Evolution is a False Religion not Proven Science.

No, that will never happen, but the AntiChrist will show up and tell you he is GOD and you will buy it hook line and sinker.
Those that opppse the existence of a 'GOD' like anti-theists and non-deists wouldn't be deceived by an 'anti-Christ', but people who don't think for themselves and just follow a cult church like Westboro would be his perfect flock.

Yes, unfortunately there will be many that call themselves Christians that will follow the Anti-Christ. The spirit of antichrist (little "a") is already prevalent throughout society and churches today (1 John 4:3). Those claiming to be "good people" are prime examples of it.

And yes, unfortunately if you continue to reject Christ, you will accept the mark of the beast. He will present himself as a fleshly god that you can see with your eyes and will present lying signs and wonders.

If you could see how ridiculously childish your sinful actions are you would say "that will never happen" or I would never do that", but because your eyes are blinded by lust you think it is perfectly normal.

Romans 1:19-24
19 Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them.

20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:

21 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.

22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,

23 And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.

24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:

Similarly it will be at the coming of the Anti-Christ (2 Thes 2):
5 Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things?

6 And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time.

7 For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way.

8 And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:

9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,

10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.

11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:

12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

I hope that you reconsider before that time, but if you don't, remember that I told you so.
I like how you use the term reject, as I can't reject something that to me doesn't exist. But I don't see any empirical evidence sitting around that says that if there even is a god, that it has to be Christian. The Egyptian crocodile that gobbles people up in the afterlife was around several thousand years before Christianity even came on the scene. Hell doesn't scare me, nor do crocodile gods.
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In fact, God's never actually said anything to anyone.
odd, then how did he lie?.....

I never said he did. Invisible people can't talk, everyone knows that. :D

lol....typical brainless atheist......joins in an argument, then pretends the argument has nothing to do with him......okay, you are not engaged in the argument......you have not, nor will you contribute anything to it......understood.......
It isn't prophecy. It's deductive reasoning. If you really want to present creationism as a science, you're going to have to learn the difference.

odd, usually deductive reasoning involves facts and reason.......what is your new methodology?.......

You're being intellectually dishonest. There's nothing new about what I'm saying.

there has to be....no one has ever demonstrated deductive reasoning on the issue before......what are the facts on which you base your conclusion?.....here's a single celled organism.....deductive reasoning tells you it evolved into a human being.....show us fact number one that starts the whole reasoning process......
I was also talking about evolution. Deductive reasoning is not a delusion. It's how we arrive at truth. If you say the apparent age of the earth and the progression of the fossil record are delusions, then you're in effect saying that God lies to us.

well no....God did not tell you there was a progression in the fossil record.....thus, he did not lie to you....

If God created everything including my brain and the fossil record is laid out in an apparent progression that isn't true, yes, he does lie to us.

why?.....there are other alternatives.....for example, you could be lying to yourself and he has nothing at all to do with it......
well no....God did not tell you there was a progression in the fossil record.....thus, he did not lie to you....

In fact, God's never actually said anything to anyone.

I thought the Bible was literally true? If so he spoke to Adam, Abraham , Moses, etc. Sorry, but that line of argument FAILS. You can't say one part of the story is literally true in all its aspects, but then reject others at your convenience.

when he spoke to Adam, Abraham, Moses, etc., did he ever once say...."oh by the way, those fossils?.....they are in a progressive line of development".........
odd, usually deductive reasoning involves facts and reason.......what is your new methodology?.......

you're being intellectually dishonest. There's nothing new about what i'm saying.

there has to be....no one has ever demonstrated deductive reasoning on the issue before......what are the facts on which you base your conclusion?.....here's a single celled organism.....deductive reasoning tells you it evolved into a human being.....show us fact number one that starts the whole reasoning process......

Simple, DNA.
In fact, God's never actually said anything to anyone.

I thought the Bible was literally true? If so he spoke to Adam, Abraham , Moses, etc. Sorry, but that line of argument FAILS. You can't say one part of the story is literally true in all its aspects, but then reject others at your convenience.

when he spoke to Adam, Abraham, Moses, etc., did he ever once say...."oh by the way, those fossils?.....they are in a progressive line of development".........

That wasn't the question. It's possible, though. Were all the conversations recorded?
well no....God did not tell you there was a progression in the fossil record.....thus, he did not lie to you....

If God created everything including my brain and the fossil record is laid out in an apparent progression that isn't true, yes, he does lie to us.

why?.....there are other alternatives.....for example, you could be lying to yourself and he has nothing at all to do with it......

It isn't just me. You are also saying that millions over almost two centuries are having the same delusion. If you believe that it's a delusion, you must have some evidence. Please state it.
I thought the Bible was literally true? If so he spoke to Adam, Abraham , Moses, etc. Sorry, but that line of argument FAILS. You can't say one part of the story is literally true in all its aspects, but then reject others at your convenience.

when he spoke to Adam, Abraham, Moses, etc., did he ever once say...."oh by the way, those fossils?.....they are in a progressive line of development".........

That wasn't the question. It's possible, though. Were all the conversations recorded?

It's all on 8 track in a secret vault in the Vatican. However, there is some distortion. Everything the snake said just comes out like a "hissing" noise.
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odd, then how did he lie?.....

I never said he did. Invisible people can't talk, everyone knows that. :D

lol....typical brainless atheist......joins in an argument, then pretends the argument has nothing to do with him......okay, you are not engaged in the argument......you have not, nor will you contribute anything to it......understood.......

It's because you can't read. I wasn't the one who said god lied. But I may have said that he's a homo because he wanted Adam not to bang the chick and stay in homobliss heaven with him. :D
odd, usually deductive reasoning involves facts and reason.......what is your new methodology?.......

You're being intellectually dishonest. There's nothing new about what I'm saying.

there has to be....no one has ever demonstrated deductive reasoning on the issue before......what are the facts on which you base your conclusion?.....here's a single celled organism.....deductive reasoning tells you it evolved into a human being.....show us fact number one that starts the whole reasoning process......

The ability of two single cells, a sperm and an egg, to merge and eventually become a fully formed human being.
In fact, God's never actually said anything to anyone.

I thought the Bible was literally true? If so he spoke to Adam, Abraham , Moses, etc. Sorry, but that line of argument FAILS. You can't say one part of the story is literally true in all its aspects, but then reject others at your convenience.

when he spoke to Adam, Abraham, Moses, etc., did he ever once say...."oh by the way, those fossils?.....they are in a progressive line of development".........

Can you eliminate the possibility/probability that the Bible was simply a set of stories that were made up by human storytellers?
I thought the Bible was literally true? If so he spoke to Adam, Abraham , Moses, etc. Sorry, but that line of argument FAILS. You can't say one part of the story is literally true in all its aspects, but then reject others at your convenience.

when he spoke to Adam, Abraham, Moses, etc., did he ever once say...."oh by the way, those fossils?.....they are in a progressive line of development".........

Can you eliminate the possibility/probability that the Bible was simply a set of stories that were made up by human storytellers?

It obviously is a set of stories. The Noah story is actually a retelling of what happened to Gilgamesh. IMO, the Bible should be read for moral principles, NOT history or science.
you're being intellectually dishonest. There's nothing new about what i'm saying.

there has to be....no one has ever demonstrated deductive reasoning on the issue before......what are the facts on which you base your conclusion?.....here's a single celled organism.....deductive reasoning tells you it evolved into a human being.....show us fact number one that starts the whole reasoning process......

Simple, DNA.

????.....from the existence of DNA you conclude that single celled organisms are proven to have evolved into human beings?.....how so?.....do you believe there had to be a change in the DNA between the first single celled creature and a creature capable of reproduction on a multicellular level (hint: such a change was in fact necessary).......how many levels of complexity were necessary to result in that change?........could that many levels of complexity have ever occurred in a single generation......if they could not, how did a third generation ever occur?.....
I thought the Bible was literally true? If so he spoke to Adam, Abraham , Moses, etc. Sorry, but that line of argument FAILS. You can't say one part of the story is literally true in all its aspects, but then reject others at your convenience.

when he spoke to Adam, Abraham, Moses, etc., did he ever once say...."oh by the way, those fossils?.....they are in a progressive line of development".........

That wasn't the question. It's possible, though. Were all the conversations recorded?

those are questions YOU should be answering.....you're the one claiming God lied about the progression of fossils....
If God created everything including my brain and the fossil record is laid out in an apparent progression that isn't true, yes, he does lie to us.

why?.....there are other alternatives.....for example, you could be lying to yourself and he has nothing at all to do with it......

It isn't just me. You are also saying that millions over almost two centuries are having the same delusion. If you believe that it's a delusion, you must have some evidence. Please state it.

the delusion is believing a static item, such as a fossil, is evidence of a transition between two other fossils......there is absolutely no way to prove that claim other than by assuming it to be true, then pointing at it and saying "and look here, just as we suspected all along, there it is!".......my evidence is that you believe it to be true without evidence......one may say its faith, but if you deny faith, it can only be delusion.....
I never said he did. Invisible people can't talk, everyone knows that. :D

lol....typical brainless atheist......joins in an argument, then pretends the argument has nothing to do with him......okay, you are not engaged in the argument......you have not, nor will you contribute anything to it......understood.......

It's because you can't read. I wasn't the one who said god lied. But I may have said that he's a homo because he wanted Adam not to bang the chick and stay in homobliss heaven with him. :D

glad to see you're staying in character as a typical brainless atheist....
You're being intellectually dishonest. There's nothing new about what I'm saying.

there has to be....no one has ever demonstrated deductive reasoning on the issue before......what are the facts on which you base your conclusion?.....here's a single celled organism.....deductive reasoning tells you it evolved into a human being.....show us fact number one that starts the whole reasoning process......

The ability of two single cells, a sperm and an egg, to merge and eventually become a fully formed human being.

are you going on record as claiming the reproductive system is evidence of evolution?.....please bear in mind that argument has been raised before on this forum (actually, within the last few weeks)......if so, and assuming the adult is a homo sapiens, what is the species of the zygote it "evolved" from......and how long is the period of evolution in that instance.....is it all of the nine months, or is it just the first 48 hours?......
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when he spoke to Adam, Abraham, Moses, etc., did he ever once say...."oh by the way, those fossils?.....they are in a progressive line of development".........

That wasn't the question. It's possible, though. Were all the conversations recorded?

those are questions YOU should be answering.....you're the one claiming God lied about the progression of fossils....

No I didn't. I said for your view to be true that would bee the case. I believe the fossil record tell the evolutionary theory and God didn't lie to us. I count this as another case of you twisting words to muddy the waters without actually posting anything of substance that explains WHY you believe what you believe. Instead you trying to tell me what I'm saying and what I believe. Why is that? Is it that you don't really have any good arguments or evidence?
I thought the Bible was literally true? If so he spoke to Adam, Abraham , Moses, etc. Sorry, but that line of argument FAILS. You can't say one part of the story is literally true in all its aspects, but then reject others at your convenience.

when he spoke to Adam, Abraham, Moses, etc., did he ever once say...."oh by the way, those fossils?.....they are in a progressive line of development".........

Can you eliminate the possibility/probability that the Bible was simply a set of stories that were made up by human storytellers?

to the extent to which I am prepared to believe it true?.....of course......its called a faith choice....

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