Evolution Is Not A Theory..........................

What facts are there that there is an imaginary man in the sky?
The fact that evolution makes no sense whatsoever. Life is to complex to just happen. If you believe we evolved from some goo in the sea than good luck.

There is no evidence of creatures of varying complexity existing billions of years ago. Fossil records show that single cell creatures were all that existed at one time. There were no dinosaur bones mixed in.
What?!?! No comments on the "Growing Earth" Theory? :lol:

Where is all this mass coming from and, if it's meteoric impact, how did life survive? :eek:
The so called Theory of Evolution is not a fact; just a pseudo theory.

There are so many gaps and holes in the TOE

It should be renamed the The Swiss Cheese Theory of Evolution :cool:

God is a pseudo theory with no substantiating evidence

Evolution is a fact. Only specific details are still theories. Evidence of evolution can be found in fossil records, strata and most importantly, DNA

Absolutely. Through the science of DNA they can track every human on earth back to a single female in Africa. We're all monkey's uncles or aunts.
Absolutely. Through the science of DNA they can track every human on earth back to a single female in Africa. We're all monkey's uncles or aunts.

That statement is a false statement. - All great apes apart from man have 24 pairs of chromosomes. There are only 23 pairs of chromosomes in humans. The only evidence of relation suggest that ape chromosomes 2 & 3 may have fused together creating humans. That would make the monkeys our uncle. This was only discovered 6 years ago.

The only part of "evolutionary theory" that has been proven is regressive de-evolution. The fact is that living things is losing genome traits / complexity & de-evolving. Progressive Evolution is still theory.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GxG4Kji-u28"]Richard Dawkins Owned, Note he did not answer the question[/ame]
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What?!?! No comments on the "Growing Earth" Theory? :lol:

It has been discredited and no longer finds adherents among serious geologists.

Where is all this mass coming from and, if it's meteoric impact, how did life survive? :eek:

While there is no "all this mass" to account for, certainly the Earth has been subjected to meteorite impacts, including several major cataclysmic ones in the geologic past. Each such impact has caused a mass extinction event, the most recent one being 65 million years ago and accounting for the demise of the dinosaurs.

How did life survive? Life is tough and adaptable. Of course, many forms of life did not survive. You will observe that we have no dinosaurs today.
The so called Theory of Evolution is not a fact; just a pseudo theory.

There are so many gaps and holes in the TOE

It should be renamed the The Swiss Cheese Theory of Evolution :cool:

God is a pseudo theory with no substantiating evidence

Evolution is a fact. Only specific details are still theories. Evidence of evolution can be found in fossil records, strata and most importantly, DNA

Nope... you're trying to pass off mutation as evolution. Doesn't work that way.

Evolution was/is/and will remain nothing more than a guess... a theory.
Absolutely. Through the science of DNA they can track every human on earth back to a single female in Africa. We're all monkey's uncles or aunts.

That statement is a false statement.

Don't read much do you

Ever hear of "Mitochondrial Eve"

I certainly have and I would bet a very expensive steak dinner that you have done little or no reading about that or you wouldn't have made the statement you did.
The so called Theory of Evolution is not a fact; just a pseudo theory.

There are so many gaps and holes in the TOE

It should be renamed the The Swiss Cheese Theory of Evolution :cool:

God is a pseudo theory with no substantiating evidence

Evolution is a fact. Only specific details are still theories. Evidence of evolution can be found in fossil records, strata and most importantly, DNA

Nope... you're trying to pass off mutation as evolution. Doesn't work that way.

Evolution was/is/and will remain nothing more than a guess... a theory.

How is it that a billion years ago all life was single cell? How is it that in the next era, more advanced biologic creatures formed? How is it that man did not develop until fairly recently?

Evolution is a fact.......God is a theory
Evolution is a fact.......God is a theory

The first statement is true. The second is not. A theory must be falsifiable. The idea of God is not falsifiable, and therefore does not come up to the scientific standards that would justify calling it a theory.

Evolution is a fact. God is an idea outside the purview of science altogether, and therefore not a theory.
What?!?! No comments on the "Growing Earth" Theory? :lol:

It has been discredited and no longer finds adherents among serious geologists.

Where is all this mass coming from and, if it's meteoric impact, how did life survive? :eek:

While there is no "all this mass" to account for, certainly the Earth has been subjected to meteorite impacts, including several major cataclysmic ones in the geologic past. Each such impact has caused a mass extinction event, the most recent one being 65 million years ago and accounting for the demise of the dinosaurs.

How did life survive? Life is tough and adaptable. Of course, many forms of life did not survive. You will observe that we have no dinosaurs today.

You tell 'em. I've bought 'em books and bought 'em books and all they do is eat the covers off.
All I can do is watch in gape-mouthed horror as the evidence of the joke our public education system has become is paraded before us.
Evolution is a fact.......God is a theory

The first statement is true. The second is not. A theory must be falsifiable. The idea of God is not falsifiable, and therefore does not come up to the scientific standards that would justify calling it a theory.

Evolution is a fact. God is an idea outside the purview of science altogether, and therefore not a theory.

Well said and Biology 101 taught at 10,000 universities and colleges worldwide all teach the first part.
God is a belief and I believe in God. But my faith isa belief, never science and never to be proven or disproven.
That is why people kill these days. "My religion is the truth and you burn in hell for your beliefs" is not science and never will be. Beliefs are never science.
Folks, Biology 101. Educate thyself. Better yourself. Strengthen your mind or suffer in your ignorance.
But I bet good $$ most people KNOW DAMN WELL evolution is fact. Their fear of God and their religon makes them state otherwise.
Sad, but reality.
I don't think most of the retards posting anti-Christian tripe on here, including yourself, have made it into college.
Actually only fools believe that:

5) Walls came tumbling at the sound of a trumpet

C'mon people...test your intelligence. That is such a major crock of shit that only a fool or somebody who was brainwashed as a child could possibly believe it...especially if the story was told by a few of the man's close friends 2000 years ago and never verified by anybody else.

The Bible says the army marched around the walls 13 times to the rhythm of the trumpets. The resonate frequency of the soldiers marching steps can bring down walls. See: Nicoli Tesla's Earthquake Machine.
Why must things be explained in terms of my own experience and understanding? When the Europeans came to the Americas, the "fire sticks" seemed like magic to the Indians; "supernatural". But when they came to understand chemistry, gunpowder and projectiles, it seemed a whole lot less like magic.

When we fully understand quantum mechanics and multi-dimensional reality, the "supernatural" will be in the "natural".

Any fan of Star Trek and Star Gate has seen many episodes dealing with "cloaking", and hyperspace entities. Unseen beings who can act in our perceived existence.

Perhaps a reference to "flatland" is appropriate here; how can a two-dimensional being perceive a Sphere that passes through his living room? Everyone has read that book, haven't they?
God is a pseudo theory with no substantiating evidence

Evolution is a fact. Only specific details are still theories. Evidence of evolution can be found in fossil records, strata and most importantly, DNA

Nope... you're trying to pass off mutation as evolution. Doesn't work that way.

Evolution was/is/and will remain nothing more than a guess... a theory.

How is it that a billion years ago all life was single cell? How is it that in the next era, more advanced biologic creatures formed? How is it that man did not develop until fairly recently?

Evolution is a fact.......God is a theory

Creation and/or intelligent design is a much more viable "theory" than evolution is.

In any case, you are still wrong. Evolution is far from being "fact." If it were provable then someone would have done it, and they'd be the most famous person on earth. Problem is it can't be proven. It remains and always will remain nothing more than a theory.

And sorry but, you claiming it's fact won't make it so. You're just going to have to find a way to deal with it.
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