Everyone wants to argue. What's the solution?

Feeding Crows

Gold Member
Jun 12, 2021
We want to fix the world. The powers that be, obviously don't want to listen because it affects their money.

How do we change this? I mean really! HOW DO WE CHANGE THIS?!?

Let's talk serious shit....

Give me all the money so I can afford to go to a galaxy far, far, away.


We want to fix the world. The powers that be, obviously don't want to listen because it affects their money.

How do we change this? I mean really! HOW DO WE CHANGE THIS?!?

Let's talk serious shit....

Think globally, ACT locally. Clean up the mess that's around YOU. When everyone does that the world is a better place.

The climate change BS is about power. It does nothing for the environment.
Hard thing to do today as this has grown worse by the year. The irony is electing a black man didn't open the minds of the bigots, instead it closed them and a moron birther appeared to solve their angst. Hate became a virus worse even than covid. A republican covers the topic well.

'It Was All a Lie: How the Republican Party Became Donald Trump' by Stuart Stevens

It Was All a Lie

More here: Reading that opens the mind - Books
We want to fix the world. The powers that be, obviously don't want to listen because it affects their money.

How do we change this? I mean really! HOW DO WE CHANGE THIS?!?

Let's talk serious shit....
If you're scared of climate change and you want humanity to develop ways to protect itself you should give as much support as possible to our space ventures. That's the kind of technology that will help ensure the long-term survival of our species on Earth and off.
We want to fix the world. The powers that be, obviously don't want to listen because it affects their money.

How do we change this? I mean really! HOW DO WE CHANGE THIS?!?

Let's talk serious shit....
People need to “fix” themselves. Earth will be here longer than mankind if man continues to freely manipulate natural elements. A perfect example of this happening currently: teams of research scientists actively pursuing the “next pandemic” in the Amazon region. These teams are searching for and finding potentially infected rodents to cut up and study. These include species yet touched by mankind. How “smart” they must be, to be above nature and risk it all in the pursuit of knowledge.

Some people do actually consider themselves to be above the natural workings of our perfectly balanced universe. Unfortunately, there are world leaders who hold this same position.

For decades now, we’ve tried to reduce global pollution. What are some major corporations doing? Some are recapturing carbon and buying credits, others are switching things up like improving their air quality with measures that increase their water pollution. These types of failed measures aren’t helping. Many public efforts are for show and not really about helping the planet per se. It’s more about public image for continued customers and sponsorship. Making sure you’re under the designated quota for carbons is more about doing what’s required by law and less about what it does for the planet.

Without respecting our world at least as much as we do ourselves, we will soon have no planet, particularly if more people begin thinking the true solution is to “fix the world” instead of fixing ourselves.
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People need to “fix” themselves. Earth will be here longer than mankind if man continues to freely manipulate natural elements.
I think it's not impossible that some day some curious scientist(s) will unwittingly make everything go boom.
I think it's not impossible that some day some curious scientist will unwittingly make everything go boom.
Ah, you’re mostly focused on the expediency of an ending eh? Of course a research scientist cutting up rodents will not be an instant end of the world, but manipulating natural variables (most any one will do) can unleash unknown diseases….come on you should know this Anom just look at recent upper respiratory virus creating havoc.
Ah, you’re mostly focused on the expediency of an ending eh? Of course a research scientist cutting up rodents will not be an instant end of the world, but manipulating natural variables (most any one will do) can unleash unknown diseases….come on you should know this Anom just look at recent upper respiratory virus creating havoc.
It can also give us unknown knowledge. You're just going to have to hold your breath, cross your fingers and believe in humanity, because we're not going to stop, not until the universe stops us. We're going to become gods or we will die trying. haha
It can also give us unknown knowledge. You're just going to have to hold your breath, cross your fingers and believe in humanity, because we're not going to stop, not until the universe stops us. We're going to become gods or we will die trying. haha
I think we have different definitions for humanity.

Agree it’s absolutely about obtaining knowledge, it’s just a fine line determining whether or not that knowledge is worth the risk, and sometimes it isn’t. They really need to update those magic eight balls.
sometimes it isn’t.
Some of the most horrible shit you can possibly imagine has given us important medical knowledge that saves people every day. If we unleash the zombie apocalypse someday I suppose that will be nature correcting our arrogance.

Natural selection.
Some of the most horrible shit you can possible imagine has given us important medical knowledge that saves people every day.
Tis true. I have no argument there.

Actively pursuing unknown viruses by deep scouring for hidden animals in the wild is disturbing. It lacks common sense and without that mankind is doomed. There are many book smart people, exceptional mindsets, but without common sense they don’t count for much.

Are we to believe that researchers have always been doing this? Where is the evidence that that’s the case? I’ll save you time here and state I’m not suggesting that because something has not yet been done before it can never happen. My point is there is a new push happening, and it goes beyond the pure quest for knowledge.

I fully understand searching for curative measures with tropical plant life, but it’s a whole different ball game going out pursuing potential viruses that can take out entire communities, leaving the healthy carcasses along the wayside, give me a break.

Do you really consider humans, any human alive today, to be without major potential for human error? Cutting up healthy rodents at random is not driven by pure motives, not even close. It’s a mix of intelligent types with egos overriding caution, with a fixation on global and domestic competition (most of us are highly competitive or we wouldn’t be here) in the name of outperforming all others in the race.

Anytime the goal for knowledge becomes tainted with goals for personal glory, the goal becomes very risky.

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