Ex-Capitol Police Chief Confirms GOP’s Report On Pelosi’s Culpability for Jan. 6, Reveals FBI, DHS, And His Own Agency Knew About Planned Attack

Why would Pelosi and the intel agencies need to stage a coup against Trump? He lost the election and was leaving office on January 21st. That makes no sense whatsoever. Even for the Gateway Pundit.
Simple - Trump Derangement Syndrome.
The one thing that has been accomplished is a 99% conviction rate of those that attended the Jan 6th protest, using kangaroo court methods.
Meanwhile, the self-admitted Ray Epps that orchestrated the marc on Congress walks free.
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Hey dumbfuck, they have the texts and emails nailing Pelosi to the wall on this. You just deny it because you really don’t want to see it. Keep flailing as your whole narrative crashes down around you.

And don't forget......the fabled 'J6 made for TV spectacular' kinda skipped over the security failures that day......Of which, Pelosi's emails and texts weren't subject to investigation.......Even though Lizzie said they would be.
He's just lying like leftards do.

For a while I thought he had a brain cell but he doesn't.

He's just a stupid kool aid swilling lemming like all the other leftard asswipes.

They don't know they're lying because that would require a brain.

And and and White says, "I'm an independent". :abgg2q.jpg:
There was no investigation.
It was just an infomercial.
There was no investigation.
It was just an infomercial.
When ever the kids get done playing speaker of the house, the total failure of security will be shown. And it ain't going to be pretty for the dems.
When ever the kids get done playing speaker of the house, the total failure of security will be shown. And it ain't going to be pretty for the dems.

Nothing will change.
The same people who are informed now, will be informed then.
The same people who are not informed now still will not be.

The Democrat Cult keeps their members isolated from reality.
Nothing will change.
The same people who are informed now, will be informed then.
The same people who are not informed now still will not be.

The Democrat Cult keeps their members isolated from reality.
At least, hopefully, some will open their eyes.

Read earlier, J6 is attempting to seal a lot of video and doc's from the hearing for 30 - 50 years. Now why would the truth commission want to do something like that?

House rule changes will stop that.
I expect our moderators to be respectful and set a good example. Obviously, that is far too much to expect today.

President Trump, "lit the fuse". Malarkey.

Yes these "independent" moderators....
In essence, it was our own Intel agencies and Pelosi who conspired to stage an insurrection against Trump on January 6. Benedict Pence signed and sealed Trump's fate allowing the usurper to illegally take over the oval office.

Even your own link proves Pelosi never denied a request for the National Guard, dipshit.

And you appear to be ignorant of the fact only two people can call out the Guard. The President, who sat jerking off for three hours during the insurrection, and the Secretary of Defense, who called out the Guard as soon as he learned of the insurrection.
You mean, everybody in Washington knew, (including of course Donny) yet Donny went ahead with the planned rally and lit the fuse, after he thought they were in place? What an un-American asshole!
Since there is none that falls to the President… stupid
You are wrong again....

SECTION 1. The Secretary of Defense, except as provided in section 3, is authorized and directed to supervise, administer and control the Army National Guard and the Air National Guard of the District of Columbia (hereinafter "National Guard") while in militia status. The Commanding General of the National Guard shall report to the Secretary of Defense or to an official of the Department of Defense designated by the Secretary on all matters pertaining to the National Guard. Through the Commanding General, the Secretary of Defense shall command the military operations, including training, parades and other duty, of the National Guard while in militia status. Subject to the direction of the President as Commander-in-Chief, the Secretary may order out the National Guard under title 39 of the District of Columbia Code to aid the civil authorities of the District of Columbia.

Executive Order 11485—Supervision and Control of the National Guard of the District of Columbia | The American Presidency Project



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