Everyone's a Hypocrite


Diamond Member
May 17, 2015
... if as much time was spent DOING something rather than talking about it, a difference might be made.

Easy to rant on a board. It's why I rarely say anything about the "hot topic" issues.
If I cared enough about them, I'd be using my phone or laptop to write people that actually can make a difference, or, out finding out how I can become part of the fight I "supposedly" care about....
Just be proactive as everyone else, Go on FB and click "like" about some great cause or change your picture temporary to French colors...

That will show them you are doing something:)
Just be proactive as everyone else, Go on FB and click "like" about some great cause or change your picture temporary to French colors...

That will show them you are doing something:)
That so annoyed me, that I went and read back up on what these crazy fuckers wanted, then thought about it for a day looking for a resolution, of which there isn't. It's a terrible idea but killing the believers doesn't kill the idea.
... if as much time was spent DOING something rather than talking about it, a difference might be made.

Easy to rant on a board. It's why I rarely say anything about the "hot topic" issues.
If I cared enough about them, I'd be using my phone or laptop to write people that actually can make a difference, or, out finding out how I can become part of the fight I "supposedly" care about....
Well fortunately you don't care enough about the hot topics. If you did it could seriously affect your ability to post 70+ times a day in here.
... if as much time was spent DOING something rather than talking about it, a difference might be made.

Easy to rant on a board. It's why I rarely say anything about the "hot topic" issues.
If I cared enough about them, I'd be using my phone or laptop to write people that actually can make a difference, or, out finding out how I can become part of the fight I "supposedly" care about....

Discussion boards and ranting is why we don't revolt. :) Have often mused if we didn't have these outlets it's be like "The Purge." If we couldn't complain we'd get it out in less peaceful ways. When people stop complaining, buy canned goods.
... if as much time was spent DOING something rather than talking about it, a difference might be made.

Easy to rant on a board. It's why I rarely say anything about the "hot topic" issues.
If I cared enough about them, I'd be using my phone or laptop to write people that actually can make a difference, or, out finding out how I can become part of the fight I "supposedly" care about....

Sometimes talking about things is all you can do. If all it does is allow you to vent, it's good enough.

Some posters are actually taking the time to discuss issues and change opinions. I admire them.

I'm a soldier, carry a .45, a voter and a volunteer first responder. If all I can do is try and make a difference in my community when a critical situation unfolds that's the best I can offer.

I haven't been ranting much at all. Most of what I'm doing Herr is seeing what others are doing. And studying how the human mind works. It's fascinating
I haven't been ranting much at all. Most of what I'm doing Herr is seeing what others are doing. And studying how the human mind works. It's fascinating

Yea it is fascinating how people change on these boards then how they really are in real life.
It is good to see events in different views and make our own opinions. What bothers me the most are those who can not see past what their TV tells them.
... if as much time was spent DOING something rather than talking about it, a difference might be made.

Easy to rant on a board. It's why I rarely say anything about the "hot topic" issues.
If I cared enough about them, I'd be using my phone or laptop to write people that actually can make a difference, or, out finding out how I can become part of the fight I "supposedly" care about....

Sometimes talking about things is all you can do. If all it does is allow you to vent, it's good enough.

Some posters are actually taking the time to discuss issues and change opinions. I admire them.

I'm a soldier, carry a .45, a voter and a volunteer first responder. If all I can do is try and make a difference in my community when a critical situation unfolds that's the best I can offer.

Regarding Paris, so, ISIS is out to wreak havoc on the world. Yet we have to have 300 topics on it.
What is there to discuss?
I haven't been ranting much at all. Most of what I'm doing Herr is seeing what others are doing. And studying how the human mind works. It's fascinating

Yea it is fascinating how people change on these boards then how they really are in real life.

There's no way I could say the shit I say here outloud in public without having some pinko bed wetter call the cops on me.

The purpose of this board is to exchange information and ideas. (Ranting is also tolerated for those with limited cognitive and/or verbal skills.) As such, it serves as a barometer of opinions within a somewhat select group of individuals. If some kernels of wisdom seep out into the general populace, so much the better. But I don't expect it to shape world events.
Regarding Paris, so, ISIS is out to wreak havoc on the world. Yet we have to have 300 topics on it.
What is there to discuss?

IMO it would be the abject stupidity of the frogs to demand the government disarm not only the citizenry, but even the police in some cases.

You would think that they would see how the swiss, with whom they share a border hasn't been engaged in a war since...

I don't know when. I'll have to look it up.

The reason is because no one fucks with a well armed population.

When the muzbots tried to attack the "Draw Muhamhead Award show" in TX, they were all killed, quickly with no loss of valuable life.

When muzbots attacked disarmed recruiters, they found success.

The frogs set themselves up for failure and libturds are desperate to do the same here.

The purpose of this board is to exchange information and ideas. (Ranting is also tolerated for those with limited cognitive and/or verbal skills.) As such, it serves as a barometer of opinions within a somewhat select group of individuals. If some kernels of wisdom seep out into the general populace, so much the better. But I don't expect it to shape world events.

People like Mathew, Billy, Rdearp, RW, paulitician, crick. .never got the memo....All they do is post the same propaganda no matter how many times they get shot down
I haven't been ranting much at all. Most of what I'm doing Herr is seeing what others are doing. And studying how the human mind works. It's fascinating

I studied psychology curious about the same things. Didn't know becoming a mod was an alternative. D'oh! ;)
I'm not against discussion....
But for those that do rant and rave, guess what, you could change someone's mind here, but your IMPACT will be stronger doing REAL THINGS to people that have power to effect change.

Like the groups we complain about that are out holding signs, and having hunger strikes etc.....
... if as much time was spent DOING something rather than talking about it, a difference might be made.

Easy to rant on a board. It's why I rarely say anything about the "hot topic" issues.
If I cared enough about them, I'd be using my phone or laptop to write people that actually can make a difference, or, out finding out how I can become part of the fight I "supposedly" care about....
What makes you think I am doing nothing?

Never assume.
I'm not against discussion....
But for those that do rant and rave, guess what, you could change someone's mind here, but your IMPACT will be stronger doing REAL THINGS to people that have power to effect change.

Like the groups we complain about that are out holding signs, and having hunger strikes etc.....

You do have a point.

When the "Tea Party" hit the streets it's effects were profound. The power base of government went from the hard left being unencumbered, to being completely paralyzed.

The problem is that people who aren't bed wetting malcontents have jobs and real lives. We can't stay on the streets and maintain a presence. We can't just set up tents in parks and shit on cop cars.

I would like to see a renewed effort though. If the people who oppose regressive moonbat policies once again took to the streets the republicrat party would be forced to stand by it's platform and the democrook party would dissolve. There is a very diverse array of principles within the anti-regressive population though.

For instance people like me believe ALL gun control, ALL weapon laws must be repealed. I'm a total extremist in that opinion though and I accept that. There are still some people who oppose regressivism that believe we need some tighter controls but that in general the 2nd Amendment means what it says.

Getting those of us who agree on the basic idea that libturdism is a slick road to hell to all agree on all the issues is impossible.

However you have to take notice that the dumbest %20 of the country are in total lock step with the destructive tenets of international socialism and another vapid %20 tend to vote the same way. It's the %60 of us who have the capacity to think that need a real leader.

I believe that leader is Ted Cruz, and I contribute money to his campaign. That's another worthwhile thing individuals can do beside venting on a forum.


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