Evolution is a False Religion not Proven Science.

Instead of blindly taking the talking points of anti-science types as gospel (pun definitely intended), why don't you take a couple classes or just sit down with an Evolutionary Biology textbook and see what we've actually discovered?

after spending fifteen years arguing with evolutionists on the internet, I doubt there is anything about evolution that hasn't been raised at least ten times......I know what you've discovered and I know what you've ignored.....

Yet, debunking evolution is so easy you've written scientific papers and submitted them to journals like Nature, Science, PNAS, and Cell, right? Shit, anyone can do it,.

The first person to kill evolution is getting a dozen Nobel prizes and fame immortal. What are you waiting for? Drive that stake through Darwin's heart today! Chop, chop!

Or maybe, after 150 years of research and work it can't be debunked, not even by guys with access to the Internet. What would that mean?
Science has always scared the hell out of the religious crazies.
Gives them less control over their sheeple.
My Christian faith is so strong nothing science attacks it.
Evolution supports my faith.
One only has to go take Biology 101 at their local community college and see evolution is real.
Funny thing was a Methodist Sunday School teacher taught my freshman Biology 101 class in 1973!
Evolution can be proven scientifically. Humans evolve over time--we adapt to our environment just like animals do (where do you think white people came from). We also evolve from choices we make. If you marry your first cousin or sibling, your children will have a high risk of being born with a mental disorder. Too closely related DNA markers work themselves into a tizzy over which is going to turn on or off which gene. That is why there was so much mental and physical disorders in monarchical families throughout history. Drug usage (legal and illegal) also change genetic markers and can result in mental and physical disorders.
Where I question science on evolution is the monkey to man theory. Granted, an animal can evolve into a subspecies without the original species becoming extinct, but the subspecies would be able to procreate with the original species. Humans can have sex with a chimp but they cannot produce babies.
I created a diva fruit fly in Biology and the entire subspecies died. She was genetically created to look hot (for a fruit fly) but the genetics could not sustain the species. I killed off entire populations of birds too. Too many birds separated from their group by an act of nature could not evolve quickly enough. When nature changed, their diet changed--they no longer had access to what they normally consumed. Slow evolution of a smaller population to adapt to a diet change created a new subspecies. It is interesting that a subspecies that evolves past the original then becomes a new species--it can no longer mate with its ancestor. Biology is seriously cool.
You weren't there when the Bible was written. How can you be sure it's accurate?

so lets get this straight......you question the accuracy of a text handed down from person to person for two thousand years, but believe without doubt a bone dug out of the ground in 1927 because a guy with a science degree told you to?.......

It's not "a bone" or "a guy", it's many, many of each.
I can learn any field of science, from chemistry to physics to biology to genetics, and I could even lower myself to learn geology. I can run any experiment that has ever be run. I can examine all the scientific data that has ever been gathered. I can report my findings and have other people in the field look them over and publically smack me down if I step outside of the scientific process. I can trust but verify.

you can trust every other person who does not believe in God to verify your faith choices......however, to pretend they are proven by science is nothing more than wind.....
Instead of blindly taking the talking points of anti-science types as gospel (pun definitely intended), why don't you take a couple classes or just sit down with an Evolutionary Biology textbook and see what we've actually discovered?

after spending fifteen years arguing with evolutionists on the internet, I doubt there is anything about evolution that hasn't been raised at least ten times......I know what you've discovered and I know what you've ignored.....

Yet, debunking evolution is so easy you've written scientific papers and submitted them to journals like Nature, Science, PNAS, and Cell, right? Shit, anyone can do it,.

The first person to kill evolution is getting a dozen Nobel prizes and fame immortal. What are you waiting for? Drive that stake through Darwin's heart today! Chop, chop!

Or maybe, after 150 years of research and work it can't be debunked, not even by guys with access to the Internet. What would that mean?

you mean what would it mean if everyone admitted there is no real evidence that human beings evolved from single celled organisms?.......it would mean we finally have some honest scientists......
after spending fifteen years arguing with evolutionists on the internet, I doubt there is anything about evolution that hasn't been raised at least ten times......I know what you've discovered and I know what you've ignored.....

Yet, debunking evolution is so easy you've written scientific papers and submitted them to journals like Nature, Science, PNAS, and Cell, right? Shit, anyone can do it,.

The first person to kill evolution is getting a dozen Nobel prizes and fame immortal. What are you waiting for? Drive that stake through Darwin's heart today! Chop, chop!

Or maybe, after 150 years of research and work it can't be debunked, not even by guys with access to the Internet. What would that mean?

you mean what would it mean if everyone admitted there is no real evidence that human beings evolved from single celled organisms?.......it would mean we finally have some honest scientists......
Says the guy who believes in an invisible super being that lives in another dimension. :lol:
You weren't there when the Bible was written. How can you be sure it's accurate?

so lets get this straight......you question the accuracy of a text handed down from person to person for two thousand years, but believe without doubt a bone dug out of the ground in 1927 because a guy with a science degree told you to?.......

It's not "a bone" or "a guy", it's many, many of each.

so if I can get many, many guys to say God created the heavens and the earth, do I win?.....
Yet, debunking evolution is so easy you've written scientific papers and submitted them to journals like Nature, Science, PNAS, and Cell, right? Shit, anyone can do it,.

The first person to kill evolution is getting a dozen Nobel prizes and fame immortal. What are you waiting for? Drive that stake through Darwin's heart today! Chop, chop!

Or maybe, after 150 years of research and work it can't be debunked, not even by guys with access to the Internet. What would that mean?

you mean what would it mean if everyone admitted there is no real evidence that human beings evolved from single celled organisms?.......it would mean we finally have some honest scientists......
Says the guy who believes in an invisible super being that lives in another dimension. :lol:

yes.....you're finally catching on.......at least I am honest about my faith choices.......
you mean what would it mean if everyone admitted there is no real evidence that human beings evolved from single celled organisms?.......it would mean we finally have some honest scientists......
Says the guy who believes in an invisible super being that lives in another dimension. :lol:

yes.....you're finally catching on.......at least I am honest about my faith choices.......

At least you admit that you live in a fantasy world. :lol:
you mean what would it mean if everyone admitted there is no real evidence that human beings evolved from single celled organisms?.......it would mean we finally have some honest scientists......

There is abundant evidence, what is lacking is an experiment or a time machine.
you mean what would it mean if everyone admitted there is no real evidence that human beings evolved from single celled organisms?.......it would mean we finally have some honest scientists......

There is abundant evidence

you realize Christians say the exact same thing to you about God......

I'm not such a fool as to not look at their evidence. Who wouldn't want a heavenly father looking out for me and offering me eternal life. Alas, I just couldn't bring myself to ignore convincing evidence to the contrary.
There is abundant evidence

you realize Christians say the exact same thing to you about God......

I'm not such a fool as to not look at their evidence. Who wouldn't want a heavenly father looking out for me and offering me eternal life. Alas, I just couldn't bring myself to ignore convincing evidence to the contrary.

I would look at your evidence if you showed me some.....I've been asking for someone to show me evidence a single celled organism evolved into a multicelled organism since January......
The story has been told of a person who went back to his university professor many years after completing his degree in Economics. He asked to look at the test questions they were now using. He was surprised to see that they were virtually the same questions he was asked when he was a student. The lecturer then said that although the questions were the same the answers are were entirely different!

I once debated with a geology professor from an American University on a radio program. He said that evolution was real science because evolutionists were prepared to continually change their theories as they found new data. He said that creation was not science because a creationist's views were set by the Bible and, therefore, were not subject to change.

I answered, "The reason scientific theories change is because we don't know everything, isn't it? We don't have all the evidence."
"Yes, that's right," he said.
I replied, "But, we will never know everything."
"That's true," he answered.
I then stated, "We will always continue to find new evidence."
"Quite correct," he said. I replied, "That means we can't be sure about anything."
"Right," he said.
"That means we can't be sure about evolution."
"Oh, no! Evolution is a fact," he blurted out. He was caught by his own logic. He was demonstrating how his view was determined by his bias.

Models of science are subject to change for both creationists and evolutionists. But the beliefs that these models are built on are not.

The problem is that most scientists do not realize that it is the belief (or religion) of evolution that is the basis for the scientific models (the interpretations, or stories) used to attempt an explanation of the present. Evolutionists are not prepared to change their actual belief that all life can be explained by natural processes and that no God is involved (or even needed). Evolution is the religion to which they are committed. Christians need to wake up to this. Evolution is a religion; it is not a science!
Evolution is Religion

Who do you think you are talking to?

Most people are not as stupid and ignorant now as they were back in the first century AD.

Your scam is losing traction.

Evolution is just a small part of science.

The lies of religion have not gotten any more believable.
you realize Christians say the exact same thing to you about God......

I'm not such a fool as to not look at their evidence. Who wouldn't want a heavenly father looking out for me and offering me eternal life. Alas, I just couldn't bring myself to ignore convincing evidence to the contrary.

I would look at your evidence if you showed me some.....I've been asking for someone to show me evidence a single celled organism evolved into a multicelled organism since January......

Here you go. http://www-eve.ucdavis.edu/grosberg/Grosberg pdf papers/2007 Grosberg & Strathmann.AREES.pdf

From the paper:
Here, we focus on the evolutionary transition from unicellular to multicellular
organization. The first evidence of this transition comes from fossils of prokaryotic
filamentous and mat-forming Cyanobacteria-like organisms, dating back 3 to 3.5 billion
years (Knoll 2003, Schopf 1993), with signs of cell differentiation more than 2
billion years ago (Tomitani et al. 2006).


History has often repeated itself: Multicellular organisms independently originated
at least 25 times from unicellular ancestors
(Figure 1) (Bonner 1998, 2000;
Buss 1987; Carroll 2001; Cavalier-Smith 1991; Kaiser 2001; Maynard Smith &
Szathm´ary 1995; Medina et al. 2003). Multicellularity appears to have originated
once for the Metazoa (King 2004), but multiple times (with secondary losses) in
plants, fungi, and the Eubacteria (Bonner 2000, Kaiser 2001, Kirk 1998, Medina
et al. 2003, Shapiro 1998). Indeed, multicellular organisms continue to evolve from
unicellular ancestors (Boraas et al. 1998), and sometimes continue to revert to a unicellular state [e.g., bacteria (Velicer et al. 1998), mammals (Murgia et al. 2006,
Strathmann 1991)].

At least in developmental terms, the transition from uni- to multicellular organization
may be easy. In some bacteria (Branda et al. 2001), algae (L ¨ urling &
Van Donk 2000), and in numerous myxobacteria, myxomycetes, and cellular slime
molds (Bonner 1998, Kaiser 2001), the transition to multicellular organization is an
inducible response to environmental stimuli
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Instead of blindly taking the talking points of anti-science types as gospel (pun definitely intended), why don't you take a couple classes or just sit down with an Evolutionary Biology textbook and see what we've actually discovered?

I have. The problem is I actually critically think through it. You blindly accept it as gospel.

He's thought through it and concludes that an invisible superbeing made the world in 6 days because he needed the seventh day to rest. :lol:

As opposed to believing we came from a rock.

Even Richard Dawkins admits that a "superbeing" is a plausible explanation. He just hates the God of the Bible.

As to the "invisible" nature of God. It is actually quite scientific that he would be invisible to us since he resides outside our time dimension. Even scientists understand that there are more than just our 4 perceivable dimensions.
Science has always scared the hell out of the religious crazies.
Gives them less control over their sheeple.

I agree.

My Christian faith is so strong nothing science attacks it.
Evolution supports my faith.
One only has to go take Biology 101 at their local community college and see evolution is real.
Funny thing was a Methodist Sunday School teacher taught my freshman Biology 101 class in 1973!

Evolutionism is a religion and it does take faith. Way to much faith for me.

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