Evolution Is Not A Theory..........................

The only evolution proven and there is no doubt that it happens is micro-evolution

There is no such thing as "micro-evolution" or "macro-evolution." These are creationist terms; they have no meaning in biology. Evolution is evolution.

In fact, you might want to acquaint yourself with what biologists mean by the word "species." A species is not an ironclad, absolute category. It's a division of life such that, normally, plants or animals from two different species have trouble cross-fertilizing and producing a hybrid; however, even that is not absolutely impossible between two closely related species -- note the mule, a crossbreed between horses and donkeys. (Although of course mules are sterile.)

You acknowledge that mutations occur, and that some mutations are viable. This means that descendants can be genetically different from their ancestors, containing genetic information that was not passed down but novel.

Now consider this process extended over many generations, one beneficial mutation after another. Consider, for example, two populations of -- let's say bird. Crows. A mated crow pair flies out and nests on an island away from the other crows. Their chicks create a separate population of crows on the island. Over time, both the mainland population of crows and the ones on the island evolve. That is to say, beneficial mutations show up in both populations and produce changes, what you are calling "micro-evolution." After a long time, say a few million years, a crow flies back to the mainland from the island or out to the island from the mainland. The transplant crow finds a mate, but the mating produces no viable eggs. The two populations of crow have become too different -- they are now two different species of bird.

Micro-evolution implies macro-evolution. If the one is possible, so is the other. It's inevitable, because "species" is just a tag for categorization; it's not some kind of hard-and-fast cosmic wall.

There is a term called macroevolution, it means evolution above the species level, but it is still microevolution as well.
The only evolution proven and there is no doubt that it happens is micro-evolution or in other words micro-adaptations,that is a very long jump to go from that to macro-evolution.

Sorry that many of you have been poorly educated as to not knowing the difference between the two.

No, there's no proof that's evolution either. You're making the mistake of passing off mutation as evolution.

That is why I prefer the term adaptation. Beneficial mutations are very rare, to rare to cause macro-evolution.

I believe the diversity we see in all groups is nothing more then the product of inter breeding not mutations so I am with you on this.

Mutations are common and the whole beneficial thing is a misnomer.
Mutations are common and the whole beneficial thing is a misnomer.

There's a valid distinction to be drawn between a mutation that harms chances of survival and/or procreation, and so will tend to be selected out, and one that helps survival or procreation chance, and so will tend to be selected in. The latter might reasonably be termed "beneficial" and it is certainly much rarer than the former.
Yeah, it is a theory, never been proven. Only fools believe that evolution is fact.

Actually only fools believe that:

1) The universe was created in six days about 6000 years ago.

2) Two naked teens and a snake in garden determined the fate of the whole human race

3) There was a flood in which the water level reached a height of 29.000 ft and evaporated in a few weeks

4) Big fish puked up live men

5) Walls came tumbling at the sound of a trumpet

6) A virgin gave birth to the god of the universe

7) A man was able to walk on water

8) People were healed of leprosy by laying hands on them

9) Water was turned into fine wine

10) 5000 hungry people were fed with two fish and five loaves then 12 baskets of leftovers were collected

11) A man was hung on a cross and bled like a hog only to show up two days later fit as a fiddle

C'mon people...test your intelligence. That is such a major crock of shit that only a fool or somebody who was brainwashed as a child could possibly believe it...especially if the story was told by a few of the man's close friends 2000 years ago and never verified by anybody else. There were basically six acknowledged historians in the world at that time. Not a one of them documented any part of this. It would be like somebody down the street telling you that they were taken to the planet Visarouis and examined by aliens. It would be like Mickey Mantle and Roger Maris never being mentioned in the NY Times.
Campbell, what's happening here? What is there in your past that caused such vehemence towards anything to do with Bible things?

What great irony; I just typed a lengthy email to a friend, discussing many of these things --- think I'll copy it here for the edification of all who wish.
I believe it takes more faith to believe other "men" who teach we possibly came from a rock, or some primordial soup, or just nothing. "Taddaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!" :D (My great great great grandpa was a rock??..ya know?) ;)

I used to believe in evolution myself. I didn't grow up being taught about God, etc. So are you assuming that all people who believe in God were "brainwashed" as a child?

Have you ever questioned everything? That's what science does doesn't it? How do you know you aren't the one being brainwashed by blindly believing in textbooks written by "man" who we all know is capable of lying?

Lies In The Textbooks
Lies in the Textbooks (Seminar Part 4) | Creation Science Evangelism - Creation, Apologetics, Evangelism[/url]
Marie, you are completely..



I'll throw out a few scientific facts, typed by hand from memory. Should make for some good discussion!

Email to a friend:

It has been proposed that there are as many as eleven dimensions on the Universe. You and I experience four --- three spatial (width, depth, height), and time. Some dimensions are very small, "curled up into a ball". Remember a "black hole"? A star that has collapsed, so that there is no longer any atomic structure. Atoms are mostly empty space --- a tiny nucleus composed of protons and neutrons, orbited by electrons (one electron for each proton). Stars are mostly hydrogen being smashed into helium (fusion); when the star collapses it becomes mostly clumps of neutrons, without any space --- the entire Earth might fit into a tablespoon they say.

The gravity of a collapsed star is the same as the star had before it collapsed, but now it's concentrated in a small area; so much that it bends space and time. Think of a two-dimensional rubber sheet dented into a third dimension (and then imagine that black holes dent space into a FOURTH dimension!). The gravity becomes so intense that nothing can escape the "event horizon", not even light. As light travels past the black hole, it bends; we can observe this effect during a solar eclipse, a star close to the sun will be seen in a wrong position, because the sun bends the light. Actually, it's not bending the LIGHT, it's bending the space the light travels through!

When the light hits at just the right angle, it's bent into a perfect circle, forming the "photon sphere". Inside of the photon sphere is the event horizon, from which not even light can escape.

So black holes are literally "edges" to the Universe. I have books on time travel that suggest a SPINNING black hole might form a passable tunnel, which leads to another place in the Universe, and/or another time. Imagine denting your rubber sheet far enough so that the dent starts forming a sphere (the dented hole starting to collapse) --- it is asserted that black holes can reach a "critical density" where the gravity well (dent in the sheet) is so deep that space around the black hole finishes forming the sphere, the dent collapses so that the entrance breaks away --- the sheet snaps back to flat, and the black hole now lies UNDER the sheet in a spherical universe all its own. You could travel to the previous location and not detect the black hole at all. It is gone from the conventional Universe.

An "Einstein-Rosen Bridge" is a tunnel identical to a black hole, but arguably without the intense gravity field. The nearest star to Earth is more than four years away, traveling at the speed of light. And nothing can move faster than light in the conventional Universe. But if you think of our three-dimensional Universe as a two-dimensional sheet of paper, make two "X's" with a pencil on opposite ends of the paper, and imagine one is Earth and the other is "Proxima Centauri" (4.2 light years away), then imagine bending the paper so that the two "X's" are a fraction of an inch apart, being able to jump off the paper from one X to another, seriously decreases the distance. That "jumping off the paper" would be traversing an Einstein-Rosen Bridge (wormhole), or perhaps a connection through a black hole. This is where the ideas of hyperspace and subspace come from.

So Heaven and Hell can lie outside of the conventional Universe, in subspace or hyperspace; below or above the sheet of paper. Think in terms of drawing four lines, each perpendicular (90°) from the others. Humans can easily see THREE perpendicular lines, but have trouble perceiving the fourth.

Life is "faith"; it takes far more faith to believe that we came to be just by random accidents (random evolution), than that we are the result of conscious design. Imagine a ten-unit-virus, and give each unit an extremely generous probability of simultaneous occurrence of 1 chance in a thousand (real life the chances are much lower). So the probability of all ten units happening together, is 1 chance in 10³º --- that is, a ten with thirty zeroes following it. Electrons are extremely tiny particles; but this part of the Universe can contain 10³º electrons. So what about the probability of evolution? A Human DNA chain (chromosome) has three billion components of ACTG (Adenine, Cytosine, Thymine, and Guanine). A person can count to 3 billion if he counts three per second, never eats sleeps or takes breaks and is willing to count for THIRTY THREE YEARS. But each Human cell has 23 chromosomes in pairs, 46 total. If a ten-unit chain (with 1/1000 probability) has a total probability of 10³º, imagine how ridiculous it would be for THREE BILLION things to come together, 46 times, and form a terribly complex and sophisticated cell. Cells have chemical manufacturing, shipping and receiving, "molecular trucks", gates with locks and keys (receptor sites) --- each cell is like a huge city. And somehow these DNA building blocks arranged themselves into a computer program billions of times more sophisticated than any computer program mankind has ever written (actually, more than ALL programs ever written, TOGETHER).

And we still have not included everything; because this cosmic accident happened twice, in the same geological instant --- to form "mitochondria". Mitochondrial DNA is different than nucleic DNA. Then a THIRD accident happened, maybe a rock fell and injured the poor struggling cell and some of the simultaneous-occurring mitochondria got into the cell, and both discovered they could live together better than apart (a "symbiosis").

As absurd and unbelievable as this whole idea is, it's what evolutionists believe, because they CANNOT stand the idea of a conscious intelligence actually putting stuff together into working machines. No one would ever think that a tornado blasting through a salvage-yard could put together a perfectly functioning Boeing 747, or that bits of metal and glass placed into a bag and shaken hard could ever produce a working pocket watch; but all reason and logic is suspended to propose that "evolution created life by itself".

Watch the movie "Expelled"; those with the sense to recognize thought in the complex patterns of the Universe, dare not put voice to their recognition. The mere mention of any consideration of an "intelligent designer" immediately results in getting FIRED from a scientific position, and complete exclusion from any position in the future. It makes no sense. But "evolution" has all the trappings of a religion, with fierce zealousy, worship, and proselytizing. Try accusing an evolutionist of being a "religious zealot", and watch how mad he gets! One prominent evolutionist (wish I could remember) admitted that the motivation for believing in evolution is sexual; if they admit to a God then they become responsible to someone other than themselves, and can't engage in any perversion they want.

So the point of all of this, is that each of us has to come to the realization that there is far more evidence for there being a God, and therefore a Heaven and a Hell. There is a "Boy Scout" principle that says it's better to live as though there IS a God, with the structure of morality and right-and-wrong (losing nothing, but gaining the satisfaction of a wholesome life), than to live as if there is no God and THEN being wrong. One view ends with "Oh well, life was better and less diseases". The other ends with "OH NOOOOOOOOO!"

Nothing in archeology or science has falsified anything in the Bible. The "obvious fairy tales" like Sodom and Gomorrah, are now known to NOT be fairy tales, because they've been FOUND; and they are very burned and scorched.

There are also constants in the Universe (like Planck's Constant) that have the distinct appearance of having been precisely TUNED --- any one of which if a little off would make life as we know it impossible. Time was when Earth was the center of the Universe and everyone accepted that God was real; then came the "Age of Reason", with atheists hungrily devouring "Darwin's Origin of Species", feeling that they had outgrown the need to believe in God. But now more and more scientists are realizing that God makes much more sense, than "non-God". Some scientists have been devoted to God all along; Isaac Newton's main publications are Christian sermons. Faraday was a serious Christian. Dozens of others scientists are on record as recognizing God. Einstein believed in a conscious intelligent designer.

"Faith" is also what we have when we believe certain "experts". Take the idea of dinosaurs having been extinct for 65 million years. A woman paleontologist recently discovered a Tyrannosaurus Rex, not fully fossilized; it had SOFT TISSUE, bones and marrow, and even RED BLOOD CELLS. Nova (seriously pro-evolutionist public television science show) commented on how unusual it was to have red blood cells survive 65,000,000 years; but scientists know that red blood cells do not survive more than a thousand years! Which means that beast WAS running around just a few centuries back! Many tales of "knights slaying dragons", were likely caused by real events of killing dinosaurs!

There is a fish that was known to have been extinct for 70,000,000 years; never existed on Earth for longer than the dinosaurs had been extinct --- until they FOUND one, in 1938 --- Ceolacanth. Now they've found several. So, many of the preconceptions about "age" and "dating" are wrong. Even carbon dating and the long half-lives (Uranium and Thorium) are suspect. The Earth may well be a few million to some thousands of years old. Besides, there is a new thought about the nonlinearity of time. Gravity also bends time. At the supposed singularity from which the Universe sprang (at the "Big Bang") forces like gravity were so intense, time may have existed very differently from now (or even not at all). When the initial expansion ("Big Bang" in many circles) occurred, it is reasonable that a lot of time happened very quickly, decaying exponentially and leveling off until at our place it looks linear. Assume linear and extrapolate backwards and the earth looks very old (4.5 billion years), when it might be a mere few THOUSAND years (the time "line", really a CURVE!).

The 4.5 billion year assertion is both because of long-half-life isotopes, and because of the necessity to overcome statistical impossibility (which a mere 4.5 billion years does not even BEGIN). Ask me if you're interested in problems with carbon dating or Uranium/Thorium dating.

We cannot go out ourselves, each of us, and excavate fossils, and analyze scientific data; so we tend to trust those who call themselves "scientists". Charles Dawson falsified a fossil, "Piltdown Man", later revealed to be a chemically colored and hand-worked fake. The "Stanley-Urey Biogenesis Experiment", thought to provide evidence of the origin of life (a soup of water, methane, ethane, amonia and hydrogen was subjected to an electric arc to simulate prehistoric Earth and lightning), and seemed to produce amino acids (the building blocks of life). But several aspects of the apparatus were fraudulent --- an "amino acid trap" with a circulation system (non-naturally occurring!) carefully protected and collected the amino acids, the billion-to-one destruct rate would have destroyed all of them without that protection. The experiment had no free oxygen (it would have poisoned the amino acid production!), and nowhere in the geological stack is evidence of "absence of oxygen". The experiment formed equal amounts of left-handed and right-handed molecules; all life is left-handed, no theory exists of how only LEFT-handed molecules connected. And the very basic question, assuming primitive amino acids actually might be arranged into complex life systems, is "HOW DO THEY ASSEMBLE?" We're back to the statistical impossibility of our 10-unit-chain, extrapolated into 3 billion units happening forty-six times!

There is a series of drawings that supposedly show evolutionary development in embryos. They were done a hundred years ago by a guy named Haeckel. They have been proven to be FRAUDS, not representing true depictions at all. Besides, the supposed "gill slits" (evident on most embryos) thought to reflect descendancy from fish --- but if that's true, one would expect those gill-slits to correlate to PULMONARY organs (gills, or lungs) --- they do not!

So there is a whole lot of FRAUD, bias and corruption being taught to people as TRUTH. There are publications and websites to help one wade through what is real and what is fake; but it's still all a question of "who do you believe" --- faith.
Actually only fools believe that:

5) Walls came tumbling at the sound of a trumpet

C'mon people...test your intelligence. That is such a major crock of shit that only a fool or somebody who was brainwased as a child could possibly believe it...especially if the story was told by a few of the man's close friends 2000 years ago and never verified by anobody else.

The Bible says the army marched around the walls 13 times to the rhythm of the trumpets. The resonate frequency of the soldiers marching steps can bring down walls. See: Nicoli Tesla's Earthquake Machine.

Tesla's Earthquake Machine
Actually only fools believe that:

5) Walls came tumbling at the sound of a trumpet

C'mon people...test your intelligence. That is such a major crock of shit that only a fool or somebody who was brainwased as a child could possibly believe it...especially if the story was told by a few of the man's close friends 2000 years ago and never verified by anobody else.

The Bible says the army marched around the walls 13 times to the rhythm of the trumpets. The resonate frequency of the soldiers marching steps can bring down walls. See: Nicoli Tesla's Earthquake Machine.

Tesla's Earthquake Machine


OK...now let's talk about big fish puking up live men and five mile high flood waters that evaporated within a few weeks........or, how long could two dinosaurs live without food. You can't make up shit like this..............OH! I forgot.......they did

You know what It just occurred to me that maybe Noah and his family were mice and they were the largest of a million species at that time. That way a 450 ft. long boat might have held all of them and enough food. 'Course God would have had to build the boat. If one is going to make a fairy tale interesting they have to use their imagination.
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Actually only fools believe that:

5) Walls came tumbling at the sound of a trumpet

C'mon people...test your intelligence. That is such a major crock of shit that only a fool or somebody who was brainwased as a child could possibly believe it...especially if the story was told by a few of the man's close friends 2000 years ago and never verified by anobody else.

The Bible says the army marched around the walls 13 times to the rhythm of the trumpets. The resonate frequency of the soldiers marching steps can bring down walls. See: Nicoli Tesla's Earthquake Machine.

Tesla's Earthquake Machine


OK...now let's talk about big fish puking up live men and five mile high flood waters that evaporated within a few weeks........or, how long could two dinosaurs live without food. You can't make up shit like this..............OH! I forgot.......they did

You know what It just occurred to me that maybe Noah and his family were mice and they were the largest of a million species at that time. That way a 450 ft. long boat might have held all of them and enough food. 'Course God would have had to build the boat. If one is going to make a fairy tale interesting they have to use their imagination.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oJfBSc6e7QQ"]Earth is in fact growing[/ame]
The Bible says the army marched around the walls 13 times to the rhythm of the trumpets. The resonate frequency of the soldiers marching steps can bring down walls. See: Nicoli Tesla's Earthquake Machine.

Tesla's Earthquake Machine


OK...now let's talk about big fish puking up live men and five mile high flood waters that evaporated within a few weeks........or, how long could two dinosaurs live without food. You can't make up shit like this..............OH! I forgot.......they did

You know what It just occurred to me that maybe Noah and his family were mice and they were the largest of a million species at that time. That way a 450 ft. long boat might have held all of them and enough food. 'Course God would have had to build the boat. If one is going to make a fairy tale interesting they have to use their imagination.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oJfBSc6e7QQ"]Earth is in fact growing[/ame]

The universe is and has been expanding and widening since the big bang. The common factor is a galaxy. In billions of years all galaxies, including ours...the milky way will be sucked into a black hole and the only thing which will remain is scattered atomic particles which were too small to be affected. That works out mathmatically...that's the only thing to which I pay much attention.
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I am a very religious person and take many things by faith that they are true..

At one point in my life I really wanted to believe in the Theory of Evolution.

But I quickly discovered that to do so would require much more faith than any religion. :cool:
I am a very religious person and take many things by faith that they are true..

At one point in my life I really wanted to believe in the Theory of Evolution.

But I quickly discovered that to do so would require much more faith than any religion. :cool:

Yea.......facts will do that to you
The so called Theory of Evolution is not a fact; just a pseudo theory.

There are so many gaps and holes in the TOE

It should be renamed the The Swiss Cheese Theory of Evolution :cool:
The so called Theory of Evolution is not a fact; just a pseudo theory.

There are so many gaps and holes in the TOE

It should be renamed the The Swiss Cheese Theory of Evolution :cool:

God is a pseudo theory with no substantiating evidence

Evolution is a fact. Only specific details are still theories. Evidence of evolution can be found in fossil records, strata and most importantly, DNA
Actually only fools believe that:

5) Walls came tumbling at the sound of a trumpet

C'mon people...test your intelligence. That is such a major crock of shit that only a fool or somebody who was brainwased as a child could possibly believe it...especially if the story was told by a few of the man's close friends 2000 years ago and never verified by anobody else.

The Bible says the army marched around the walls 13 times to the rhythm of the trumpets. The resonate frequency of the soldiers marching steps can bring down walls. See: Nicoli Tesla's Earthquake Machine.

Tesla's Earthquake Machine


OK...now let's talk about big fish puking up live men and five mile high flood waters that evaporated within a few weeks........or, how long could two dinosaurs live without food. You can't make up shit like this..............OH! I forgot.......they did

You know what It just occurred to me that maybe Noah and his family were mice and they were the largest of a million species at that time. That way a 450 ft. long boat might have held all of them and enough food. 'Course God would have had to build the boat. If one is going to make a fairy tale interesting they have to use their imagination.
It just occured to me that you are truly an idiot.
The so called Theory of Evolution is not a fact; just a pseudo theory.

There are so many gaps and holes in the TOE

It should be renamed the The Swiss Cheese Theory of Evolution :cool:

God is a pseudo theory with no substantiating evidence

Evolution is a fact. Only specific details are still theories. Evidence of evolution can be found in fossil records, strata and most importantly, DNA
Not. Still lying out your a#$ I see.
Evolution has never been proven. Proof of God is in his CREATION.

god has never been proven, proof of evolution is that we exist. :eusa_whistle:

So prove your allegations.
You can't. My belief is that you do more harm to your religion attacking science than good.
You CAN NEVER disprove my religous beliefs. Ever. Beliefs are not science and can never be tested.
You can NEVER prove my religous beliefs. Again, beliefs are not science and can never be tested.
My religous beliefs are so strong proven science does not pose any problems with them. I do not attack proven science because of my lack of faith in my religous convictions.
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