Evolution is a False Religion not Proven Science.

lol....typical brainless atheist......joins in an argument, then pretends the argument has nothing to do with him......okay, you are not engaged in the argument......you have not, nor will you contribute anything to it......understood.......

It's because you can't read. I wasn't the one who said god lied. But I may have said that he's a homo because he wanted Adam not to bang the chick and stay in homobliss heaven with him. :D

glad to see you're staying in character as a typical brainless atheist....

Not an atheist either. Strike two. :D
That wasn't the question. It's possible, though. Were all the conversations recorded?

those are questions YOU should be answering.....you're the one claiming God lied about the progression of fossils....

No I didn't. I said for your view to be true that would bee the case. I believe the fossil record tell the evolutionary theory and God didn't lie to us. I count this as another case of you twisting words to muddy the waters without actually posting anything of substance that explains WHY you believe what you believe. Instead you trying to tell me what I'm saying and what I believe. Why is that? Is it that you don't really have any good arguments or evidence?

you said....
If you say the apparent age of the earth and the progression of the fossil record are delusions, then you're in effect saying that God lies to us.
thus, you are claiming that it cannot be true that the progression of the fossil record is a delusion unless God is lying to us.....the simple fact is God has never told you the fossil record is progressive......thus, it may simultaneously be true that your claims about the fossil record are a delusion AND that God is not lying to us........it isn't that difficult to understand....why do I have to explain it to you?.....
It's because you can't read. I wasn't the one who said god lied. But I may have said that he's a homo because he wanted Adam not to bang the chick and stay in homobliss heaven with him. :D

glad to see you're staying in character as a typical brainless atheist....

Not an atheist either. Strike two. :D

/shrugs.....you are on record as saying the God we have been discussing does not exist.....if you choose to believe in some other deity, it would be a subject for another thread.....
glad to see you're staying in character as a typical brainless atheist....

Not an atheist either. Strike two. :D

/shrugs.....you are on record as saying the God we have been discussing does not exist.....if you choose to believe in some other deity, it would be a subject for another thread.....

I'm agnostic, no proof either way exists yet for a god. The only rational stance to have.
I was also talking about evolution. Deductive reasoning is not a delusion. It's how we arrive at truth. If you say the apparent age of the earth and the progression of the fossil record are delusions, then you're in effect saying that God lies to us.

well no....God did not tell you there was a progression in the fossil record.....thus, he did not lie to you....

If God created everything including my brain and the fossil record is laid out in an apparent progression that isn't true, yes, he does lie to us. But most of us realize Genesis is an allegory, just as the parables of Jesus are not assumed to have happened exactly as He told them.

You are the one making the claim that the fossils are in an apparent progression. Back to my picture....

Not an atheist either. Strike two. :D

/shrugs.....you are on record as saying the God we have been discussing does not exist.....if you choose to believe in some other deity, it would be a subject for another thread.....

I'm agnostic, no proof either way exists yet for a god. The only rational stance to have.

An Agnostic is someone [a- (not or without) gnostic (knowledge)] without knowledge.
An atheist is someone who is not a believer in God.

The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. Corrupt are they, and have done abominable iniquity: there is none that doeth good.
(Psalms 53:1 KJV)

It is more rational to be an ignoramous than a blind fool, but it is more rational to find the truth than to be either an idiot or a blind fool.
/shrugs.....you are on record as saying the God we have been discussing does not exist.....if you choose to believe in some other deity, it would be a subject for another thread.....

I'm agnostic, no proof either way exists yet for a god. The only rational stance to have.

An Agnostic is someone [a- (not or without) gnostic (knowledge)] without knowledge.
An atheist is someone who is not a believer in God.

The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. Corrupt are they, and have done abominable iniquity: there is none that doeth good.
(Psalms 53:1 KJV)

It is more rational to be an ignoramous than a blind fool, but it is more rational to find the truth than to be either an idiot or a blind fool.
Since you haven't found the truth, the only rational position is to say we don't know either way... Until we get proof either way.
there has to be....no one has ever demonstrated deductive reasoning on the issue before......what are the facts on which you base your conclusion?.....here's a single celled organism.....deductive reasoning tells you it evolved into a human being.....show us fact number one that starts the whole reasoning process......

Simple, DNA.

????.....from the existence of DNA you conclude that single celled organisms are proven to have evolved into human beings?.....how so?.....do you believe there had to be a change in the DNA between the first single celled creature and a creature capable of reproduction on a multicellular level (hint: such a change was in fact necessary).......how many levels of complexity were necessary to result in that change?........could that many levels of complexity have ever occurred in a single generation......if they could not, how did a third generation ever occur?.....

We're talking billions of years. A lot of things can happen and we're just beginning to piece together the whole story.
those are questions YOU should be answering.....you're the one claiming God lied about the progression of fossils....

No I didn't. I said for your view to be true that would bee the case. I believe the fossil record tell the evolutionary theory and God didn't lie to us. I count this as another case of you twisting words to muddy the waters without actually posting anything of substance that explains WHY you believe what you believe. Instead you trying to tell me what I'm saying and what I believe. Why is that? Is it that you don't really have any good arguments or evidence?

you said....
If you say the apparent age of the earth and the progression of the fossil record are delusions, then you're in effect saying that God lies to us.
thus, you are claiming that it cannot be true that the progression of the fossil record is a delusion unless God is lying to us.....the simple fact is God has never told you the fossil record is progressive......thus, it may simultaneously be true that your claims about the fossil record are a delusion AND that God is not lying to us........it isn't that difficult to understand....why do I have to explain it to you?.....

It's not a delusion. Millions have seen it over the years. If there's a delusion involved, it's the refusal to accept the evidence of one's eyes. If our eyes provide us with false testimony, as you say, whose fault is that. I'm not saying that's the case however. god does not lie to us and the fossil progression is truly there as so many have said.
there has to be....no one has ever demonstrated deductive reasoning on the issue before......what are the facts on which you base your conclusion?.....here's a single celled organism.....deductive reasoning tells you it evolved into a human being.....show us fact number one that starts the whole reasoning process......

The ability of two single cells, a sperm and an egg, to merge and eventually become a fully formed human being.

are you going on record as claiming the reproductive system is evidence of evolution?.....please bear in mind that argument has been raised before on this forum (actually, within the last few weeks)......if so, and assuming the adult is a homo sapiens, what is the species of the zygote it "evolved" from......and how long is the period of evolution in that instance.....is it all of the nine months, or is it just the first 48 hours?......

You wanted a fact from which you could deduce that evolution involved single cells becoming more complex to eventually become humans.

The zygote example is not to prove evolution, it's to prove that the right sort of chemical composition of a single cell, or in the zygote case two cells, can enable it to transform itself into something much more complex.
when he spoke to Adam, Abraham, Moses, etc., did he ever once say...."oh by the way, those fossils?.....they are in a progressive line of development".........

Can you eliminate the possibility/probability that the Bible was simply a set of stories that were made up by human storytellers?

to the extent to which I am prepared to believe it true?.....of course......its called a faith choice....

So you can eliminate that possibility by a leap of faith, but not by rational argument.
I don't really see the reason for all the angst.

All life seeks to perpetuate itself, therefore, as environments change, life adapts.

I suppose the problem rests within the assumption that humanity developed from lower species. And the absence of a sound chain of evidence that supports that assumption.

At the end of the day, it doesn't matter to us, but I think it likely that humanity was more likely established here than we evolved. With Eden being where God put us.

But it doesn't matter to me. If God grew us from Apes which grew out of fish, that works for me just fine.
I'm agnostic, no proof either way exists yet for a god. The only rational stance to have.

An Agnostic is someone [a- (not or without) gnostic (knowledge)] without knowledge.
An atheist is someone who is not a believer in God.

The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. Corrupt are they, and have done abominable iniquity: there is none that doeth good.
(Psalms 53:1 KJV)

It is more rational to be an ignoramous than a blind fool, but it is more rational to find the truth than to be either an idiot or a blind fool.
Since you haven't found the truth, the only rational position is to say we don't know either way... Until we get proof either way.

Not exactly. I have found the truth. It is called the Bible. You are still searching. Hopefully you will find it some day.
I thought the Bible was literally true? If so he spoke to Adam, Abraham , Moses, etc. Sorry, but that line of argument FAILS. You can't say one part of the story is literally true in all its aspects, but then reject others at your convenience.

when he spoke to Adam, Abraham, Moses, etc., did he ever once say...."oh by the way, those fossils?.....they are in a progressive line of development".........

Can you eliminate the possibility/probability that the Bible was simply a set of stories that were made up by human storytellers?

Yes, I have.
when he spoke to Adam, Abraham, Moses, etc., did he ever once say...."oh by the way, those fossils?.....they are in a progressive line of development".........

Can you eliminate the possibility/probability that the Bible was simply a set of stories that were made up by human storytellers?

Yes, I have.

Funny how you demand answers as to how we arrived at our beliefs, but haven't done so yourself. Can you give us ANY scientific principle, data or theory which would help us see your side?
Simple, DNA.

????.....from the existence of DNA you conclude that single celled organisms are proven to have evolved into human beings?.....how so?.....do you believe there had to be a change in the DNA between the first single celled creature and a creature capable of reproduction on a multicellular level (hint: such a change was in fact necessary).......how many levels of complexity were necessary to result in that change?........could that many levels of complexity have ever occurred in a single generation......if they could not, how did a third generation ever occur?.....

We're talking billions of years. A lot of things can happen and we're just beginning to piece together the whole story.

odd....someone was just telling us it was the culmination of 200 years of accumulated wisdom.....and someone else just told me the proof was simple.....wait, that was you!........
No I didn't. I said for your view to be true that would bee the case. I believe the fossil record tell the evolutionary theory and God didn't lie to us. I count this as another case of you twisting words to muddy the waters without actually posting anything of substance that explains WHY you believe what you believe. Instead you trying to tell me what I'm saying and what I believe. Why is that? Is it that you don't really have any good arguments or evidence?

you said....
If you say the apparent age of the earth and the progression of the fossil record are delusions, then you're in effect saying that God lies to us.
thus, you are claiming that it cannot be true that the progression of the fossil record is a delusion unless God is lying to us.....the simple fact is God has never told you the fossil record is progressive......thus, it may simultaneously be true that your claims about the fossil record are a delusion AND that God is not lying to us........it isn't that difficult to understand....why do I have to explain it to you?.....

It's not a delusion. Millions have seen it over the years. If there's a delusion involved, it's the refusal to accept the evidence of one's eyes. If our eyes provide us with false testimony, as you say, whose fault is that. I'm not saying that's the case however. god does not lie to us and the fossil progression is truly there as so many have said.

evidence should lead one from point A to point B.....its not supposed to get hazy in the middle and have you standing at point B shouting "and that's the way it works!"........
An Agnostic is someone [a- (not or without) gnostic (knowledge)] without knowledge.
An atheist is someone who is not a believer in God.

The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. Corrupt are they, and have done abominable iniquity: there is none that doeth good.
(Psalms 53:1 KJV)

It is more rational to be an ignoramous than a blind fool, but it is more rational to find the truth than to be either an idiot or a blind fool.
Since you haven't found the truth, the only rational position is to say we don't know either way... Until we get proof either way.

Not exactly. I have found the truth. It is called the Bible. You are still searching. Hopefully you will find it some day.
I found a bible once cleaning out an upstairs room. Didn't know where it came from. I threw it out. Now THAT'S the truth. :D

But c'mon man, a book written 2000 years ago full of mumbo jumbo describing things that may or may not have happened, since there's no proof to any of it. Do you really think that a creator of the universe would punish us for not following a book? Seriously, get a grip brah.
The ability of two single cells, a sperm and an egg, to merge and eventually become a fully formed human being.

are you going on record as claiming the reproductive system is evidence of evolution?.....please bear in mind that argument has been raised before on this forum (actually, within the last few weeks)......if so, and assuming the adult is a homo sapiens, what is the species of the zygote it "evolved" from......and how long is the period of evolution in that instance.....is it all of the nine months, or is it just the first 48 hours?......

You wanted a fact from which you could deduce that evolution involved single cells becoming more complex to eventually become humans.

yes....I did.....and you gave me reproduction instead of evolution......now do you have something that proves what I asked for.....

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