everyone: You really should be concerned about the virtue disparity

Oh give it a fucking rest. Both sides are corrupt as fucking hell.

Society is corrupt.

The counter-culture has drilled two generations in the idea that ethics are for the stupid, the suckers.

The snide and snarky derision of Bill Maher or Jon Stewart at those bumpkins who actually still hold to the concepts of honor and honesty are the poster of the what the left promotes.

Which is why we need to change the culture, one person at a time.
everyone: You really should be concerned about the virtue disparity

Let's admit it, we have a disparity of virtue in this nation. We have a nation of people who love violence, they love fighting, the love corruption, they are selfish, they feel entitled to other people's property, they are idle, they wasting time and money.

There are of course other people who are using their time wisely, who are peaceful, who are honest and hate corruption. People who are charitable. Who work for what they want and encourage others to do the same

But those people are fewer and fewer in our modern culture that encourages people to ignore virtue and morals. This problem is far more serious than any differences in income and much more destructive to our society.

Excellent. I was considering posting something like this, so thanks for starting this thread. :)

Also think it would be worth talking about "power disparity" in this nation. Greater power for the federal government, lesser power for the individual.
Integrity cannot be forced. It can be taught, but whether the lesson takes is often a matter of the character of the student.

The American left is devoid of integrity, but that doesn't mean that leftists could not learn ethics. The party actively attacks integrity and ethical behavior, leftists are taught to be unethical. With out the training to be sociopaths, many leftist could well develop basic ethical codes.

The left promotes lying, cheating, and stealing to promote the party, but I suspect that many leftists could learn that these things are wrong.

Oh give it a fucking rest. Both sides are corrupt as fucking hell.

If there was a side that wasnt, we wouldn't need to discuss this.

Now there's the real truth.
everyone: You really should be concerned about the virtue disparity

Let's admit it, we have a disparity of virtue in this nation. We have a nation of people who love violence, they love fighting, the love corruption, they are selfish, they feel entitled to other people's property, they are idle, they wasting time and money.

There are of course other people who are using their time wisely, who are peaceful, who are honest and hate corruption. People who are charitable. Who work for what they want and encourage others to do the same

But those people are fewer and fewer in our modern culture that encourages people to ignore virtue and morals. This problem is far more serious than any differences in income and much more destructive to our society.

Excellent. I was considering posting something like this, so thanks for starting this thread. :)

Also think it would be worth talking about "power disparity" in this nation. Greater power for the federal government, lesser power for the individual.

The reason for that is because we took the power away from the states. When the Republic was established, the Constitution split power between the Federal Government, the States, and the Individuals. Over the past 100 years, we've been weakening the States. And I believe alot of the people had good intentions. But before, individuals and states would be able to unite against the Federal Government. But now, we've so weakened the States, that when individuals try to go against the Federal Government, we are fighting an uphill battle.

history has shown that when power is divided between 3 groups there is stability, but when there is only 2, one always dominates it.

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