Everything full of lies, Russian troops not ready and not enough: Ukrainian soldiers don´t believe in a Russian invasion

i. e. they have been violating Minsk agreements, provoking Putin and igniting the war in a mild way, hoping Russia will be accused of "invading Ukraine" instead of them:)

they work in pair with the US to start World War 3...
When will you mercenaries leave Debaltsevo?
lol, 175 000 troops are a lie, there are 95000 and positioned in their permanent bases 300 km from Ukrainian border. The distance between Paris and London is about 340 km...

all this "Russian invasion" story is like Russiagate hoax, a big lie aimed to prevent Russian response to Ukrainian agression against Donbass (120 000 Ukrainian troops staying ready at Donbass border) .
and/or to force Germany to stop Nord Stream-2, Germany will not give up to American pressure unless Russia "invades" Ukraine.

so, first therr will be Ukrainian agression under American order, then Russian response, then European sanctions, maybe even the war by hands of Euroslaves of America, without direct American involvement.

and then American hands will be free to deal with China, Russia will be busy fighting Europe and Europe will be subdued by the US, having no Russian gas (30% of all European consumption)
Thanks for that info on the numbers of personnel and distance from the border and I assume that is the location of the forward refueling points, if accurate. Still, I've never been in a 95,000 strong training exercise and know that 300 km is 186 miles to Americans, which by military convoy speed on hardstand puts leading edge of motor movement about 4 plus hours away.
I don't know about the Donbass thing, but seriously doubt Ukraine is going to launch an attack, and definitely not on any American order.
I am quite willing to let Germany make it's own decision on the Nord Stream-2, though realize, overdependence on it places them in a precarious strategic position, regarding their own security, in regard to Russia, but that's just me.
I don't juggle competing theater strategies as well as some, having never operated above a corp staff position, so above one theater strategy, pretty much goes to echelons above reality, as we said in the trade.
Aw, that picture is 6 years old. I look twice as stupid now. Glass enema, eh? You hang out on too many kinky porn sites, no doubt.

Like most of so-called 'progressives' you're supposedly a sexual deviant. Only your comrades think firstly about perverse 'sex', Just for your information, Mr Communist. The aforementioned enema was applied by your progressive friends in Russia, between 1917 and 1924. Never heard about progressive Cheka?
Great. A Putin appeaser, right here on this board.:rolleyes:

Mr Communist.
Although Putin is a faggot, what's wrong to have own opinion about the world policy?
Or probably everybody must follow incredible lies of western MS presstitutes?
Mine are over 32 and one already served in Afghanistan, so probably not happening, so probably not happening unless they make nice offers for former Airborne, now ER nurses.


you shall say not 'served', but supported the heroin traffic from Afghanistan to USA.
lol, 175 000 troops are a lie, there are 95000 and positioned in their permanent bases 300 km from Ukrainian border. The distance between Paris and London is about 340 km...

all this "Russian invasion" story is like Russiagate hoax, a big lie aimed to prevent Russian response to Ukrainian agression against Donbass (120 000 Ukrainian troops staying ready at Donbass border) .
and/or to force Germany to stop Nord Stream-2, Germany will not give up to American pressure unless Russia "invades" Ukraine.

so, first therr will be Ukrainian agression under American order, then Russian response, then European sanctions, maybe even the war by hands of Euroslaves of America, without direct American involvement.

and then American hands will be free to deal with China, Russia will be busy fighting Europe and Europe will be subdued by the US, having no Russian gas (30% of all European consumption)

Your stupid Putin shall cut off all ties with the West and include Novorussia in Russia.
Otherwise you will lose anything including Crimea.
Putin is a coward ( piss be upon him ) who allowed Ukraine murder more as 100,000 civilians in Donbass.
Ukrainian military shifted the frontline by taking land and villages in so called gray zone. I doubt there will be any actual offensive on the separatists positions.

Ukraine shall kiss Putin on his traitorous ass.
If not corrupted sissy ratlike Putin all former Russian territorials would be already included in Russia back.
When will you mercenaries leave Debaltsevo?

Only after the last Ukrainian Nazi will be shot.
Blood of murdered Russians by supported through EU, USA and NATO Nazis lays upon all Ukrainians, after Putin and his gang get kick in the ass True Russian Patriots will take any inch of Russian soil back,

Like most of so-called 'progressives' you're supposedly a sexual deviant. Only your comrades think firstly about perverse 'sex', Just for your information, Mr Communist. The aforementioned enema was applied by your progressive friends in Russia, between 1917 and 1924. Never heard about progressive Cheka?
Hey, he's the one that mentioned a glass enema, not me. Take it up with him. If you meet any "progressives" have a Coke, and a smile and go on with your life, if you have one.
No, not familiar with how you were tortured by your communist comrades back with you were a kid, nor any progressive Cheka, probably because they concentrated on American history, rather than Russian history in Tennessee and Kentucky. It must have had a root effect on you, when they stuck it in. Heck, it probably was a root he stuck in you. All you old right wing nutters had those enema or root experiences? You know, there are drugs for post-traumatic stress. See somebody.
i. e. they have been violating Minsk agreements, provoking Putin and igniting the war in a mild way, hoping Russia will be accused of "invading Ukraine" instead of them:)

they work in pair with the US to start World War 3...

Your Putin and his corrupted gang are idiots, they should have not only invaded Ukraine but took all Russian areas back.
EU, NATO & USA will always find new reasons for new sanctions and allegations.
They want to see you dead, can you grasp it finally.
They will demand and demand, condemn and condemn, insult and insult because Russia is extremely rich on commodities which are being envied by owners of the West
You can make anything you want, but you will be always gulty.
Don't believe KGB faggot Putin , he is a liar.
Mr Communist.
Although Putin is a faggot, what's wrong to have own opinion about the world policy?
Or probably everybody must follow incredible lies of western MS presstitutes?
If you like Putin, go sleep with him. I'm not stopping you. I don't know the customs in your country. I'm just not a big fan of Russia, the Soviet Union, Putin or any of your other totalitarian/communist leaders of the past present or future. Go get a glass of cheap vodka and bum a smoke.
Oh, I don't really, but possible war, saber-rattling, it's all boring and stressful, and I have to concentrate on Covid these days.
then why don't you hold Biden accountable, tell him to stop sabre-rattling. If he doesn't give the order Ukraine will not start agression against Donbass and Russia will not respond...
Your Putin and his corrupted gang are idiots, they should have not only invaded Ukraine but took all Russian areas back.
EU, NATO & USA will always find new reasons for new sanctions and allegations.
They want to see you dead, can you grasp it finally.
They will demand and demand, condemn and condemn, insult and insult because Russia is extremely rich on commodities which are being envied by owners of the West
You can make anything you want, but you will be always gulty.
Don't believe KGB faggot Putin , he is a liar.

Take WWI as example, Russia was not ready to get involved, consequences were terrible.
Just as prior to WWII, just like now.

On the other hand, the US will collapse due to economic crisis in several years. Then we will take everything in peaceful way, with no blood and little effort, and former Soviet republics will beg us..
then why don't you hold Biden accountable, tell him to stop sabre-rattling. If he doesn't give the order Ukraine will not start agression against Donbass and Russia will not respond...
It is part of Ukraine, not Russia. This area supported separation from Russia.
In the 1991 referendum on Ukrainian independence, 83.9% of voters in Donetsk Oblast and 83.6% in Luhansk Oblast supported independence from the Soviet Union. Turnout was 76.7% in Donetsk Oblast and 80.7% in Luhansk Oblast.[35] In October 1991 a congress of South-Eastern deputies from all levels of government took place in Donetsk, where delegates demanded federalisation.[22]
Thanks for that info on the numbers of personnel and distance from the border and I assume that is the location of the forward refueling points, if accurate. Still, I've never been in a 95,000 strong training exercise and know that 300 km is 186 miles to Americans, which by military convoy speed on hardstand puts leading edge of motor movement about 4 plus hours away.
I don't know about the Donbass thing, but seriously doubt Ukraine is going to launch an attack, and definitely not on any American order.
I am quite willing to let Germany make it's own decision on the Nord Stream-2, though realize, overdependence on it places them in a precarious strategic position, regarding their own security, in regard to Russia, but that's just me.
I don't juggle competing theater strategies as well as some, having never operated above a corp staff position, so above one theater strategy, pretty much goes to echelons above reality, as we said in the trade.

I doubt that putting troops 4 hours away from the border means preparing for the attack. Plus, Yelnya, which US refers as area of concentration if Russian troops is on Belarus border, not Ukrainian one. And ready to interviene if Poland attacks Belarus (Poland pulled up to 20% of its troops to the border to counter a couple of thousands refugees :) )
It is part of Ukraine, not Russia. This area supported separation from Russia.
In the 1991 referendum on Ukrainian independence, 83.9% of voters in Donetsk Oblast and 83.6% in Luhansk Oblast supported independence from the Soviet Union. Turnout was 76.7% in Donetsk Oblast and 80.7% in Luhansk Oblast.[35] In October 1991 a congress of South-Eastern deputies from all levels of government took place in Donetsk, where delegates demanded federalisation.[22]

it was the 2nd referendum which was held by separatist authorities, but a little earlier there was another referendum, in which all Ukraine ( 71%) voted to stay in USSR.

Take WWI as example, Russia was not ready to get involved, consequences were terrible.
Just as prior to WWII, just like now.

On the other hand, the US will collapse due to economic crisis in several years. Then we will take everything in peaceful way, with no blood and little effort, and former Soviet republics will beg us..

Read my advise again.
You can't change enemies, they hate you and will fight Russia until the last Russian dies.
Through mandatory 'vaccination' against the non-existing virus and by supporting of scamdemic-1984 Putin clearly shows he's belong to the same globalist gang like Biden, Schwab, Gates & Co
What Putin could reach through countless negotiations with the West?
Russia shall cut off any relations with the West, kick all oligarchs and Putin out and allow only True Russian Patriots run the country.
Otherwise Russia will die
It is part of Ukraine, not Russia. This area supported separation from Russia.
In the 1991 referendum on Ukrainian independence, 83.9% of voters in Donetsk Oblast and 83.6% in Luhansk Oblast supported independence from the Soviet Union. Turnout was 76.7% in Donetsk Oblast and 80.7% in Luhansk Oblast.[35] In October 1991 a congress of South-Eastern deputies from all levels of government took place in Donetsk, where delegates demanded federalisation.[22]

I thought USMB has only one clown namely Litwin.
But I was wrong, he has a brother in spirit, so-called White 6.
It's happy slappy time, White 6 is coming

I doubt that putting troops 4 hours away from the border means preparing for the attack. Plus, Yelnya, which US refers as area of concentration if Russian troops is on Belarus border, not Ukrainian one. And ready to interviene if Poland attacks Belarus (Poland pulled up to 20% of its troops to the border to counter a couple of thousands refugees :) )

it was the 2nd referendum which was held by separatist authorities, but a little earlier there was another referendum, in which all Ukraine ( 71%) voted to stay in USSR.

Your apologizes can change nothing.
Russia is wrong because it's Russia.
You shall take Russian areas from Ukraine back, kick Putin & Co out, cut off all ties with enemies and let patriots run the country

For example




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