Everything The Democrats Do Is Fake....Because They Treat Every Fake Crisis The Same Exact Way


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Washington Democrats are evil.....they have no shame.

They are willing to try anything imaginable to get their power back.
As we speak they are planning more and more ways to trick us into giving them what they want.
We just went through a fake impeachment where they spent millions trying to get rid of a fairly elected president over a total lie made up by Adam Schiff.


One would think after seeing THAT public abortion that NOTHING is beneath them. It's possible that the Democrats would stoop so low as to try to use a fake pandemic to try to ruin the economy.

Witness Joe Biden. Their candidate shows an advance stage of Dementia, yet because they've been able to get him into the lead in the primary, we're supposed to ignore the fact that they're running a babbling baby-sniffer.....an utter fool..to be president.

It's getting to the point where you can't believe any damned thing the media publishes. I don't believe for one second that we can go from no cases to 1600 cases in less than 2 weeks. The only reason it seems possible is because we've seen movies that make the premise seem plausible. This has to be fake. A virus like this can't spread like that. The symptoms aren't that severe. Face it folks. The only people it really is a threat to is those who are already at death's door. Nobody in good health should be at risk.

But the real kicker is the ever changing positions of the Democrats.
First they said Trump was over-reacting.
Then they claimed he wasn't doing enough.
Now they're saying he's a racist for spelling out the facts of the source of the disease. The usual suspects...CNN...and the SQUAD..are busy spreading lies about a so-called racist president insulting our friends in China.

That, ladies and gentlemen, tells me that this is just one more case of massive media led fear-mongering, in an attempt to force us into a recession and get their corrupt mental patient into the White House, so they can take our guns and force Socialism down our collective throats. Once they're fully in charge they'll fake another pandemic and they'll lock us down in our homes like the Chinese are doing...and institute marshal law. Overnight this country will become Russia. That is their goal.


Joe Biden's Coronavirus Proposal Cribs Heavily from Trump Administration
'The EU Disapproves': Brussels Angry Trump Acted Without Permission
Ayanna Pressley: The Term 'Chinese Coronavirus' is Painful for Immigrants
Rubio: Chinese Dominance of Medical Manufacturing Endangers U.S.
March 13, 2020
Democrats' hypocrisy on coronavirus stinks to high heaven
By Patricia McCarthy
Now we know for sure: The Left is evil; really evil. While President Trump has been on top of the coronavirus from day one, the usual suspects on CNN and MSNBC, at the New York Times and Washington Post all pretend that he has not taken the disease seriously.

As they were busy impeaching the man, he was assembling a task force, banning incoming flights from China, and preparing for what has developed.

But the Democrats and their media talking heads are busy blaming Trump for the virus in every way they possibly can.

“The hardest thing to explain is the glaringly evident which everybody has decided not to see.” --Ayn Rand

So desperate to take this man down, the left has thrown any sense of decorum and civility to the wind. The barely sentient Joe Biden is actually using the virus to solicit donations to his pathetic campaign. Pelosi and her crowd are trying to get every wild spending program they can into the bill that should only be dealing with the ramifications of the virus.

The welfare state is not really about the welfare of the masses. It is about the egos of the elites.” --Thomas Sowell

Every anchor and guest on CNN and MSNBC is cheering the spread of the disease. Now they want to rescind every travel ban Trump has put in place to slow the spread of the illness! Oh, and they also want known terrorists to be eligible to work for the TSA! The Democratic Party and their handmaidens in the media are gleefully sacrificing the safety of American citizens, purposefully tanking the stock market by encouraging panic in order to defeat Trump in November. Has a single Democrat spoken out for calm, reason and unity to fight this epidemic? Not one. Each and every one of them is hoping for more deaths because they believe that more deaths will hurt the president. That is exactly how craven the left has become. Every American should be ashamed of their Democrat elected officials for they are a blight upon us as surely as the virus is a scourge.

Biden, Sanders, Pelosi and all their partners in this fabricated blame game are all fabulously wealthy; their lives will not be affected unless one of them comes down with the virus. Only then may they come to realize the error of their ways. But they can read the numbers. They know they are not likely to lose their lives to this event. They just cannot let this crisis go to waste. As usual they assume we the people are all idiots and cannot see through their despicable plan.

They are willfully fanning the flames of panic knowing full well that it will devastate the economy. They assume all this will bring about Trump’s downfall. But will it? Who among us thinks that Biden or Sanders would have handled this crisis better? They still want open borders even though they know that would massively spread the disease. It is doubtful that even a Democrat voter would watch what is happening and think they should vote for the senile Biden or the socialist Sanders. Had either of them been in the White House at this moment in time, this epidemic would surely have been much, much worse by now.

But the Pelosites do not care. For the Democrats it is never about the people, it is only about their power to control a population for which they have contempt.

It is hard not to reflect on Any Rand’s novel The Fountainhead because her book so clearly delineates the difference between good and evil people. The character of Ellsworth Toohey, an art critic in the book, is irredeemably corrupt. Howard Roark, the hero, is a good man, a man who believes in individualism and the soundness of his own mind. Unlike all those Sanders and Biden supporters, Roark has not surrendered his own good judgment. Toohey sees as his gift the ability to manipulate weaker minds and souls but in fact he has no talent, no gifts beyond crushing the souls of his followers. He is Stalinist by nature.

Sanders fits this description more than Biden but only because Biden is now mentally challenged. His handlers are on the same page as Bernie. Bernie’s essential communism is closer to the Toohey character. He wants to control the lives of others. He has acquired followers who blindly and stupidly think he will make their lives better. But Bernie never mentions the word “freedom”

“Freedom (n.): To ask nothing. To expect nothing. To depend on nothing.” --Ayn Rand

... or “liberty.” Sanders, like the rest of the left, wants his supporters to give up their own values, the values with which they were probably raised, to give them over to identity politics of race, class and many genders.

Sanders is like a Jim Jones, a cult leader to his legion of devotees who have been seriously mis-educated to believe that what Sanders is selling is viable. Biden’s handlers are equally in search of power and control of the population. The election of either of these men would be the end of America as would the implementation of even a fraction of the green new deal they both support. The end.

The Democratic Party has moved so far left that it might as well admit it is selling Venezuela-style socialism. Biden does not disagree with Sanders on anything but his overt honesty about his planned transformation of the United States. But...

“Civilization is the process of setting man free from men.” --Ayn Rand.

Biden and Bernie are not about preserving civilization; they want to harness it, to corral us all into their socialist dream.

President Trump campaigned on the idea of making America great again. The eight years of the Obama administration did terrible damage to our republic and its institutions, the FBI, CIA, IRS, and DOJ. They were all weaponized and used to persecute and torment any opposition to that administration’s agenda. Obama failed miserably to address the H1N1 flu epidemic in 2009; he waited until more than a thousand people had died to admit it was an epidemic.

Since the 1980s Trump has railed against our willing subjugation to China and we are now paying a terrible price for that sacrifice of our once cherished independence. How right he has been for all these decades and to have pushed against it since he became president.

Trump has done that in spades. Shockingly to many, he is a man of principle and integrity unlike the bloviating and demented Biden and the Soviet-adoring Sanders. Americans will be wanting to keep him for many very good reasons, least of all his handling of the coronavirus crisis. We are all safer for his travel bans and his determination to see that American never becomes a socialist country.

“Socialism in general has a record of failure so blatant that only an intellectual could ignore or evade it.” --Thomas Sowell

Neither Biden nor Sanders is an intellectual but they play ones on TV. Neither of them is an authentic, honorable man. Neither of them should get close to the Oval Office.

If this is on the level....we saw that the Chinese waited till they couldn't hide the fact they had a pandemic. There is a posibility that the Chinese unleashed the disease to control protesters.
This is the kind of actions that Democrats will unleash onto us.
They will wait till they cannot avoid the issue and thousands of people have died.
They're dishonest and nothing but a bunch of cowards.
They will be easily blackmailed by donors and forced to do what they know isn't in the best interests of the nation.
Every decision they make will involve the political consequences...right or wrong.
They will focus-group every decision instead of making the rational or moral decision.
Washington Democrats are evil.....they have no shame.

They are willing to try anything imaginable to get their power back.
As we speak they are planning more and more ways to trick us into giving them what they want.
We just went through a fake impeachment where they spent millions trying to get rid of a fairly elected president over a total lie made up by Adam Schiff.


One would think after seeing THAT public abortion that NOTHING is beneath them. It's possible that the Democrats would stoop so low as to try to use a fake pandemic to try to ruin the economy.

Witness Joe Biden. Their candidate shows an advance stage of Dementia, yet because they've been able to get him into the lead in the primary, we're supposed to ignore the fact that they're running a babbling baby-sniffer.....an utter fool..to be president.

It's getting to the point where you can't believe any damned thing the media publishes. I don't believe for one second that we can go from no cases to 1600 cases in less than 2 weeks. The only reason it seems possible is because we've seen movies that make the premise seem plausible. This has to be fake. A virus like this can't spread like that. The symptoms aren't that severe. Face it folks. The only people it really is a threat to is those who are already at death's door. Nobody in good health should be at risk.

But the real kicker is the ever changing positions of the Democrats.
First they said Trump was over-reacting.
Then they claimed he wasn't doing enough.
Now they're saying he's a racist for spelling out the facts of the source of the disease. The usual suspects...CNN...and the SQUAD..are busy spreading lies about a so-called racist president insulting our friends in China.

That, ladies and gentlemen, tells me that this is just one more case of massive media led fear-mongering, in an attempt to force us into a recession and get their corrupt mental patient into the White House, so they can take our guns and force Socialism down our collective throats. Once they're fully in charge they'll fake another pandemic and they'll lock us down in our homes like the Chinese are doing...and institute marshal law. Overnight this country will become Russia. That is their goal.


Joe Biden's Coronavirus Proposal Cribs Heavily from Trump Administration
'The EU Disapproves': Brussels Angry Trump Acted Without Permission
Ayanna Pressley: The Term 'Chinese Coronavirus' is Painful for Immigrants
Rubio: Chinese Dominance of Medical Manufacturing Endangers U.S.

You are seeing things clearly. People talk of how the Koreans are beating us on the testing -- -- -- why, the liberal left would much rather see the nation driven into a false panic, jobs lost, the economy in shreds if they think it means improved chances of their winning in November!

And how can anyone really be surprised?

Have we already forgotten how the Democrats LIED and made up a host of ridiculous phony charges and accusations against Trump then impeached him with no basis at all for doing so?

That failed, so do you really think they're not going to try to ride the virus scare for all its worth?

DO NOT KID YOURSELF that right now, Democrats are not working on how to make the Covid thing AS BAD AS POSSIBLE for as many as possible, hoping to derail Trump's reelection. So forgive me if I don't wish them well.

If you think I'm crazy, all one has to do is think back to the government shut down they pulled several years back under Obamas where the Democrats shut down every little aspect of the government in every way possible to hurt and inconvenience the public in every way possible.
Washington Democrats are evil.....they have no shame.

They are willing to try anything imaginable to get their power back.
As we speak they are planning more and more ways to trick us into giving them what they want.
We just went through a fake impeachment where they spent millions trying to get rid of a fairly elected president over a total lie made up by Adam Schiff.


One would think after seeing THAT public abortion that NOTHING is beneath them. It's possible that the Democrats would stoop so low as to try to use a fake pandemic to try to ruin the economy.

Witness Joe Biden. Their candidate shows an advance stage of Dementia, yet because they've been able to get him into the lead in the primary, we're supposed to ignore the fact that they're running a babbling baby-sniffer.....an utter fool..to be president.

It's getting to the point where you can't believe any damned thing the media publishes. I don't believe for one second that we can go from no cases to 1600 cases in less than 2 weeks. The only reason it seems possible is because we've seen movies that make the premise seem plausible. This has to be fake. A virus like this can't spread like that. The symptoms aren't that severe. Face it folks. The only people it really is a threat to is those who are already at death's door. Nobody in good health should be at risk.

But the real kicker is the ever changing positions of the Democrats.
First they said Trump was over-reacting.
Then they claimed he wasn't doing enough.
Now they're saying he's a racist for spelling out the facts of the source of the disease. The usual suspects...CNN...and the SQUAD..are busy spreading lies about a so-called racist president insulting our friends in China.

That, ladies and gentlemen, tells me that this is just one more case of massive media led fear-mongering, in an attempt to force us into a recession and get their corrupt mental patient into the White House, so they can take our guns and force Socialism down our collective throats. Once they're fully in charge they'll fake another pandemic and they'll lock us down in our homes like the Chinese are doing...and institute marshal law. Overnight this country will become Russia. That is their goal.


Joe Biden's Coronavirus Proposal Cribs Heavily from Trump Administration
'The EU Disapproves': Brussels Angry Trump Acted Without Permission
Ayanna Pressley: The Term 'Chinese Coronavirus' is Painful for Immigrants
Rubio: Chinese Dominance of Medical Manufacturing Endangers U.S.
Fuck the EU, they're just pissed
the gravy train has dried up since Trump...
That's why all the global leaders are pissed


The World Health Organization (WHO) declared the coronavirus outbreaka pandemic on Wednesday, with officials warning that they were "deeply concerned both by the alarming levels of spread and severity, and by the alarming levels of inaction" by world governments to prevent the disease from spreading.


I'm just providing the link for the statement I clipped


Tests indicate coronavirus can survive in the air
"Rush Limbaugh is convinced the media and Dems are using the Coronavirus as their weapon to “finally bring down Trump.”

I believe him. It’s painfully obvious.

He says that coronavirus is the answer to Democrats’ anti-Trump prayers.

Rush went on to blast the “gleeful” media coverage that is reporting on the virus nonstop, and he says liberals are secretly celebrating this virus.

Some not so “secretly” I see these happy people online.

“I just can’t look at this as an isolated thing,” Rush said. “I have to put it in context of everything that I know has happened in the last four years. Finally, something has come along that is accomplishing everything every enemy of Donald Trump, and us has wanted to accomplish for the last four years.”

RELATED: [VIDEO] McCain Hopes Coronavirus Will Destroy Trump While Behar Calls For Him to Resign

He also talked about the massively overblown hysterical panic that has gripped the nation. People have gone bonkers, literally changing every aspect of their lives over the virus based on this media panic."

Report: Rush Has Important "Red Flags" He Needs to Share Right Now Regarding the Media
The left has controlled public education for so long, and they've dumbed down the electorate to slack-jawed, drooling fucktards that will believe anything... such as there are 6,000 genders.

"Vote for me or catch the Wuhan virus while you're wiping your ass" will actually garner some votes in the ghettos. Anything for a few votes.... hmm?
Washington Democrats are evil.....they have no shame.

They are willing to try anything imaginable to get their power back.
As we speak they are planning more and more ways to trick us into giving them what they want.
We just went through a fake impeachment where they spent millions trying to get rid of a fairly elected president over a total lie made up by Adam Schiff.


One would think after seeing THAT public abortion that NOTHING is beneath them. It's possible that the Democrats would stoop so low as to try to use a fake pandemic to try to ruin the economy.

Witness Joe Biden. Their candidate shows an advance stage of Dementia, yet because they've been able to get him into the lead in the primary, we're supposed to ignore the fact that they're running a babbling baby-sniffer.....an utter fool..to be president.

It's getting to the point where you can't believe any damned thing the media publishes. I don't believe for one second that we can go from no cases to 1600 cases in less than 2 weeks. The only reason it seems possible is because we've seen movies that make the premise seem plausible. This has to be fake. A virus like this can't spread like that. The symptoms aren't that severe. Face it folks. The only people it really is a threat to is those who are already at death's door. Nobody in good health should be at risk.

But the real kicker is the ever changing positions of the Democrats.
First they said Trump was over-reacting.
Then they claimed he wasn't doing enough.
Now they're saying he's a racist for spelling out the facts of the source of the disease. The usual suspects...CNN...and the SQUAD..are busy spreading lies about a so-called racist president insulting our friends in China.

That, ladies and gentlemen, tells me that this is just one more case of massive media led fear-mongering, in an attempt to force us into a recession and get their corrupt mental patient into the White House, so they can take our guns and force Socialism down our collective throats. Once they're fully in charge they'll fake another pandemic and they'll lock us down in our homes like the Chinese are doing...and institute marshal law. Overnight this country will become Russia. That is their goal.


Joe Biden's Coronavirus Proposal Cribs Heavily from Trump Administration
'The EU Disapproves': Brussels Angry Trump Acted Without Permission
Ayanna Pressley: The Term 'Chinese Coronavirus' is Painful for Immigrants
Rubio: Chinese Dominance of Medical Manufacturing Endangers U.S.

Remember....to keep a man off the Supreme Court, they said he ran rape gangs when he was in high school........if that doesn't show how vile and disgusting these democrats are, I don't think any of the rest that you posted would help.......

They need to be kept from power....
Gov. Andy Cuomo spent about a half hour on Fox today with nothing but blather and cliches. Is it a coincidence that the lead medical spokesperson in NY is the commissioner of mental health and that the only group that is quarantined are Jews (in New Rochelle)? It sounds like the plot of a bad Si-Fi movie.
My cousin in Yakama Washington is being tested for coronavirus. She's had the flue 4 times this year even though she has gotten 3 sets of flue shots.
Don't let them give you a flue shot or any kind of shot right now if you live in a Blue State.
March 13, 2020
Democrats' hypocrisy on coronavirus stinks to high heaven
By Patricia McCarthy
Now we know for sure: The Left is evil; really evil. While President Trump has been on top of the coronavirus from day one, the usual suspects on CNN and MSNBC, at the New York Times and Washington Post all pretend that he has not taken the disease seriously.

As they were busy impeaching the man, he was assembling a task force, banning incoming flights from China, and preparing for what has developed.

But the Democrats and their media talking heads are busy blaming Trump for the virus in every way they possibly can.

“The hardest thing to explain is the glaringly evident which everybody has decided not to see.” --Ayn Rand

So desperate to take this man down, the left has thrown any sense of decorum and civility to the wind. The barely sentient Joe Biden is actually using the virus to solicit donations to his pathetic campaign. Pelosi and her crowd are trying to get every wild spending program they can into the bill that should only be dealing with the ramifications of the virus.

The welfare state is not really about the welfare of the masses. It is about the egos of the elites.” --Thomas Sowell

Every anchor and guest on CNN and MSNBC is cheering the spread of the disease. Now they want to rescind every travel ban Trump has put in place to slow the spread of the illness! Oh, and they also want known terrorists to be eligible to work for the TSA! The Democratic Party and their handmaidens in the media are gleefully sacrificing the safety of American citizens, purposefully tanking the stock market by encouraging panic in order to defeat Trump in November. Has a single Democrat spoken out for calm, reason and unity to fight this epidemic? Not one. Each and every one of them is hoping for more deaths because they believe that more deaths will hurt the president. That is exactly how craven the left has become. Every American should be ashamed of their Democrat elected officials for they are a blight upon us as surely as the virus is a scourge.

Biden, Sanders, Pelosi and all their partners in this fabricated blame game are all fabulously wealthy; their lives will not be affected unless one of them comes down with the virus. Only then may they come to realize the error of their ways. But they can read the numbers. They know they are not likely to lose their lives to this event. They just cannot let this crisis go to waste. As usual they assume we the people are all idiots and cannot see through their despicable plan.

They are willfully fanning the flames of panic knowing full well that it will devastate the economy. They assume all this will bring about Trump’s downfall. But will it? Who among us thinks that Biden or Sanders would have handled this crisis better? They still want open borders even though they know that would massively spread the disease. It is doubtful that even a Democrat voter would watch what is happening and think they should vote for the senile Biden or the socialist Sanders. Had either of them been in the White House at this moment in time, this epidemic would surely have been much, much worse by now.

But the Pelosites do not care. For the Democrats it is never about the people, it is only about their power to control a population for which they have contempt.

It is hard not to reflect on Any Rand’s novel The Fountainhead because her book so clearly delineates the difference between good and evil people. The character of Ellsworth Toohey, an art critic in the book, is irredeemably corrupt. Howard Roark, the hero, is a good man, a man who believes in individualism and the soundness of his own mind. Unlike all those Sanders and Biden supporters, Roark has not surrendered his own good judgment. Toohey sees as his gift the ability to manipulate weaker minds and souls but in fact he has no talent, no gifts beyond crushing the souls of his followers. He is Stalinist by nature.

Sanders fits this description more than Biden but only because Biden is now mentally challenged. His handlers are on the same page as Bernie. Bernie’s essential communism is closer to the Toohey character. He wants to control the lives of others. He has acquired followers who blindly and stupidly think he will make their lives better. But Bernie never mentions the word “freedom”

“Freedom (n.): To ask nothing. To expect nothing. To depend on nothing.” --Ayn Rand

... or “liberty.” Sanders, like the rest of the left, wants his supporters to give up their own values, the values with which they were probably raised, to give them over to identity politics of race, class and many genders.

Sanders is like a Jim Jones, a cult leader to his legion of devotees who have been seriously mis-educated to believe that what Sanders is selling is viable. Biden’s handlers are equally in search of power and control of the population. The election of either of these men would be the end of America as would the implementation of even a fraction of the green new deal they both support. The end.

The Democratic Party has moved so far left that it might as well admit it is selling Venezuela-style socialism. Biden does not disagree with Sanders on anything but his overt honesty about his planned transformation of the United States. But...

“Civilization is the process of setting man free from men.” --Ayn Rand.

Biden and Bernie are not about preserving civilization; they want to harness it, to corral us all into their socialist dream.

President Trump campaigned on the idea of making America great again. The eight years of the Obama administration did terrible damage to our republic and its institutions, the FBI, CIA, IRS, and DOJ. They were all weaponized and used to persecute and torment any opposition to that administration’s agenda. Obama failed miserably to address the H1N1 flu epidemic in 2009; he waited until more than a thousand people had died to admit it was an epidemic.

Since the 1980s Trump has railed against our willing subjugation to China and we are now paying a terrible price for that sacrifice of our once cherished independence. How right he has been for all these decades and to have pushed against it since he became president.

Trump has done that in spades. Shockingly to many, he is a man of principle and integrity unlike the bloviating and demented Biden and the Soviet-adoring Sanders. Americans will be wanting to keep him for many very good reasons, least of all his handling of the coronavirus crisis. We are all safer for his travel bans and his determination to see that American never becomes a socialist country.

“Socialism in general has a record of failure so blatant that only an intellectual could ignore or evade it.” --Thomas Sowell

Neither Biden nor Sanders is an intellectual but they play ones on TV. Neither of them is an authentic, honorable man. Neither of them should get close to the Oval Office.


Typical right wing garbage. Trump's response has been chaotic and confusing from the start He put out false in formation such as testing being available for anyone We saw a steady stream of information from the White House that had to be corrected by the people who know better.

There is nothing in the Democrat bills that should not be there. Helping people who may be unable to work or who may lose jobs due to the coronavirus scare is logical. Trump wants to bailout multi million and even billion dollar corporations who have also seen huge tax cut. No one is cheering for the coronavirus. Telling the truth is not cheering for anything. Clearly this is a Trump bitch who cannot tell the truth. Trump has made things worse by putting out mis-information. As usual Trump sycophants cannot accept this.

The National Review is a Trump supporter and recently said this.
"At the same time, however, it is important that the president’s defenders not be blinded by partisanship of their own into excusing failures of leadership and diminishing the danger of the epidemic itself. This can be particularly difficult because some of the most significant inadequacies of the administration have been the president’s own. So far in this crisis, Donald Trump himself has obviously failed to rise to the challenge of leadership, and it does no one any favors to pretend otherwise."

Trump Coronavirus Response: Failure So Far | National Review

Biden is infinitely better than Trump. Trump is a far right wing hatemonger who uses the same tactics that dictators like Hitler have used.

Trump also is the leader of a cult. Trump supporters are unable to think for themselves and regurgitate talking points. If Trump told you to drink the poisoned Kool-Aid, you would do it without hesitation. The FBI, CIA, IRS and DOJ were not weaponized for anything. Whether Obama failed is a matter of opinion however that does not excuse Trump's poor management of the coronavirus problem. It shows that you are a member of a cult.

Trump has only one principle. Put his needs above everyone else's. He put out misleading information to downplay it to benefit his re-election campaign. He admitted that he did not want the passengers on a cruise ship off of California to come ashore because they would show up in the statistics. When he stopped travel from Europe, he exempted countries where he has golf courses in. Trump is for himself and no one else.
Their response to every crisis is exactly the same.

Washington Democrats are evil.....they have no shame.

They are willing to try anything imaginable to get their power back.
As we speak they are planning more and more ways to trick us into giving them what they want.
We just went through a fake impeachment where they spent millions trying to get rid of a fairly elected president over a total lie made up by Adam Schiff.


One would think after seeing THAT public abortion that NOTHING is beneath them. It's possible that the Democrats would stoop so low as to try to use a fake pandemic to try to ruin the economy.

Witness Joe Biden. Their candidate shows an advance stage of Dementia, yet because they've been able to get him into the lead in the primary, we're supposed to ignore the fact that they're running a babbling baby-sniffer.....an utter fool..to be president.

It's getting to the point where you can't believe any damned thing the media publishes. I don't believe for one second that we can go from no cases to 1600 cases in less than 2 weeks. The only reason it seems possible is because we've seen movies that make the premise seem plausible. This has to be fake. A virus like this can't spread like that. The symptoms aren't that severe. Face it folks. The only people it really is a threat to is those who are already at death's door. Nobody in good health should be at risk.

But the real kicker is the ever changing positions of the Democrats.
First they said Trump was over-reacting.
Then they claimed he wasn't doing enough.
Now they're saying he's a racist for spelling out the facts of the source of the disease. The usual suspects...CNN...and the SQUAD..are busy spreading lies about a so-called racist president insulting our friends in China.

That, ladies and gentlemen, tells me that this is just one more case of massive media led fear-mongering, in an attempt to force us into a recession and get their corrupt mental patient into the White House, so they can take our guns and force Socialism down our collective throats. Once they're fully in charge they'll fake another pandemic and they'll lock us down in our homes like the Chinese are doing...and institute marshal law. Overnight this country will become Russia. That is their goal.


Joe Biden's Coronavirus Proposal Cribs Heavily from Trump Administration
'The EU Disapproves': Brussels Angry Trump Acted Without Permission
Ayanna Pressley: The Term 'Chinese Coronavirus' is Painful for Immigrants
Rubio: Chinese Dominance of Medical Manufacturing Endangers U.S.
Wow...you have really lost it now, haven't you? :71:
"Rush Limbaugh is convinced the media and Dems are using the Coronavirus as their weapon to “finally bring down Trump.”

I believe him. It’s painfully obvious.

He says that coronavirus is the answer to Democrats’ anti-Trump prayers.

Rush went on to blast the “gleeful” media coverage that is reporting on the virus nonstop, and he says liberals are secretly celebrating this virus.

Some not so “secretly” I see these happy people online.

“I just can’t look at this as an isolated thing,” Rush said. “I have to put it in context of everything that I know has happened in the last four years. Finally, something has come along that is accomplishing everything every enemy of Donald Trump, and us has wanted to accomplish for the last four years.”

RELATED: [VIDEO] McCain Hopes Coronavirus Will Destroy Trump While Behar Calls For Him to Resign

He also talked about the massively overblown hysterical panic that has gripped the nation. People have gone bonkers, literally changing every aspect of their lives over the virus based on this media panic."

Report: Rush Has Important "Red Flags" He Needs to Share Right Now Regarding the Media

Rush Limbaugh is a member of the cult of Trump. I would be shocked if he didn't say that. Obviously he got his talking points from Trump. Trump has helped fuel the panic.

Yeah....he tries to calm the public and Dems and their media scream he's lying to us.

Well fuck you in the bum my friend.
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Washington Democrats are evil.....they have no shame.

They are willing to try anything imaginable to get their power back.
As we speak they are planning more and more ways to trick us into giving them what they want.
We just went through a fake impeachment where they spent millions trying to get rid of a fairly elected president over a total lie made up by Adam Schiff.


One would think after seeing THAT public abortion that NOTHING is beneath them. It's possible that the Democrats would stoop so low as to try to use a fake pandemic to try to ruin the economy.

Witness Joe Biden. Their candidate shows an advance stage of Dementia, yet because they've been able to get him into the lead in the primary, we're supposed to ignore the fact that they're running a babbling baby-sniffer.....an utter fool..to be president.

It's getting to the point where you can't believe any damned thing the media publishes. I don't believe for one second that we can go from no cases to 1600 cases in less than 2 weeks. The only reason it seems possible is because we've seen movies that make the premise seem plausible. This has to be fake. A virus like this can't spread like that. The symptoms aren't that severe. Face it folks. The only people it really is a threat to is those who are already at death's door. Nobody in good health should be at risk.

But the real kicker is the ever changing positions of the Democrats.
First they said Trump was over-reacting.
Then they claimed he wasn't doing enough.
Now they're saying he's a racist for spelling out the facts of the source of the disease. The usual suspects...CNN...and the SQUAD..are busy spreading lies about a so-called racist president insulting our friends in China.

That, ladies and gentlemen, tells me that this is just one more case of massive media led fear-mongering, in an attempt to force us into a recession and get their corrupt mental patient into the White House, so they can take our guns and force Socialism down our collective throats. Once they're fully in charge they'll fake another pandemic and they'll lock us down in our homes like the Chinese are doing...and institute marshal law. Overnight this country will become Russia. That is their goal.


Joe Biden's Coronavirus Proposal Cribs Heavily from Trump Administration
'The EU Disapproves': Brussels Angry Trump Acted Without Permission
Ayanna Pressley: The Term 'Chinese Coronavirus' is Painful for Immigrants
Rubio: Chinese Dominance of Medical Manufacturing Endangers U.S.

Remember....to keep a man off the Supreme Court, they said he ran rape gangs when he was in high school........if that doesn't show how vile and disgusting these democrats are, I don't think any of the rest that you posted would help.......

They need to be kept from power....

He sexually assaulted a woman. That is why he should not have been confirmed. This is the avatar that describes you.

Washington Democrats are evil.....they have no shame.

They are willing to try anything imaginable to get their power back.
As we speak they are planning more and more ways to trick us into giving them what they want.
We just went through a fake impeachment where they spent millions trying to get rid of a fairly elected president over a total lie made up by Adam Schiff.


One would think after seeing THAT public abortion that NOTHING is beneath them. It's possible that the Democrats would stoop so low as to try to use a fake pandemic to try to ruin the economy.

Witness Joe Biden. Their candidate shows an advance stage of Dementia, yet because they've been able to get him into the lead in the primary, we're supposed to ignore the fact that they're running a babbling baby-sniffer.....an utter fool..to be president.

It's getting to the point where you can't believe any damned thing the media publishes. I don't believe for one second that we can go from no cases to 1600 cases in less than 2 weeks. The only reason it seems possible is because we've seen movies that make the premise seem plausible. This has to be fake. A virus like this can't spread like that. The symptoms aren't that severe. Face it folks. The only people it really is a threat to is those who are already at death's door. Nobody in good health should be at risk.

But the real kicker is the ever changing positions of the Democrats.
First they said Trump was over-reacting.
Then they claimed he wasn't doing enough.
Now they're saying he's a racist for spelling out the facts of the source of the disease. The usual suspects...CNN...and the SQUAD..are busy spreading lies about a so-called racist president insulting our friends in China.

That, ladies and gentlemen, tells me that this is just one more case of massive media led fear-mongering, in an attempt to force us into a recession and get their corrupt mental patient into the White House, so they can take our guns and force Socialism down our collective throats. Once they're fully in charge they'll fake another pandemic and they'll lock us down in our homes like the Chinese are doing...and institute marshal law. Overnight this country will become Russia. That is their goal.


Joe Biden's Coronavirus Proposal Cribs Heavily from Trump Administration
'The EU Disapproves': Brussels Angry Trump Acted Without Permission
Ayanna Pressley: The Term 'Chinese Coronavirus' is Painful for Immigrants
Rubio: Chinese Dominance of Medical Manufacturing Endangers U.S.
Wow...you have really lost it now, haven't you? :71:
No......but it's clear you lost YOUR marbles years ago.
"Rush Limbaugh is convinced the media and Dems are using the Coronavirus as their weapon to “finally bring down Trump.”

I believe him. It’s painfully obvious.

He says that coronavirus is the answer to Democrats’ anti-Trump prayers.

Rush went on to blast the “gleeful” media coverage that is reporting on the virus nonstop, and he says liberals are secretly celebrating this virus.

Some not so “secretly” I see these happy people online.

“I just can’t look at this as an isolated thing,” Rush said. “I have to put it in context of everything that I know has happened in the last four years. Finally, something has come along that is accomplishing everything every enemy of Donald Trump, and us has wanted to accomplish for the last four years.”

RELATED: [VIDEO] McCain Hopes Coronavirus Will Destroy Trump While Behar Calls For Him to Resign

He also talked about the massively overblown hysterical panic that has gripped the nation. People have gone bonkers, literally changing every aspect of their lives over the virus based on this media panic."

Report: Rush Has Important "Red Flags" He Needs to Share Right Now Regarding the Media

Rush Limbaugh is a member of the cult of Trump. I would be shocked if he didn't say that. Obviously he got his talking points from Trump. Trump has helped fuel the panic.

Yeah....he tries to calm the public and Dems and their media scream he's lying to us.

Well fuck you in the bum my friend.

Putting out false information to create a false sense of security has exacerbated the panic. He was lying.

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