RFK Jr. Campaign Releases Fantastic New Documentary


Alcohol kills more people than any other drug, not even close.

It is the best argument against legalizing any of the illicit drugs today.
will you be getting rid of alcohol too then?...
will you be getting rid of alcohol too then?...
Yes, I will single handedly get rid of all alcohol.

Thanks for asking.


Incidentally, you do realize that prohibition was just a ruse by Progressives to implement the US federal income tax, right?
Yes, I will single handedly get rid of all alcohol.

Thanks for asking.


Incidentally, you do realize that prohibition was just a ruse by Progressives to implement the US federal income tax, right?
the federal income tax was implemented in 1913 with the passage of the 16th amendment....
You think drunk driving is no worse than jaywalking or littering?

Thats wierd

Most of us have done it without even noticing it.

My point stands. If they were that concerned, there's a simple fix, put a blow-meter on every car as standard equipment, like seat belts and air bags and anti-lock brakes.
Most of us have done it without even noticing it.

My point stands. If they were that concerned, there's a simple fix, put a blow-meter on every car as standard equipment, like seat belts and air bags and anti-lock brakes.
Do you know why that would be difficult to pull off?

Because most people do not drive drunk most of the time

And many others do not trive drunk at all

They are reasonably not interested in dealing with all the paraphernalia that you are proposing
Do you know why that would be difficult to pull off?

Because most people do not drive drunk most of the time

And many others do not trive drunk at all

They are reasonably not interested in dealing with all the paraphernalia that you are proposing
Most people don't get into accidents and don't intend to.

But we still have seatbelt laws. We still have mandatory airbags. Anti-lock brakes are now standard equipment.

As a matter of cost-effectiveness, it is certainly better to spend $100 on a blow meter than the hundreds of thousands resulting from an accident.

But here's why it won't happen. The government makes too much money busting the guy who blew at 0.8 than it does just keeping the guy who drank 80 proof skullcracker and drove around at a 2.3.
Brainworm Bobby needs to get back on his medications.

If he thinks Amsterdam is an example we need to follow, he's already crazier than I think he is.

AMSTERDAM (Reuters) - Long famed for its casual attitude to marijuana use, the Dutch capital Amsterdam says it now has a serious problem with hard drugs that has brought increased violence and corruption at the hands of "hustlers, parasites and extortionists".

Money from the lucrative trade in drugs such as cocaine and ecstasy as well as marijuana has also found its way in the city's flourishing real estate market, according to a city-commissioned report entitled "The Other Side of Amsterdam".

"Amsterdam has given free rein...to a motley crew of drugs criminals, a ring of hustlers and parasites, middle-men and extortionists, of dubious notaries and real estate agents," the report said.
At the top of the criminal chain are wealthy organised crime bosses who may not be physically located in Amsterdam, the report said.
At the bottom are "criminal lackeys such as scooter and taxi chauffeurs and even youthful messenger-boys set to follow quite a career path: offering murder as a service."

Oh, boy. Just so typical of this Mao-loving Marxist clown. He's quoting from an article written five years ago. Kennedy's video was made a few weeks ago and includes an interview with a Netherlands health official who explains how Amsterdam has succeeded in getting drugs users and drug pushers off the streets.

Conservatives and sensible liberals will be encouraged to see that in the video, Kennedy comes out against California's disastrous new law that reduces to misdemeanors the crimes of shoplifting, possession of hard drugs, and open use of hard drugs. The video shows some of the harmful effects of this misguided new law.
Oh, boy. Just so typical of this Mao-loving Marxist clown. He's quoting from an article written five years ago. Kennedy's video was made a few weeks ago and includes an interview with a Netherlands health official who explains how Amsterdam has succeeded in getting drugs users and drug pushers off the streets.

Um, yeah, now they all operate in Cafes, right next to the Open Air Prostitution Markets and the Kiddy Porn shops.

Shit, I'm pretty much a liberal on social issues, and even I think the Netherlands goes way too far.

Conservatives and sensible liberals will be encouraged to see that in the video, Kennedy comes out against California's disastrous new law that reduces to misdemeanors the crimes of shoplifting, possession of hard drugs, and open use of hard drugs. The video shows some of the harmful effects of this misguided new law.

Uh, yeah, here's the thing. California can't lock up every drug user and shoplifter. They don't have the jail space to do it.

The Supreme Court ruled in 2011 that California must cut its prison population.

Unless CA is willing to build more prisons, they have to treat petty crimes like ... wait for it... petty crimes.

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