Everything The Democrats Do Is Fake....Because They Treat Every Fake Crisis The Same Exact Way

Oh mudwhistle...your so-called president just declared a National Emergency over your fake crisis.
Hopefully we can learn from our mistakes with this one, and be better prepared and improve on the next pandemic
We were prepared until Trump disbanded Obama’s pandemic response team.

Did Trump Administration Fire the US Pandemic Response Team?

If you want to be better prepared for the next pandemic elect a new president.
The point of all of this is it well thought out and planned....and it's designed to look legitimate when in fact it is just media coverage (hype) tailored to ridicule naysayers. Anyone who questions the authoritarian state becomes a joke for everyone to laugh at.
It has worked in Russia, N Korea, N Vietnam, China, Venezuela, and every other communist or socialist country throughout history.
What's hysterical is everyone who comes here from one of those countries will tell you they've seen it all before.

anyone who actually believes that MILLIONS ARE GOING TO DIE from a FAKE VIRUS is a "joke" and we are all laughing at you.
If this is on the level....we saw that the Chinese waited till they couldn't hide the fact they had a pandemic. There is a posibility that the Chinese unleashed the disease to control protesters.
This is the kind of actions that Democrats will unleash onto us.
They will wait till they cannot avoid the issue and thousands of people have died.
They're dishonest and nothing but a bunch of cowards.
They will be easily blackmailed by donors and forced to do what they know isn't in the best interests of the nation.
Every decision they make will involve the political consequences...right or wrong.
They will focus-group every decision instead of making the rational or moral decision.
CHINA gave everyone the RNA profile of the virus on December 31, 2019,

on JAN 14th, 2020 the World Health ORGANIZATION, WHO, announced they had a test available for countries to use.... the USA declined... South Korea is testing 10,000 people a day, with a 6 hour wait for the test results, off of the WHO created test.... we haven't even tested 10000 people in the whole USA yet and it is March 13, 2020..... we have really missed our opportunity to contain it, at this point.... :(
Where's your link?
it's well KNOWN, except to FOX viewers and those who do not read the news....

I'll find you some links.... Mr. Broken Fingers... :D
It's well known if you pay attention to the usual communist propaganda spewing from CNN, MSNBC, WaPOST, NYTimes, or the Daily Fucking Kos.
not the Kos, but the rest is REAL NEWS and not FAKE FAUX News!

regardless, this link comes from the NIH, the US Govt /National Institute of Health....

In a timeline that reaches the present day, an epidemic of cases with unexplained low respiratory infections detected in Wuhan, the largest metropolitan area in China's Hubei province, was first reported to the WHO Country Office in China, on December 31, 2019. Published literature can trace the beginning of symptomatic individuals back to the beginning of December 2019. As they were unable to identify the causative agent, these first cases were classified as "pneumonia of unknown etiology." The Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and local CDCs organized an intensive outbreak investigation program. The etiology of this illness is now attributed to a novel virus belonging to the coronavirus (CoV) family, COVID-19.

Features, Evaluation and Treatment Coronavirus (COVID-19) - StatPearls - NCBI Bookshelf

World Health Organization (WHO) @WHO

Replying to @WHO and 2 others
Whole genome sequences for the novel #coronavirus (2019-nCoV) from the Chinese
authorities were shared with WHO and have also been submitted by Chinese authorities to the GISAID platform so that they can be accessed by public health authorities, laboratories and researchers.


6:27 PM - Jan 11, 2020

Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) - events as they happen
Last edited:
If this is on the level....we saw that the Chinese waited till they couldn't hide the fact they had a pandemic. There is a posibility that the Chinese unleashed the disease to control protesters.
This is the kind of actions that Democrats will unleash onto us.
They will wait till they cannot avoid the issue and thousands of people have died.
They're dishonest and nothing but a bunch of cowards.
They will be easily blackmailed by donors and forced to do what they know isn't in the best interests of the nation.
Every decision they make will involve the political consequences...right or wrong.
They will focus-group every decision instead of making the rational or moral decision.
CHINA gave everyone the RNA profile of the virus on December 31, 2019,

on JAN 14th, 2020 the World Health ORGANIZATION, WHO, announced they had a test available for countries to use.... the USA declined... South Korea is testing 10,000 people a day, with a 6 hour wait for the test results, off of the WHO created test.... we haven't even tested 10000 people in the whole USA yet and it is March 13, 2020..... we have really missed our opportunity to contain it, at this point.... :(
Where's your link?
it's well KNOWN, except to FOX viewers and those who do not read the news....

I'll find you some links.... Mr. Broken Fingers... :D
It's well known if you pay attention to the usual communist propaganda spewing from CNN, MSNBC, WaPOST, NYTimes, or the Daily Fucking Kos.
not the Kos, but the rest is REAL NEWS and not FAKE FAUX News!

regardless, this link comes from the NIH, the US Govt /National Institute of Health....

In a timeline that reaches the present day, an epidemic of cases with unexplained low respiratory infections detected in Wuhan, the largest metropolitan area in China's Hubei province, was first reported to the WHO Country Office in China, on December 31, 2019. Published literature can trace the beginning of symptomatic individuals back to the beginning of December 2019. As they were unable to identify the causative agent, these first cases were classified as "pneumonia of unknown etiology." The Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and local CDCs organized an intensive outbreak investigation program. The etiology of this illness is now attributed to a novel virus belonging to the coronavirus (CoV) family, COVID-19.

Features, Evaluation and Treatment Coronavirus (COVID-19) - StatPearls - NCBI Bookshelf

World Health Organization (WHO) @WHO

Replying to @WHO and 2 others
Whole genome sequences for the novel #coronavirus (2019-nCoV) from the Chinese
authorities were shared with WHO and have also been submitted by Chinese authorities to the GISAID platform so that they can be accessed by public health authorities, laboratories and researchers.


6:27 PM - Jan 11, 2020
Hopefully we can learn from our mistakes with this one, and be better prepared and improve on the next pandemic
We were prepared until Trump disbanded Obama’s pandemic response team.

Did Trump Administration Fire the US Pandemic Response Team?

If you want to be better prepared for the next pandemic elect a new president.
The point of all of this is it well thought out and planned....and it's designed to look legitimate when in fact it is just media coverage (hype) tailored to ridicule naysayers. Anyone who questions the authoritarian state becomes a joke for everyone to laugh at.
It has worked in Russia, N Korea, N Vietnam, China, Venezuela, and every other communist or socialist country throughout history.
What's hysterical is everyone who comes here from one of those countries will tell you they've seen it all before.

anyone who actually believes that MILLIONS ARE GOING TO DIE from a FAKE VIRUS is a "joke" and we are all laughing at you.
Nobody other than the media claims millions will die.
Oh mudwhistle...your so-called president just declared a National Emergency over your fake crisis.
And you think he had any choice in the matter.
Do us all a favor and STFU.
Washington Democrats are evil.....they have no shame.

They are willing to try anything imaginable to get their power back.
As we speak they are planning more and more ways to trick us into giving them what they want.
We just went through a fake impeachment where they spent millions trying to get rid of a fairly elected president over a total lie made up by Adam Schiff.


One would think after seeing THAT public abortion that NOTHING is beneath them. It's possible that the Democrats would stoop so low as to try to use a fake pandemic to try to ruin the economy.

Witness Joe Biden. Their candidate shows an advance stage of Dementia, yet because they've been able to get him into the lead in the primary, we're supposed to ignore the fact that they're running a babbling baby-sniffer.....an utter fool..to be president.

It's getting to the point where you can't believe any damned thing the media publishes. I don't believe for one second that we can go from no cases to 1600 cases in less than 2 weeks. The only reason it seems possible is because we've seen movies that make the premise seem plausible. This has to be fake. A virus like this can't spread like that. The symptoms aren't that severe. Face it folks. The only people it really is a threat to is those who are already at death's door. Nobody in good health should be at risk.

But the real kicker is the ever changing positions of the Democrats.
First they said Trump was over-reacting.
Then they claimed he wasn't doing enough.
Now they're saying he's a racist for spelling out the facts of the source of the disease. The usual suspects...CNN...and the SQUAD..are busy spreading lies about a so-called racist president insulting our friends in China.

That, ladies and gentlemen, tells me that this is just one more case of massive media led fear-mongering, in an attempt to force us into a recession and get their corrupt mental patient into the White House, so they can take our guns and force Socialism down our collective throats. Once they're fully in charge they'll fake another pandemic and they'll lock us down in our homes like the Chinese are doing...and institute marshal law. Overnight this country will become Russia. That is their goal.


Joe Biden's Coronavirus Proposal Cribs Heavily from Trump Administration
'The EU Disapproves': Brussels Angry Trump Acted Without Permission
Ayanna Pressley: The Term 'Chinese Coronavirus' is Painful for Immigrants
Rubio: Chinese Dominance of Medical Manufacturing Endangers U.S.

Remember....to keep a man off the Supreme Court, they said he ran rape gangs when he was in high school........if that doesn't show how vile and disgusting these democrats are, I don't think any of the rest that you posted would help.......

They need to be kept from power....

He sexually assaulted a woman. That is why he should not have been confirmed. This is the avatar that describes you.


No, Kavanaugh did NOT assault a woman. Proven to be complete bullshit. Try again....
Oh mudwhistle...your so-called president just declared a National Emergency over your fake crisis.


What do you think of Guv Newsome declaring a state of emergency before ANY pos results of the China Flu?

Greedy MF is he!

You too! :)
Washington Democrats are evil.....they have no shame.

They are willing to try anything imaginable to get their power back.
As we speak they are planning more and more ways to trick us into giving them what they want.
We just went through a fake impeachment where they spent millions trying to get rid of a fairly elected president over a total lie made up by Adam Schiff.


One would think after seeing THAT public abortion that NOTHING is beneath them. It's possible that the Democrats would stoop so low as to try to use a fake pandemic to try to ruin the economy.

Witness Joe Biden. Their candidate shows an advance stage of Dementia, yet because they've been able to get him into the lead in the primary, we're supposed to ignore the fact that they're running a babbling baby-sniffer.....an utter fool..to be president.

It's getting to the point where you can't believe any damned thing the media publishes. I don't believe for one second that we can go from no cases to 1600 cases in less than 2 weeks. The only reason it seems possible is because we've seen movies that make the premise seem plausible. This has to be fake. A virus like this can't spread like that. The symptoms aren't that severe. Face it folks. The only people it really is a threat to is those who are already at death's door. Nobody in good health should be at risk.

But the real kicker is the ever changing positions of the Democrats.
First they said Trump was over-reacting.
Then they claimed he wasn't doing enough.
Now they're saying he's a racist for spelling out the facts of the source of the disease. The usual suspects...CNN...and the SQUAD..are busy spreading lies about a so-called racist president insulting our friends in China.

That, ladies and gentlemen, tells me that this is just one more case of massive media led fear-mongering, in an attempt to force us into a recession and get their corrupt mental patient into the White House, so they can take our guns and force Socialism down our collective throats. Once they're fully in charge they'll fake another pandemic and they'll lock us down in our homes like the Chinese are doing...and institute marshal law. Overnight this country will become Russia. That is their goal.


Joe Biden's Coronavirus Proposal Cribs Heavily from Trump Administration
'The EU Disapproves': Brussels Angry Trump Acted Without Permission
Ayanna Pressley: The Term 'Chinese Coronavirus' is Painful for Immigrants
Rubio: Chinese Dominance of Medical Manufacturing Endangers U.S.

Remember....to keep a man off the Supreme Court, they said he ran rape gangs when he was in high school........if that doesn't show how vile and disgusting these democrats are, I don't think any of the rest that you posted would help.......

They need to be kept from power....

He sexually assaulted a woman. That is why he should not have been confirmed. This is the avatar that describes you.

Actually, he was accused of sexual-assault by a Democrat who was paid by Democrats to make up a lie about the assault from 30 years ago. She had no witnesses to verify her story. She can't remember anyone who was there or who's home the attack took place at. As a matter of fact the judge had better proof he wasn't even at a party during the rough estimated time period she claims.

The only reason you bought that nonsense is because it suits your agenda.
You support at least one sexual assaulter. Says a lot, doesn't it?
Well, Hillary is a murderer, Joe Biden fondles children, Bill Clinton has committed rape and had sex with underage prostitutes and sold missile technology to China. But other than that......

Don't forget...wherever biden went as Vice President, members of his family followed and vacuumed up money from those foreign governments....... 1.5 from China alone...
Washington Democrats are evil.....they have no shame.

They are willing to try anything imaginable to get their power back.
As we speak they are planning more and more ways to trick us into giving them what they want.
We just went through a fake impeachment where they spent millions trying to get rid of a fairly elected president over a total lie made up by Adam Schiff.

One would think after seeing THAT public abortion that NOTHING is beneath them. It's possible that the Democrats would stoop so low as to try to use a fake pandemic to try to ruin the economy.

Witness Joe Biden. Their candidate shows an advance stage of Dementia, yet because they've been able to get him into the lead in the primary, we're supposed to ignore the fact that they're running a babbling baby-sniffer.....an utter fool..to be president.

It's getting to the point where you can't believe any damned thing the media publishes. I don't believe for one second that we can go from no cases to 1600 cases in less than 2 weeks. The only reason it seems possible is because we've seen movies that make the premise seem plausible. This has to be fake. A virus like this can't spread like that. The symptoms aren't that severe. Face it folks. The only people it really is a threat to is those who are already at death's door. Nobody in good health should be at risk.

But the real kicker is the ever changing positions of the Democrats.
First they said Trump was over-reacting.
Then they claimed he wasn't doing enough.
Now they're saying he's a racist for spelling out the facts of the source of the disease. The usual suspects...CNN...and the SQUAD..are busy spreading lies about a so-called racist president insulting our friends in China.

That, ladies and gentlemen, tells me that this is just one more case of massive media led fear-mongering, in an attempt to force us into a recession and get their corrupt mental patient into the White House, so they can take our guns and force Socialism down our collective throats. Once they're fully in charge they'll fake another pandemic and they'll lock us down in our homes like the Chinese are doing...and institute marshal law. Overnight this country will become Russia. That is their goal.


Joe Biden's Coronavirus Proposal Cribs Heavily from Trump Administration
'The EU Disapproves': Brussels Angry Trump Acted Without Permission
Ayanna Pressley: The Term 'Chinese Coronavirus' is Painful for Immigrants
Rubio: Chinese Dominance of Medical Manufacturing Endangers U.S.

Remember....to keep a man off the Supreme Court, they said he ran rape gangs when he was in high school........if that doesn't show how vile and disgusting these democrats are, I don't think any of the rest that you posted would help.......

They need to be kept from power....

He sexually assaulted a woman. That is why he should not have been confirmed. This is the avatar that describes you.

Actually, he was accused of sexual-assault by a Democrat who was paid by Democrats to make up a lie about the assault from 30 years ago. She had no witnesses to verify her story. She can't remember anyone who was there or who's home the attack took place at. As a matter of fact the judge had better proof he wasn't even at a party during the rough estimated time period she claims.

The only reason you bought that nonsense is because it suits your agenda.

Kavanaugh's calendar confirms Dr Ford's story. He was at the same party with the same person. Kavanaugh lied to Congress to boot. Not remembering some details is not unusual. I suppose she spent all that time in therapy because she knew Kavanaugh would be nominated to the Supreme Court. Typical for thugs like you Evil Kirk.
My cousin in Yakama Washington is being tested for coronavirus. She's had the flue 4 times this year even though she has gotten 3 sets of flue shots.
Don't let them give you a flue shot or any kind of shot right now if you live in a Blue State.
Don’t let them give you a flu shot in a Blue State?? You are in serious need of psychological counseling.
Yeah...fuck you.

California is breaking the law.
They've declared themselves to be a sanctuary state.

They are guilty of countless examples of human-trafficking.

And you think we should trust them?

Personally I think people like you are a danger to the rest of us.

California is breaking no laws. There is no requirement that states and cities must enforce federal immigration laws. White supremacists like you are the danger. The FBI has said so.
Washington Democrats are evil.....they have no shame.

They are willing to try anything imaginable to get their power back.
As we speak they are planning more and more ways to trick us into giving them what they want.
We just went through a fake impeachment where they spent millions trying to get rid of a fairly elected president over a total lie made up by Adam Schiff.


One would think after seeing THAT public abortion that NOTHING is beneath them. It's possible that the Democrats would stoop so low as to try to use a fake pandemic to try to ruin the economy.

Witness Joe Biden. Their candidate shows an advance stage of Dementia, yet because they've been able to get him into the lead in the primary, we're supposed to ignore the fact that they're running a babbling baby-sniffer.....an utter fool..to be president.

It's getting to the point where you can't believe any damned thing the media publishes. I don't believe for one second that we can go from no cases to 1600 cases in less than 2 weeks. The only reason it seems possible is because we've seen movies that make the premise seem plausible. This has to be fake. A virus like this can't spread like that. The symptoms aren't that severe. Face it folks. The only people it really is a threat to is those who are already at death's door. Nobody in good health should be at risk.

But the real kicker is the ever changing positions of the Democrats.
First they said Trump was over-reacting.
Then they claimed he wasn't doing enough.
Now they're saying he's a racist for spelling out the facts of the source of the disease. The usual suspects...CNN...and the SQUAD..are busy spreading lies about a so-called racist president insulting our friends in China.

That, ladies and gentlemen, tells me that this is just one more case of massive media led fear-mongering, in an attempt to force us into a recession and get their corrupt mental patient into the White House, so they can take our guns and force Socialism down our collective throats. Once they're fully in charge they'll fake another pandemic and they'll lock us down in our homes like the Chinese are doing...and institute marshal law. Overnight this country will become Russia. That is their goal.


Joe Biden's Coronavirus Proposal Cribs Heavily from Trump Administration
'The EU Disapproves': Brussels Angry Trump Acted Without Permission
Ayanna Pressley: The Term 'Chinese Coronavirus' is Painful for Immigrants
Rubio: Chinese Dominance of Medical Manufacturing Endangers U.S.
You’re still one of the stupidest, most lying and most vile people on the planet ijit muddy
My cousin in Yakama Washington is being tested for coronavirus. She's had the flue 4 times this year even though she has gotten 3 sets of flue shots.
Don't let them give you a flue shot or any kind of shot right now if you live in a Blue State.
Don’t let them give you a flu shot in a Blue State?? You are in serious need of psychological counseling.
Yeah...fuck you.

California is breaking the law.
They've declared themselves to be a sanctuary state.

They are guilty of countless examples of human-trafficking.

And you think we should trust them?

Personally I think people like you are a danger to the rest of us.

California is breaking no laws. There is no requirement that states and cities must enforce federal immigration laws. White supremacists like you are the danger. The FBI has said so.
Yeah the muddy loser is ignorant trash.
Remember....to keep a man off the Supreme Court, they said he ran rape gangs when he was in high school........if that doesn't show how vile and disgusting these democrats are, I don't think any of the rest that you posted would help.......

They need to be kept from power....

He sexually assaulted a woman. That is why he should not have been confirmed. This is the avatar that describes you.

Actually, he was accused of sexual-assault by a Democrat who was paid by Democrats to make up a lie about the assault from 30 years ago. She had no witnesses to verify her story. She can't remember anyone who was there or who's home the attack took place at. As a matter of fact the judge had better proof he wasn't even at a party during the rough estimated time period she claims.

The only reason you bought that nonsense is because it suits your agenda.
You support at least one sexual assaulter. Says a lot, doesn't it?
Well, Hillary is a murderer, Joe Biden fondles children, Bill Clinton has committed rape and had sex with underage prostitutes and sold missile technology to China. But other than that......

Don't forget...wherever biden went as Vice President, members of his family followed and vacuumed up money from those foreign governments....... 1.5 from China alone...

Trump receives a lot of foreign money. He received money from Turkey. Little wonder he chose Turkey over the Kurds. Trump had also planned to put Turkey on the list of countries whose citizens would not be allowed into the US. The Turkish businessman who Trump receives royalty payments threatened to stop making those payments and Trump backed down. Trump has worked with the Saudis and he defends them and refuses to hold them accountable for the murder of a American citizen. Trump has been backed by Russian oligarchs. Trump has made decisions as President that help his business. Biden has done none of that.
Washington Democrats are evil.....they have no shame.

They are willing to try anything imaginable to get their power back.
As we speak they are planning more and more ways to trick us into giving them what they want.
We just went through a fake impeachment where they spent millions trying to get rid of a fairly elected president over a total lie made up by Adam Schiff.


One would think after seeing THAT public abortion that NOTHING is beneath them. It's possible that the Democrats would stoop so low as to try to use a fake pandemic to try to ruin the economy.

Witness Joe Biden. Their candidate shows an advance stage of Dementia, yet because they've been able to get him into the lead in the primary, we're supposed to ignore the fact that they're running a babbling baby-sniffer.....an utter fool..to be president.

It's getting to the point where you can't believe any damned thing the media publishes. I don't believe for one second that we can go from no cases to 1600 cases in less than 2 weeks. The only reason it seems possible is because we've seen movies that make the premise seem plausible. This has to be fake. A virus like this can't spread like that. The symptoms aren't that severe. Face it folks. The only people it really is a threat to is those who are already at death's door. Nobody in good health should be at risk.

But the real kicker is the ever changing positions of the Democrats.
First they said Trump was over-reacting.
Then they claimed he wasn't doing enough.
Now they're saying he's a racist for spelling out the facts of the source of the disease. The usual suspects...CNN...and the SQUAD..are busy spreading lies about a so-called racist president insulting our friends in China.

That, ladies and gentlemen, tells me that this is just one more case of massive media led fear-mongering, in an attempt to force us into a recession and get their corrupt mental patient into the White House, so they can take our guns and force Socialism down our collective throats. Once they're fully in charge they'll fake another pandemic and they'll lock us down in our homes like the Chinese are doing...and institute marshal law. Overnight this country will become Russia. That is their goal.


Joe Biden's Coronavirus Proposal Cribs Heavily from Trump Administration
'The EU Disapproves': Brussels Angry Trump Acted Without Permission
Ayanna Pressley: The Term 'Chinese Coronavirus' is Painful for Immigrants
Rubio: Chinese Dominance of Medical Manufacturing Endangers U.S.

Remember....to keep a man off the Supreme Court, they said he ran rape gangs when he was in high school........if that doesn't show how vile and disgusting these democrats are, I don't think any of the rest that you posted would help.......

They need to be kept from power....

He sexually assaulted a woman. That is why he should not have been confirmed. This is the avatar that describes you.


No, Kavanaugh did NOT assault a woman. Proven to be complete bullshit. Try again....

It was not proven to be false. A bunch of white men ignored it. Little wonder women have moved to the Democrat Party.
Washington Democrats are evil.....they have no shame.

They are willing to try anything imaginable to get their power back.
As we speak they are planning more and more ways to trick us into giving them what they want.
We just went through a fake impeachment where they spent millions trying to get rid of a fairly elected president over a total lie made up by Adam Schiff.


One would think after seeing THAT public abortion that NOTHING is beneath them. It's possible that the Democrats would stoop so low as to try to use a fake pandemic to try to ruin the economy.

Witness Joe Biden. Their candidate shows an advance stage of Dementia, yet because they've been able to get him into the lead in the primary, we're supposed to ignore the fact that they're running a babbling baby-sniffer.....an utter fool..to be president.

It's getting to the point where you can't believe any damned thing the media publishes. I don't believe for one second that we can go from no cases to 1600 cases in less than 2 weeks. The only reason it seems possible is because we've seen movies that make the premise seem plausible. This has to be fake. A virus like this can't spread like that. The symptoms aren't that severe. Face it folks. The only people it really is a threat to is those who are already at death's door. Nobody in good health should be at risk.

But the real kicker is the ever changing positions of the Democrats.
First they said Trump was over-reacting.
Then they claimed he wasn't doing enough.
Now they're saying he's a racist for spelling out the facts of the source of the disease. The usual suspects...CNN...and the SQUAD..are busy spreading lies about a so-called racist president insulting our friends in China.

That, ladies and gentlemen, tells me that this is just one more case of massive media led fear-mongering, in an attempt to force us into a recession and get their corrupt mental patient into the White House, so they can take our guns and force Socialism down our collective throats. Once they're fully in charge they'll fake another pandemic and they'll lock us down in our homes like the Chinese are doing...and institute marshal law. Overnight this country will become Russia. That is their goal.


Joe Biden's Coronavirus Proposal Cribs Heavily from Trump Administration
'The EU Disapproves': Brussels Angry Trump Acted Without Permission
Ayanna Pressley: The Term 'Chinese Coronavirus' is Painful for Immigrants
Rubio: Chinese Dominance of Medical Manufacturing Endangers U.S.

Remember....to keep a man off the Supreme Court, they said he ran rape gangs when he was in high school........if that doesn't show how vile and disgusting these democrats are, I don't think any of the rest that you posted would help.......

They need to be kept from power....

He sexually assaulted a woman. That is why he should not have been confirmed. This is the avatar that describes you.


No, Kavanaugh did NOT assault a woman. Proven to be complete bullshit. Try again....

It was not proven to be false. A bunch of white men ignored it. Little wonder women have moved to the Democrat Party.
Yeah...only white men ignore rape.
Washington Democrats are evil.....they have no shame.

They are willing to try anything imaginable to get their power back.
As we speak they are planning more and more ways to trick us into giving them what they want.
We just went through a fake impeachment where they spent millions trying to get rid of a fairly elected president over a total lie made up by Adam Schiff.

One would think after seeing THAT public abortion that NOTHING is beneath them. It's possible that the Democrats would stoop so low as to try to use a fake pandemic to try to ruin the economy.

Witness Joe Biden. Their candidate shows an advance stage of Dementia, yet because they've been able to get him into the lead in the primary, we're supposed to ignore the fact that they're running a babbling baby-sniffer.....an utter fool..to be president.

It's getting to the point where you can't believe any damned thing the media publishes. I don't believe for one second that we can go from no cases to 1600 cases in less than 2 weeks. The only reason it seems possible is because we've seen movies that make the premise seem plausible. This has to be fake. A virus like this can't spread like that. The symptoms aren't that severe. Face it folks. The only people it really is a threat to is those who are already at death's door. Nobody in good health should be at risk.

But the real kicker is the ever changing positions of the Democrats.
First they said Trump was over-reacting.
Then they claimed he wasn't doing enough.
Now they're saying he's a racist for spelling out the facts of the source of the disease. The usual suspects...CNN...and the SQUAD..are busy spreading lies about a so-called racist president insulting our friends in China.

That, ladies and gentlemen, tells me that this is just one more case of massive media led fear-mongering, in an attempt to force us into a recession and get their corrupt mental patient into the White House, so they can take our guns and force Socialism down our collective throats. Once they're fully in charge they'll fake another pandemic and they'll lock us down in our homes like the Chinese are doing...and institute marshal law. Overnight this country will become Russia. That is their goal.


Joe Biden's Coronavirus Proposal Cribs Heavily from Trump Administration
'The EU Disapproves': Brussels Angry Trump Acted Without Permission
Ayanna Pressley: The Term 'Chinese Coronavirus' is Painful for Immigrants
Rubio: Chinese Dominance of Medical Manufacturing Endangers U.S.

Remember....to keep a man off the Supreme Court, they said he ran rape gangs when he was in high school........if that doesn't show how vile and disgusting these democrats are, I don't think any of the rest that you posted would help.......

They need to be kept from power....

He sexually assaulted a woman. That is why he should not have been confirmed. This is the avatar that describes you.

Actually, he was accused of sexual-assault by a Democrat who was paid by Democrats to make up a lie about the assault from 30 years ago. She had no witnesses to verify her story. She can't remember anyone who was there or who's home the attack took place at. As a matter of fact the judge had better proof he wasn't even at a party during the rough estimated time period she claims.

The only reason you bought that nonsense is because it suits your agenda.

Kavanaugh's calendar confirms Dr Ford's story. He was at the same party with the same person. Kavanaugh lied to Congress to boot. Not remembering some details is not unusual. I suppose she spent all that time in therapy because she knew Kavanaugh would be nominated to the Supreme Court. Typical for thugs like you Evil Kirk.

Wrong yet again. Ford's story was declared false by the witnesses SHE named. They said this never happened. Typical for liars like you.

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