Evolution is a False Religion not Proven Science.

YES!!! YOU CAN BREED DOGS for size color and such(micro evolution) but you can never breed a dog into a cow(macro evolution) so how foolish to think pond scum evolved into humans??????????

How arrogant to tell God what he can and can't do.

You don't know the mechanism God used to create man, who's to say he didn't utilize evolution?

LOL!!! READ GENESIS AND LEARN HOW GOD CREATED the universe and little man!!!

And why would one assume that the Biblical version of creation is the right one? There are hundreds of creation stories.
My suggestion is don't accept macro-evolution in the first place. Creation is the obvious option.

For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:
(Romans 1:20)

So for proof you quote a book that has no basis in fact? After saying that science is crap? :cuckoo:

no one is saying science is crap......we may have mentioned that the things you believe about science are crap.....
We are here, afterall.

I agree.

We know the earth has a multi-billion year history

No, that is an assumption. This assumption is based on the assumption that the fossils in the ground are old and the fossils are said to be old because the rock in which they are found are old.

We know the earth has been populated with thousands, maybe millions of different sorts - species if you will - of living creatures past and present.

There sure is a diversity of life forms out there isn't there. There are a lot of different styles, sizes, shapes and brands of automobiles too. All of those had a designer.

Once you've rejected macro evolution, what are you left with as the better theory?

My suggestion is don't accept macro-evolution in the first place. Creation is the obvious option.

For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:
(Romans 1:20)

In the example I've made before,

you're making that argument that at some point in time, from one moment to the next, there was a empty field, but in that next moment, there were horses in the field,

fully formed, appearing out of nowhere.

One must simply abandon all science altogether in order to accept that as a fact.
You need to excercise some wisdom and better judgement my friend- I know you have very little intelligence to work with - your posts are proof positive of that , but being that you were involved in the Investigations Profession {or so you say} YOU of all people should know better than to post that amount of personal information on line . I was only involved in the Mental Hygene field -not security or investigations and I was able to ascertain what I did in about 10 minutes - imagine what someone who really had an axe to grind with you could do. Regards and sleep tight ---- LOL ---- Oh yes , you have an outstanding parking ticket - old - I'd take care of that if I were you <LMAO >

How long were you in? Or is the internet something new on your ward?

Silly Little Troll
You need to excercise some wisdom and better judgement my friend- I know you have very little intelligence to work with - your posts are proof positive of that , but being that you were involved in the Investigations Profession {or so you say} YOU of all people should know better than to post that amount of personal information on line . I was only involved in the Mental Hygene field -not security or investigations and I was able to ascertain what I did in about 10 minutes - imagine what someone who really had an axe to grind with you could do. Regards and sleep tight ---- LOL ---- Oh yes , you have an outstanding parking ticket - old - I'd take care of that if I were you <LMAO >

How long were you in? Or is the internet something new on your ward?

Silly Little Troll

So, "mental hygiene", you were a hairdresser? That explains a lot. :D
YOu told me what college footbal team you played on when you tried to make a joke about whether I played on a oppossing team that you shut-out - creamed back in your college career . Beat Miss.

Yes - you did Buddy Boy :lol:

You mentioned the Game, the opposing team and the score the rest well ... C'est la vie

You're right - my memory lapsed on that one - it was Roswell rd in the Buckhead section of ATlanta Ga.

You must remember that - that's the time you got caught stealing as story from the Owl and the Pussycat with Barbara Streisand -thinking noone would catch you :lol:

Okay - Ill give you that One - that was an assumption based on your pompous bragging about the time you spend in the Gym.

I've never laid claim to Genius - I have an above average IQ - but fell shy of Mensa by a few points, I let my posts speak for themselves , some are better than others. Now if you want to speak comparitively - copmpared to you - then yes I could be considered a Genuis.

Well apparently you didnt have it when you gave up all that information where the whole world could see it -LOL :lol:

You are right.
I have a stalker.
You need professional help Moe.

You need to excercise some wisdom and better judgement my friend- I know you have very little intelligence to work with - your posts are proof positive of that , but being that you were involved in the Investigations Profession {or so you say} YOU of all people should know better than to post that amount of personal information on line . I was only involved in the Mental Hygene field -not security or investigations and I was able to ascertain what I did in about 10 minutes - imagine what someone who really had an axe to grind with you could do. Regards and sleep tight ---- LOL ---- Oh yes , you have an outstanding parking ticket - old - I'd take care of that if I were you <LMAO >

I have nothing to hide.
Is it rational to believe with certainty in ghosts?

I don't know....does this person who believes in ghosts claim its a rational conclusion?......

Did you not claim above, implicitly, that atheists are not rational?

Why aren't they?

because they say that believing in something without proof is irrational and then state that there is no God, something they believe without proof.....
Is it rational to believe with certainty in ghosts?

I don't know....does this person who believes in ghosts claim its a rational conclusion?......

What is or isn't rational isn't that person's decision.

Again, is it rational to believe with certainty in ghosts?

do you have proof there are no ghosts?.....if not you may believe it, you may be certain of it, but you cannot come to a rational conclusion on the issue?......
I don't know....does this person who believes in ghosts claim its a rational conclusion?......

Did you not claim above, implicitly, that atheists are not rational?

Why aren't they?

because they say that believing in something without proof is irrational and then state that there is no God, something they believe without proof.....

That makes believing - with certainty - IN God without proof irrational,

thus leaving the only rational position to be to not believe in God, since there is no evidence thereof,

while yet acknowledging that proving the non-existence of something is normally impossible, therefore,

the possibility of there being a God who until now has not been revealed must be considered.

eh? lol
I don't know....does this person who believes in ghosts claim its a rational conclusion?......

Did you not claim above, implicitly, that atheists are not rational?

Why aren't they?

Because there's no proof that a god can't exist.

How much of anything must a person acknowledge as a possibility before he can be rated 'rational' on the subject?

Would an atheist magically become rational if he were to say, 'I don't believe in God, I don't believe God exists, but hey,

anything's possible.'

Did you not claim above, implicitly, that atheists are not rational?

Why aren't they?

Because there's no proof that a god can't exist.

How much of anything must a person acknowledge as a possibility before he can be rated 'rational' on the subject?

Would an atheist magically become rational if he were to say, 'I don't believe in God, I don't believe God exists, but hey,

anything's possible.'


You know you have a problem if one person walks up to you and explains evolution and you say BULLSHIT and then another person tells you the Jesus story and you believe it whole heartedly.
I don't know....does this person who believes in ghosts claim its a rational conclusion?......

What is or isn't rational isn't that person's decision.

Again, is it rational to believe with certainty in ghosts?

do you have proof there are no ghosts?.....if not you may believe it, you may be certain of it, but you cannot come to a rational conclusion on the issue?......

So again, 'anything is possible, nothing is impossible' is the only rational position a person can have on the subject?

IOW, no matter what your religion or set of beliefs, to doubt the existence of God is the only rational view to have on that issue.
Because there's no proof that a god can't exist.

How much of anything must a person acknowledge as a possibility before he can be rated 'rational' on the subject?

Would an atheist magically become rational if he were to say, 'I don't believe in God, I don't believe God exists, but hey,

anything's possible.'


You know you have a problem if one person walks up to you and explains evolution and you say BULLSHIT and then another person tells you the Jesus story and you believe it whole heartedly.

Evolution doesn't offer you a future.
How much of anything must a person acknowledge as a possibility before he can be rated 'rational' on the subject?

Would an atheist magically become rational if he were to say, 'I don't believe in God, I don't believe God exists, but hey,

anything's possible.'


You know you have a problem if one person walks up to you and explains evolution and you say BULLSHIT and then another person tells you the Jesus story and you believe it whole heartedly.

Evolution doesn't offer you a future.

Of course not. It's honest. You don't have one.
If you believe that 'Evolution leaves no room for Creation' you're a fool.

If you believe 'Creation leaves no room for Evolution, you're a fool.
If you believe that 'Evolution leaves no room for Creation' you're a fool.

If you believe 'Creation leaves no room for Evolution, you're a fool.

EVOLUTION IS A EVIL DEMON INSPIRED THEORY OF little GOD hating,God rejecting blinded man!!!

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