Evidence that Jesus was Mentally Ill

Before you show that Jesus had bi-polar disorder (manic depression), shouldn't you first show that he actually existed in the first place?
Thank you for proving my point that it's the followers who have the illness.
Fact: you claim Jesus is the God of the Torah yet your religion killed and tortured those who worshiped the God of the Torah because they didn't worship this Gee-he's-sick character=proof they sre not the same God.
Fact: your faith spends 10's of millions trying to convert Jews away from that same God over to Jesus instead of non believers over to your idol god.
Which brings us to the IDOL BEING VENERATED:
Fact: Isaiah 44 warns of the carpenter fashioning a wood idol to be placed on your wall where you bow to it and ask it for salvation.
By making this Jesus icon your god you managed to break all the commands, create the Lucifer character and fulfill the prophecy of thec1/3 fallen in deception.
Fulfill the Canaanite mythologies of Baals son aka the morning star-rev 22:16 who through dying surpasses his father on the throne becoming higher then baal.
You Gee-he's-sick is not the God of the Torah as proven, he is the new mask for Baal thus given baals birthdate of Dec 25th and baals mythology stories (as found in predated tablets). Hence father & son are one because they are the same mythology which is why the number of his name
"Baal Jesus"=666 in ascll numerology.
How many fucking times can this fucking asshole OP start the EXACT SAME FUCKING THREAD???????

Thank you for proving my point that it's the followers who have the illness.
Fact: you claim Jesus is the God of the Torah yet your religion killed and tortured those who worshiped the God of the Torah because they didn't worship this Gee-he's-sick character=proof they sre not the same God.
Fact: your faith spends 10's of millions trying to convert Jews away from that same God over to Jesus instead of non believers over to your idol god.
Which brings us to the IDOL BEING VENERATED:
Fact: Isaiah 44 warns of the carpenter fashioning a wood idol to be placed on your wall where you bow to it and ask it for salvation.
By making this Jesus icon your god you managed to break all the commands, create the Lucifer character and fulfill the prophecy of thec1/3 fallen in deception.
Fulfill the Canaanite mythologies of Baals son aka the morning star-rev 22:16 who through dying surpasses his father on the throne becoming higher then baal.
You Gee-he's-sick is not the God of the Torah as proven, he is the new mask for Baal thus given baals birthdate of Dec 25th and baals mythology stories (as found in predated tablets). Hence father & son are one because they are the same mythology which is why the number of his name
"Baal Jesus"=666 in ascll numerology.

You fail to understand the OT or the NT.
Perhaps you can learn a thing or two from Rabbi Kaduri.
First the number was not originally 666 but 616 and you don't seem to understand roman, greek numerology, or herbrew which Revelations was not written in.
Taking random quote from both OT and NT and trying to thread them together makes no sense. Totally out of context and spinning your own distorted interpretation to create a weird fiction. Where did you study religion?
If you wish to speak to christianity, then the gods of babylon either don't exist or insignificant. If you want to speak to Canaanite or babylonian beliefs then Revelations is irrelevant as it is a christian text.
So which do you believe in, God or Baal? Is there one god or a pantheon of gods competing against each other? If you are trying to fit Jesus into the pantheon, he is most often compared to Mithras which brought justice, cooperation, contracts, redemption, reason, truth, light.

You seem to have regurgitated a mix of hate and conspiracy sites. Change your diet.
Jesse so you admit the NT popularity claim and your popularity now claim means Jesus isn't despised nor suffering nor is he a servent? *scratches Isaiah 53 off the list of bumbling claims*

Arist2chat, you managed to totally avoid answering and disputing those problematic claims and instead chose
ad hominom attacks and condescending long winded speach with no rebuttle/refutation nor substance..
way to go! NOW EXPLAIN why you avoid the topic of murder and torture of those who have that same God?
*waits for the next avoidance reply*
Thank you for proving my point that it's the followers who have the illness.
Fact: you claim Jesus is the God of the Torah yet your religion killed and tortured those who worshiped the God of the Torah because they didn't worship this Gee-he's-sick character=proof they sre not the same God.
Fact: your faith spends 10's of millions trying to convert Jews away from that same God over to Jesus instead of non believers over to your idol god.
Which brings us to the IDOL BEING VENERATED:
Fact: Isaiah 44 warns of the carpenter fashioning a wood idol to be placed on your wall where you bow to it and ask it for salvation.
By making this Jesus icon your god you managed to break all the commands, create the Lucifer character and fulfill the prophecy of thec1/3 fallen in deception.
Fulfill the Canaanite mythologies of Baals son aka the morning star-rev 22:16 who through dying surpasses his father on the throne becoming higher then baal.
You Gee-he's-sick is not the God of the Torah as proven, he is the new mask for Baal thus given baals birthdate of Dec 25th and baals mythology stories (as found in predated tablets). Hence father & son are one because they are the same mythology which is why the number of his name
"Baal Jesus"=666 in ascll numerology.

Ignorance of the scriptures will get you no where.

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