Evolution is a False Religion not Proven Science.

PMP just provided evidence that he never read the link. If he had he would have come across the references to the fossil evidence.

this from someone who actually didn't read it......paste me the sentence that you believe provides the evidence that this theoretical scenario actually occurred?.....maybe something beyond "this is what it looks like and we think its true"......
nice theory....now, how about the evidence.....

PMP just provided evidence that he never read the link. If he had he would have come across the references to the fossil evidence.

this from someone who actually didn't read it......paste me the sentence that you believe provides the evidence that this theoretical scenario actually occurred?.....maybe something beyond "this is what it looks like and we think its true"......

Semantic squirming about the exact dating is all you have now? :lol:

On the plus side you just proved that I am 100% right about your lack of honesty and integrity.
Science doesn't attack Christianity.
False science attacks Christianity.

You mean false religion attacks science.

true....he should have said the idiots who believe false science attack Christianity......

The believers of evolution have no problem with you and your religious beliefs.
The problem starts when you claim your beliefs are science.
Because they aren't.
NO ONE can disprove my religious beliefs and
NO ONE can prove my religious beliefs.
Because they are beliefs and beliefs are never science.
Only those with shallow religious beliefs and faith are "attacked" by science.
It would be those people who lack true faith and convictions in their religious beliefs that attack science.
Fine with me but when you come and want the schools to teach beliefs instead of science we will not allow it.
Something about the Constitution.
The Dover case clearly illustrated the fraud

"we don't need the scientific method, we have a judge!".......

Creationism is a belief and not science.
You prove my point, thank you.
In the Dover case the scientific method was presented from A-Z on evolution and how that testing proved ID was nothing more than repackaged creationism.

You need to get up to speed on the facts as you are far behind.
PMP just provided evidence that he never read the link. If he had he would have come across the references to the fossil evidence.

this from someone who actually didn't read it......paste me the sentence that you believe provides the evidence that this theoretical scenario actually occurred?.....maybe something beyond "this is what it looks like and we think its true"......

Semantic squirming about the exact dating is all you have now? :lol:

On the plus side you just proved that I am 100% right about your lack of honesty and integrity.

and I just proved you couldn't find that sentence......
You mean false religion attacks science.

true....he should have said the idiots who believe false science attack Christianity......

The problem starts when you claim your beliefs are science.

???...when has that ever happened?....

Fine with me but when you come and want the schools to teach beliefs instead of science we will not allow it.
how do you feel about schools teaching abiogenesis or macro evolution as science?......
You need to get up to speed on the facts as you are far behind.

/sigh....another fucking idiot who claims there are facts but won't prove it.....

the case provided A-Z on claims accepted irregardless of the lack of proof......I will admit your religion has overcome mine when it comes to the origin of life and humanity......I won't acknowledge its anything other than your religion until you provide some proof.......I'm an agnostic when it comes to abiogenesis.....
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You mean false religion attacks science.

true....he should have said the idiots who believe false science attack Christianity......

The believers of evolution have no problem with you and your religious beliefs.
The problem starts when you claim your beliefs are science.
Because they aren't.
NO ONE can disprove my religious beliefs and
NO ONE can prove my religious beliefs.
Because they are beliefs and beliefs are never science.
Only those with shallow religious beliefs and faith are "attacked" by science.
It would be those people who lack true faith and convictions in their religious beliefs that attack science.
Fine with me but when you come and want the schools to teach beliefs instead of science we will not allow it.
Something about the Constitution.

Your beliefs don't change what is true and what isn't. Truth is absolute. ;)

The constitution says nothing about teaching science in classrooms.
There is abundant evidence that the earth is very old. Either the earth is old or your God is deceiving you and can't be trusted. Which I guess would explain why so many people trust what others have told them and not their own eyes.

You have not presented any evidence to my knowledge. On the contrary, the Creation screams out the work of a Creator:

For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:
(Romans 1:20)

You've been given plenty of evidence but you demand proof. As the saying goes, "if you want proof talk to a mathamatician or a distiller".

Evidence for an old earth would be the universe itself. If the universe is no more than a few thousand years we should be unable to see any galaxies since they are millions of light years away. There is plenty of additional evidence for an old earth from geology, biology, and physics to name a few.

Okay. There is a difference of terms that you are using. You just switched from talking about the age of the earth to the age of the universe. The age of the universe could very well be "several billion" years old based on time dilation and expansion factors, yet still have been created in 7 literal days. Moreover, speaking of physics, universal heat death utterly shreds the concept of evolution.

You keep saying that there is "plenty" of evidence but you have not presented it.
Yes, directly through his word.

And yes, His word can be both trusted and verified. :eusa_angel:

I wasn't here a million years ago. Neither were you and neither was this world. You are just dodging the question. How did the giraffe evolve?

The giraffe question has been answered. Now you answer one. If plants and animals do not change over time, explain how it is possible to have chihuahuas and great danes.

No it has not been answered.

And no, I never claimed plants and animals don't change over time.

Since evolution is just the name applied to the process of animals and plants changing over time and you seem to be saying you don't deny that process is taking place, what exactly is your concern?
true....he should have said the idiots who believe false science attack Christianity......

The believers of evolution have no problem with you and your religious beliefs.
The problem starts when you claim your beliefs are science.
Because they aren't.
NO ONE can disprove my religious beliefs and
NO ONE can prove my religious beliefs.
Because they are beliefs and beliefs are never science.
Only those with shallow religious beliefs and faith are "attacked" by science.
It would be those people who lack true faith and convictions in their religious beliefs that attack science.
Fine with me but when you come and want the schools to teach beliefs instead of science we will not allow it.
Something about the Constitution.

Your beliefs don't change what is true and what isn't. Truth is absolute. ;)

The constitution says nothing about teaching science in classrooms.

Never said it did.
It prohibits selling one religion over another in the classrooms.
And allows science to be taught.
I'm not such a fool as to not look at their evidence. Who wouldn't want a heavenly father looking out for me and offering me eternal life. Alas, I just couldn't bring myself to ignore convincing evidence to the contrary.

I would look at your evidence if you showed me some.....I've been asking for someone to show me evidence a single celled organism evolved into a multicelled organism since January......

There are three theories, one of which is the colonial theory proposed by Haeckel in 1874. This theory claims that the symbiosis of many organisms of the same species led to a multicellular organism. The advantage of the Colonial Theory hypothesis is that it has been seen to occur independently in 16 different protoctistan phyla. For instance, during food shortages the amoeba Dictyostelium groups together in a colony that moves as one to a new location. Some of these amoeba then slightly differentiate from each other. Other examples of colonial organisation in protista are Volvocaceae, such as Eudorina and Volvox, the latter of which consists of up to 500–50,000 cells (depending on the species), only a fraction of which reproduce.[20] (Multicellular organism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
I'm not such a fool as to not look at their evidence. Who wouldn't want a heavenly father looking out for me and offering me eternal life. Alas, I just couldn't bring myself to ignore convincing evidence to the contrary.

I would look at your evidence if you showed me some.....I've been asking for someone to show me evidence a single celled organism evolved into a multicelled organism since January......

There are three theories, one of which is the colonial theory proposed by Haeckel in 1874. This theory claims that the symbiosis of many organisms of the same species led to a multicellular organism. The advantage of the Colonial Theory hypothesis is that it has been seen to occur independently in 16 different protoctistan phyla. For instance, during food shortages the amoeba Dictyostelium groups together in a colony that moves as one to a new location. Some of these amoeba then slightly differentiate from each other. Other examples of colonial organisation in protista are Volvocaceae, such as Eudorina and Volvox, the latter of which consists of up to 500–50,000 cells (depending on the species), only a fraction of which reproduce.[20] (Multicellular organism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

clusters of single celled organisms that reproduce more single celled organisms that form clusters.....sorry, you aren't the first to try that subterfuge....
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I would look at your evidence if you showed me some.....I've been asking for someone to show me evidence a single celled organism evolved into a multicelled organism since January......

There are three theories, one of which is the colonial theory proposed by Haeckel in 1874. This theory claims that the symbiosis of many organisms of the same species led to a multicellular organism. The advantage of the Colonial Theory hypothesis is that it has been seen to occur independently in 16 different protoctistan phyla. For instance, during food shortages the amoeba Dictyostelium groups together in a colony that moves as one to a new location. Some of these amoeba then slightly differentiate from each other. Other examples of colonial organisation in protista are Volvocaceae, such as Eudorina and Volvox, the latter of which consists of up to 500–50,000 cells (depending on the species), only a fraction of which reproduce.[20] (Multicellular organism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

clusters of single celled organisms that reproduce more single celled organisms that form clusters.....sorry, you aren't the first to try that subterfuge....
Lab yeast make evolutionary leap to multicellularity - life - 23 June 2011 - New Scientist

You have not presented any evidence to my knowledge. On the contrary, the Creation screams out the work of a Creator:

For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:
(Romans 1:20)

You've been given plenty of evidence but you demand proof. As the saying goes, "if you want proof talk to a mathamatician or a distiller".

Evidence for an old earth would be the universe itself. If the universe is no more than a few thousand years we should be unable to see any galaxies since they are millions of light years away. There is plenty of additional evidence for an old earth from geology, biology, and physics to name a few.

Okay. There is a difference of terms that you are using. You just switched from talking about the age of the earth to the age of the universe. The age of the universe could very well be "several billion" years old based on time dilation and expansion factors, yet still have been created in 7 literal days. Moreover, speaking of physics, universal heat death utterly shreds the concept of evolution.

You keep saying that there is "plenty" of evidence but you have not presented it.

You've lost me now (I'm not a physicist). Please explain how time dilation or expansion factors can cause billions of years to be 7 literal days (and exactly what do you mean by a "day"?). I also don't see how universal heat death utterly shreds the concept of evolution.

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