everyone: You really should be concerned about the virtue disparity


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 22, 2004
Let's admit it, we have a disparity of virtue in this nation. We have a nation of people who love violence, they love fighting, the love corruption, they are selfish, they feel entitled to other people's property, they are idle, they wasting time and money.

There are of course other people who are using their time wisely, who are peaceful, who are honest and hate corruption. People who are charitable. Who work for what they want and encourage others to do the same

But those people are fewer and fewer in our modern culture that encourages people to ignore virtue and morals. This problem is far more serious than any differences in income and much more destructive to our society.
Let's admit it, we have a disparity of virtue in this nation. We have a nation of people who love violence, they love fighting, the love corruption, they are selfish, they feel entitled to other people's property, they are idle, they wasting time and money.

There are of course other people who are using their time wisely, who are peaceful, who are honest and hate corruption. People who are charitable. Who work for what they want and encourage others to do the same

But those people are fewer and fewer in our modern culture that encourages people to ignore virtue and morals. This problem is far more serious than any differences in income and much more destructive to our society.

Hm, the word choice in this question sounds oddly familiar :lol:
Let's admit it, we have a disparity of virtue in this nation. We have a nation of people who love violence, they love fighting, the love corruption, they are selfish, they feel entitled to other people's property, they are idle, they wasting time and money.

There are of course other people who are using their time wisely, who are peaceful, who are honest and hate corruption. People who are charitable. Who work for what they want and encourage others to do the same

But those people are fewer and fewer in our modern culture that encourages people to ignore virtue and morals. This problem is far more serious than any differences in income and much more destructive to our society.

if you're worried, perhaps you should fight for stricter gun control and fight against the death penalty.

until then, you're just another supercilious radical religious right nutbar who should worry more about your OWN morality and less about others.

you know, that whole remove the mote from your eye thingie.
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Let's admit it, we have a disparity of virtue in this nation. We have a nation of people who love violence, they love fighting, the love corruption, they are selfish, they feel entitled to other people's property, they are idle, they wasting time and money.

There are of course other people who are using their time wisely, who are peaceful, who are honest and hate corruption. People who are charitable. Who work for what they want and encourage others to do the same

But those people are fewer and fewer in our modern culture that encourages people to ignore virtue and morals. This problem is far more serious than any differences in income and much more destructive to our society.

if you're worried, perhaps you should fight for stricter gun control and fight against the death penalty.

until then, you're just another supercilious radical religious right nutbar who should worry more about your OWN morality and less about others.

you know, that whole remove the mote from your eye thingie.

and thinks Beck is a smart honest guy.

I think you are more upset that I think you aren't.
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Let's admit it, we have a disparity of virtue in this nation. We have a nation of people who love violence, they love fighting, the love corruption, they are selfish, they feel entitled to other people's property, they are idle, they wasting time and money.

There are of course other people who are using their time wisely, who are peaceful, who are honest and hate corruption. People who are charitable. Who work for what they want and encourage others to do the same

But those people are fewer and fewer in our modern culture that encourages people to ignore virtue and morals. This problem is far more serious than any differences in income and much more destructive to our society.

if you're worried, perhaps you should fight for stricter gun control and fight against the death penalty.

until then, you're just another supercilious radical religious right nutbar who should worry more about your OWN morality and less about others.

you know, that whole remove the mote from your eye thingie.

And how is eliminating a persons right to self defense really going to help on virtue?

Are you honestly suggesting that in a free society that we shouldn't be concerned about building virtue in the community?
Let's admit it, we have a disparity of virtue in this nation. We have a nation of people who love violence, they love fighting, the love corruption, they are selfish, they feel entitled to other people's property, they are idle, they wasting time and money.

There are of course other people who are using their time wisely, who are peaceful, who are honest and hate corruption. People who are charitable. Who work for what they want and encourage others to do the same

But those people are fewer and fewer in our modern culture that encourages people to ignore virtue and morals. This problem is far more serious than any differences in income and much more destructive to our society.

if you're worried, perhaps you should fight for stricter gun control and fight against the death penalty.

until then, you're just another supercilious radical religious right nutbar who should worry more about your OWN morality and less about others.

you know, that whole remove the mote from your eye thingie.

and thinks Beck is a smart honest guy.

Does he really? I hope not.
if you're worried, perhaps you should fight for stricter gun control and fight against the death penalty.

Right, because while neither of those have a fucking thing to do with the thesis of the OP, you're a mindless partisan who thinks (if it can be called "thinking") in terms of platitudes and talking points.

until then, you're just another supercilious radical religious right nutbar who should worry more about your OWN morality and less about others.

Ethics and integrity are rejected by your shameful party, but they are the basis of a civil society, not that your party seeks a civil society.

You of course, are but a drone with no actual thoughts of your own.

you know, that whole remove the mote from your eye thingie.

Removing the right of people to defend themselves from predation is not ethical, not that you have the capacity to comprehend such things.
Come down from the moral high ground, horrible things happen everyday in the pursuit of wealth and power, it's called capitalism, the greatest distraction from a moral life that has ever been invented. Greed is a virtue and horrific violence is morally correct if the ends justify the means.
Let's admit it, we have a disparity of virtue in this nation. We have a nation of people who love violence, they love fighting, the love corruption, they are selfish, they feel entitled to other people's property, they are idle, they wasting time and money.

There are of course other people who are using their time wisely, who are peaceful, who are honest and hate corruption. People who are charitable. Who work for what they want and encourage others to do the same

Fun-lovers and fun-haters!
Let's admit it, we have a disparity of virtue in this nation. We have a nation of people who love violence, they love fighting, the love corruption, they are selfish, they feel entitled to other people's property, they are idle, they wasting time and money.

There are of course other people who are using their time wisely, who are peaceful, who are honest and hate corruption. People who are charitable. Who work for what they want and encourage others to do the same

But those people are fewer and fewer in our modern culture that encourages people to ignore virtue and morals. This problem is far more serious than any differences in income and much more destructive to our society.

Next you are going to propose we fix this by forcing religion on everyone.
Let's admit it, we have a disparity of virtue in this nation. We have a nation of people who love violence, they love fighting, the love corruption, they are selfish, they feel entitled to other people's property, they are idle, they wasting time and money.

There are of course other people who are using their time wisely, who are peaceful, who are honest and hate corruption. People who are charitable. Who work for what they want and encourage others to do the same

But those people are fewer and fewer in our modern culture that encourages people to ignore virtue and morals. This problem is far more serious than any differences in income and much more destructive to our society.

And what’s your ‘solution’ to this ‘problem’?

Complaining about it is only half the job, and otherwise pointless – don’t just ‘report the problem,’ offer as well a plan to fix it.
Next you are going to propose we fix this by forcing religion on everyone.

Integrity cannot be forced. It can be taught, but whether the lesson takes is often a matter of the character of the student.

The American left is devoid of integrity, but that doesn't mean that leftists could not learn ethics. The party actively attacks integrity and ethical behavior, leftists are taught to be unethical. With out the training to be sociopaths, many leftist could well develop basic ethical codes.

The left promotes lying, cheating, and stealing to promote the party, but I suspect that many leftists could learn that these things are wrong.
Next you are going to propose we fix this by forcing religion on everyone.

Integrity cannot be forced. It can be taught, but whether the lesson takes is often a matter of the character of the student.

The American left is devoid of integrity, but that doesn't mean that leftists could not learn ethics. The party actively attacks integrity and ethical behavior, leftists are taught to be unethical. With out the training to be sociopaths, many leftist could well develop basic ethical codes.

The left promotes lying, cheating, and stealing to promote the party, but I suspect that many leftists could learn that these things are wrong.

Oh give it a fucking rest. Both sides are corrupt as fucking hell.
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Next you are going to propose we fix this by forcing religion on everyone.

How does forcing anything fix anything?

Besides, I thought the non-religious have been claiming for years that you don't have to be religious to be virtuous. Are you saying that's somehow untrue?

I do think that communication with God and seeking His grace is the best way to become a virtuous people. But that doesn't mean we cant build virtue in ourselves without if we, for whatever reason, have no faith in God.

You want to be an honest person? You need to start telling the truth. To yourselves, to your loved ones, to strangers. You need to admit that the truth exists so you can seek after it.

Those who love honesty, truth, and integrity make a choice to live a life based on truth and work everyday to eliminate falsehood from their lives.

Same goes for the other virtues. Those who value hardwork over idleness, seek to work hard. Those who value charity, find ways to serve others daily. Those who hate violence, find ways to solve their problems without it. Some even will go to their deaths rather than inflict violence on others.

This is not something that can be forced on anyone. Those who practice virtue have to see the blessings of virtue. And there are incredible advantages to being a virtuous person, namely real lasting happiness.

That's the difference wanting to fix the virtue disparity vs the income disparity. Those who want to fix the income disparity do want to force their views on others. They do want to take money from some people to give to others.

In a virtuous society, you don't have to force anyone to do anything. They will give to the needy voluntarily. And everyone is blessed through that action.

Government truly isn't the solution to our society problems. People living good lives are.
And what’s your ‘solution’ to this ‘problem’?

Teaching integrity.

Currently, the left has succeeded in their culture war and made the idea of integrity a joke.

Complaining about it is only half the job, and otherwise pointless – don’t just ‘report the problem,’ offer as well a plan to fix it.

You, as a leftist are entirely devoid of ethics and the basic foundations of integrity. This has been taught and promoted over the last several decades, the concept that lying, cheating, stealing and violence are acceptable means of promoting and projecting power for the left. The ultimate goal of the left is the destruction of American society so that it can be replaced with a socialist dictatorship. The concerted assault on the concepts of honor and integrity that we have witnessed since the 60's is designed to facilitate the breakdown of civil society.

Teaching that ethics are not only okay to have, but actually preferable will do a lot. Obviously the left won't stand still for this, they have too much invested in purging themselves and society of all integrity. (Fine job you've done, I see almost no vestige of ethics in you.)
Oh give it a fucking rest. Both sides are corrupt as fucking hell.

Society is corrupt.

The counter-culture has drilled two generations in the idea that ethics are for the stupid, the suckers.

The snide and snarky derision of Bill Maher or Jon Stewart at those bumpkins who actually still hold to the concepts of honor and honesty are the poster of the what the left promotes.
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Next you are going to propose we fix this by forcing religion on everyone.

Integrity cannot be forced. It can be taught, but whether the lesson takes is often a matter of the character of the student.

The American left is devoid of integrity, but that doesn't mean that leftists could not learn ethics. The party actively attacks integrity and ethical behavior, leftists are taught to be unethical. With out the training to be sociopaths, many leftist could well develop basic ethical codes.

The left promotes lying, cheating, and stealing to promote the party, but I suspect that many leftists could learn that these things are wrong.

Oh give it a fucking rest. Both sides are corrupt as fucking hell.

If there was a side that wasnt, we wouldn't need to discuss this.
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Let's admit it, we have a disparity of virtue in this nation. We have a nation of people who love violence, they love fighting, the love corruption, they are selfish, they feel entitled to other people's property, they are idle, they wasting time and money.

There are of course other people who are using their time wisely, who are peaceful, who are honest and hate corruption. People who are charitable. Who work for what they want and encourage others to do the same

But those people are fewer and fewer in our modern culture that encourages people to ignore virtue and morals. This problem is far more serious than any differences in income and much more destructive to our society.

And what’s your ‘solution’ to this ‘problem’?

Complaining about it is only half the job, and otherwise pointless – don’t just ‘report the problem,’ offer as well a plan to fix it.

Changing ourselves. and then encouraging, teaching, exhorting, others to do so as well.

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