Evil intent on full display


Platinum Member
Nov 29, 2008
The video is from an Australia News source with clips of the intent of the NWO "Great Reset".

In 1998 Rod and I were blessed greatly by the Holy Spirit being with us for almost two months showing us many wonderful and truthfully dreadful things for the carnal humans. The video reminds me of what we saw one morning when we went for a late breakfast.

We had pulled into the restaurant parking lot. Boo our dog whimpered for a potty break. Boobear was very particular about where he went potty and the parking area did not have a place where he would potty as it was all paved and planted flower beds. So, we looked around and decided walking him across the road to a large field would be the best option.

It was a four lane road with a grass strip in between the north an south lanes. We halted when we saw a car coming from the south. Boo was going to go ahead across the road but I told him stay and reached down and held his fur just to make sure because he seemed very anxious. He was whimpering and trying to pull away from me. It was not at all like him to be like that so I figured he must really have to go bad.

The car coming closer to us was a sheriff's car. As it got close Rod stepped in front of me and Boo as it was passing and he turned his back on it. What was driving the car was not fully human. It looked like something out of a scifi script. It slowed an its head with mechanical gear on it move around as if was looking for something. After it was well past us we proceeded across the street and Rod asked me, "Did you see that?" I responded, "Yes I did and it looked very evil. What was it?" Neither us knew. We only knew we could feel the evil emitted from this mechanical human looking thing.

I had let loose of Boo and he dashed across the road. I was still thinking he wanted to potty but it wasn't that. He was looking for something and he ran to a specific place clear across the field near the Mangroves.

I know a lot of people do not think animals have Spirit of life in them but I would most definitely say they are in error.

Listen to the end. Klaus like China (and I am sure others) wants mechanical bot mind control for us "lowlife" peeps who are not wealthy. This is a great evil that must be resisted with all we can muster.


Business closed?

Family can't meet?

Liquor stores open, house of worship closed

Here's $600!
Evil is manifested when you chase the spirit away from the soul. The soul, left alone, without the spirit, is a very simple machine, it knows nothing, not even what is right or wrong for it.

The soul is only a rotating wheel of feelings, senses, and will, trying to constantly compare and search for patterns.

So it is no wonder, that once the soul is no longer protected by the spirit, any random playa can program anything into it, usually evil.

So here is a basic problem question to all religions. Can you device a protection for souls without a spirit, that is without a conscious mind? Actually Christianity goes so far that it states that in hell there is no spirit with the souls and God accepts no prayer from the souls. When Christ dies He commanded His Spirit to God and His Soul to hell.

So to fight such evil, we really need to invent or invoke something better than the conscious mind of the victim. By the way, the evil described in the OP is not all that uncommon. Fully biological people are capable of it too. The Stalin example is great, but still fails because it assumes that a conscious mind is always available.
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Anyone think Melinda Gates looked really weird and a bit male like in a lot of photos out there with Bill and Melinda both in them?

I got to thinking awhile back on Biden. Is that a real person, an actor or what that we are seeing part of the time? Also if they are willing to poison the entire military, the nurses, doctors and whoever else that is willing to take the jab who are they going to replace them with?

Last night was just a reminder of all these considerations after we watched these videos. Take notice of the "big" people in the first video and read some of those comments in the second one. Then consider how far technology gets in ten years or more and add in the criminal mentality of what we are aware of. Actroid-F: the angel of death robot coming to a hospital near you (video) | Engadget I am grateful we are not among the rich elites. Hell if you go into a hospital or take up with the wrong company you may very well go back to dust rapidly and become a cloned entity to be used for evil purposes.

The video is from an Australia News source with clips of the intent of the NWO "Great Reset".

In 1998 Rod and I were blessed greatly by the Holy Spirit being with us for almost two months showing us many wonderful and truthfully dreadful things for the carnal humans. The video reminds me of what we saw one morning when we went for a late breakfast.

We had pulled into the restaurant parking lot. Boo our dog whimpered for a potty break. Boobear was very particular about where he went potty and the parking area did not have a place where he would potty as it was all paved and planted flower beds. So, we looked around and decided walking him across the road to a large field would be the best option.

It was a four lane road with a grass strip in between the north an south lanes. We halted when we saw a car coming from the south. Boo was going to go ahead across the road but I told him stay and reached down and held his fur just to make sure because he seemed very anxious. He was whimpering and trying to pull away from me. It was not at all like him to be like that so I figured he must really have to go bad.

The car coming closer to us was a sheriff's car. As it got close Rod stepped in front of me and Boo as it was passing and he turned his back on it. What was driving the car was not fully human. It looked like something out of a scifi script. It slowed an its head with mechanical gear on it move around as if was looking for something. After it was well past us we proceeded across the street and Rod asked me, "Did you see that?" I responded, "Yes I did and it looked very evil. What was it?" Neither us knew. We only knew we could feel the evil emitted from this mechanical human looking thing.

I had let loose of Boo and he dashed across the road. I was still thinking he wanted to potty but it wasn't that. He was looking for something and he ran to a specific place clear across the field near the Mangroves.

I know a lot of people do not think animals have Spirit of life in them but I would most definitely say they are in error.

Listen to the end. Klaus like China (and I am sure others) wants mechanical bot mind control for us "lowlife" peeps who are not wealthy. This is a great evil that must be resisted with all we can muster.

In 1998 ... What was driving the car was not fully human.
It slowed an its head with mechanical gear on it move around as if was looking for something.
Neither us knew. We only knew we could feel the evil emitted from this mechanical human looking thing.
23 years ago - definitely taking their time, taking over the world - are computers evil. are you sure that was "before" breakfast.
Business closed?

Family can't meet?

Liquor stores open, house of worship closed

Here's $600!
only a sick mind would be low enough to believe yours is a true story - speaking of a puppet robot ... cf.
Evil is manifested when you chase the spirit away from the soul. The soul, left alone, without the spirit, is a very simple machine, it knows nothing, not even what is right or wrong for it.

The soul is only a rotating wheel of feelings, senses, and will, trying to constantly compare and search for patterns.

So it is no wonder, that once the soul is no longer protected by the spirit, any random playa can program anything into it, usually evil.

So here is a basic problem question to all religions. Can you device a protection for souls without a spirit, that is without a conscious mind? Actually Christianity goes so far that it states that in hell there is no spirit with the souls and God accepts no prayer from the souls. When Christ dies He commanded His Spirit to God and His Soul to hell.

So to fight such evil, we really need to invent or invoke something better than the conscious mind of the victim. By the way, the evil described in the OP is not all that uncommon. Fully biological people are capable of it too. The Stalin example is great, but still fails because it assumes that a conscious mind is always available.

Oh dear. I have never read so much fabricated rubbish before.
There is no soul and never has been.

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