Evidence Exposes COVID-19 World-Ending Social-Distancing Lock-Down Mandated Fear-mongering a complete manufactured FAKE


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

Trump promises to move Republican National Convention over ...

Nancy Pelosi Attends George Floyd Protest Surrounded by Guards ...

THIS is what FAILED 6'-Social Distancing Looks Like!

It's amazing how concern over massive infection death-rate Fall flare-up predictions, mandated continued lockdowns, sealed closures of businesses, and police-enforced social distancing disappeared overnight when the Democrats found a BETTER 'good crisis' they did not want to 'go to waste' / go un-exploited.....




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The clods in the crowd fail to realize their masks will NOT stop the transmission of the China Virus, which are small enough to go right through the mask.
Why are those people wearing masks if the virus is fake? You been watching that video of Drumpf claiming the virus is a hoax again havent you? :)

They wear the masks because they are told to by so called medical experts and unqualified politicians.

No one here is calling China Virus a fake, that is YOUR attempt to bullshit, which is a stupid idea, because it make to appear stupid for saying it.

Why are those people wearing masks if the virus is fake? You been watching that video of Drumpf claiming the virus is a hoax again havent you? :)

They wear the masks because they are told to by so called medical experts and unqualified politicians.

No one here is calling China Virus a fake, that is YOUR attempt to bullshit, which is a stupid idea, because it make to appear stupid for saying it.

The OP is calling it a fake. Cant you read?
The OP is calling it a fake. Cant you read?

Liberal self-appointed overseers chose a disastrously known-to-be-wrong model to predict MILLIONS of Americans (and did their best to bring that about - like Cuomo packing nursing homes with infected Coronavirus patients....

They 'militarily' shut down their states, fined and arrested citizens for exercising their Constitutional / civil / religious Rights....

Declared if you go out and violate liberal edicts and draconian oppressive mandates you will be KILLING people....

Yet they immediately dropped that cold when they saw the emerging racial 'war' coming, one they could support, promote, and benefit from.... Hell, Nancy Pelosi herself was out marching inches away from peaceful 'liberal protestors who were KILLING people by being out and refusing to Social Distance'.

Why are those people wearing masks if the virus is fake? You been watching that video of Drumpf claiming the virus is a hoax again havent you? :)

They wear the masks because they are told to by so called medical experts and unqualified politicians.

No one here is calling China Virus a fake, that is YOUR attempt to bullshit, which is a stupid idea, because it make to appear stupid for saying it.

The OP is calling it a fake. Cant you read?

Here is that thread title you don't understand:

Evidence Exposes COVID-19 World-Ending Social-Distancing Lock-Down Mandated Fear-mongering a complete manufactured FAKE

He didn't say the Virus itself is a fake, he is talking about the SOCIAL DISTANCING LOCKDOWN MANDATE WAS A MANUFACTORED FAKE, then he shows the photos that shows large crows was considered acceptable in rioting, protesting. The Democrat leaders are not condemning it, some even said protesting and rioting is good.

Try thinking harder next time.
The OP is calling it a fake. Cant you read?

Liberal self-appointed overseers chose a disastrously known-to-be-wrong model to predict MILLIONS of Americans (and did their best to bring that about - like Cuomo packing nursing homes with infected Coronavirus patients....

They 'militarily' shut down their states, fined and arrested citizens for exercising their Constitutional / civil / religious Rights....

Declared if you go out and violate liberal edicts and draconian oppressive mandates
I think you retards have a hard time reading. Millions dying was a prediction based on doing absolutely nothing.
Why are those people wearing masks if the virus is fake? You been watching that video of Drumpf claiming the virus is a hoax again havent you? :)

They wear the masks because they are told to by so called medical experts and unqualified politicians.

No one here is calling China Virus a fake, that is YOUR attempt to bullshit, which is a stupid idea, because it make to appear stupid for saying it.

The OP is calling it a fake. Cant you read?

Here is that thread title you don't understand:

Evidence Exposes COVID-19 World-Ending Social-Distancing Lock-Down Mandated Fear-mongering a complete manufactured FAKE

He didn't say the Virus itself is a fake, he is talking about the SOCIAL DISTANCING LOCKDOWN MANDATE WAS A MANUFACTORED FAKE, then he shows the photos that shows large crows was considered acceptable in rioting, protesting. The Democrat leaders are not condemning it, some even said protesting and rioting is good.

Try thinking harder next time.
So now youre claiming the lockdown was fake? In that case hes just as much of a stupid bastard as you are. The lock down served to keep the hospitals from being over rurn.
I think you retards have a hard time reading.

I think you are a lying, liberal, snowflake piece of shit who immediately started in on this thread by lying and making false accusations against me, attempting to speak FOR me, trying to 'liberally interpret' what I think / thought, believe, and said....

So I really stopped caring what you think and what you say after you did that. You have proven yourself not worth the time to IMMEDIATELY piss on if you were on fire.

Have a nice day, lil' lying snowflake.
Why are those people wearing masks if the virus is fake? You been watching that video of Drumpf claiming the virus is a hoax again havent you? :)

They wear the masks because they are told to by so called medical experts and unqualified politicians.

No one here is calling China Virus a fake, that is YOUR attempt to bullshit, which is a stupid idea, because it make to appear stupid for saying it.

The OP is calling it a fake. Cant you read?

Here is that thread title you don't understand:

Evidence Exposes COVID-19 World-Ending Social-Distancing Lock-Down Mandated Fear-mongering a complete manufactured FAKE

He didn't say the Virus itself is a fake, he is talking about the SOCIAL DISTANCING LOCKDOWN MANDATE WAS A MANUFACTORED FAKE, then he shows the photos that shows large crows was considered acceptable in rioting, protesting. The Democrat leaders are not condemning it, some even said protesting and rioting is good.

Try thinking harder next time.
So now youre claiming the lockdown was fake? In that case hes just as much of a stupid bastard as you are. The lock down served to keep the hospitals from being over rurn.

Your gross inability to understand is legendary, since you didn't notice neither me and him never denied there was a lockdown itself, the idea behind it was based on fake justification, the photos in the thread makes that clear, you have brain problems?

Did you flunk Elementary school?
So now you're claiming the lockdown was fake?

One liberal governor / mayor mandated a strict lock-down...then went out to get her hair done....

One female liberal gov / mayor ordered a strict business closure...but allowed her favorite jewelry shop to remain open so she could continue to buy / pickup shiny 'bling' when she felt in the mood to get more....

Michigan gov Whitmer railed against businesses being open and verbally assaulted and threatened anyone who violated her lock-down oppressive edicts....while her own f*ing husband was attempting to cut in line at a marina to put his boat in the water, telling the marina worker, "I don't think you now who my wife is!"


Oh, NO, little snowflake, the lock-downs were all 100% ...



You have been weighed. You have been measured And you have ...

Why are those people wearing masks if the virus is fake? You been watching that video of Drumpf claiming the virus is a hoax again havent you? :)

They wear the masks because they are told to by so called medical experts and unqualified politicians.

No one here is calling China Virus a fake, that is YOUR attempt to bullshit, which is a stupid idea, because it make to appear stupid for saying it.

The OP is calling it a fake. Cant you read?

Here is that thread title you don't understand:

Evidence Exposes COVID-19 World-Ending Social-Distancing Lock-Down Mandated Fear-mongering a complete manufactured FAKE

He didn't say the Virus itself is a fake, he is talking about the SOCIAL DISTANCING LOCKDOWN MANDATE WAS A MANUFACTORED FAKE, then he shows the photos that shows large crows was considered acceptable in rioting, protesting. The Democrat leaders are not condemning it, some even said protesting and rioting is good.

Try thinking harder next time.
So now youre claiming the lockdown was fake? In that case hes just as much of a stupid bastard as you are. The lock down served to keep the hospitals from being over rurn.

Your gross inability to understand is legendary, since you didn't notice neither me and him never denied there was a lockdown itself, the idea behind it was based on fake justification, the photos in the thread makes that clear, you have brain problems?

Did you flunk Elementary school?
Youre methods of deduction are puerile at best. So if you had two brain cells to rub together you would have remembered that masks were not considered a good method of protecting people. It wasnt until relatively recently that the role of masks as a tool to limit the spread virus was understood and pushed into the public. Hence it was better to keep people locked down as a precaution. How in the world you are able to type and breath at the same time is a wonder to me. How could you fools actually be this dumb?
Why are those people wearing masks if the virus is fake? You been watching that video of Drumpf claiming the virus is a hoax again havent you? :)

They wear the masks because they are told to by so called medical experts and unqualified politicians.

No one here is calling China Virus a fake, that is YOUR attempt to bullshit, which is a stupid idea, because it make to appear stupid for saying it.

The OP is calling it a fake. Cant you read?

Here is that thread title you don't understand:

Evidence Exposes COVID-19 World-Ending Social-Distancing Lock-Down Mandated Fear-mongering a complete manufactured FAKE

He didn't say the Virus itself is a fake, he is talking about the SOCIAL DISTANCING LOCKDOWN MANDATE WAS A MANUFACTORED FAKE, then he shows the photos that shows large crows was considered acceptable in rioting, protesting. The Democrat leaders are not condemning it, some even said protesting and rioting is good.

Try thinking harder next time.
So now youre claiming the lockdown was fake? In that case hes just as much of a stupid bastard as you are. The lock down served to keep the hospitals from being over rurn.

Your gross inability to understand is legendary, since you didn't notice neither me and him never denied there was a lockdown itself, the idea behind it was based on fake justification, the photos in the thread makes that clear, you have brain problems?

Did you flunk Elementary school?
Youre methods of deduction are puerile at best. So if you had two brain cells to rub together you would have remembered that masks were not considered a good method of protecting people. It wasnt until relatively recently that the role of masks as a tool to limit the spread virus was pushed into the public. Hence it was better to keep people locked down as a precaution. How in the world you are able to type and breath at the same time is a wonder to me. How could you fools actually be this dumb?

Now you are just flailing around, you can't stitch together a coherent rant.

I have known for many YEARS that masks don't stop Viruses from going through, yet millions of people who are ignorant of basic knowledge, allow politicians to lie and manipulate them over those useless masks. Some politicians even threatened to fine and or jail people for NOT using those useless masks, thus a lie was supported by threats.

You can go ahead and be easy to be lied and manipulated all you want, it is a freedom you were born with, but for me I don't let that happen, which is why I didn't waste time and money following their lies about the China Virus dangers.
The clods in the crowd fail to realize their masks will NOT stop the transmission of the China Virus, which are small enough to go right through the mask.


Did you see the thread in which I put an N95 mask under my microscope? The gaps in it are easily bit enough to let particles as big as 50 microns get through. The #CornoaHoax2020 virus ranges in size from 0.05 to 0.2 of a micron.

The surgical and cloth masks that most people are wearing are probably even less effective than the N95 mask that I examined, which is an odd statement, given how difficult it is to be less than nearly-zero.
Why are those people wearing masks if the virus is fake? You been watching that video of Drumpf claiming the virus is a hoax again havent you? :)

They wear the masks because they are told to by so called medical experts and unqualified politicians.

No one here is calling China Virus a fake, that is YOUR attempt to bullshit, which is a stupid idea, because it make to appear stupid for saying it.

The OP is calling it a fake. Cant you read?

Here is that thread title you don't understand:

Evidence Exposes COVID-19 World-Ending Social-Distancing Lock-Down Mandated Fear-mongering a complete manufactured FAKE

He didn't say the Virus itself is a fake, he is talking about the SOCIAL DISTANCING LOCKDOWN MANDATE WAS A MANUFACTORED FAKE, then he shows the photos that shows large crows was considered acceptable in rioting, protesting. The Democrat leaders are not condemning it, some even said protesting and rioting is good.

Try thinking harder next time.
So now youre claiming the lockdown was fake? In that case hes just as much of a stupid bastard as you are. The lock down served to keep the hospitals from being over rurn.

Your gross inability to understand is legendary, since you didn't notice neither me and him never denied there was a lockdown itself, the idea behind it was based on fake justification, the photos in the thread makes that clear, you have brain problems?

Did you flunk Elementary school?
Youre methods of deduction are puerile at best. So if you had two brain cells to rub together you would have remembered that masks were not considered a good method of protecting people. It wasnt until relatively recently that the role of masks as a tool to limit the spread virus was pushed into the public. Hence it was better to keep people locked down as a precaution. How in the world you are able to type and breath at the same time is a wonder to me. How could you fools actually be this dumb?

Now you are just flailing around, you can't stitch together a coherent rant.

I have known for many YEARS that masks don't stop Viruses from going through, yet millions of people who are ignorant of basic knowledge, allow politicians to lie and manipulate them over those useless masks. Some politicians even threatened to fine and or jail people for NOT using those useless masks, thus a lie was supported by threats.

You can go ahead and be easy to be lied and manipulated all you want, it is a freedom you were born with, but for me I don't let that happen, which is why I didn't waste time and money following their lies about the China Virus dangers.
You have known..? :)

You dont know shit. Anyone that listens to you doesnt know shit either. Mask cut down on the transmission of the disease by catching the water particles that the virus resides in. Does it stop 100% of the virus? No. However, its way better than going out there without a mask on. I dont begrude you your right to be a fucking fool but when you endanger someone else dont be surprised if someone breaks a foot off in your ass ok?
The clods in the crowd fail to realize their masks will NOT stop the transmission of the China Virus, which are small enough to go right through the mask.


Did you see the thread in which I put an N95 mask under my microscope? The gaps in it are easily bit enough to let particles as big as 50 microns get through. The #CornoaHoax2020 virus ranges in size from 0.05 to 0.2 of a micron.

The surgical and cloth masks that most people are wearing are probably even less effective than the N95 mask that I examined, which is an odd statement, given how difficult it is to be less than nearly-zero.

I saw the thread, commented in it. The N95 mask was rated to .30 microns, which means it was useless against the China Virus, which was on average about.125 microns in size.
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THIS is what FAILED 6'-Social Distancing Looks Like!

It's amazing how concern over massive infection death-rate Fall flare-up predictions, mandated continued lockdowns, sealed closures of businesses, and police-enforced social distancing disappeared overnight when the Democrats found a BETTER 'good crisis' they did not want to 'go to waste' / go un-exploited.....



Imagine an existential crisis so egregious that Americans of every race and background are prepared to risk their lives for it.

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