Evolution is a False Religion not Proven Science.

YES!!! YOU CAN BREED DOGS for size color and such(micro evolution) but you can never breed a dog into a cow(macro evolution) so how foolish to think pond scum evolved into humans??????????

If you give me 5 billion years to work on it, I'll bet I can breed one species into another. In fact, I'll bet I wouldn't have to, because nature would do it for me.

GOD'S LAW SAYS=Everything must reproduce after its own kind, because it is a law from God.
Boyd K. Packer (Quorum of the Twelve)

No lesson is more manifest in nature than that all living things do as the Lord commanded in the Creation. They reproduce "after their own kind." (See Moses 2:12, 24 .) They follow the pattern of their parentage. . . . A bird will not become an animal nor a fish. A mammal will not beget reptiles, nor "do men gather . . . figs of thistles" ( Matthew 7:16 ).
Ahhh - gadawg ... are you trying to deflect ?... :lol: I thought you could do better than that .
creationism is accepted by some scientists - not literal "as per genesis" creationism but varying elements of it - but that wasn't the issue and you know that damn well little fella -Dont ya- What were the "thousands" of theories other than the two mentioned . You have several options - you can
1.] Ignore the question and hope it goes away.
2.] Deflect and try to change the subject
3.] Come up with some half baked answer - which I will be more than glad to tear apart for you

I'm betting on # 1 :lol:

"Creationism is accepted by some scientists"
Accepted as what? Scientific fact?
Show me the testing on creationism, the studies and the results.
Show me the questions that were asked, the background research, the construction of the hypothesis, the experiments used in testing the hypothesis, the analysis done that formed the foundation of the conclusions and the published results.

There are not any dude. Creationism is A BELIEF and beliefs are NOT SCIENCE.

Give it up, I work and train harder than you do. I put the time in the weight room in, early and often.

Kindly do not quote me out of context - Thank You very Much.

I said - creationism is accepted by some scientists - not literal "as per genesis" creationism but varying elements of it

Give it up, I work and train harder than you do. I put the time in the weight room in, early and often

Well goody goody for you :lol:- the last time I was in a weight room was to collect a debt from the owner -but what's that got to do with price of tea in China ? In this forum - if you want to impress - you'd be well advised to work out your mind as well as your body , because apparently you are extremely lacking in your mental faculties.:cuckoo:

@Gadawg - OT I just wanted to point something out to you re: some of your past posts on this site. Do you realize that the internet is a dangerous place - there are a lot of devious and really nasty people who for whatever reason might wish you harm. Personally- any harm I do to you is simply to your inflated ego, but do you realize that with information you've alreday given me [and others] you could be tracked down very easily.

You've told me what college you went to
You've told me what football team you were on
You've told me what years you played and who you played against
You've told me what profession you went into
You've told me you once had an office on Buckhead Rd.

Shall I continue ..... Being that you worked as a PI - how hard do you think it would be for someone track you down - if they were so inclined ?
Personally _ i would never do that - you're simply here for my entertainment .

My purpose in bringing this up is to point out that you are not really as intelligent as your big muscles lead you to believe . Let me conclude these words of advice with a quote from another football player - Joe Theismann, ESPN Announcer and Former NFL Quarterback
"Nobody in football should be called a genius. A genius is a guy like Norman Einstein."

Regards and Have a Pleasant Day

Never told you what college I went to, never and you could not guess.
Or what team, you could not guess as I have never said that.
Never said what years I played, when or where
Never had an office on "Buckhead Rd."
Never had really big muscles, I am big, fast, quick, well trained and educated and WAS a maniac coming off the edge.
And unlike you I have never claimed to be a genius.
But I have common sense which is not so common these days as illustrated by you.
"Creationism is accepted by some scientists"
Accepted as what? Scientific fact?
Show me the testing on creationism, the studies and the results.
Show me the questions that were asked, the background research, the construction of the hypothesis, the experiments used in testing the hypothesis, the analysis done that formed the foundation of the conclusions and the published results.

There are not any dude. Creationism is A BELIEF and beliefs are NOT SCIENCE.

Give it up, I work and train harder than you do. I put the time in the weight room in, early and often.

Kindly do not quote me out of context - Thank You very Much.

I said - creationism is accepted by some scientists - not literal "as per genesis" creationism but varying elements of it

Well goody goody for you :lol:- the last time I was in a weight room was to collect a debt from the owner -but what's that got to do with price of tea in China ? In this forum - if you want to impress - you'd be well advised to work out your mind as well as your body , because apparently you are extremely lacking in your mental faculties.:cuckoo:

@Gadawg - OT I just wanted to point something out to you re: some of your past posts on this site. Do you realize that the internet is a dangerous place - there are a lot of devious and really nasty people who for whatever reason might wish you harm. Personally- any harm I do to you is simply to your inflated ego, but do you realize that with information you've alreday given me [and others] you could be tracked down very easily.

You've told me what college you went to
You've told me what football team you were on
You've told me what years you played and who you played against
You've told me what profession you went into
You've told me you once had an office on Buckhead Rd.

Shall I continue ..... Being that you worked as a PI - how hard do you think it would be for someone track you down - if they were so inclined ?
Personally _ i would never do that - you're simply here for my entertainment .

My purpose in bringing this up is to point out that you are not really as intelligent as your big muscles lead you to believe . Let me conclude these words of advice with a quote from another football player - Joe Theismann, ESPN Announcer and Former NFL Quarterback
"Nobody in football should be called a genius. A genius is a guy like Norman Einstein."

Regards and Have a Pleasant Day

Never told you what college I went to, never and you could not guess.
Or what team, you could not guess as I have never said that.
Never said what years I played, when or where
Never had an office on "Buckhead Rd."
Never had really big muscles, I am big, fast, quick, well trained and educated and WAS a maniac coming off the edge.
And unlike you I have never claimed to be a genius.
But I have common sense which is not so common these days as illustrated by you.

Never told you what college I went to, never and you could not guess.

YOu told me what college footbal team you played on when you tried to make a joke about whether I played on a oppossing team that you shut-out - creamed back in your college career . Beat Miss.

Or what team, you could not guess as I have never said that.

Yes - you did Buddy Boy :lol:

Never said what years I played, when or where

You mentioned the Game, the opposing team and the score the rest well ... C'est la vie

Never had an office on "Buckhead Rd."

You're right - my memory lapsed on that one - it was Roswell rd in the Buckhead section of ATlanta Ga.

I used to have my agency on Roswell Rd. in the heart of Buckhead in Atlanta.
Had a case where a wealthy socialite liked to roll hard boiled eggs at the vagina of his wife, mistress and girlfriends while he was wearing a fireman's suit and hat.
It wasn't normal and no one called it normal but it was normal to him and his wife.
And no one stopped him from getting a marriage license.


You must remember that - that's the time you got caught stealing as story from the Owl and the Pussycat with Barbara Streisand -thinking noone would catch you :lol:

Never had really big muscles, I am big, fast, quick, well trained and educated and WAS a maniac coming off the edge.

Okay - Ill give you that One - that was an assumption based on your pompous bragging about the time you spend in the Gym.

And unlike you I have never claimed to be a genius.

I've never laid claim to Genius - I have an above average IQ - but fell shy of Mensa by a few points, I let my posts speak for themselves , some are better than others. Now if you want to speak comparitively - copmpared to you - then yes I could be considered a Genuis.

But I have common sense which is not so common these days as illustrated by you.

Well apparently you didnt have it when you gave up all that information where the whole world could see it -LOL :lol:
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YES!!! YOU CAN BREED DOGS for size color and such(micro evolution) but you can never breed a dog into a cow(macro evolution) so how foolish to think pond scum evolved into humans??????????

If you give me 5 billion years to work on it, I'll bet I can breed one species into another. In fact, I'll bet I wouldn't have to, because nature would do it for me.

A horse has 64 chromoseones and a donkey has 62 - they are 2 distinct but related species. The two can be bred [naturally] and the offspring is a Mule.

The female mule can't breed - it's suppossed to be sterile - or so they thought - there are 2 cases now known on the planet where they've produced offspring One in China and the other in the USA - Mule's foal fools genetics with "impossible" birth - The Denver Post ./ So I believe it is highly likley that similar scenarios with other species has occurred in nature over the last several hundred Centuries.
Last edited:
Kindly do not quote me out of context - Thank You very Much.

I said - creationism is accepted by some scientists - not literal "as per genesis" creationism but varying elements of it

Well goody goody for you :lol:- the last time I was in a weight room was to collect a debt from the owner -but what's that got to do with price of tea in China ? In this forum - if you want to impress - you'd be well advised to work out your mind as well as your body , because apparently you are extremely lacking in your mental faculties.:cuckoo:

@Gadawg - OT I just wanted to point something out to you re: some of your past posts on this site. Do you realize that the internet is a dangerous place - there are a lot of devious and really nasty people who for whatever reason might wish you harm. Personally- any harm I do to you is simply to your inflated ego, but do you realize that with information you've alreday given me [and others] you could be tracked down very easily.

You've told me what college you went to
You've told me what football team you were on
You've told me what years you played and who you played against
You've told me what profession you went into
You've told me you once had an office on Buckhead Rd.

Shall I continue ..... Being that you worked as a PI - how hard do you think it would be for someone track you down - if they were so inclined ?
Personally _ i would never do that - you're simply here for my entertainment .

My purpose in bringing this up is to point out that you are not really as intelligent as your big muscles lead you to believe . Let me conclude these words of advice with a quote from another football player - Joe Theismann, ESPN Announcer and Former NFL Quarterback

Regards and Have a Pleasant Day

Never told you what college I went to, never and you could not guess.
Or what team, you could not guess as I have never said that.
Never said what years I played, when or where
Never had an office on "Buckhead Rd."
Never had really big muscles, I am big, fast, quick, well trained and educated and WAS a maniac coming off the edge.
And unlike you I have never claimed to be a genius.
But I have common sense which is not so common these days as illustrated by you.

YOu told me what college footbal team you played on when you tried to make a joke about whether I played on a oppossing team that you shut-out - creamed back in your college career . Beat Miss.

Yes - you did Buddy Boy :lol:

You mentioned the Game, the opposing team and the score the rest well ... C'est la vie

You're right - my memory lapsed on that one - it was Roswell rd in the Buckhead section of ATlanta Ga.

You must remember that - that's the time you got caught stealing as story from the Owl and the Pussycat with Barbara Streisand -thinking noone would catch you :lol:

Okay - Ill give you that One - that was an assumption based on your pompous bragging about the time you spend in the Gym.

And unlike you I have never claimed to be a genius.

I've never laid claim to Genius - I have an above average IQ - but fell shy of Mensa by a few points, I let my posts speak for themselves , some are better than others. Now if you want to speak comparitively - copmpared to you - then yes I could be considered a Genuis.

But I have common sense which is not so common these days as illustrated by you.

Well apparently you didnt have it when you gave up all that information where the whole world could see it -LOL :lol:

You are right.
I have a stalker.
You need professional help Moe.
Show me a picture of your god!

You say creation isn't scientific because you can't see God, but you have never seen the first single celled organism, yet you believe in evolutionism.

Everyone has to put their faith somewhere. Evolutionism just takes WAY to much blind faith for me.

Evolution is based on science, god is based on fantasy.

Right. Micro-evolution is based on science, gods are based on fantasy, evolutionism is based on delusion and fantasy, and Creation is a fact.
Add up lots of small changes and you have change over a long period of time. What's not to understand?

the part where you pretend its been proven by science to have resulted in single celled organisms turning into humans......or even into multicelled organisms......

Proven to the satisfaction of the vast majority of those scientists that have studied it.

Because they accept it with blind faith.
We are here, afterall.

I agree.

We know the earth has a multi-billion year history

No, that is an assumption. This assumption is based on the assumption that the fossils in the ground are old and the fossils are said to be old because the rock in which they are found are old.

We know the earth has been populated with thousands, maybe millions of different sorts - species if you will - of living creatures past and present.

There sure is a diversity of life forms out there isn't there. There are a lot of different styles, sizes, shapes and brands of automobiles too. All of those had a designer.

Once you've rejected macro evolution, what are you left with as the better theory?

My suggestion is don't accept macro-evolution in the first place. Creation is the obvious option.

For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:
(Romans 1:20)
Never told you what college I went to, never and you could not guess.
Or what team, you could not guess as I have never said that.
Never said what years I played, when or where
Never had an office on "Buckhead Rd."
Never had really big muscles, I am big, fast, quick, well trained and educated and WAS a maniac coming off the edge.
And unlike you I have never claimed to be a genius.
But I have common sense which is not so common these days as illustrated by you.

YOu told me what college footbal team you played on when you tried to make a joke about whether I played on a oppossing team that you shut-out - creamed back in your college career . Beat Miss.

Yes - you did Buddy Boy :lol:

You mentioned the Game, the opposing team and the score the rest well ... C'est la vie

You're right - my memory lapsed on that one - it was Roswell rd in the Buckhead section of ATlanta Ga.

You must remember that - that's the time you got caught stealing as story from the Owl and the Pussycat with Barbara Streisand -thinking noone would catch you :lol:

Okay - Ill give you that One - that was an assumption based on your pompous bragging about the time you spend in the Gym.

I've never laid claim to Genius - I have an above average IQ - but fell shy of Mensa by a few points, I let my posts speak for themselves , some are better than others. Now if you want to speak comparitively - copmpared to you - then yes I could be considered a Genuis.

But I have common sense which is not so common these days as illustrated by you.

Well apparently you didnt have it when you gave up all that information where the whole world could see it -LOL :lol:

You are right.
I have a stalker.
You need professional help Moe.

You need to excercise some wisdom and better judgement my friend- I know you have very little intelligence to work with - your posts are proof positive of that , but being that you were involved in the Investigations Profession {or so you say} YOU of all people should know better than to post that amount of personal information on line . I was only involved in the Mental Hygene field -not security or investigations and I was able to ascertain what I did in about 10 minutes - imagine what someone who really had an axe to grind with you could do. Regards and sleep tight ---- LOL ---- Oh yes , you have an outstanding parking ticket - old - I'd take care of that if I were you <LMAO >
the part where you pretend its been proven by science to have resulted in single celled organisms turning into humans......or even into multicelled organisms......

Proven to the satisfaction of the vast majority of those scientists that have studied it.

Because they accept it with blind faith.

Are you implying that you've looked at both sides of the issue and made a rational decision? I suspect you are just accusing your foes of doing exactly what you do.

Either way it's an easy accusation to make but hard to prove. Do you have any evidence to share or are you blithely violating the commandment against bearing false witness?
GOD'S LAW SAYS=Everything must reproduce after its own kind, because it is a law from God.
Boyd K. Packer (Quorum of the Twelve)

No lesson is more manifest in nature than that all living things do as the Lord commanded in the Creation. They reproduce "after their own kind." (See Moses 2:12, 24 .) They follow the pattern of their parentage. . . . A bird will not become an animal nor a fish. A mammal will not beget reptiles, nor "do men gather . . . figs of thistles" ( Matthew 7:16 ).

What exactly is this biblical "kind"? I never quite understood it but it appears to differ from a biological species. Can you define what it is or have you never bothered to think about it?

Just because you can't understand something doesn't mean that no one can. You may know your Bible but I doubt you know much about biology, geology, or any of the sciences. Am I wrong?
My suggestion is don't accept macro-evolution in the first place. Creation is the obvious option.

For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:
(Romans 1:20)

So for proof you quote a book that has no basis in fact? After saying that science is crap? :cuckoo:
You need to excercise some wisdom and better judgement my friend- I know you have very little intelligence to work with - your posts are proof positive of that , but being that you were involved in the Investigations Profession {or so you say} YOU of all people should know better than to post that amount of personal information on line . I was only involved in the Mental Hygene field -not security or investigations and I was able to ascertain what I did in about 10 minutes - imagine what someone who really had an axe to grind with you could do. Regards and sleep tight ---- LOL ---- Oh yes , you have an outstanding parking ticket - old - I'd take care of that if I were you <LMAO >

How long were you in? Or is the internet something new on your ward?
We are here, afterall.

I agree.

We know the earth has a multi-billion year history

No, that is an assumption. This assumption is based on the assumption that the fossils in the ground are old and the fossils are said to be old because the rock in which they are found are old.

We know the earth has been populated with thousands, maybe millions of different sorts - species if you will - of living creatures past and present.

There sure is a diversity of life forms out there isn't there. There are a lot of different styles, sizes, shapes and brands of automobiles too. All of those had a designer.

Once you've rejected macro evolution, what are you left with as the better theory?

My suggestion is don't accept macro-evolution in the first place. Creation is the obvious option.

For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:
(Romans 1:20)

Okay so you're engaging in some sort of anti-science, anti-evidence, anti-intellectual, anti-reason nihilism that simply rejects the principle that human beings have any ability to draw logical conclusions from the observable reality around them.

That's madness. Literally.
99% of scientiests and not a one that has any science to offer, not one shred of evidence that a single celled organism evolved into a human being, or that the first living thing spontaneously appeared in a mud puddle......show me a picture of the first single celled organism and that will be evidence.....
Show me a picture of your god!

I take it you didn't read the comment I was replying to, did you......(and people wonder why I think atheists are dimwitted)........

If an atheist believes with certainty there is no God, and a Christian believes with certainty there is a God,

why would the former be dimwitted, if not the latter equally so?

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