on the other end of the wealth spectrum. Now, if you need one more lame fucking strawman to hide behind why dont you reach for a better attempt than assuming that id say that there are ZERO examples of rags to riches.

Wow are you out to lunch. Please point out the rich people with all this time on their hands that are out there actively trying to keep poor people from getting jobs.

Oh, NOW WEALTH = JOBS, eh? NICE. You sure are one stupid motherfucker to think that playing some linguistic game of "watch me be un-ninja like" impresses someone. SURE, rich people LOVE IT when poor people work JOBS for barely anything. You think the wealthy WANT to pay higher wages? Are you STUPID enough to forget which of us is AGAINST THE MINIMUM FUCKING WAGE?

Now, regarding WEALTH - WHO is papa Hilton more likely to pass his WEALTH on to? Paris or some random poverty sticken motherfucker? WHO GETS THE CORPORATE JOB? His NIECES AND NEPHIEWS or some random otherwise qualified motherfucker?


Dude.. if you are going to put on the gloves I hope you expected to do more than dodge and weave.
Certain segments and income classes of our society are doing well, without a doubt.

Good for them.

Now what about the rest of the nation? Basically about the other 80% of it?

Are they doing well?

I think not.

For example, the middle class median income actually fell about $400 in the last four years.

The median income of the middle class fell despite the fact that the upper middle classes incomes rose.

That leaves the poor, the middle=middle and lower middle classes dealing with dramatically falling incomes in face of enormous inflation in the cost of energy, health care, education, energy, and food.

Practically every necessity rose in price considerably while the median income FELL in absolute terms, i.e., not even taking into account how much purchasing power it lost when inflation is factored in.

The median income is has lost maybe twenty percent of its purchasing power the last decade or so. Just my estimate, of course based on what it costs to buy NECESSITIES.

And the libertarians response to this national crises "Tough shit, America. You all should have worked harder in school and you all should have become computer techies."

Now seriously is that the best response we can get from some of you?

I got mine, get yours?

One wonders what that kind of response really has to do with the point of this thread, which is:

Discuss economic policy and wallstreet

The economy overall is feeble​

True or false?​

Wall street is fibrilating​

True or false?​

Our personal incomes don't matter in this discussion.
The issue at hand is the economy as a whole.
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WHO? are you fucking retarded?

Middle Class Struggle For Homes
Queens Chronicle - Middle Class Struggle For Homes

A struggle to make ends meet
Middle class, buried in bills, cutting back, and reaching out for help
Middle class families struggling to make ends meet - The Boston Globe

Cities Shed Middle Class, and Are Richer and Poorer for It

Blacks Lose Better Jobs Faster As Middle-Class Work Drops
Blacks Lose Better Jobs Faster As Middle-Class Work Drops - New York Times

DO YOU NEED MORE EXAMPLES YOU STUPID SON OF A BITCH? Cite your fucking sources, motherfucker. We can all make up numbers. Im betting jacks, joes and dominoes that your numbers come from a bullshit rightwing blog.

Perhaps the people in your first like should follow your advice and move somewhere where housing prices aren't quite so ridiculous.

Second Link:

The first two paragraphs are pretty telling and keep in mind the money spent both places was THEIR CHOICE. Eating out generally costs more than groceries and eating in. think of the money they would have now had that not spent money on these two things alone. This link doesn't help you at all. It helps prove MY point because right off the bat we see unneccessary expenditures that they CHOSE to make. Your excuse of course will be it's not their fault the economy got bad. This is called planning and just a shred of knowledge about how markets work. They are never constant. They cycle. Most people should intuitively know this and plan accordingly.

Third link:

That one doesn't help you either. It flat out says haveing rich people to invest in capital in urban areas is a GOOD thing. You clearly have not considered all of the possibilities as to why the middle class is shrinking. You are to much of a left wing loon to manage that. Whether you accept it or not, there is a very real social behavior and atitude component to this trend.
Would he be ther if he did NOT put in 30 years of work?

I guess that depends on how far up the wealth heirachy was the vagina that birthed him.

How? be specific. How is his socioeconomic background going to keep him wealth refardless of the effort he puts in?

Steller argument, truly.

way to offer a rebuttal. Indeed, and you WONDER why your bullshit opinion of economic theory doesn't float in the face of evidence. You know, like the FACT that wealthy motherfuckers are not trading places with the poor just to create an even advantage.


In the face of the evidence that we are seeing now our mostly free market is behaving exacltey as it should. Nothing is out of line here. You simplu don't like the consequences of such a system. A system we have lived under since the founding of the country. Perhaps it is you that need to move if your too much of a pussy to hold your own weight. there are plenty of countries that do that. France has oh 15%-20% unemployment yet you here little of them complaining thanks to their uber welfare program. Why should I move when i already have what I want here? Better yet why is it you who shouldn't move when they have exactley what YOU want over there?
Perhaps the people in your first like should follow your advice and move somewhere where housing prices aren't quite so ridiculous.

perhaps your opinion means two things to the rest of us: jack and shit.

Second Link:
The first two paragraphs are pretty telling and keep in mind the money spent both places was THEIR CHOICE. Eating out generally costs more than groceries and eating in. think of the money they would have now had that not spent money on these two things alone. This link doesn't help you at all. It helps prove MY point because right off the bat we see unneccessary expenditures that they CHOSE to make. Your excuse of course will be it's not their fault the economy got bad. This is called planning and just a shred of knowledge about how markets work. They are never constant. They cycle. Most people should intuitively know this and plan accordingly.

Hey, make whatever excuses you need for the EVIDENCE I provided. I mean, OUR poor are not begging on the streets of fucking Calcutta so they MUST be wealthy!


Trust me, dude... while you scratch your head wondering why the rest of America isn't listening to your bullshit feel free to rationalize more excuses for the failures of your economic opinions.

Third link:
That one doesn't help you either. It flat out says haveing rich people to invest in capital in urban areas is a GOOD thing. You clearly have not considered all of the possibilities as to why the middle class is shrinking. You are to much of a left wing loon to manage that. Whether you accept it or not, there is a very real social behavior and atitude component to this trend

again, you OPINION means two things and neither of those trump the EVIDENCE i've provided in rebuttal to some ignorant jackass who thinks the middle class have not been kicked in the balls by your retarded economic opinons. It's cool, dude. I see that you didn't provide SHIT as evidence so.. I guess crying like a wounded bitch might give your wealthy friends a stiffy but it's just not impressive this side of the 2% line. Call me whatever you need to.. the FACT remains that Im the only one offering more than some bullshit free market "rich people are awsome" wealth worship as a rebuttal.

Now, as you wonder why the rest of us don't share your same hardon for rich people go ahead and take your fucking ass to dubai instead of crying on my shoulder.
How? be specific. How is his socioeconomic background going to keep him wealth refardless of the effort he puts in?

Steller argument, truly.

ARE YOU really that fucking retarded? do you see PARIS FUCKING HILTON EVER WORKING A MINIMUM WAGE JOB OUTSIDE OF A CAMPY FUCKING REALITY SHOW? Indeed, stellar enough to have you confounded, you fucking shill.

In the face of the evidence that we are seeing now our mostly free market is behaving exacltey as it should. Nothing is out of line here. You simplu don't like the consequences of such a system. A system we have lived under since the founding of the country. Perhaps it is you that need to move if your too much of a pussy to hold your own weight. there are plenty of countries that do that. France has oh 15%-20% unemployment yet you here little of them complaining thanks to their uber welfare program. Why should I move when i already have what I want here? Better yet why is it you who shouldn't move when they have exactley what YOU want over there?


YA! DEPORTING middle class jobs sure the fuck IS JUST HOW IT SHOULD WORK! I mean, THAT BENEFITS AMERICA SO MUCH! Indeed, I don't like the consequences. NO SHIT. Did you just figure that out? Are you fucking NEW HERE? And, it is INDEED that system that WE ARE VOTING TO CHANGE, motherfucker. WE ALSO lived in a system of slavery so you punk motherfuckers could retain your champaign pinky a few hundred years. HOW DID THAT WORK OUT FOR YOU, eh motherfucker? Something SURE THE FUCK CHANGED, didn't it? Bell Labs? CHANGED. Work conditions and Child labor? CHANGED. This is the trend, bitch. Love it or leave it.

It's precisely because you cry like a bitch about being taxed that will drive you out. Again, dont like it when Bush's wealth stroking taxes are repealed? Buh-bye!
Okay, now hopefully I wont get a bunch of replies here from people trying to make me feel ignorant..

With that being said.. I dont know much about the tax increase, so Im going to ask everyone here. Isnt this for people making over $250,000 per year? is that considered upperclass?

I already pay 44% of my checks to the gov. About 23% goes to federal and the rest to state and soc. sec. Isnt this tax increase for the folks making over 250k a yr, proposing to deduct 50% just for federal?

If this is true, how is taking 1/2 of my check off the top going to help me? I dont understand this type of thinking..
I see no benefit to giving people who don't need it tax breaks.

They've enjoyed these tax breaks for years now and the economy actually got worse.

Show me how having a small percentage of the already well off population getting tax breaks in the future is going to help the economy.

Not some pie in the sky theory, now, I want somebody to show me exactly how the people of the USA will be better off if a small percentage of them continue to get these tax breaks.

You could start out by explaining why this hasn't helped the economy yet.

We've invested trillions in tax breaks to the rich only to see our economy fail to create a better life for hundreds of millions of us, already, you know.

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i thought this was pretty obvious. if you are born into a wealthy family, you live in a wealthier neighborhood. this means a better funded public school or you are sent to a private school. you therefore get a better education. you likely wont need to work an after school job to help support your family or to allow yourself to have spending money or to save up money for college. so with the extra time you participate in after school actitivities to make yourself more marketable for colleges. youre parents can afford for you to apply to a bunch of colleges, and the really wealthy can donate money to the school to help 'ease' the acceptance process. you dont need to worry about cost of the school, so you can go to the best one which accepts you, not the one which gives the most aid. and while in school you wont need to work a part time job, so again you can focus on good grades or extra curricular actitivities to build your resume for after graduation. you can also take the unpaid internships to get experience. your parents could have many connections through their business dealings and would be able to get you an internship or a job somewhere far more easily than the kids who have to rely solely on the career services at the college. you now graduate debt free from a good school with internship experience, and your parent's connections help you secure a great entry level job.

did that explain it well enough for you? im not saying this is the norm, but it shows how being born into money can make it far easier to succeed. people acting like the only obstacle to riches is how hard you work or that being born into money doesnt really help are being very naive
The employment rate of gen-x techies is 100% in case you don;t get that. I am in the business and I hire every qualified American techie I can find and I still have to go to India for over 40% of the tech needs because our lazy gen-xer's won't take Computer Science and related majors in college!!!! We'd hire but they DON'T EXIST!!!!

That's a lie and I know it.

We've all heard about companies who post a want add for a job but then they ask so much from the applicants that no one could possibly meet all of your requirements. You only posted the job because you are required by law to do so. So when you don't find an American, then you can hire the cheaper foreign workers.

And IBM just cut the salary for their IT people because of some overtime dispute. If the market was in dire need for tech employees like you say, IBM would have lost all of their IT staff to the competition.

You are lying to us and you know it. There are Americans to fill those jobs, you just aren't looking hard enough. And millions of Americans are out of work and going back to be trained on this stuff. So here is another situation where the GOP told us to do something if we want to better ourselves and it will turn out to be another disappointment. First you encouraged everyone to get a home, then you trashed the market and millions lost their homes or the value they thought their home was worth. In other words, Bush encouraged a bad investment. Now you are telling us to go back to school for things like IT because the demand is so great, but then we won't find work because you will only hire cheap foreigners. And you will do so until the market is flooded with IT people and then you can pay a low wage because supply will beat demand.
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