Evidence that the Whitehouse and the liberal media are conspiring together?

Re: the question

ABC's Stephanopoulos Defends Contraception Question, Ties in 'Bet' With Diane Sawyer

By Brad Wilmouth | January 12, 2012 | 02:16

Appearing as a guest on Wednesday's The Colbert Report on Comedy Central, ABC's George Stephanopoulos responded to host Stephen Colbert's question of why he - as debate co-moderator last Saturday - asked GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney about whether states have the constitutional power to ban contraceptives, as he argued that the question revolved around the "right to privacy."

He then suggested that a bet with co-moderator Diane Sawyer motivated him to be so persistent in asking Romney followup questions on the subject. After Colbert asked what it felt like when Romney called it a "silly thing" for Stephanopoulos to ask such a hypothetical question, the ABC anchor responded:

At that moment, I am thinking, "I really want to win this bet."

After Colbert asked him what the bet was, he tied in Sawyer:

Diane Sawyer bet me I couldn't get Mitt Romney to say, "Contraceptives are working just fine." I won.

ABC's Stephanopoulos Defends Contraception Question, Ties in 'Bet' With Diane Sawyer | NewsBusters.org
I can't wait to see a liberal explain this away as just a coincidence.

Explain what? I can only hope that this theory is in fact the truth. No 'splaining necessary.

Really pisses you all off when Dems do the same shit (think FOX) as RZepubs.

It took Dems awhile but they may finally be figuring shit out.

Anything that has to be done to defeat the stupid ideas of the Repubs works for me.
If only the Repubs could come up with a good idea, things might be different.
If you watched last nights Hannity on Fox News then you saw this theory of Dick Morrises about collusion between ABC and the Whitehouse on the contraception issue. It's a well thought out theory and I'm inclined to agree. I knew the media was pro Obama but I didn't actually think they conspired on issues or stories together before this. This is ABC's Dan Rather moment revisited all over again.

Read the synopsis of the theory then reflect on the timeline then watch THE VIDEO IN THE LINK and tell me this isn't blatantly obvious collusion.

Dick Morris Accuses George Stephanopoulos of Being a 'Paid Democratic Hitman' | NewsBusters.org

Former Clinton adviser Dick Morris on Monday accused ABC’s George Stephanopoulos of being a “paid Democratic hitman.”

Appearing on Fox News’s Hannity, Morris also said Stephanopoulos was “under orders” to ask Mitt Romney all those contraception questions during ABC’s January 7 Republican presidential debate in New Hampshire (video follows with transcript and commentary):

DICK MORRIS: Obama did not make a mistake in this mandate. It’s a deliberately calculated move on his part. The Democrats realize that abortion is no longer a winner for them. It used to be ten points more pro-choice than pro-Life, now it’s ten points more pro-Life than pro-choice possibly because of the publicity of the anti-abortion people, possibly because of the aging of the population. But the point is that it’s a loser issue. So what they’re trying to do now is replace it with contraception.

So the first piece of evidence was after Santorum won Iowa, the first controversy was, “Do you think states should have the right to ban contraception?” Where did that come from? Then you remember that ABC debate with that paid Democratic hitman George Stephanopoulos went after Romney trying to…

SEAN HANNITY, HOST: Friend of yours, Dick.

MORRIS: …trying to pin him down on, on contraception? And Romney kept saying, “George, nobody wants to make contraception.” “No, but do they have the theoretical power to do it?” Remember, it was five minutes, people were laughing at him, booing him. Well that…

HANNITY: You think he was doing this under direct orders?

MORRIS: Under orders. And I think, and now he comes out with this thing on contraception. They want to create the idea, and it’s no coincidence, that he came out with it after Minnesota and Colorado which was Santorum’s victories. They want to create the impression that the Republicans will ban contraception, which is totally insane, but they’re floating it out and they’re bringing it out there. And this move on Obama’s part was part of injecting that issue.

For those that have forgotten, here’s the relevant section from that January 7 debate:

Think this is just a coincidence or given all the heated rhetoric about contraception in the past couple of weeks does Morris have a point?

Look up Dick Morris' track record that asshat made a correct prediction since 2000.

The left is doing exactly what Bush and right-wing talk radio did from 2000-2008. Did you cry then?

Did they control the debate questions?

That's what I thought.
Evidence that the Whitehouse and the liberal media are conspiring together?

Considering the fact there’s no such thing as the ‘liberal media,’ no, there’s no ‘conspiracy.’

But feel free to believe there is, and tell everyone all about it – with the thanks of Obama supporters.

And we have a winner for the idiot post of the week.

Re: the question

ABC's Stephanopoulos Defends Contraception Question, Ties in 'Bet' With Diane Sawyer

By Brad Wilmouth | January 12, 2012 | 02:16

Appearing as a guest on Wednesday's The Colbert Report on Comedy Central, ABC's George Stephanopoulos responded to host Stephen Colbert's question of why he - as debate co-moderator last Saturday - asked GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney about whether states have the constitutional power to ban contraceptives, as he argued that the question revolved around the "right to privacy."

He then suggested that a bet with co-moderator Diane Sawyer motivated him to be so persistent in asking Romney followup questions on the subject. After Colbert asked what it felt like when Romney called it a "silly thing" for Stephanopoulos to ask such a hypothetical question, the ABC anchor responded:

At that moment, I am thinking, "I really want to win this bet."

After Colbert asked him what the bet was, he tied in Sawyer:

Diane Sawyer bet me I couldn't get Mitt Romney to say, "Contraceptives are working just fine." I won.

ABC's Stephanopoulos Defends Contraception Question, Ties in 'Bet' With Diane Sawyer | NewsBusters.org


This is from the Onion, right?
If Santorum is the nominee and he makes this an issue, it is an issue.

Santorum has already publicly stated that this is NOT his political stance. Obama is successfully creating an issue out of nothing. Before that stupid debate question this wasn't on the minds of republicans.
And you are stupid enough to believe him! :cuckoo:

The evangelicals that control the GOP consider the birth control pill an abortifacient device and want it banned with all other types of abortions.

New Evangelical Documentary Exposes Abortifacient Qualities of the Birth Control Pill, Promotes NFP | LifeSiteNews.com

By Alex Bush

May 27, 2009 (LifeSiteNews.com) – A documentary called “28 Days on the Pill” has been released that seeks expose the abortifacient properties of the birth control pill. The documentary explains that many forms of birth control pills contain progestins, which thin the endometrium, the walls of the uterus, which in turn causes it to become inhospitable to a conceived ovum. This inhospitality may cause a newly conceived human being not to implant in the endometrium and cause an abortion.

More like smart enough to realize that a president isn't a king and congress is required to pass such laws.

Fucking twit
So the church is against contraceptives?

Sure wish they'd have taken a simular approch to their anti-war and anti-poverty stance.
Re: the question

ABC's Stephanopoulos Defends Contraception Question, Ties in 'Bet' With Diane Sawyer

By Brad Wilmouth | January 12, 2012 | 02:16

Appearing as a guest on Wednesday's The Colbert Report on Comedy Central, ABC's George Stephanopoulos responded to host Stephen Colbert's question of why he - as debate co-moderator last Saturday - asked GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney about whether states have the constitutional power to ban contraceptives, as he argued that the question revolved around the "right to privacy."

He then suggested that a bet with co-moderator Diane Sawyer motivated him to be so persistent in asking Romney followup questions on the subject. After Colbert asked what it felt like when Romney called it a "silly thing" for Stephanopoulos to ask such a hypothetical question, the ABC anchor responded:

At that moment, I am thinking, "I really want to win this bet."

After Colbert asked him what the bet was, he tied in Sawyer:

Diane Sawyer bet me I couldn't get Mitt Romney to say, "Contraceptives are working just fine." I won.

ABC's Stephanopoulos Defends Contraception Question, Ties in 'Bet' With Diane Sawyer | NewsBusters.org

It's nice to see ABC thinks moderating presidential debates is such a game.

It's like an interview for the most important job in America and they're acting like a McDonald's manager.
The "state run" media (my AZZ!) refuses to deal in substance on policy, just reports each sides' talking points, and majors in the horse race aspects of the race and looking for controversy. They bend over backwards reporting Pub BULLSHYTTE. Walter and Edward R. are spinning in their graves.

The dupes of Fox/Rush/Beck/Moon are a disgrace...They appear to like political suicide in their policies, even with the biggest propaganda machine and best liars/hypocrites in the business...
The "state run" media (my AZZ!) refuses to deal in substance on policy, just reports each sides' talking points, and majors in the horse race aspects of the race and looking for controversy. They bend over backwards reporting Pub BULLSHYTTE. Walter and Edward R. are spinning in their graves.

The dupes of Fox/Rush/Beck/Moon are a disgrace...They appear to like political suicide in their policies, even with the biggest propaganda machine and best liars/hypocrites in the business...

Could you be any dumber?
The "state run" media (my AZZ!) refuses to deal in substance on policy, just reports each sides' talking points, and majors in the horse race aspects of the race and looking for controversy. They bend over backwards reporting Pub BULLSHYTTE. Walter and Edward R. are spinning in their graves.

The dupes of Fox/Rush/Beck/Moon are a disgrace...They appear to like political suicide in their policies, even with the biggest propaganda machine and best liars/hypocrites in the business...

Could you be any dumber?
He's trying to project himself on the rest of us.
The "state run" media (my AZZ!) refuses to deal in substance on policy, just reports each sides' talking points, and majors in the horse race aspects of the race and looking for controversy. They bend over backwards reporting Pub BULLSHYTTE. Walter and Edward R. are spinning in their graves.

The dupes of Fox/Rush/Beck/Moon are a disgrace...They appear to like political suicide in their policies, even with the biggest propaganda machine and best liars/hypocrites in the business...

Could you be any dumber?

When he hits bedrock, the fucker drills and uses TNT to dig deeper.
Romney should of answered the question by not answering it! Romney should of said, in 2008, the national debt was 9 trillion dollars and the deficit was so&so billions(i forgot the amount)..then go on telling the millions of viewers that after 3 years of Obama, the national debt is over 15 trillion, 1.3 Trillion deficit,,,much higher gas&food prices,,,etc,,etc,,,,and then telling off Stoophanopolis what a bafoon he was to ask about contraception being its not even close to a current issue!
The media is only liberal biased because Republicans are so god damned insane.

That's the new talking point, conservatives are mentally ill. Glad some progressive sheep have showed up to represent.
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The only people trying to make contraception an issue are ultra-religious people, everyone else just enjoys laughing at their hypocritical antics.

Has nothing to do with contraception, it has everything to do with freedom.
Do you think there was ever time we had unbiased news on cable? It's the reason I don't watch it. As to Stephanopolus being paid by the whitehouse, that's pretty dumb, he would probably make republicans look like social conservative nutbags for free.

ABC is not a cable outlet.

And paid or not that's not the point. The fact that a non issue was front and center then pounded in over and over is odd don't ya think?

It's like they were digging for a soundbyte and couldn't get it.

That's an opinion just like the ridiculous opinion stated by Morris. When I hear people whining about their candidate being asked pointed questions all I can do is shake my head, maybe they want some control of the media so no one is ever asked a thing that makes them look bad? Maybe they want the questions in advance? Who's wanting a complicit media here?

You say that as if you are completely unaware that Obama was never thrown anything but softballs during debates and interviews. He was never asked a hard question once, and I bet during his debates this year he wont be asked anything about his record either, god forbid he be held accountable or anything, and you will be fine with it and continue on acting like nothing is happening.
Romney should of answered the question by not answering it! Romney should of said, in 2008, the national debt was 9 trillion dollars and the deficit was so&so billions(i forgot the amount)..then go on telling the millions of viewers that after 3 years of Obama, the national debt is over 15 trillion, 1.3 Trillion deficit,,,much higher gas&food prices,,,etc,,etc,,,,and then telling off Stoophanopolis what a bafoon he was to ask about contraception being its not even close to a current issue!

That's what I have been saying for months now, when these stupid questions are asked, just change the subject to something that needs to be focused on, eventually the moderators will figure out that the stupid shit is not going to fly anymore.

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