Evolution is a False Religion not Proven Science.

The is no dogmatic, religious faith required to study the biology of life on the planet. Human ancestry is a rather complete history. Here's a hint: it goes back much further than 6,000 years.
hint: find out if someone believes it does before assuming "6000 years" wins an argument.....
The notion that you think there's ignorance on my part is offensive. You're just employing rhetorical double-talk. You take it as a given that you aren't the ignorant one when, like you say about evolution, "that hasn't been determined yet".
you're offended?.....I am crushed!......
Post believes in the wildly implausible scenario that all the earth's creatures came into being, out of nowhere, fully formed.
not true....I believe that you are one of earth's creatures.....I believe your mother carried you in her womb and that you came into being in a hospital.....
The story has been told of a person who went back to his university professor many years after completing his degree in Economics. He asked to look at the test questions they were now using. He was surprised to see that they were virtually the same questions he was asked when he was a student. The lecturer then said that although the questions were the same the answers are were entirely different!

I once debated with a geology professor from an American University on a radio program. He said that evolution was real science because evolutionists were prepared to continually change their theories as they found new data. He said that creation was not science because a creationist's views were set by the Bible and, therefore, were not subject to change.

I answered, "The reason scientific theories change is because we don't know everything, isn't it? We don't have all the evidence."
"Yes, that's right," he said.
I replied, "But, we will never know everything."
"That's true," he answered.
I then stated, "We will always continue to find new evidence."
"Quite correct," he said. I replied, "That means we can't be sure about anything."
"Right," he said.
"That means we can't be sure about evolution."
"Oh, no! Evolution is a fact," he blurted out. He was caught by his own logic. He was demonstrating how his view was determined by his bias.

Models of science are subject to change for both creationists and evolutionists. But the beliefs that these models are built on are not.

The problem is that most scientists do not realize that it is the belief (or religion) of evolution that is the basis for the scientific models (the interpretations, or stories) used to attempt an explanation of the present. Evolutionists are not prepared to change their actual belief that all life can be explained by natural processes and that no God is involved (or even needed). Evolution is the religion to which they are committed. Christians need to wake up to this. Evolution is a religion; it is not a science!
Evolution is Religion
You are so beyond clueless, it's incredible. There is a documentary out there that you need to watch. It's called "Religious." If that doesn't wake you up, I know of a free ebook that will. Just go to your browser and enter, "Our Holy Hell: The Causes, The Solutions."
It's not a delusion. Millions have seen it over the years. If there's a delusion involved, it's the refusal to accept the evidence of one's eyes. If our eyes provide us with false testimony, as you say, whose fault is that. I'm not saying that's the case however. god does not lie to us and the fossil progression is truly there as so many have said.

It is not a delusion... It really is water.... my eyes tell me so...
I found a bible once cleaning out an upstairs room. Didn't know where it came from. I threw it out. Now THAT'S the truth. :D

But c'mon man, a book written 2000 years ago full of mumbo jumbo describing things that may or may not have happened, since there's no proof to any of it.

Hardly mumbo jumbo. It is a book comprised of 66 books written by over 40 authors with one message which is the gospel of Jesus Christ. That God so loved the world that he sent his only begotten Son to die on a cross for the sins of the entire world that whosoever would call upon his name would be saved. He died and rose again that you and I might have eternal life if we accept Yashua as our Savior. He died on that cross of wood yet made the hill on which it stood. The nails held his hands to the cross not by friction but by his love for you and I. Those around him mocked him saying why doesn't he save himself. The answer is he gave his life so we might gain eternal life. His love is what held him to that cross.

Contrary to your statement, there IS prophetic, scientific, archeological, and historical proof for the Bible. The Bible is the most scrutinized book in history and yet with each day that passes, scientific findings come closer and closer to the Bible, archeologists discover more and more proof that things happened just as the Bible said they did, and prophecy continues to be fulfilled even as we speak.

And that is just at the surface level. The veracity of the Bible is so solid that it has built in encryption, error checking and even error correcting measures that is arguably far better than modern computer code. The prophetic nature alone demonstrates its origin from outside the dimension of time. Moreover, the uniqueness of the word sets and the hepatic structure of the New Testament gospels can only be by the work product of a masterful designer inhabiting eternity just as the Bible claims.

I'm sorry to hear you threw away the Truth and with it true wisdom and knowledge. The Bible isn't just "a" book it is God himself before you (John 1:1). It is his love letter to you (John 3:16). It is the words of the Almighty (2 Timothy 3:16 & 2 Peter 1:21). It is Wisdom to those who seek it (Proverbs 1:5).

But don't worry, God didn't step out of eternity to die on a cross expecting a grand celebration and a warm welcome. He didn't set foot on this earth to love those who loved him and die for those who were righteous. No, he loved us first that we might love him seeing the endless depth of his love for us (1 John 4:19). For God IS love (1 John 4:8). He saved us out of our miserable despair and redeemed us through his Son. Though you turned your back on God he has not turned his back on you. Until you leave this physical earth, there is still hope for eternal life if you turn from your sins, repent and put your trust in Jesus Christ.

Do you really think that a creator of the universe would punish us for not following a book? Seriously, get a grip brah.

Do you believe that the physical laws of science work sometimes and not other times? God's spiritual laws govern the eternal dimension just as consistently as his physical laws govern this temporal dimension. It took scientists millions of dollars to discover that there are more than 10 dimensions when they could have taken the Bible's word for it and had a couple of million dollars left in their pocket.
no, I do not believe multicelled organisms evolved from single celled organisms.....I believe multicelled organisms were caused.....
Ahh. So the gods magically *poofed* multi celled organisms into existence and that resulted in the diversity of life on the planet in just 6,000 years?

Advocates of super-magical design must supply some evidence, some testable examples, as to why they think that the products of nature must have been designed. To date, they have not done so and in fact, appeal instead to a wide array of nonsensical and unproven supernatural assertions. They have merely offered bad analogies and metaphors that appeal only to emotion and fear.
Hardly mumbo jumbo. It is a book comprised of 66 books written by over 40 authors with one message which is the gospel of Jesus Christ. That God so loved the world that he sent his only begotten Son to die on a cross for the sins of the entire world that whosoever would call upon his name would be saved. He died and rose again that you and I might have eternal life if we accept Yashua as our Savior. He died on that cross of wood yet made the hill on which it stood. The nails held his hands to the cross not by friction but by his love for you and I. Those around him mocked him saying why doesn't he save himself. The answer is he gave his life so we might gain eternal life. His love is what held him to that cross.

Contrary to your statement, there IS prophetic, scientific, archeological, and historical proof for the Bible. The Bible is the most scrutinized book in history and yet with each day that passes, scientific findings come closer and closer to the Bible, archeologists discover more and more proof that things happened just as the Bible said they did, and prophecy continues to be fulfilled even as we speak.

And that is just at the surface level. The veracity of the Bible is so solid that it has built in encryption, error checking and even error correcting measures that is arguably far better than modern computer code. The prophetic nature alone demonstrates its origin from outside the dimension of time. Moreover, the uniqueness of the word sets and the hepatic structure of the New Testament gospels can only be by the work product of a masterful designer inhabiting eternity just as the Bible claims.

I'm sorry to hear you threw away the Truth and with it true wisdom and knowledge. The Bible isn't just "a" book it is God himself before you (John 1:1). It is his love letter to you (John 3:16). It is the words of the Almighty (2 Timothy 3:16 & 2 Peter 1:21). It is Wisdom to those who seek it (Proverbs 1:5).

But don't worry, God didn't step out of eternity to die on a cross expecting a grand celebration and a warm welcome. He didn't set foot on this earth to love those who loved him and die for those who were righteous. No, he loved us first that we might love him seeing the endless depth of his love for us (1 John 4:19). For God IS love (1 John 4:8). He saved us out of our miserable despair and redeemed us through his Son. Though you turned your back on God he has not turned his back on you. Until you leave this physical earth, there is still hope for eternal life if you turn from your sins, repent and put your trust in Jesus Christ.

Do you believe that the physical laws of science work sometimes and not other times? God's spiritual laws govern the eternal dimension just as consistently as his physical laws govern this temporal dimension. It took scientists millions of dollars to discover that there are more than 10 dimensions when they could have taken the Bible's word for it and had a couple of million dollars left in their pocket.
The veracity of the bible? The world wasn't made in 6 days, and that's just the first page!
"God didn't step out of eternity to die on a cross", so now, god died on the cross?
Ahh. So the gods magically *poofed* multi celled organisms into existence and that resulted in the diversity of life on the planet in just 6,000 years?
no......but then I have corrected you about that dishonest representation of my beliefs nearly a dozen times already.....the problem isn't actually that you are wrong.....the problem is simply that you are not an honest person.....
no......but then I have corrected you about that dishonest representation of my beliefs nearly a dozen times already.....the problem isn't actually that you are wrong.....the problem is simply that you are not an honest person.....
So what are your beliefs? How did multi-celled organisms come about?
So what are your beliefs? How did multi-celled organisms come about?
haven't you asked me that before?.....I know others have.....the answer is still the same.....I believe that multicelled organisms were caused.....

Holly knows that I am not a young earther....in truth, something like 12% of Christians believe that the earth is only 6000 years old.....
haven't you asked me that before?.....I know others have.....the answer is still the same.....I believe that multicelled organisms were caused.....

Holly knows that I am not a young earther....in truth, something like 12% of Christians believe that the earth is only 6000 years old.....
Again you give a shrouded answer. Caused by what, god? Something else? You ashamed of your position?
You asked for a starting point of fact as to how single celled organisms could evolve into multi-celled organisms.

The starting point for that is to prove that single cells are capable of becoming multi-celled. Reproduction is one example that proves it.

So what is your next requirement for proof that evolution is possible? Proof of mutation?

This is what frustrates me about USMB. I'm not a scientist but I've seen enough science shows to know that there is an answer for all their questions. I've even shown them that science has proven that something can come from nothing and they still argue that is not true. I don't know if it is true but I believe the scientists before I believe theists who don't want to hear facts, logic and reasoning because those things go against what their book says. I'm sorry guys but your book is out dated and full of errors.

And so I don't know if/how/why a human first lived in water then crawled out and was a small mammal for millions of years before we became apes and then ultimately man. I've seen shows that explain it but I can't repeat it all back. And I know evolution is a theory but it is also a fact. We may not know everything yet but it isn't us who claims we do know everything. That's the theists. And what proof do they have? Their corrupt churches and the book it wrote 2000 years ago. And I'm supposed to believe that?
You asked for a starting point of fact as to how single celled organisms could evolve into multi-celled organisms.

The starting point for that is to prove that single cells are capable of becoming multi-celled. Reproduction is one example that proves it.

So what is your next requirement for proof that evolution is possible? Proof of mutation?

Many scientists and philosophers of science have described evolution as fact and theory. Fact in science as meaning data, not absolute certainty but "confirmed to such a degree that it would be perverse to withhold provisional assent." A scientific theory is a well-substantiated explanation of such facts. The facts of evolution come from observational evidence of current processes, from imperfections in organisms recording historical common descent, and from transitions in the fossil record. Theories of evolution provide a provisional explanation for these facts
This is what frustrates me about USMB. I'm not a scientist but I've seen enough science shows to know that there is an answer for all their questions. I've even shown them that science has proven that something can come from nothing and they still argue that is not true. I don't know if it is true but I believe the scientists before I believe theists who don't want to hear facts, logic and reasoning because those things go against what their book says. I'm sorry guys but your book is out dated and full of errors.

And so I don't know if/how/why a human first lived in water then crawled out and was a small mammal for millions of years before we became apes and then ultimately man. I've seen shows that explain it but I can't repeat it all back. And I know evolution is a theory but it is also a fact. We may not know everything yet but it isn't us who claims we do know everything. That's the theists. And what proof do they have? Their corrupt churches and the book it wrote 2000 years ago. And I'm supposed to believe that?

I think the problem is people keep asking for proof. That is not how science works. You hypothesize and test. After enough evidence, you get a theory. But you don't just stop there, you continue to test. The theory is constantly questioned and modified as new information is obtained.

In religion, you begin with an answer and that is the answer you must end with. Any information which fits that answer is accepted as true. Any information which does not is either modified to fit or rejected out of hand. If you apply the mindset of religion to science, of course there will be conflicts. The two things are not the same in any way.

So if you expect to stop being frustrated about this I suggest you get ready for the long haul. You are never going to provide proof and proof is the only thing which will be accepted.

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