Evolution is a False Religion not Proven Science.

Did you not claim above, implicitly, that atheists are not rational?

Why aren't they?

because they say that believing in something without proof is irrational and then state that there is no God, something they believe without proof.....

Just for review. The poster above is defining irrationality as not believing in something that you cannot prove doesn't exist.

By that measure, there is no such thing as a rational person, since I doubt that you can find a person whose only disbeliefs are proven.

My disbelief in those items is rational because I have proof. The veracity of the Bible can and has been proven from which the Bible tells me that there is no such thing as 72 virgins awaiting one upon their death. Your disbelief, on the other hand, is irrational because you have nothing to base it on.

For a short list, this poster is saying you are irrational if:

you don't believe in the existence of Big Foot.

you don't believe in teleportation.

you don't believe in the recently mentioned 72 virgins.

you don't believe in psychic powers.

you dont believe that there are aliens from other planets living amongst us.

No, but Richard Dawkins does.
It isn't prophecy. It's deductive reasoning. If you really want to present creationism as a science, you're going to have to learn the difference.

I am not talking about Creation Science right now. I am talking about the delusions of Evolutionism fairy tales.

I was also talking about evolution. Deductive reasoning is not a delusion. It's how we arrive at truth. If you say the apparent age of the earth and the progression of the fossil record are delusions, then you're in effect saying that God lies to us.


I know it's water... I know its water...
I am not talking about Creation Science right now. I am talking about the delusions of Evolutionism fairy tales.

I was also talking about evolution. Deductive reasoning is not a delusion. It's how we arrive at truth. If you say the apparent age of the earth and the progression of the fossil record are delusions, then you're in effect saying that God lies to us.


I know it's water... I know its water...

So, no stellar reasoning, just juvenile rejoinders? That's weak dude, just like "creation science". :eusa_boohoo:
I was also talking about evolution. Deductive reasoning is not a delusion. It's how we arrive at truth. If you say the apparent age of the earth and the progression of the fossil record are delusions, then you're in effect saying that God lies to us.


I know it's water... I know its water...

So, no stellar reasoning, just juvenile rejoinders? That's weak dude, just like "creation science". :eusa_boohoo:

It doesn't take stellar reasoning to defeat your argument; just the simple truth. You cannot get the simplicity of the truth because your eyes are blinded. Call it what you will, but it is a known scientific FACT that our eyes play tricks on us.

I know it's water... I know its water...

So, no stellar reasoning, just juvenile rejoinders? That's weak dude, just like "creation science". :eusa_boohoo:

It doesn't take stellar reasoning to defeat your argument; just the simple truth. You cannot get the simplicity of the truth because your eyes are blinded. Call it what you will, but it is a known scientific FACT that our eyes play tricks on us.

Well tell us what the simple truth is. So far there's no there, there. Simply saying our eyes can be fooled, proves nothing. We're talking millions of eyes over a couple of centuries.
Jesus could come back and tell us evolution was God's plan.
And the deniers would call Jesus a liar.

No, that will never happen, but the AntiChrist will show up and tell you he is GOD and you will buy it hook line and sinker.
Those that opppse the existence of a 'GOD' like anti-theists and non-deists wouldn't be deceived by an 'anti-Christ', but people who don't think for themselves and just follow a cult church like Westboro would be his perfect flock.
I don't reject the Bible.
Love thy neighbor, take care of your body, do not judge, treat everyone the same, forgive and forget.
Those are great things.
Most Christians ignore them most of the time.
Persecute gays, never forgive and judge thy neighbor.
And jump on the anti science bandwagon because of a lack of real faith.

I'm an atheist and I live by those rules too. Funny my one grandmother died and my mom and her sister split everything evenly. Then my other grandmother died and my aunt stole all the money from my dad. She's the biggest bible thumper there is and she takes the bible stories literally too.

Why is she such a hard core christian? Because its a free pass for her evil ass to get into heaven. Doesn't matter she's a thief. We're all sinners, right? Believing in god is all she thinks that matters. So this evil bitch thinks she's going to heaven and my dad who's a good person but doesn't buy into christianity is going to hell? I doubt that.

Oh and my dad isn't really an atheist. He believes like boss that "there has to be something" I try to explain to him there doesn't have to be but he says how could all this be? The world is too perfect he says. We need air, water, two arms, a heart, man & woman, chicken and cows to eat, the sun, etc. He says it's too impossible to think that there is no god. He's so dumb. :eusa_shhh:

Neighbor of mine for 25 years for many years had an ugly ass wife, demanding, stubborn, set in her ways and always complained about a "bad back", would not work and selfish. He remained married to her and attempted to help her as he believed that was his duty as a husband and he gave her the benefit of the doubt. I live in the deep south and have many acres. I live in an area where everyone has at least 10-20 acres. Suburbia sort of as a mall is 5 miles down the road but this used to be rural. Most all of my neighbors are real religious and I am a believer. One 10 acre lot was left on the road undeveloped and it went up for sale. It was over run with kudzu and was an eye sore. Many years back we had an elderly couple with no kids both get cancer at same time. Another woman her husband ran off with another woman and left the 40 year old wife with 4 young kids. One week back then both the elderly folks with cancer had to go to the doctor and had no ride, I had a wood chip lodge in my thigh cutting wood where the kudzu had taken over and a large tree with ice on it fell across the driveway so that the woman with 4 kids could not leave the property during an ice storm where we had no power.
Called all around the neighborhood and the neighbor with the sorry ass wife was the only one to offer 100% assistance.
He cut the tree up with me so the woman with 4 kids could go stay at a relatives house. He helped me take the elderly couple to the Dr., we each took one and when I lodged the wood chip in my thigh I had my cell phone and he took me to the ER.

While drinking a few beers that Saturday night I stated "Thank God that wood chip did not hit me in the face. Thanks for helping me with the Woods to take them to the Dr. Can we say a prayer for them?"
He said "I am an atheist and do not pray"

Few years after that he divorced his wife and married another woman and is a happy man. Gave the first wife what she wanted and found out in the divorce proceedings she had a large trust fund she never told him about and he did not ask for any of it as he believed she needed it for her health care.

Best neighbor I have ever had.

"A clear conscience is usually the sign of a bad memory.":eusa_shifty:

According to your own account the man violated the teachings of the Bible and therefore is not a "good person."

The Bible says that if you even look at a woman with lust you are guilty of adultery. Moreover, not one of us can say that we have not lied.

"They are all gone out of the way, they are together become unprofitable; there is none that doeth good, no, not one." Romans 3:12

"For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;" Romans 3:23

And finally,

"For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all." James 2:10

In fact there is one that came to pay for your sins that was despised, rejected, beaten, spit on, had his beard torn off, was hung naked, and crucified. Your sins and mine placed Jesus on that cross.
Jesus could come back and tell us evolution was God's plan.
And the deniers would call Jesus a liar.

No, that will never happen, but the AntiChrist will show up and tell you he is GOD and you will buy it hook line and sinker.
Those that opppse the existence of a 'GOD' like anti-theists and non-deists wouldn't be deceived by an 'anti-Christ', but people who don't think for themselves and just follow a cult church like Westboro would be his perfect flock.

Yes, unfortunately there will be many that call themselves Christians that will follow the Anti-Christ. The spirit of antichrist (little "a") is already prevalent throughout society and churches today (1 John 4:3). Those claiming to be "good people" are prime examples of it.

And yes, unfortunately if you continue to reject Christ, you will accept the mark of the beast. He will present himself as a fleshly god that you can see with your eyes and will present lying signs and wonders.

If you could see how ridiculously childish your sinful actions are you would say "that will never happen" or I would never do that", but because your eyes are blinded by lust you think it is perfectly normal.

Romans 1:19-24
19 Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them.

20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:

21 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.

22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,

23 And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.

24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:

Similarly it will be at the coming of the Anti-Christ (2 Thes 2):
5 Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things?

6 And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time.

7 For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way.

8 And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:

9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,

10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.

11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:

12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

I hope that you reconsider before that time, but if you don't, remember that I told you so.
Every time I see a post by GIS, especially this one I flashback to "Ladyhawke" and,

The drunken monk's trying to convince the "knight" about his revelation from God, how God's forgiven him for betraying the knight and his lady to which the knight replies, "God hasn't forgiven you. He's made you mad." :)
I know you are not suggesting it. You are just blindly believing what the prophets of evolutionism tell you.

I don't disagree with science. I disagree with the Prophets of Evolutionism.

It isn't prophecy. It's deductive reasoning. If you really want to present creationism as a science, you're going to have to learn the difference.

odd, usually deductive reasoning involves facts and reason.......what is your new methodology?.......
It isn't prophecy. It's deductive reasoning. If you really want to present creationism as a science, you're going to have to learn the difference.

I am not talking about Creation Science right now. I am talking about the delusions of Evolutionism fairy tales.

I was also talking about evolution. Deductive reasoning is not a delusion. It's how we arrive at truth. If you say the apparent age of the earth and the progression of the fossil record are delusions, then you're in effect saying that God lies to us.

well no....God did not tell you there was a progression in the fossil record.....thus, he did not lie to you....
I am not talking about Creation Science right now. I am talking about the delusions of Evolutionism fairy tales.

I was also talking about evolution. Deductive reasoning is not a delusion. It's how we arrive at truth. If you say the apparent age of the earth and the progression of the fossil record are delusions, then you're in effect saying that God lies to us.

well no....God did not tell you there was a progression in the fossil record.....thus, he did not lie to you....

In fact, God's never actually said anything to anyone.
Jesus could come back and tell us evolution was God's plan.
And the deniers would call Jesus a liar.

No, that will never happen, but the AntiChrist will show up and tell you he is GOD and you will buy it hook line and sinker.
Those that opppse the existence of a 'GOD' like anti-theists and non-deists wouldn't be deceived by an 'anti-Christ', but people who don't think for themselves and just follow a cult church like Westboro would be his perfect flock.

you may have a point....there ARE a lot of similarities between those who believe science has proven humans evolved from a single celled organism and those who follow the Rev. Phelps......you could break free if you looked at this "scientific" evidence with open eyes.....
I was also talking about evolution. Deductive reasoning is not a delusion. It's how we arrive at truth. If you say the apparent age of the earth and the progression of the fossil record are delusions, then you're in effect saying that God lies to us.

well no....God did not tell you there was a progression in the fossil record.....thus, he did not lie to you....

In fact, God's never actually said anything to anyone.
odd, then how did he lie?.....
I know you are not suggesting it. You are just blindly believing what the prophets of evolutionism tell you.

I don't disagree with science. I disagree with the Prophets of Evolutionism.

It isn't prophecy. It's deductive reasoning. If you really want to present creationism as a science, you're going to have to learn the difference.

odd, usually deductive reasoning involves facts and reason.......what is your new methodology?.......

You're being intellectually dishonest. There's nothing new about what I'm saying.
I am not talking about Creation Science right now. I am talking about the delusions of Evolutionism fairy tales.

I was also talking about evolution. Deductive reasoning is not a delusion. It's how we arrive at truth. If you say the apparent age of the earth and the progression of the fossil record are delusions, then you're in effect saying that God lies to us.

well no....God did not tell you there was a progression in the fossil record.....thus, he did not lie to you....

If God created everything including my brain and the fossil record is laid out in an apparent progression that isn't true, yes, he does lie to us. But most of us realize Genesis is an allegory, just as the parables of Jesus are not assumed to have happened exactly as He told them.
I was also talking about evolution. Deductive reasoning is not a delusion. It's how we arrive at truth. If you say the apparent age of the earth and the progression of the fossil record are delusions, then you're in effect saying that God lies to us.

well no....God did not tell you there was a progression in the fossil record.....thus, he did not lie to you....

In fact, God's never actually said anything to anyone.

I thought the Bible was literally true? If so he spoke to Adam, Abraham , Moses, etc. Sorry, but that line of argument FAILS. You can't say one part of the story is literally true in all its aspects, but then reject others at your convenience.

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