Evidence continues to mount that the Obama Admin is the most corrupt in history


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
So much for his campaign "promises" of '08 that he will have "the most transparent Administration in history". Quite the contrary, between the scandals and cover ups of "Fast & Furious", "Benghazi", exposing national security secrets for political gain, and now this, it's very clear that this is the least transparent administration in U.S. history...

Whoa...Robert Gibbs admits he wasn’t allowed to discuss drone program

Former White House Spokesman Robert Gibbs made a startling statement during an interview when he admitted the WH told him not to mention the existence of the drone program. Don't be shocked that the hosts didn’t seem to mind the current administration pressuring its employees to hide the truth from the American people. As usual, they just laughed it off.

Obama advisor tells MSNBC he was told to deny existence of drone program ? Glenn Beck
Evidence continues to mount that you are exceptionly stupid, even for a 'Conservative'.
Written by Alex Newman

President Obama and key members of his Democrat cabinet like Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, disgraced Attorney General Eric Holder, Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius, Secretary of Energy Steven Chu, and UN Ambassador Susan Rice were all among the top ten most corrupt politicians in Washington for 2012, according to an annual list compiled by the non-partisan Judicial Watch. Also on the roster were several lawmakers including two GOP congressmen from Florida and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nevada).

The president himself made the infamous “Ten Most Wanted Corrupt Politicians” list due to a series of scandals and broken promises that have plagued virtually his entire time occupying the White House. Lawless behavior, regular violations of the U.S. Constitution, unprecedented secrecy, and abuse of so-called “executive privilege” to protect his senior officials all contributed to Obama’s designation as one of the most crooked politicians in the capital today.

Citing the president’s 2009 vow that “transparency” and the “rule of law” would be the “touchstones” of his presidency, Judicial Watch said the statement would get in on the first ballot if there were a “Hall of Fame” for broken promises. “Instead of transparency and the rule of law over the past four years, we have witnessed the greatest expansion of government in modern political history and, consequently, an explosion of government secrecy, scandals, and abuses of power,” the non-profit public interest watchdog explained.

Among the specifics that earned Obama the designation was a shroud of lawless secrecy that permeated the entire administration. Judicial Watch, which investigates and prosecutes official corruption, was forced to file almost 1,000 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests and close to 100 lawsuits against the administration to find out what was going on, it said. Despite stonewalling, the group investigated elements of ObamaCare, the showering of taxpayer money on mega Wall Street banks, continued funding of the “criminal ACORN network,” and much more.

According to the Washington-based group and countless other analysts, while Obama touts transparency in public, he actually condones the routine violation of federal open records laws by his administration in an effort to conceal his activities. There are almost countless examples to prove the point.

Another series of abuses that helped put the president himself on the widely respected corruption list was the use of unconstitutional and mostly unaccountable “czars” — many of whom were lawlessly put in charge of major government policies and programs. There are now 45 such figures in Washington, and more than a few have been linked to “scandals, thefts and kickbacks, flagrant and offensive statements, conflicts of interest, and radical leftist political ideologies and policies,” according to Judicial Watch, which has been monitoring “czar” developments for years. Obama’s “Green Jobs Czar” Van Jones was even a self-styled communist.


Read more:
Top 10 ?Most Corrupt? List Dominated by Obama Administration
Evidence continues to mount that you are exceptionly stupid, even for a 'Conservative'.

Yeah, why acknowledge an inconvenient fact that came from Obama's own press secretary when you can make personal attacks in a desperate attempt to change the conversation....

Obama specifically instructed his press secretary to lie to the American people after promising to create and maintain the most "transparent" administration ever.

Clearly you're not willing to hold politicians on your side of the aisle responsible. How sad... You are such a partisan asshole. People like you are the problem with America.
Feb 21, 2013

Author Steve Brill claims that the New Republic magazine hired Democratic lobbyist "media specialist" Anita Dunn to help secure an Oval Office interview with President Barack Obama. The magazine ran the interview, which was in part conducted by former Obama campaign aide Chris Hughes, who now owns and publishes the New Republic, on the cover of their re-launch issue earlier this year.

"Brill said that Hughes told him Anita Dunn, Obama's former communications official whose firm, SKD Knickerbocker, was doing publicity for the magazine's relaunch, had helped The New Republic land an interview with Obama in the Oval Office. Hughes -- who worked for Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign and has attracted criticism for participating in the oval office sit-down along with Foer -– told Brill that the interview would be running on the cover of the relaunch issue instead of his piece," reports the Huffington Post.

Brill disclosed the information as part of his complaint that the New Republic had gone with the Obama interview for the cover instead of his piece (which he withdraw from the liberal magazine, and which Time magazine published this week).


Read more:
'Non-Partisan' Magazine Hired Dem Lobbyist 'Media Specialist' to Get Obama Interview | The Weekly Standard
Obama really has the right unhinged. They have absolutely no message but "Obama sucks: :lol:

as pathetic or more so than 'Bush sucks' The right has nothing to offer. boo hoo hoo

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