Evolution v. Creationism

I see that. I stated as a Chem major and still remember some of this stuff. Took 2 semesters of organic chemistry.

Ding does not realize how strenuously (though clumsily) he is arguing that life is fine tuned to the universe, not the other way around. That's what faith does to a person's brain.

This all goes on the same shelf with Hoyle's fallacy. You touched on this with Zeno's paradox of motion.

They think they are arguing about the existence of life, but they are actually arguing about life "exactly as we find it on earth". We have no good reason to think different life isn't elsewhere in the universe -- or even in other universes with different physical laws -- preforming the same functions with different physical laws and chemistry.

It's like trying to say the Arctic circle is fine tuned to polar bears or white fur.

Uh, no, polar bears are fine tuned to the environment above the arctic circle.
Life is finely tuned to the universe. More specifically the laws of nature which govern the behavior of the universe.

Why would you expect life elsewhere in the universe to be materially different than life here? I wouldn't. The same laws of nature that fined tuned life here would be at work everywhere.
Hey Fort Fun Indiana , make sure to follow this! It's hilarious!!!

Wald is playing new age guru and ding thinks it's science! It's HILARIOUS.

It's like reading Alan Watts!

("Mind Stuff". Woo woo wooo wooooooooo.)

It's hilarious watching biases at work in people who supposedly value science but shit all over it when science doesn't suit their purpose. The only good thing I can say about that is that normalization of deviance eventually leads to predictable surprises.
It's hilarious watching biases at work in people who supposedly value science but shit all over it when science doesn't suit their purpose. The only good thing I can say about that is that normalization of deviance eventually leads to predictable surprises.

Oh god, it goes on and on and on. How dreadfully boring it is.
Oh god, it goes on and on and on. How dreadfully boring it is.

Nice dress.
And it's STILL POSTING! Wild! If only it knew any chemistry. Tsk tsk tsk.

But it knows how to google "Nobel laureates" so I'm sure that it has SOME skill in SOMETHING.
If you had truth on your side you would argue facts. If you had reason on your side you would argue logic. But you have neither so this is what you post.
If you had truth on your side you would argue facts.

I did that. That's how I showed you don't understand basic chemistry. LOL.

If you had reason on your side you would argue logic. But you have neither so this is what you post.

LOL. I love how easily LYING comes to you.

You KNOW damn well that I have posted a TON of science.

You lying sack of excrement.

Lies, lies, lies.
How can I be wrong if I quote the Bible correctly in regards to creation science?

Because it exists nothing what is called "creation science". If you like to study natural science then study natural science. If you like to know more about evolution then study what biology tells you about evolution for example.

Now, you can point out my error if you know creation science, but it appears you don't have any clue.

I also don't have any clue about molehill science. But I guess a molehill throwing competition could be a nice Olympic discipline.

ETA: Can you provide what today's evolutionists have in terms of evidence? You've never provided any science papers for your gorilla hands nor anything else in recent memory.

Take a look at the hand of an intelligent gorilla - and take a look at your own stupid front paw - and the similarity between both biological structures will enlighten you. If not so then you have a very serios idiotlogical brainwash problem.

And do not forget this: No Christian ever asked you to defend god and his creation against his children and their evolution. That's totally weird.
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Because it exists nothing what is called "creation science". If you like to study natural science then study natural science. If you like to know more about evolution then study what biology tells you about evolution for example.

I also don't have any clue about molehill science. But I guess a molehill throwing competition could be a nice Olympic discipline.

Take a look at the hand of an intelligent gorilla - and take a look at your own stupid front paw - and the similarity between both biological structures will enlighten you. If not so then you have a very serios idiotlogical brainwash problem.

And do not forget this: No Christian ever asked you to defend god and his creation against his children and their evolution. That's totally weird.
He's going to bring up Humans walking with Dinosaurs. That's his favorite topic! Because the Universe is only 6000 years old! And he refuses to say that dinosaur fossils were put there by Satan to fool us.

The Bible says it his way, according to him, and therefore it is true and undeniable.

man walking with dinosaur.JPG
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Bond probably believes in a flat earth too, though he won't admit it. He does believe the origin of life is like the Flintstones.

There are so many threads from religious fundamentalists trying to debunk the Theory of Evolution. And, I might add, failing.

My question is simple. Why? Why does what happened millions of years ago matter so much?

Because you are threatening their faith. Just like attacking evolution gets militant atheists all worked up. It's the same for them too.
Because you are threatening their faith. Just like attacking evolution gets militant atheists all worked up. It's the same for them too.
As I've tried to argue before, faith and religion are two separate things. I may be an atheist and defend evolutionary theory, but I also have faith in something important. Religion just says we're all wrong, and is done with it... We all go to hell if we don't agree...
Because it exists nothing what is called "creation science". If you like to study natural science then study natural science. If you like to know more about evolution then study what biology tells you about evolution for example.
Of course creation science exists because the creationists have hard evidence that science backs it up. In fact, I'm the one here providing hard evidence while the evolutionists and atheists have none. You have been tricked and lied to, but more and more people start to believe it along with long time. If long time was true, then you'd have history of people from millions of years ago, but evolutionists have no history. It can't explain how the sexes came to be. Furthermore, there are no transitional fossils or evidence. There was no ape-human. We also have the creatures from millions of years ago alive today with no transition.
He's going to bring up Humans walking with Dinosaurs. That's his favorite topic! Because the Universe is only 6000 years old! And he refuses to say that dinosaur fossils were put there by Satan to fool us.

The Bible says it his way, according to him, and therefore it is true and undeniable.

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You have a SAF avatar and the stuff you say is just as ridiculous :auiqs.jpg:.

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